Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


While his brotherssearched the streets, Daniel went to the one witch who could help. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on her shop door.

Summer opened the door herself and the beads over the windows jangled against the glass. When she saw who it was, her brown eyes widened and her painted lips spread into a wide smile.

“Speak of the devil…” She sounded out of breath. Aroused.

But then, that was exactly why Daniel had come to her. Not only was she powerful, she’d been clear about how badly she wanted him.

Time to use my abilities.

“Summer,” he leaned in closer. “It’s good to see you.”

Each word held a power that few but another demon could sense. His words would move over her flesh like a caress, easing her mind like a few too many drinks. She wouldn’t have to do what he asked, but she’d want to, and she’d enjoy every moment of it.

She gave a little giggle and leaned against her doorframe. “Is it? And here I thought you’d been very clear there was only one woman for you.”

He stepped closer, resting his forearm on the doorframe just above her head. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

The witch practically melted beneath his gaze. “In that case, why don’t you come in?”

She moved out of his way, just far enough that he had to rub against her as he passed. Revulsion shivered beneath his skin.

Even flirting with another woman felt wrong. Surcy was the only woman he wanted to touch. Unfortunately, he'd never forgive himself if something happened to her.

Do this. For her.

Moving through Summer's small shop, overwhelmed with the scent of incense burning, he sat at her little table. His gaze slid over the crystals and amulets lining the walls.

I hate this place.

Her hand rested on his shoulder, then slid down his chest. “What did you come here for, Daniel?”

“To see you,” he lied. “And to get help finding someone.”

“Your angel again?” her words came out an angry hiss.

“I already found her. And she no longer wishes to be with me.” He hated that the pain in his voice wasn’t feigned. “But even if she can’t love me, I need to ensure she’s safe.”

Summer was silent for a long moment. Then, her fingers began to graze the muscles of his chest once more. “So once you find her, you won’t be with her?”


Another long pause. “Fine, I’ll help. But I have expectations in return.”

He had to hold back a shudder. “Of course.”

She swung her hips in a movement he knew she meant to be seductive and sat across from him. He could feel her power building.

He held himself stiffly when she took his hand and her power sparked against his skin.

“Let me in,” she whispered. “Let me see her as you do, so that I may find her.”

It took everything within him to drop his guard and let her in.

In his mind's eye, Daniel stared at Surcy’s face, memorizing every line: her flawless nose, her high cheekbones, her eyes, always so wide, and filled with emotion.

Running his fingers along her face, he watched in absolute wonder as she gasped.

“Did I hurt you?” he whispered, pulling his fingers back.

She shook her head. “No. I—I just forgot what it felt like to be touched. To feel. Being an angel… it’s so cold. So… lonely.”

“You want me to keep touching you?”

Very slowly, holding his gaze, she nodded.

He ran his fingertips along every inch of her face, his touch little more than a whisper. Her eyes closed and her breathing came in and out faster and faster.

“It’s like coming to life.”

Every muscle in his body tensed and his cock hardened. But he did nothing more than touch her gently. Because even though he was touching her to remind her of what it meant to be human, this moment was for him just as much as her. He wasn’t sure he’d ever truly been alive until meeting her, even before his death.

“Will you—kiss me?” she asked.

Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t have refused her. Moving closer, he brushed his lips against hers. Her breath tasted sweet, oh so sweet.

When her head tilted, her lips slanting to give him better access, he deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth. One of his hands moved to her hips, drawing her closer.

He stopped himself, even though it took every ounce of control he had. He shifted back from her, one painful inch after another. More than anything, he wanted to kiss her until her entire body hummed with need.

He wanted to feel her melt beneath his touch as she clung to him, her thoughts scattering. He wanted to know she was wet and ready. He wanted to reach beneath her flowing skirts and touch her. To feel her rocking against his fingers. To hear the sounds of her moans of pleasure.

But he needed to be sure that’s what she wanted too. Because, somehow, he knew, if he ever touched this woman, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

She opened her stunning eyes and stared right back at him.

“Until now, I never understood why my brethren lie with humans. I thought being an angel was the greatest form of life that anyone could hope to be. But it isn’t, is it?”

Daniel brushed her hair back from her face. “No, there’s nothing in all the realms like being human. And when we touch, when we love, it brings back our humanity little by little.”

Her gaze held his. “Will you make love to me, Daniel?”

His breath caught. Could a demon truly make love to an angel?

The memory tore away and a new image replaced it. He saw Surcy walking in a place without life, a desert that seemed to stretch out all around her. Someone was moving ahead of her, and he could sense her nervousness. When the person paused ahead of her and looked back, Daniel recognized the angel named Frink, one of their enemies. An enemy who wanted to kill Surcy. He was leading her to Zudessa. A place he recognized from Surcy’s description. And the place Daniel had gone when he died briefly before being thrown into the demon-realm.


Inside the fortress was The Soul Destroyer. A thing used against people Caine didn’t want to be reborn. If she was taken to it, Caine would take her immortal soul, and she’d be lost to them forever. But how do we reach her there?

The vision disappeared and returned him to the witch’s shop.

“Did you find your answer?” she whispered, turning aroused eyes onto him.

He sprang from the chair, knocking it back. “I need to go!”

Rushing out the door, he heard her call after him, but now wasn't the time.

"I'll come back," he told her. "She's in danger."

He would find a way to thank the witch later, but not when Surcy needed him.

Not when her life hung in the balance.

We’re coming, Surcy. Somehow.