Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Imanaged to keep my voice calm over the coms. I didn’t want to scare her off, not when I couldn’t stop her from running. I was furious with her, but I wasn’t a threat. At least not in a way that she wouldn’t like.

The timidness in her voice when she first addressed me over coms sent my blood boiling. Not only had she left, it sounded like she feared me.

I tried to imagine what impression she could’ve taken from my absence. Had she thought I was mad at her? While I was certainly livid now, I hadn’t been the last few days. Not at her anyway.

As we passed through the last of the meteor belt, her shuttle came to a stop. I quickly docked our ships together.

For just an instant I questioned whether I should quell my rage before seeing her. It was a very brief instant. When I am done with her, she won’t be able to sit down for a week.

When the doors that separated our ships opened, I stormed through them, making a beeline towards the pilot deck. My heavy footsteps echoed through the halls.

When I found her turned towards me in her seat, her doe eyes struck me in heart. A precious beauty arrested me for a moment. Then she spoke.

“Why’d you stop me?” she asked, her words quivered on her lips.

I said nothing. I reached down wrapping my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her up out of the seat. Her cry carried both pain and pleasure. My female was both wild and uncontrollable, but deliciously submissive to my touch. Once her feet started to lift off the ground, I placed my hand just under her ass and then pulled her up into me.

I kissed her with a fury that pulled a deep moan from her chest. My grip around her tightened, my rage still unsated but I pushed it down for just a moment longer. Having her in my arms only amplified the fear I felt seeing her ship soar off into the distance. I wanted to feel her, all of her. I knew what losing her felt like, and it was a hell I couldn’t bear.

I pulled my lips away from hers to look down at her beauty. Her smile was broad and her eyes unfocused. The terror I continued to feel saw her happiness and my rage was rekindled.

My grip around her neck tightened, making her cry out as her face began to turn a dark shade of red. I ignored her until I found a suitable place to bend her over. Sadly, there was little in the way of furniture.

Fuck it, the dashboard would do. I carried her over to the console that sat just underneath the glass of the cockpit. I turned her around and pushed her into it. Her face inches away from the glass proved that it was more ideal than I gave it credit for. Our reflections stared back at us. She’d watch her punishment.

I saw the fury in my eyes and the fear and anticipation in hers. I caught her staring at the cock clearly bulged in my pants. The hunger in her gaze was palpable. Her focus was so intense I don’t think she even saw the first strike coming.

The smack rang out in the cockpit and it was echoed with her cries. I wasn’t satisfied. The sound was too dull, the sting in my hands too subtle.

I slid my fingers down the back of her pants, driving my nails through the fabric. With a violent motion I ripped them off her and let them fall down her ankles.

I absentmindedly ran my hand along her firm ass. In response she raised it just a bit higher, presenting herself to me. My dick throbbed so hard it hurt.

I took that frustration out on her as I brought down another blow. Her soft flesh rippled and the sound coming of it was like the crack of a whip. Her cries accompanying it were music to my ears.

Her head lifted from the console as she tried to look back at me, and I slammed it back down. I wasn’t done.

Spank after spank landed perfectly. Her previously cool skin grew more heated with each blow. Her cries became louder and more rapturous. In her reflection I saw tears glistening down her cheek.

She was beautiful.

I felt my anger deflate as I looked down at her already bruising ass. Now, I yearned to make her never want to leave again.

I pulled her off the console, steadying her on her weakened legs as I turned her around. I placed my hands at her hips and lifted her up until her wet center was all I could see.

I gently crashed her against the glass and swung her legs over my shoulders. She was already dripping for me. My little masochist took her punishment well; in fact, she loved it.

First, I ran my tongue up along her slit, not for her pleasure, but for mine. I wanted to memorize all the nuances of her sweet juices.

Her voice cried out so loud it probably should have hurt, but thankfully for me her thighs locked around my head. I could feel her hands wrap around each of my horns to brace herself.

I started my gently tracing small circles around the firm nub as she was trying desperately to grind against me. Each circle I drew sent shivers all along her body and soon enough she tried her best to strangle me with her legs as she came for me.

The warm liquid gushed onto my chin and dripped down my neck. I wanted more.
