Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



“I can’t believe I go away for a week and you gain two boyfriends!”

I laugh at Lia’s blunt appraisal of my last seven days.

“I want to hear all the details. Who's the biggest? Who’s better with their hands? Who’s better with their tongue?”

I roll my eyes at her. “I’m a bit too busy to be ranking their skills.”

“I just bet you are,” she says with a wink. “So could your life get any better, or are you now permanently the envy of all women everywhere?”

“Well, this creep could fuck off, then I think I might be on the way.”

“Oh, yeah. What’s happening with that?”

I haven’t caught her up on anything yet, not wanting to have her worrying about me through her surprise weekend away, so I quickly give her the abbreviated version. “I walked into my office last Thursday and there was some guy trying to spray a message onto my wall.”

“What the fuck?” she exclaims, mouth hanging open.

“I know, it was the creepiest shit. He came through the balcony doors.”

“Do you think it was the person responsible for the fire or someone doing their dirty work?” The same question the guys had been mulling over.

“I can’t be sure, but I think it was him. He had these soulless, dead eyes, like a psychopath. I can’t even explain it.” I shuddered, recalling them.

“Someone you turned down at Encore?”

“No,” I reply, and I’m pretty certain. “I’m sure I would recognise those eyes anywhere.”

“How are you handling it?”

“I thought I was okay, then I fully freaked out this morning. We slept in Maxton’s room that has a balcony and it gave me a nightmare.”

“Oh God, Lai,” she says, covering my hands with hers on the table between us. We’d only come to a cheap and cheerful place halfway between our place and hers for a quick dinner, but I had a feeling we’d be here for a while.

“I know, it was horrible. I dreamt he walked in through the doors and I couldn’t move when he came towards me. When I could, I ran for the balcony, but the doors were suddenly locked. I woke up screaming.” Explaining it again reminded me of the pure terror I felt as the man crept towards me and I shudder.

Eurgh, it sounds awful,” Lia agrees, shaking her head.

“Yeah. I’m trying to carry on as if nothing’s wrong, but I think it’s taking its toll on me a bit.”

“Of course it would be. Are the guys supporting you?”

“Yeah, they’re pretty amazing, to be fair,” I admit. “Quincy laid with me so I could sleep again.”

“How’s that going? Ready to turn your threesome into a fully-fledged reverse harem yet, or what?” she asks, lightening the mood.

“Is that what it’s called?” I’d never heard that term before in my life, and I wouldn’t put it past Lia to be winding me up.

She nods though, and I shake my head disbelievingly at the whole idea.

“It’s going well. He’s so sweet and is giving me the space I need to get over what’s happened between us.”

“Yeah, yeah, super sweet. Probably helps that he’s hot as fuck. They all are!”

“Don’t let Coze hear you say that,” I joke.

Her face drops slightly. “I don’t think he’d mind too much, to be honest.”

“Oh no, what’s up?” The server comes over for a third time trying to take our orders but we still haven’t looked at the menu, so we wave her off apologetically.

“Nothing, exactly. He just seems preoccupied all the time. You know how I love to have all the attention on me most of the time,” she says, trying to brush off the seriousness of her words.

“Is he busier with work at the moment?” Caus has always been busy, but it’s never seemed to affect their relationship before.

“Yeah, so he says. I don’t see how project management can be so interesting that you spend half a romantic weekend with me, on the phone. Especially when he was so insistent on us going. I would’ve been happy chilling out and going to your party. How did it turn out?”

“Yeah, it was great fun,” I say, knowing she’s changing the subject. “You know I’m always here for you, right? Whatever you need, anything.” I would hate for her to not come to me if she was down.

“I know, and I love you for it. Same for me. Next time that creep strikes, you tell me straight away, okay?” I nod to agree but worry I’ve neglected our friendship, and she obviously reads the guilt on my face like an open book. “Don’t start berating yourself, you haven’t abandoned me! I love that you’re engrossed in your love life. I just need to know everything, especially when it comes to your safety.”

“Okay.” I smile at her. “And if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you. Even if I have to climb out from under a pile of Titans.”

That makes her laugh and I hope she feels better and knows that I mean every word.

“Deal. Can I order my dinner now?” She winks, definitely cheerier, and all is okay again.

The next couple of days are relatively normal considering everything that’s been going on, and it’s bliss. I wake up between Atlas and Maxton for the second morning in a row and have to drag myself out of bed, against much persuasion to stay. Work is going well and we should be able to pass all the Titans projects over to the next team in about a week. I’ve also decided with the insurers. I don’t want my old house back, I wouldn’t feel comfortable there. I’m going to take the rebuild money, sell the land, and start afresh. I might still ask Atlas about the car, though.

Jeremy and I have just gotten home for the day, and I’m still trying to decide whether to go with the guys to their event tonight. I’m always up for a decent dinner but I’m close to bailing for a chill evening with a long, pampering bath. But then maybe it’ll be fun to get dressed up? I’m so indecisive. It’s a formal event and I don’t think I picked anything fancy enough when we went shopping, but Lia might have. She seems to think of every occasion. If not, I’m sure I could fancy up something I already have.

I head straight to my room to raid my wardrobe, planning to let the outfit options decide whether or not I go. I walk in and halt in my tracks, staring at the most beautiful dress hanging from the back of the bathroom door. It’s a floor-length ivory gown, with the top consisting of two thick straps over the shoulders that follow to the waist, giving it a plunging neckline that would also show off a lot of my back. Another thick band runs around the waist, and then the skirt falls from there like a waterfall of cream silk. It’s gorgeous, with a definite Greek vibe. Guess I’m going out.

I grin at the dress as I rush to the shower to get ready, scrubbing every inch of my body and using a moisturiser with a sheen. I redo my makeup with bronzed, highlighted skin and golden eyes, complete with false eyelashes. If there’s ever an event for long, fluttery lashes, it’s a black-tie fundraiser. My hair sits in a side part with sleek waves pinned behind one ear, playing up the Grecian vibes. The dress is the perfect shape to match my birthday bodysuit from Lia, so I put that on underneath, as well as adding golden strappy heels. They show when I walk thanks to the thigh high slit that appears every time I take a step and I feel amazing. I’m excited to see what the guys think of the dress, wondering whose choice it was.

“Fucking hell, you look incredible.”

That was the kind of reaction a girl could get used to. I wander over to Quincy on the other side of the open area.

“Thanks,” I grin. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” And he really didn’t. I’ve seen him in swim shorts, I’ve seen him in a shirt and trousers, and I’ve seen him casual. None of those outfits prepare me for seeing him in a tuxedo. He seriously belongs in a magazine.

Atlas, who comes round the corner with Maxton, interrupts his reply and stuns me just as badly. They’re both in black and white too, but Atlas has opted for a three-piece suit and Maxton is in a dinner jacket and cumberbund.

“Jesus, Madelaine, you look stunning,” Atlas gapes. “Maybe we don’t have to go to this thing after all.”

I laugh at him as he approaches me, but take a step back as he gets close. “You can’t kiss me.”

He slips a hand under my waves, around the nape of my neck, and angles my face up to his. “I can do what I like.”

I roll my eyes at him even as my skin heats, loving when he goes bossy on me.

“If you ruin my makeup I’m going to be even more nervous about this whole thing.” I was absolutely fine meeting new people, but this event seemed like a big deal and is our first official outing as a group.

His eyes soften. “We’ll make up for it later.”

“How about we have some fun that doesn’t involve your mouth?” Maxton asks from behind him. He pulls something from his pocket and holds it up for me to see as Atlas steps around me, standing at my back. It looks like two balls in a kind of silicone sack, with a loop of string on one end. I must look as confused as I feel because Maxton slips his hand inside the slit on my dress and runs a finger up my leg and along my seam. I suck in a breath at the sudden contact, and his pupils widen. “It goes in here.”

I gulp as I register what he means, his finger still stroking me. “What do you think?” he asks. What do I think? I think I’m intrigued, and it’s certainly distracted me from worrying about the event.

“Okay,” I say breathily, and he beams back at me. He crouches down and lifts one of my legs over his shoulder, sucking the toy before moving my bodysuit to the side and pushing the thing up inside me. As I place my leg back on the floor I can feel the weight of it settle, and it sets my nerves on edge. Jesus, am I going to be able to do this? Only one way to find out, I guess.

Everyone is definitely staring at us. Clearly, the Titans are still fresh news and normally the gazes would agitate me, but Atlas’s fingers trailing along my bare thigh have my mind fixed on other things. The fullness inside of me has become more prominent as the night has gone on and I’m feeling flushed and slightly strung out.

“I’m going to get a drink,” I mutter, pushing away from our table.

“I’ll go,” Atlas offers, but I shake my head.

“I think I need a breather.”

I’ve just ordered my drink when a guy comes up to the bar next to me.

“Hey,” he offers.

“Hi,” I reply with a tight smile.

“Can I get you a drink?”

Before I can let him know I’m here with someone, the toy inside me vibrates, and I nearly jump out of my skin. I whip my head around to look at our table and see Atlas and Maxton staring over at me.

“Actually, I’ve got to go,” I stutter, just as my drink arrives. I push it over to the guy. “Here, have this.”

“What the fuck was that?” I hiss at them both when I return.

Both of them look at me with smug, very turned on faces as Quincy comes up behind me. I didn’t even notice he’d left the table.

“Can I have this dance?”

The tension eases from my shoulders as he holds out his hand for me. I place mine in his and let him lead me onto the packed dance floor, finding a space in the middle. I go happily into his arms and let him sway us around, the skin on my bare back feeling like it’s electrified everywhere he touches me. Suddenly, I twitch into him as the vibrating starts up again, going for a few seconds before stopping.

“Are you okay?” he asks. I can only hear him over the noise in here because we’re so close, so our conversation should be private.

“Yeah,” I say, trying to look for the guys, but we’re surrounded by people. He cranes his neck to follow my gaze, but looks perplexed. I spasm again and groan, the vibrating making everything in me clench and my knees go weak.

“What’s going on, Lai?” he asks, looking down at me, worried.

I hesitate in answering, but then wonder why. This is Quincy. I look up, meeting his gaze, our lips millimetres from each other.

“It vibrates,” I whisper.

“What does?”

“Maxton’s toy.” Shocked understanding dawns on his face while heat radiates off mine, a mixture of being so close to him and everything happening between my legs.

“Fuck,” he mumbles, and I feel his breath on my lips. “Is that okay?”

It was. I loved how reckless they all made me and how free I was to be sexual with them. I’ve never done anything close to as hot as this in my life.

“Yes,” I say, keeping eye contact.

“Shit, Lai, you’re going to kill me.” He presses his crotch into my stomach and I feel how this is affecting him.

“You probably deserve it, but Atlas and Maxton first.” I gasp as the vibrating sets at a constant pace, trembling in his arms and whispering unintelligible sounds into his mouth.

“Quincy...” He feels my stomach tense and his eyes widen as he realises how close I am to the edge. If the vibrating stops now, I will personally hunt Atlas and Maxton down and make them pay. He grabs my face with one hand, his other pulling me closer, and kisses me. That pushes me over and I grab onto Quincy’s biceps, my whole body quivering as I orgasm, light flashing behind my closed eyes and the feel of Quincy’s tongue breaching my mouth lengthening my release. The fact that we’re surrounded by people is not bringing me back to reality as I’d thought it would, but rather heightening the pleasure. Quincy doesn’t stop kissing me until my legs have regained some form of stability and I can breathe normally again. Neither of us say anything, content to share the afterglow between us, with our gazes locked and his hand caressing my cheek. I lay my head against his chest and he sways gently with me in his arms as we take some time to enjoy being together like this.

As I’m coming out of the bathroom, suitably cooled down and refreshed, a server rushes up to me.

“Your man, he wants you,” he insists in a stern tone.

“Pardon?” I ask, my brain not ready for this unexpected change so soon after the dance floor.

“Your man, this way.”

Confused but not thinking straight, I walk with him along the corridor, feeling the constant pressure of his hand on the small of my back. We head out of a side entrance right by the front of the hotel the event is being held in. Up ahead, idling on the road that runs along the front of the hotel, is a limousine. Have the guys rented this as a surprise? I couldn’t piece the details together. Can too many frequent orgasms actually give you brain damage?

As we reach the rear car door, it swings wide open and I find myself looking straight into those eyes. Soulless, dead. I scream, my preservation instincts working a lot quicker than my brain. The guy in the car reaches forward to grab for me at the same time the server shoves me from behind. I twist and push on my feet, hitting the side of the car with a thud rather than going straight into the open door. My arm throbs but I keep screaming. Madelaine, you cannot get in this car. That will be it for you. Scream, and scream some more!

It’s quiet out, being so late on a Tuesday, but hopefully my noise is drawing attention. The server certainly thinks so, running off down the street as soon as he realises this won’t be as easy as he thought. The guy in the car makes a wild grab from inside again, but my momentum has me spinning away from the open door and down the trunk. I stumble backwards and someone catches me before I hit the ground, the car already screeching away from the curb.

“Miss Lai, are you okay?!” Jeremy. Thank God!

I turn in Jeremy’s arms and hug him tightly, so thankful that he’s here. He fiddles with his phone one handed for a second and then returns my hug, comforting me when I need it most. “How are you here?”

“They parked me right across the street. I didn’t notice anything until you screamed and then I ran straight over.” It must’ve only been a few seconds since we got outside, but it felt like it was in slow motion. Less than a minute later one of my guys pulls me out of Jeremy’s arms and envelops me in his. Then they’re all there, surrounding me, and I know I’ll be okay.