Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



I rant about the Titans for a full thirty minutes, my flow uninterrupted as I rage to Lia. She’s very good at being a best friend and lets me get it all out, only piping up to agree that yes, Quincy is a butt-munching dick. I finish describing how I would pay Atlas back with a very creative use for cocktail sticks with an enormous sigh.

“Okay, that’s it. I’m done talking about them,” I promise.

“Good, I’d say they’ve already ruined enough of your birthday,” Lia says. “Let’s restart now. With gifts!” She produces a bag from under the table with a flourish. We both love birthdays, especially with how close together ours are. We’d usually go all out but with everything going on at the moment, I opted for a quiet dinner with just us two. We’ve dressed up and come to a place that we’ve been dying to try for ages. It’s a set menu of about 12 mini-courses and we’re two down so far. Obviously every course deserves its own cocktail, so I’m already praying for my head tomorrow.

I take the gifts from Lia and admire the wrapping. It’s stunning, as always, and I’m careful as I tear into the paper. I’m not one for keeping it, but I’m also not a savage. Inside the first box is a stunning silver chain with an M and my birthstone. It’s slightly chunkier than the dainty jewellery I normally wear, and the clasp is at the front where the charms sit.

“Oh my God, Lia. It’s gorgeous, I love it!” I exclaim.

“Good,” she grins. “I saw it when we were out shopping and thought it perfectly matches you now, slightly tougher than before but still beautiful.

“You’re going to make me cry,” I complain.

“No, no tears! Birthdays are for photos, not tears,” she claims and pulls her phone out, snapping a photo of me admiring my necklace. “Next, next!” she chants and I laugh at her, replacing the chain and starting on the second gift. It’s a larger, flatter box and inside is the most stunning lingerie, a black bodysuit as thin as tissue paper and completely sheer. The bottom is a high-waisted thong with two lace strips that run from the waistband up to a thin halter neck, covering your breasts. There’s a ribbon that runs around the back to hold them in place and that’s it. I don’t think I’ve ever owned something so sexy.

“Wow!” I breathe.

“We are all about your confidence glow-up over here, and cannot wait to hear how Atlas swallowed his tongue when he saw you in this before even getting to touch you. Just what he deserves,” Lia says smugly.

I burst out laughing at that imagery. “Thank you so much, Lia! It’s absolutely gorgeous, they both are.

“You’re welcome,” she smiles at me proudly. “They’re from Caus, too, although he didn’t actually pick them,” she reassures me. “You know he loves you just as much as I do.

“The big brother I never had,” I agree. I don’t exactly believe in love at first sight, but I swear Caus and Lia both had hearts in their eyes when they first met. We’ve been a little trio ever since, especially when I was trying to avoid the monotony of my relationship. He works in project management and is super busy working crazy hours, so Lia and I still get a lot of time as just us two, which is great.

I pop the gifts away just as they bring us out our third course. The amount of food I’m going to be consuming today should be illegal. First that huge breakfast with Quincy, and now these courses. Remembering breakfast makes me sad. Such a brief time of me and Quincy being okay, but it was great. Now look where we are. No, I’m not dwelling on psycho men tonight.  I’m enjoying my birthday with my best friend.

“How was your visit today?” Lia asks. She’s one of the few people who know about my sister.

“It was good, I love to see her. I hate that she limits the visits, but I understand. Whatever is best for her, after all.

“Yeah, and she knows you’re always there for her, whether you see her twice a year or twice a day.

I smile, her words cheering me up. We spend the rest of dinner chatting and laughing, getting progressively louder and more obnoxious as each cocktail takes hold. Basically, having a great time.

When we’re finished, Caus picks us up to drop me home. Home?! When did that happen?

“Thanks so much for the gifts, Coze,” I tell him, hugging him as he meets us at the door of the restaurant.

“You’re welcome, Lie,” and I smile at my nickname.

When Caus found out about his nickname he returned the favour, saying my name should be pronounced ‘Madeline’, like a ‘normal person’ would pronounce it. He opts to call me ‘Lie’ like in Madeline, instead of ‘Lai’, like Madelaine. We’ve never grown out of it, and I love it.

He drives me back to the house and pulls up on the street outside.

“Is that a security gate?” he asks.

“Yeah.” I roll my eyes. “Just let me out here, it’s probably easier,” I say.

“Okay,” he agrees, “we’ll watch you in.

I say goodbye to them both, Lia getting out of the car to hug me, and head through the gate. The guys on watch are trying to get a look into the car but there aren’t any lights on inside it. “It’s fine, they’re just my friends,” I explain and they nod as I head towards the house. I’m home and free in my bedroom without having run into anyone when there’s a knock at my door. I sigh, preparing to ignore Atlas on the other side, but it’s not him that calls out.

“Hey, Madelaine. I just wanted to check that you're okay,” Maxton says from the other side with the only voice I’m happy to hear right now.

I open the door and there he stands, holding two Slurpees.

“Hey, I brought a peace offering,” he says, showing off the drinks.

“I don’t remember it being you that needed one,” I say with a smile. “How did you know I like these?

“Jeremy spilled about your trips to 7-Eleven on the way home.

“No loyalty, that one,” I joke. “You bought me two?” I’ve never seen Maxton drink anything nearly that sugary, mainly water or whiskey.

“Thought it was a good excuse for me to have one too,” he admits.

I fake gasp. “You’re secretly a sugar fiend.

He laughs at me and I take the offered drink, savouring that first glorious sip.

“What are you up to?” Maxton asks.

“Probably just going to watch a movie. If I try to sleep now, I’ll vomit.

“Had a good night, then?” He raises his eyebrows, and I nod. “Want some company?

And I find I do. I want some company, and I want that company to be Maxton. He’s got such a calming presence, he soothes me. Plus, he doesn’t seem to talk much other than when he’s around me or the guys, but when he does he’s wickedly funny.

“Sure,” I say, stepping back and gesturing for him to come in. “What’s your favourite movie?

“I haven’t watched a movie since I was about 13.

“What?!” I exclaim.

“I’m a busy man,” he explains as he wanders into the room, shutting the door behind him.

“So I’ve heard. We’ll go with a classic, then. Miss Congeniality.

“Sounds right up my street,” he says with an eye roll.

“Hey, don’t you dare bash Sandra Bullock on my watch, Maxton.

I head into the wardrobe to change into some pyjamas, realizing how flimsy they are when I come out to Maxton’s gaze. He looks away quickly, settling himself on the bed on top of the covers.

I snuggle underneath them on my side, flicking play on the movie.

For all my objections about falling asleep, I do just that about half an hour in.

I rouse when I feel the weight shifting as Maxton gets off the bed and flicks the TV off. I can’t be certain if I imagine it in my sleep, but I’m almost sure I feel his lips press a kiss to my hair as he murmurs “Goodnight, Madelaine.”

I wake up Saturday morning with a pounding head, very much self-inflicted, and practically crawl to the kitchen. Guzzling water by the glass and popping a few pain relief tablets, I notice the weather is gorgeous. None of the guys have appeared yet so I decide to test out the outside area, silently thanking Lia for picking up a bikini when we went shopping. I get ready in my room and take a towel, my phone, and some headphones out, as well as grabbing a drink on my way back through the kitchen. I absolutely cannot face food right now. I haven’t been out here yet, but it’s lovely.

An enormous pool takes up the centre, with loungers running along the side closest to the house. There’s a hot tub in the patio corner and a seating area with a BBQ. The whole thing looks out over a manicured lawn that goes on forever and wraps around the house, giving me the view from my bedroom. I choose a lounger in the middle of the row and settle myself in for the long haul. Saturdays with no plans are my favourite.

I must fall asleep in the sun because the next time I open my eyes, a very shirtless Maxton is stretched out on the lounger next to me. My mouth parts slightly with an exhale. Jesus Christ, I think I just combusted. Thank God for my sunglasses, which hide my eyes popping out of their sockets.

I knew he was hench but I haven’t seen him without at least a shirt and trousers on yet. He is ripped. And that tattoo! He has a big chest piece done in all black outlines, no shadowing at all. It’s so striking and fits him perfectly. I can’t see exactly what it is from here and I’m soon distracted when he reaches over for his drink, showing me his back. I watch the muscles as they ripple as he moves and I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry. Laying back down, his abs flex and I squirm in my seat, suddenly very hot and bothered, and I can’t blame the sun for it. He looks over and I pull my headphones out.

“Hey,” he says. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.

“No, you’re good. I didn’t mean to sleep, I’m lucky I haven’t burnt.

“Do you want some sunscreen?”

“Oh yeah, it’s not one of the things I thought to buy.”

He hands it over and I apply it to my front still feeling his eyes on me, not helping with the hot and bothered situation.

“Need a hand?” he asks when I twist into a pretzel to try to reach as much of my back as I can.

“Thanks.” I hand him the bottle and turn to face away from him.

As soon as his hands touch my skin, I realise my mistake. This is delicious torture. He rubs slowly all over my back, diving to the band of my bikini bottoms, under the strap holding my top together, and up over my shoulders. I’m lost in the feeling of being caressed by Maxton when the patio doors sound and Atlas emerges. I jump, guilt flooding through me.

“All done,” Maxton says easily, and I lay back against the lounger, giving him a weak smile. Atlas walks around from behind us, and I almost swallow my tongue. He’s just as big as Maxton but less defined and he’s covered from wrist to collarbone in tattoos. I didn’t even notice he had any with his clothes on, even after Kacey mentioned them. His whole body seems to be one piece, the design flowing seamlessly down his torso and along his arms. The centre piece is of a kneeling man holding a globe and the whole thing feeds from there, all in full colour. They’re stunning. I take more than a moment to just watch him as he wanders along the loungers to reach us and takes the one on my other side. I’m in a Titan sandwich and I’m acutely aware of how little material is covering me right now. Lia’s choice in a bikini is skimpy, to say the least, not surprising at all. He leans forward so his lips touch my ear. “I only get jealous outside of the group,” he whispers instead of a greeting. What the fuck does that mean? I can ogle Maxton? He can touch me?

“Can I apologise for yesterday?” Atlas asks in a normal volume after leaning back.

I’m really trying to focus on what he’s saying, but my God, these men are killing me.

“If you want to.”

“I’m sorry,” he says with sincerity. “I trust you to decide what to tell me. And I know you can handle yourself, but I’d have killed anyone else who spoke to you like that so I shouldn’t let Quinn get away with it.”

Okay, as far as apologies go, that was pretty good.

“Apology accepted,” I tell him.

“That’s it?” he asks.

“She’s surprisingly forgiving when you apologise,” Quincy adds, coming through the door and leaning on the back of my lounger. I tilt my head back to look at him upside down. Still gorgeous, although he’s got a shirt on, which is a shame. I wouldn’t have minded the trifecta of half-naked Titans.

“On your first go round. After that, you’re on your own,” I tell him and he grimaces.

“What are your plans tonight?” Maxton asks, diverting us away from another argument.

“Lia’s trying to convince me to go to the club but I’m not sure I can face another night of drinking.”

“We’ll come with you,” Atlas says. When I give him a suspicious look, he continues. “It’s our place, we need to check up on it.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m sure you do. We’d meet at The Lounge first, though.”

“Quinn will go with you.”

“Great, hiring out the babysitters now?” I ask sarcastically.

“Okay, time to give that sassy mouth something else to do,” he says, bending down and picking me up in his arms. I squeal and protest but truthfully, I’ve been ready for this since I woke up to Maxton’s bare chest. And Atlas is a man of his word, I’m way too busy moaning to give him any more sass.