Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



Max and I come out of the office a little later than usual, having gotten caught up with something at work. We walk into the kitchen diner to see Madelaine and Lucy putting the finishing touches on a bonafide feast.

“That smells delicious,” I say truthfully. “What have we got?

“We tried our hands at some Togolese foods,” Madelaine beams proudly. “We’ve got Gboma Dessi, Djenkoume, grilled Togo chicken, and Ablo. Then some grilled veggies and hasselback potatoes, just in case we butchered the rest.

“I can’t believe you’ve done all this, it must’ve taken you ages.” Max is clearly pleased she’s done the work to cook from his native culture, but as usual, she shrugs off her efforts.

“It was mainly Lucy, to be honest. I’ve had the simple day at work.

“Oh, please. You’ve been researching for days.

“Well, thanks to both of you. Where’s Quince?

Madelaine suddenly looks guilty. “He’s caught up in town. He ran in to get me some things and it’s gone a bit haywire.

I chuckle at her culpable expression. “Don’t feel too bad, he deserves to miss out on this amazing feast.

“You all save him some,” Lucy scolds, heading back to get some drinks.

We all sit and devour the meal Madelaine and Lucy have made. Everything is delicious. Lucy has the foresight to make up a plate for Quinn before we can consume the lot and hides it in the fridge for him later. We roll into the lounge afterwards to watch a film from Max’s print while our food settles. As soon as the credits roll, Madelaine jumps up and runs out into the kitchen area, while Max and I give each other curious looks. Just as I’m about to go after her she returns with a birthday cake, covered in chocolate icing with a drip and swirls of more icing on top. A curly candle sits on the top.

“Happy Birthday!” she tells Max, for maybe the fiftieth time today. “Make a wish!” He gazes up at her standing in front of him with pure adoration in his eyes, his wish obvious to me. He blows the candle out, and before he can say anything, Madelaine pushes the cake up into his face with a laugh. I cackle next to him. The second his face comes away covered in icing, she seems shocked that she did it. Max has a matching shocked expression under the layer of chocolate. Madelaine slowly lowers the cake into his lap and takes a step back.

“Run, belle,” Max says in a low voice.

She backs up as he hands the cake over to me, a lovely face-shaped dent in the middle, and stands. She giggles and makes it to the door, taking one last look before turning and fleeing. Max goes after her and I put the cake down on the coffee table and follow them out. They’re standing on either side of the dining table, Max stalking her as she uses it as a buffer.

“Okay, let’s talk this through as adults,” she tries to reason.

“Adults? I’m covered in icing.” This makes her release a laugh again, which she tries to stifle. I wander over to the kitchen area, leaning on the island and taking in the show, a smile around my lips. Max is always so cool and collected. I love that Madelaine brings out the fun in him.

“It’s your birthday, icing is a necessity,” she coaxes, reaching the head of the table.

“You’re not helping yourself,” Max explains. That’s when she makes a run for it, darting between the table and the kitchen. She’s within arm’s reach of me and clearly hoping for a rescue when Max scoops her up from behind. He does a full spin with her in his arms, both of them laughing, and deposits her on the island next to where I’m leaning. He steps between her thighs, placing his hands on either side of her while they grin at each other. The island helps with the height difference and they’re pretty much eye level. We’re all so close that as Madelaine breathes, I can see her breasts brushing against Max and her pupils dilate. I’m hard as steel in seconds. As she registers the positioning her amusement dies and tension fills her posture.

“Don’t overthink it,” I say, turning into her and gripping her face in my hands. She pulls back slightly.

“But I am. This doesn’t feel right without talking about it. Going with the flow will give me an aneurism.

Max smirks while gazing at her like a lovesick puppy. God, I hope I don’t look like that, but I’m almost certain I do. “Okay, what do you want to know?” he asks as he reaches for some kitchen towel, cleaning his face.

“What’s happening here?

“Whatever you want,” I tell her truthfully, releasing her.

“Have you done this before?

“We’ve shared a girl before,” Max admits.

“As in, one of you joins in with someone and their girlfriend?

“Not exactly.

She looks confused at our cryptic answers, but I’m suddenly terrified of scaring her off.

“Is this too wild for your wild phase?” I ask her.

“Is this a phase? Do you get to pass me around for sex until you’re ready to swan off and get a different girl?

“Not at all,” Max reassures her. “You must know how At feels about you. And me, too. What do you want?” Max asks her.

Her shoulders tense even more and in a small voice, she answers “I don’t want to upset anyone.

Max visibly stiffens, and I know he’s expecting her to shut this down. To choose one of us, just like the other girls who all eventually have.

“You won’t, baby,” I reassure her, “but we all need to be open with each other.

She looks at us both with cautious eyes. “I want to be Maxton’s girl, too. Or at least, to try.

“You do?” Max blurts.

“Yeah,” she says with more conviction now that it’s out.

“Does that mean you were already officially my girl?” I ask, teasing her.

She rolls her eyes at me. “As if I ever had a choice.

I lean forward, kissing just behind her ear where I know she’s ticklish, and whisper “Then let's show you how well we treat our girl.” I bite her earlobe and pull her face towards me, kissing her deeply and showing her exactly what I think of this conversation. I kiss down the side of her neck along her collarbone and Max steps back so I can wrap her legs around my waist.

“We’re going to give Lucy a heart attack if we stay here,” I say, picking her up off the counter and carrying her to my room. It’s the same layout as the one she has, just a different colour scheme, opting for blues and browns instead of whites and creams. Max sits on the edge of the bed and I drop Madelaine into his lap. She shifts so she’s straddling him, their mouths an inch apart. They pause, eye contact sizzling while they wait for the other to make the first move.

Madelaine strokes Max’s cheek with her thumb, cupping his jaw as he closes the distance, finally kissing her. He grips the back of her head and deepens the kiss until she rocks her hips in his lap. I pull Madelaine’s top and bra off, as well as my shirt, and Max runs a hand up the curve of her waist, caressing one breast with his hand before breaking their kiss to take the other in his mouth. She arches her back as he sucks and gropes and a moan escapes her.

I tangle my hand in her hair, pulling her head back and kissing her from behind. Max swaps his hand and his mouth, twirling the now wet exposed nipple in his fingers, and she moans into my mouth. I can’t take much more taunting, so I undress the rest of the way and sit next to them. Max stands Madelaine up, removing the rest of her clothes, and she climbs into my lap. I line myself up and slip inside, pulling her down by her ass to take my full cock. She gathers a rhythm and Max licks his lips, now as naked as the rest of us, watching and stroking his length in his hand.

I can’t believe Madelaine is into this. The sensations and thoughts are too much and when she speeds up I lay back, every extremity buzzing with pleasure. Max stands up and positions himself behind her, pushing her chest forward lower against mine and bringing her ass up so I slip out. He must plunge straight in again as Madelaine’s eyes close and a moan falls from her mouth. Fuck, that’s so hot. All I can see is Madelaine’s face twisted in satisfaction and her breasts rocking with every thrust Max gives her from behind. I grab two handfuls of her ass and pull her off of him.

“Have you ever had anything in this perfect ass before?” She shakes her head, eyes shining. “Soon we’re going to claim that too.” Her eyes widen and I slam her back down on me and thrust up into her. It doesn’t take me long, and I’m pouring myself into her with a groan as she looks down at me with a lustful expression. Max takes back over, sliding back inside her as I reach underneath, swirling circles around her clit. She explodes with a scream, taking Max along with her as she pulses around him. She collapses on top of me and he lands on his back next to us.

Not one of us says anything for a few minutes, lost in bliss and trying to catch our breath. I feel the proof of what we’ve done start to leak out of Madelaine and onto me, so I wrap my arms around her and stand, taking her into the adjoined bathroom. Max stays where he is, leaving me to check on our girl, and she’s quiet as I settle her on the counter before turning the shower on to let the water warm.

“What are you thinking about?” I ask her, brushing some of her loose hair off her face.

“I kind of feel like I should feel guilty, like I just cheated on you.

“I was there, baby, I don’t think it counts. Did you like it?” I ask, suddenly worried she’s regretting it.

“Yes,” she replies simply.

“And you like Max?

“Yes,” she says again, with a smile.

“So you’re happy?

“I’m happy,” she confirms, smile widening.

“And Quinn?” I have to ask. Her expression saddens.

“Quinn can’t decide whether he hates me or not on a daily basis.

That’s not what I asked and we both know it, but I don’t press her any further.

I wake up on my birthday alone and drag myself up to go and find my girl. Wandering into the open area, I see I have the same treatment as Max did yesterday. Two gifts sit on the table in front of my usual seat, with three new balloons floating above. I hope these are the things Quinn had to pick up for her. I would pay good money to see him struggling down the street with those. Three clear globes read Happy Birthday Atlas, with the first containing smaller black and gold balloons, the second filled with confetti, and the last with huge streamers coming from the base.

Madelaine walks in with Quinn, who nods at me. “Happy birthday, man.

Madelaine practically skips over to me, and I can feel my matching grin to hers stretching across my face as I thank him. “Happy Birthday, Atlas,” she says with a chaste kiss, but I grab her chin and turn her face back to me, getting lost in her taste until her muscles relax and she sighs into my mouth.

“Thank you, baby.” She pulls out of my arms and hands me the first gift just as Max walks in.

“Happy Birthday, At,” he says, chirpier than he’s been in months. I smile my thanks as he wanders over to Madelaine. “Morning, belle,” he says and before she can answer he’s pressing her to him and kissing her senseless.

“No way!” Quinn bursts. “I’m out running errands all around town like Driving Miss fucking Daisy and you’re all getting it on?” We all laugh but ultimately ignore him, and I unwrap my first gift, holding the canvas in my hands.

“What’s that?” Max asks Madelaine, but I answer for her.

“It’s a French martini and a whiskey.” And it was, a simple watercolour of both drinks in the middle of a white background. “Where did you get this?”

“I painted it, obviously. Very specific requirements to get from the high street,” she says sarcastically. I narrow my eyes playfully at her sassy mouth but tell her truthfully, “I love it.

“Good.” She smiles and swaps the painting for my second gift, glancing quickly at Quinn and Max. I take the lid off the shallow box and gulp when I see the red underwear sitting inside. I pick the panties up. They’re solid satin in the front but the back is a lattice of ribbon with a bow that would sit right at the top of her perfect ass.

“That's a preview,” she says.

I reach out to pull her against me, whispering in her ear, “here’s a preview for you.” I show her exactly how she affects me by pressing it into her stomach. Her breath hitches as her lips part and I take my opening, kissing her until I hear two matching groans. I break away from her to see both of my friends subtly rearranging themselves and laugh. I have a feeling this thing between us all could be really great.