Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



We’re on the way home from the event, all of us piled into the Hummer with Jeremy driving and Madelaine squashed in the back seat between Atlas and I. She seems to have settled okay now that we’re moving away from the hotel and may be ready to discuss it.

“Can you run us through it?” Atlas asks her, but she’s distracted by her phone.

“I don’t know much, it all happened so quickly. The server walked me out the back and I stupidly went with him.”

“Hey,” Quince says, twisting in the passenger seat as Madelaine looks up. “None of this is your fault.”

“I know, I just wish I hadn’t made it so easy for them.”

“You didn’t,” Jeremy insists. “That twist was great quick thinking, Miss Lai.”

She hums noncommittally and returns to her phone.

“And what about the guys?” Atlas prods.

“Sorry,” she says, putting her phone down. “I was just updating Lia. She made me promise I kept her up to date with anything involving my safety.”

I take over the questioning. “The server doesn’t matter, as he’ll be on CCTV. What can you tell us about the guy in the car?”

“It was the same guy from my office, definitely. Those eyes are now seared into my brain. Apart from that, he looks like an average guy, medium build with short brown hair. I couldn’t see much as he was sitting in the shadows.”

“That’s fine. Anything you can tell us is helpful,” I reassure her.

“I got the licence plate, but the guys have already found it dumped and burning,” Jeremy explains.

“Jesus, it’s definitely someone with help and resources. They must’ve had a second-”

“Wait!” Madelaine interrupts me. “He had tattoos.” We all turn and stare at her intently, hoping this means something. “I couldn’t tell what was on his neck, but when he reached out to grab me there was a snake’s head coming out of his cuff.”

“The fucking Vipers!” Atlas growls, simmering with anger.

“Are you sure?” Quince asks her, knowing what Atlas will set in motion with this information.

“I’m sure that he had a snake tattoo. That doesn’t mean he has to be a Viper, does it?”

“In this town it does,” I tell her.

We get home and head straight for the office, having spent the last part of our journey calling everyone in.

“Do you want someone to stay with you?” I ask Madelaine.

“Where are you going?”

“We’ve got a meeting in the office, then we’ll be going out to see if we can track down some information on who may have attacked you. Jeremy will be in the house at all times, plus the guys posted outside. You’re safe here.” She doesn’t need more details than that, not because she can’t handle them, but because she shouldn’t have to.

“I’ll be okay.”

“I’ll stay,” Quince offers. “You can fill me in later.”

Atlas and I nod, both taking a turn to kiss Madelaine, and then head to the office. We walk straight through the wood-paneled room to a door set in the back, pushing it open and revealing our conference space. The room is already half full of our guys and filling up fast from the entrance to the other side, separate from the house. We wait for the rest to arrive before we start, needing everyone fully briefed and on their game. Before that can happen, my mobile rings.

“Yeah?” I answer, wondering why Quince is calling so soon after we left him.

“You need to get back out here,” he says, his tone like steel. I tap Atlas on the shoulder and gesture back towards the main living quarters, retracing our steps. Stepping out of the office we see Quince straight ahead, gun pointed towards the front door.

“What the fuck is going on?” Atlas asks as we walk into the lobby. Madelaine stands between Quince and the door looking shell-shocked, but she’s not the object of his gaze. That honour is reserved for the Latino guy standing behind her, looking very relaxed considering he has a loaded gun aimed at his face.

“What the fuck are you doing in our house?” I spit out, danger coating my voice.

“Nice to officially meet you,” he replies lightly.

Madelaine whips her head between us all, surely getting dizzy.

“You know each other?”

“You know him?” Atlas echoes.

“This is Coze.” Of course it fucking is. What the fuck has she gotten herself into?

“Coze is Causus Jiles?” Quince clarifies.

“Yes,” Madelaine confirms. “It’s an inside joke.”

“Sounds hilarious,” Atlas deadpans. “Say goodbye to him.” Surely we couldn’t actually kill him in front of Madelaine. “Now get the fuck out of my house,” he directs at Causus, obviously realising the same thing.

“I came here for a reason,” he says, not making any move to leave.

“That reason is redundant, and the only reason you’re still alive is because Lai is here,” Quince spells it out for him.

“Wait!” Madelaine squeaks, moving to stand in front of Causus, making everyone tense up. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Do you even know who he is?” I ask her.

“Of course I do, I’ve known him for years! He’s Lia’s boyfriend, for God’s sake.”

“Oh, so you know he’s the second in line to the Vipers, then?” Atlas grits out sarcastically. “The gang that has dreams of running this city.”

“Like you can talk,” Causus spits back at him. Madelaine whips round to face him, leaving us all behind her back.

“Is that true?”

He nods at her, his eyes like night and day from when he was glaring at us.

“Does Lia know?”

“No,” he says simply.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him, bringing the conversation back to the most pressing issue. Quince hasn’t lowered his gun and his shot is stellar, but we all relax minutely when Madelaine moves backwards so she can see all of us again.

“I know you’re probably planning an attack on us right now,” he says, not sounding worried about that at all. No one says anything in response, so he continues. “It’s what I’d do if I found out a Titan was harassing my girl.”

“Lia told you?”

“About tonight, yeah. I’ve been keeping track of the other things.”

“You know who it is,” Atlas accuses. “Why haven’t you done anything?”

“And what exactly am I supposed to do?” Causus asks. “You know I can’t be seen defending the Titans’ girl over one of our blooded members.”

“And yet you’re here.”

“Unofficially.” Which meant secretly.

“Do you know why?” Madelaine asks him.

“I think it’s about your dad and Gia,” he mumbles. Her entire body tenses, and confusion floods her face. “Can we have a minute?” she asks us.

“No fucking way,” Quince commands.

“You better start telling us everything you know because you’re not walking out that door until we’ve heard it,” Atlas tells Causus.

“Already begging me to stay, Atlas? Shall we get friendship bracelets?”

“You don’t seem too tense considering you’ve just waltzed into enemy territory,” I tell him.

“Because I know we need each other. A war is the last thing either of us wants right now, so I’ll deal with my guy subtly, and you call your army off.”

“You want some kind of peace treaty?” Atlas asks disbelievingly.

“If that’s what you want to call it,” Causus shrugs.

“Are you even able to make these kinds of deals?”

“There’s a lot you don't know about the Vipers. Change is coming. Just know I’m more than capable of making these decisions,” he tells us seriously.

“Are you expecting us to actually trust a Viper?” Quinn laughs.

“I do.” We all turn to face Madelaine, who has been quiet since the revelation. “I do, I trust him. If Coze says we’re safe to call them off, then call them off.”

There’s a long silence during which we all gaze around at this unexpected set-up. I have no idea what the best move is and I’m happy to defer to Atlas.

“Fine,” Atlas agrees, shocking me. “But you know what a huge deal this is. We’re not ending up with very much information.”

“No,” Causus agrees. “Just know that Madelaine is like a sister to me, I’d never knowingly let harm come to her,” he offers.

“Connor Jones makes sense now, you didn’t want the house found. If one hair on her head is touched, I will hold you personally responsible,” I promise him.

“I can handle that.”

“Good. Now fuck off before I change my mind and put a bullet in your head,” Quince says.

Causus mock salutes the three of us before angling his body towards Madelaine.

“I know this is a huge ask, but can you let me tell Lia?”

She looks conflicted, but eventually gives a slight nod. “You’ve got until I see her at the weekend. Only because it’s better coming from you.”

He gives her a small smile in thanks. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Thanks, Coze,” she says, still using his nickname and giving him a hug. We all tense in fury.

“You’re pushing your luck,” Atlas informs him.

He chuckles and leaves through the front door.

Madelaine deflates with an enormous sigh. “At least Coze knows who it is now.”

“Why does it feel like our troubles have only just begun?” Quince asks, finally lowering his weapon.

“I’ll go and let the guys know,” Atlas says, turning for the office.

“Hang on, I’ll come with you,” I offer. “I want to know how the fuck he strolled up to our front door. Do you want to wait up?” I ask Madelaine.

“Not really,” she replies. “I’m sure Quincy will tuck me in.”

He holds his hand out to her and she takes it with a small smile, her face suddenly looking drained.

“You probably all figured this out already,” she says, stopping us in our tracks, “but Gia is my sister. I genuinely do not know how she’s connected to all of this, though.”

“What’s she in prison for?” I ask, sure she won’t mind me asking now of all times and hoping it gives us a lead.

“Murdering our dad.” With that bombshell, she turns and lets Quincy lead her down the corridor.

It’s hours before Atlas and I finish up and I can’t wait to feel Madelaine’s soft curves in my arms. I climb into bed behind her and pull her off Quince’s chest and back into me, covering her with my arm and breathing her in. I get a glare from Quince, but he’s had her for hours so I ignore him. Madelaine stirs, wriggling further into my hold.

“Goodnight,” I whisper, kissing her hair, inhaling her familiar scent.

“Maxton,” she murmurs on a contented sigh, and her entire body relaxes into me. My chest swells at her reaction, and I follow her quickly into sleep as Atlas climbs onto the bed next to Quince.

What feels like minutes later, I’m peeling my eyes open to a blaring phone alarm. Madelaine mumbles something incoherent and buries further into the duvet.

“Someone turn it off,” Quince grumbles. Madelaine sits up slowly and reaches over me for her phone on the nightstand, silencing it. She rubs her eyes, then looks around at the men surrounding her.

“I need a bigger bed,” she says as she crawls over the duvet towards the foot to extract herself.

“You definitely do,” Atlas replies as he leans forward and smacks her ass, so very tempting in that position.

“There are many others in this house.” She gives us each an amused look as she stands.

“Not with you in them,” I say. “Are you going to work today?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

Quince shifts, more awake now. “Oh, I don't know. How about you almost getting kidnapped last night and then finding out your friend is the leader of a rival gang. Ring any bells?”

“If I stayed home every time something inconvenient happened, I’d have lost my job by now.” I scoff at her use of the word ‘inconvenient’ but don’t comment on it.

“Jeremy’s going to be stuck to you like glue, Madelaine. Any meetings, any lunch runs, any bathroom breaks.” She opens her mouth to argue, but I interrupt her. “Not up for negotiation. This guy is clearly getting braver. Even if Causus says he has it handled, we’re not lowering our guard until we have proof.”

“Fine,” she concedes. “Can I get ready now?”

“Need a hand in the shower?” Atlas asks, sitting up.

“I think I can manage,” she says, rolling her eyes with a smile and heading into the bathroom.

“Are we really letting her go to work?” Quince asks.

“You try to tell her no,” I say. “See where that gets you.”

“I don’t like it either but Max is right,” Atlas adds. “Jeremy will follow her and we’ve put guys at all the entrances. That creep isn’t getting anywhere near Madelaine.”

Quince reluctantly accepts and pushes Atlas out of the way so he can get up. “I can’t believe you crashed my first night with Lai.”

We both laugh at him. “Get used to it.”