Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



I’ve spent the morning at work in a complete daydream, with a huge grin on my face. I’m even annoying myself with how happy I am, but I can’t help it. Happy that Maxton likes me back. Happy that Atlas is okay with it. Happy Quincy seems to be keeping his word. I can’t fully let my guard down around him yet, but I really hope he proves himself to me. I walk towards my office and see Anna, our receptionist, giving me a quizzical expression and smiling. Last night definitely blew my little wild-phase mind. How did going out hoping for a one-night stand land me two boyfriends?

“There’s someone on the phone for you,” she calls as I pass her. “I knew you wouldn’t be long so they’re waiting on the line.

“Okay. Thanks, Anna,” I reply. I can’t pop out and pick up some lunch without coming back to more work. I open the door and freeze, my brain not computing what I’m seeing.

The guy spray-painting my wall turns and looks me dead in the eye. He’s dressed in head to toe black with only his eyes uncovered, dead and soulless. He steps towards me and this jolts me out of my shock. I scream before he gets any closer and he turns through the open balcony doors and jumps to ground level. Anna runs in behind me, closely followed by other members of the team, clearly alerted by my scream.

“What the fuck?!” Jason says as they all stare at the ‘MEA’ on the wall, the message not complete.

“Are you okay?” Anna asks me when I stand there in silence.

“I don’t know,” I reply honestly.

“I’ll get security up here,” Jason finishes and ushers everyone back out. “You take a seat, Lai, out here.”

Nodding, I sit down at the reception desk, numbly following his instructions. I notice the light on the phone flashing, reminding me of the client waiting on the other end. I take a deep breath and bolster myself. Now is not the time to break.

“Hello, LLI, Madelaine speaking.

“Madelaine, it’s Max.” My resolve shatters and I let out an enormous sigh.

“Maxton,” I say, relief clear in my tone. I am a strong, independent woman but I can admit to needing a bit of support sometimes.

“What’s up, belle?” he asks, instantly on alert.

“There was someone in my office.

He says something mumbled to someone he’s with, and then he’s back with me. “Jeremy’s on his way up now. We’ll be there in ten, okay?

“Don’t tell Atlas, I don’t want to ruin his birthday,” I say ridiculously.

“Madelaine, as if I could keep anything about you away from him. I’ve quite liked my life recently,” he jokes, making me smile and relax slightly. “Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?” he asks.

“No, it’s okay. Security will be up in a minute, I should go. See you soon.”

I look up as Jason appears in front of me. “You shouldn’t be answering client calls, Lai, even you need to take a break sometimes. I think this situation warrants it.

Okay, I have to have this conversation with him now. I know Maxton is on his way, and the chances of him being alone are slim. They’ll all come barrelling in like rhinos and there’s no way I can keep this quiet any longer.

“Actually, that was Maxton. So technically, yes, a client, but I’ve also been staying with him.” He says nothing, stunned into confused silence. “And Atlas,” I continue. “And Quincy.

“Better known as the Titans?” he asks when he’s found his voice.

“I guess. But I swear we got the contract and the renewal before any of us knew the connection. Our relationship had nothing to do with it,” I blurt.

“Calm down, Madelaine. You’re a fully grown woman and one of my best members of staff. I trust your judgement and your integrity.

I deflate in relief. The last few minutes have been a rollercoaster, and it’s knocking me for six.

“Okay, good, because they’ll be here in ten and they’re not exactly wallflowers.

It was definitely more like five and I worried about the speed they must’ve reached to get here. Jeremy arrived just as Jason and I finished talking, along with the building security, who he promptly banned from my office. They were pretty happy to not have any more work to do and slunk off, leaving Jeremy to survey the scene. He decamped me so I moved my things into a conference room, which is where the guys find me when they appear. They all rush towards me, but I hold a hand up.

“I’m fine,” I insist. “I’m over the initial shock. Plus, I am still at work, so please don’t make a huge scene,” I implore.

They all back off but don’t look the slightest bit happy about it. “What happened?” Quincy asks, the first to get his question in.

“I came back from grabbing my lunch and found some guy in my office, mid-wall scrawl. I screamed, and he ran.

They all fire questions at me for the next ten minutes, a more in-depth interrogation than my statement to the police. No, I didn’t recognise him. Yes, he must’ve come in through the balcony. How would I know what he was going to write? The more answers I didn’t know, the more anxious I was getting that Quincy might flip, and I kept glancing at him to see his reaction. Which should have been ridiculous. I knew my truth, and if Quincy couldn’t get past his issues then it was his problem, not mine. Even with my inner pep talk, he must notice my concern as he strides over to me. He leans over me in my chair, pulling me into his arms and in a gentle gesture, presses a soft kiss on my hair.

“I’m on your side,” he says insistently, pulling back to look at me. “I swear.

Relief floods through me, and I smile up at him.

“Now, shall we get going?

“Going where?


“It’s barely the afternoon, I’m not going anywhere.

“Madelaine, you were nearly attacked.

“He was vandalising my wall, that’s very different to being attacked. I’m not suddenly incompetent. I feel fine to work, so I’m going to. Plus, we’ve got these really demanding clients who won’t tolerate late drawings for their clubs.

He opens his mouth to argue more, but Atlas interrupts him.

“Quinn, it’s Madelaine’s decision. We’ll be here with the team, anyway.

“Okay, fine, but I’m staying in here with you.” I roll my eyes at his stubbornness. Maxton and Atlas go to my office to do whatever it is scary gang men do at crime scenes, and I spend the afternoon completing some plans and trying not to stare at Quincy. I’m not massively productive and spend a lot of time replaying our Sunday by the pool, but he doesn’t need to know that. All three Titans in swim shorts is something I will be remembering for a while.

It turns out Quincy also has tattoos, but he has a sleeve that looks like it’s been sketched. Also gorgeous, of course. He’s leaner than the other two, really leaning into the surfer vibe he has going for him. I google the man holding the Earth and it’s Atlas, one of the Titans. Quincy’s and Maxton’s tattoos were also Titans, but that was as far as my research went. I didn’t want to look like a fangirl now, did I?

Quincy jumps up dead on five o’clock, ready to go. The others aren’t ready yet, but I am certainly done for the day.

“How about I take you to the cinema?” Quincy asks me with a grin. “These two can get a lift home with Jeremy. I drove us over.

“That actually sounds great,” I admit.

“We’ll go to the one with the recliners and the menu. It’s a longer drive but way more comfortable and we can have your edible apology. They bring your food to your chair mid-movie.” I get caught up in his excitement and can’t wait. Atlas doesn't mind even though it’s his birthday, saying he’s got a lot of work to sort out. I feel guilty that my problems have caused him and Maxton stress but there’s not much I could’ve done about it.

We didn’t check the movie times before we left and end up seeing the only thing on, a horror, which is not my usual idea of a good time. Quincy spends the whole time whispering dirty and hilarious things in my ear though, and it improves the experience immensely. We have mountains of food. Nachos, pic ‘n’ mix (one of my favourite things), and salty popcorn mixed with M&Ms. All washed down with multiple Slurpees. Perfect. Edible apology accepted.

When we get home I join Atlas in his bed to make up for his boring birthday evening.

It’s Friday so I’m driving in with Quincy, but they have a joint meeting, so Maxton and Atlas have jumped in with us.

“I’ve got a half-day at work today so Jeremy is going to come and get me,” I explain to the car. Quincy already knows this as I’m leaving to set up for the party we’ve been planning. I love that he’s been so into it and hasn’t even minded running around town for supplies. Much. He's arranged a dinner with them both and some friends so they get back at the perfect time.

“More top-secret prison visits?” he asks me, humour in his tone. I think we’re mainly good, especially after yesterday, and that he’s just testing the waters. Risky Quincy. I poke my tongue out at him in the rear-view mirror and his shoulders relax, knowing I’ve taken it as the joke it’s meant to be.

“I only go twice a year,” I say, surprising them with the information. I don’t know if I’m feeling vulnerable after yesterday or if I’ve gotten to the point where I want them to know. They’re all quiet for a while, gauging my reaction.

“Why?” Atlas eventually asks.

“That’s when my sister lets me visit.” There’s a loaded silence while they all absorb the new information. I haven’t told them much about my family, except that my dad had died, and I only mentioned it in passing to Maxton, really. “Birthday and Christmas.

“Whose?” Quincy asks in a small voice, and I start to regret telling them.

“Ours,” I reply simply. His face falls and I worry our light atmosphere is going down the drain.

“What’s up, Quincy? Not giving yourself extra points for ruining my birthday without even knowing?” but even my joking tone doesn’t seem to soften the blow he feels.

“Shit, Lai. I’m so, so sorry.

“I’m kidding, it’s fine. I actually had a great morning and evening so it was alright if we forget the middle.

“That’s what you went out with Lia for?” Maxton asks her. “Why didn’t you tell us?

“More importantly,” Atlas interrupts, “how did you not get that information from her background check?”

“I didn’t even think to look for it!” Quincy insists.

I shrug, regretting bringing it up. “It’s really not a big deal.

“But you clearly love birthdays,” he says, not letting it drop.

“I love other people’s birthdays. Lia makes a fuss for mine and has for the last few years. What else do I need?And I mean it. No plans would make up for not celebrating it with my twin, so I visit her and spend the rest with Lia. We pull up outside my office and I hop out. “Can we forget I even mentioned it?”

“Sure,” Quincy says with a weak smile, and I return it, shutting the door behind me and heading into work.