Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Considering all the shit that had been going down for the last few days, I had to say, I was glad for a moment of quiet.

I walked into the command center and it was oddly empty at the moment. There was still a skeleton crew, making sure things were running smoothly, but the normal hustle and bustle of the center wasn’t happening.

And I was pretty damn grateful. I felt like my mind was in overdrive lately, that I couldn’t get it to calm down. Frankly, it was exhausting.

There was so much work to be done, lots of orders to be filled for clients, looking for the latest in weapons technology, but no matter how much I had been focusing…my mind would wander…inevitably…to Heather.

I couldn’t deny that there was—something—going on with her. Obviously, the sex was truly electric. Honestly. I don’t know that I had ever felt anything like it in all my years. I mean, yes, obviously, she was beautiful and sexy. Yes, she had a great ass that I just couldn’t stop wanting to slap.

But it was more than that.

So much so, in fact, that I had trouble admitting it to myself. For one thing, I’d never had a prime connection with ANY female of ANY species, let alone a human. But for another thing: she was supposed to marry my son.

I found an empty chair and sat down heavily, closing my eyes and sighing as I did.

Dahrial. What was I supposed to do about that? I certainly couldn’t keep doing…whatever it was I was doing with Heather if they were going to be together.

I mean, I don’t mind a bit of kink (who does?) but this particular scenario was crossing one too many lines for me.

Avoiding Heather had been the only option really available to me right now, but that also wasn’t in any way sustainable.

If she was going to be my daughter-in-law, I was going to have to get over this attraction and try not to think about how good Heather feels when they invite me over for dinner.

In a sudden burst of frustration, I slammed my fist down on the console in front of me, denting it a little bit.

“You ok over there?” a crew member called over to me.

I waved an open hand in response.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Thought I saw…uh…a spider, or something. Just wanted to get it out of here.”

“Oh no, shouldn’t do that,” came a reply. “Spiders are good luck, inside. Never supposed to kill them. My mother always said that you should—”

I rolled my eyes. Is this really the conversation I was having right now?

“I got it, thanks!” I shouted over. “There’s probably something else you should be doing, don’t you think? Something that doesn’t involve…you know…talking to me?”

The crew member looked at me, a little miffed at what I said, then just turned around and walked away.

“Fuck,” I muttered to myself. Now I was taking my mood out on the staff.

I gotta get it together.

Just then, a warning klaxon sounded off through the command center. It was so loud, it actually caught me by surprise and startled me a bit.

“What the hell is happening now,” I groaned outloud to myself and headed over to the sensor screen.

A spacecraft was in our airspace.

Perfect, I thought. An invader. Blasting this dumb bastard out of the sky will be just the thing to improve my mood, I think.

All the compound’s defense mechanisms sprang to life and the targeting beacons turned on. A message rolled out on my monitor.

Fire? Y/N

I held my finger over the button, ready to shoot the intruder down, when the alarm suddenly cut off.

I took a closer look at the sensors and I realized that the ship wasn’t approaching…it was leaving.

“What is this nonsense? Who would be leaving the compound?”

Then it hit me. And I shook my head as a result.

There was only one answer to that question, of course.


Heather was the one leaving.

“Fucking PERFECT,” I shouted, shaking my fists to an uncaring sky.

I could only assume that she was leaving because of me. And how the hell was I going to explain that to Dahrial? He’d never forgive me for this.

I needed to get her back.

Some of my support team raced into the command center, including the one I had barked at a few moments ago.

“Everything all right, sir?” One of them asked.

I picked myself up from my chair and started heading for the hangar.

“Keep your eyes on the sensors and let me know if that ship radically changes course or crashes or anything about it heading! Understood?”

They all nodded as one and I raced out of the center, heading for my own shuttle pod.

It was my private one, that no one had access to but me. I figured that my ship was a little faster, as it had less weight and more maneuverability that the craft she was in.

I hopped in and turned on all the gauges and hit the ignition.

“Make sure there isn’t anything in my way,” I growled into my transmitter to the command center crew.

“Copy that, sir. You’re free to fly.”

I hit the thrusters full and soared off after Heather. I was confident I would be able to catch her in no time. The real question was what the hell was I going to say to her when I managed to get to her.

I could only imagine why she was leaving, but I was pretty damn sure that it was because of me. I needed to get her back and on the ground before Dahrial learned about her leaving or even worse…learning about had gone down between the two of us.

Just had to get to her soon. And hope that she’d be willing to hear me out.