Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Surcy teleported asclose to Zudessa as she could. The result left her standing on a tall hill looking down at the formidable structure that housed The Realm Creator. The walls surrounding it were sixty feet tall and made of grey stone. A dome of grey stone and shimmering white magic protected the ancient magic and the castle. A small hole at the top of the dome allowed angels to fly in and out. No angel could teleport in or out of Zudessa. It was a necessary security.

How will I get in on foot? I guess I’ll learn soon.

Angels with white wings circled the dome like vultures.

Vultures?Where had that thought come from? Angels weren’t vultures. They were eagles of justice, protection, and honor. They guarded Caine and ensured that no one disturbed his important work as the judge of all of humanity.

She rose from her crouched position, looking out at the landscape of red rocks between her and Zudessa. I wish I’d worn shoes.

Those red rocks were polished to a hard edge and they would hurt. She’d been in such a rush to escape the demons that she hadn’t even taken the time to dress properly. She needed to be with her brothers and sisters, the angels. She needed guidance, but more than that, she needed answers.

Nothing to do but get moving.

She started forward and goose bumps erupted on her skin as she stepped through the protective barrier. She hadn't walked ten steps when she felt the wind stir from wings beating high overhead. A second later, an angel landed hard in front of her.

“Brother,” she greeted, feeling a wave of relief. She knew this angel. Somehow. “Frink, I need your help.”

His long dark hair fell in front of his face like a curtain, but as he slowly stood to his full height, piercing green eyes glared at her. She took a step back as his mouth curled in disgust and anger.

“Frink?” she whispered, her voice shaking.

He cocked his head in an almost animalistic gesture. “You’re here to ask me for help?”

She had to stop herself from recoiling from him. Why am I suddenly so afraid? I have nothing to fear from another angel.

“I awoke in a field. My memories are gone, my wings stripped. I need help remembering what happened.”

His expression froze, and his gaze seemed far away. “You don’t remember anything?”

“Just becoming an angel,” she confessed.

The smile that slowly stretched his lips made her nerves crackle. “Then, by all means, let me help you.”