Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



Lai is up at the crack of dawn, buzzing for our trip. She stayed up late to pack so we could leave early this morning and I don’t know how she has any energy left. We go to our favourite breakfast diner and eat way too much food before setting off for the drive. The beachhouse is only about an hour outside of the city, but Lai falls asleep five minutes into the journey with her head in At’s lap. He shakes her awake when we pull up outside the house and she pushes herself up sleepily. She gasps as she looks out at the house, while Max collects her from the back seat and walks her in.

“Oh my God, this is gorgeous!” she says as they enter. The ground floor is one big open space with cosy couches, a small kitchen, and a dining table. This place was meant for us to relax away from Ironhaven, not as an entertaining space, so it’s small and comforting.

“There are two bedrooms and a bathroom on the basement level, and the master suite upstairs,” I tell her. She heads straight over to the all-glass back wall and stares out at the view.

“This doesn’t even look real,” she says.

“That makes two of you,” I reply as I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. “Are you going to get some more sleep?”

“No way, I want to go swimming,” she says, spinning in my hold.

“Swimming?! That water’s going to be freezing,” Max tells her.

“It’ll be fine once we’re in,” she says, smiling over my shoulder at him, but I’m pretty sure none of us have any intention of getting in that water.

“I’ll start grabbing the bags,” Atlas calls, heading back out the front door.

“This place is so cosy,” Madelaine says, escaping my arms and wandering around the ground floor. “I love it.”

We haven’t been here since we bought it just before we moved to Ironhaven, but seeing the way Madelaine’s eyes light up as she explores makes it worth every penny. The house isn’t linked to any of us, so we thought it was a perfect safe house for our break.

Atlas comes back in carrying Madelaine’s bags, gesturing up the stairs.

“I’ll put these upstairs, do you want to see?”

She nods and follows him up to the room inside the pitched roof. The entire back wall is glass up there as well, giving views over the beach for miles. It’s got an enormous bed and its own ensuite, too. A couple of minutes later Lai comes running back down the stairs in a tiny string bikini, and I know instantly that we’re all going into that damn water. I don’t think I’d be able to say no to Lai under any circumstance, let alone when she’s looking like a Swimsuit Illustrated model.

We end up swimming for ages, and yes, it is freezing. When all of our lungs are burning, we lounge on the sand in front of the beach house deck.

“I haven’t been to the beach in forever,” Lai says when we’re all drying in the sun. “It used to be our thing.” She says nothing for a while, staring out to sea.

“You don’t have to tell us,” I tell her, not wanting to dampen her mood.

“I know, but you and Atlas shared, and I want to, too. My dad was perfect. That’s why it’s so hard to reconcile him being a Viper.”

“‘Cause all gang leaders are evil?” I joke.

She rolls her eyes with a small smile. “No, because he was always there. He attended everything, every event. Never once was he not there exactly when I needed him. How did he hide that from me?”

The guys and I swap looks. We got it. It’s exactly how we planned to be for her.

“G and I were inseparable,” she continues. “I couldn’t even comprehend she would do anything like that. She never would.”

“What do you think happened?” Atlas asked gently. We’d read about the death in the papers like everyone else, but there weren’t many details. They didn’t even confirm he was a Viper.

“I have no idea. I didn’t attend the trial, G didn’t want me to and to be honest, I barely even believed it was really happening. I didn’t read anything, it hurt too much. She just kept telling me to lean on Lia and it would all be okay.”

“And now you don’t see her?” Atlas prompts.

“That’s her choice, and I’ll do whatever she needs to make her time in prison easier for her. When it happened, I felt like I’d lost everyone. Lia saved me, I’ll always owe her. It’s why I’d never let her take my place, ever.”

I understand exactly how she feels, but we would still never let her give herself up to danger. Lai shivers now the sun is going down but makes no move to go inside. Max pulls her back into his chest, sharing their body warmth.

“Sometimes I still forget that neither of them are here. Something great will happen at work, or I’ll meet three amazing guys and the first people I’ll want to tell are Dad and G. I mean, Dad would’ve definitely hated you,” she laughs, “but we didn’t hide things from each other. At least, I thought we didn’t. Turns out that was just me.”

“I can’t even imagine what it feels like, Lai,” I say, not knowing what else to do.

“You lost your parents too.”

“Not like you did, I never knew mine. Max is the only one of us who probably knows how you feel.”

She tips her head back and looks hesitantly at him.

“It’s okay, belle, I’ll tell you anything. My mum fled her abusive husband in Togo when she was pregnant. She had an aunt here, but she was elderly and passed shortly after my mum arrived. She got really ill when I was a teenager, I was already friends with these guys by then. The way you feel about Lia is how I feel about Atlas and Quinn.”

She sits back and presses a kiss to his bicep, and we all mull quietly.

“Well, you know all of my secrets now,” Lai declares after a while. “Nothing left to hide.”

Her stomach rumbles as if to punctuate her point, and it breaks the serious atmosphere.

“What do you want to do for dinner?” Atlas directs to her.

“I don’t mind,” she says offhandedly.

“Choices!” Max calls out, and Atlas and I gape at him. I can’t remember the last time he was so lively and carefree. Lai is pure magic.

Lai chuckles at our expressions. “I don’t know what’s around here,” she says with a huge yawn.

“Let’s order in tonight, then we can think about going into town tomorrow and exploring,” I offer.

“Okay. Indian or Taco Bell?”

“I don’t think your beloved Taco Bell stretches this far out, so Indian it is. What do you fancy?

“Anything, surprise me. I’m going to take a shower.

We all head in after her and by the time I’ve finished placing our order, Lai’s back downstairs in what looks like just one of Atlas’s henleys. Control yourself, Quince.

I use the basement-level bathroom to have a shower myself and hear the front door just as I’m putting on some sweats. Max is laying out enough containers to feed ten, and my stomach grumbles as the smells waft over. I grab plates and cutlery on my way over and sit myself down, ready to dig in.

“This smells incredible, thank you!Lai says as she joins us.

“You’re welcome. I got a bit of everything.

“We can see that,” Atlas says, amused and handing out drinks.

We say nothing else as we all pile huge mounds of food onto plates, apparently determined to try everything and work our way through every last bit.

“I don’t think I can move,” Lai moans as she leans back, looking very full and very satisfied. “That was amazing.

We clear up and then settle on the sofas to watch another of Max’s films. I pull Lai’s feet into my lap, Max having stolen her using the stupid list rule, and she’s asleep within minutes. Once the film ends, he carries her up to bed and we all climb in around her, happy to make do with less space if we get to wake up to Lai.

I wake up the next morning to Lai’s naked back as she’s sitting up.

“You okay?” I ask quietly.

“Yeah, just enjoying the view.”

“Me too,” I say, sitting up and kissing her shoulder. The sun is just up over the sea. “What do you want to do today?”

“Did you say there was a town?”

“Yeah, a proper little seaside one. The boardwalk starts just down the beach.”

“Can we go there?” she asks. “I need all the rocks and all the tacky fridge magnets.”

“Oh, no. You have a collection, don’t you? I knew there had to be something wrong with you.”

She laughs at my mocking. “I do, actually. Well, did, so your penance for making fun of the poor homeless girl is having to display said tacky magnets on your fridge until I have one of my own.”

“I’ll take my punishment like a man,” I promise.

“What punishment?” Atlas asks, skating his fingers over Lai’s bare back.

She shudders as she turns her head to answer him. “Quincy’s letting me cover your fridge in souvenirs.”

He looks perplexed and we both laugh.

“What's so funny, so early?” Max asks from my other side.

Lai lays back down so she can see him behind me. “Sorry, did we wake you?”

“Yeah, but I’ll take an apology kiss.” She spins onto her forearms and leans over to kiss him.

As soon as they break apart, Atlas pulls her back into his chest and she giggles.

“I didn’t get that kind of treatment,” he says against her ear.

“You didn’t ask,” she replies as she spins to face him.

“I don’t ask, baby.” He grips her chin between his thumb and forefinger and kisses her until she’s moaning and pressing herself into him. She pulls away and looks over her shoulder at me, and I arch a brow. She grins as she sits back up next to me and I grab her thigh, pulling her over so she’s straddling my lap.

“Last, am I?” I ask when we’re face to face.

“Never,” she promises, holding my face in her hands and kissing me. The way Lai kisses is so uniquely her. A perfect mix between soft and exploring, fierce and bold. We break apart and I lay back down so she’s sitting on my lap, looking down at all of us.

“Is this okay?” Max asks. We haven’t been with her yet, not all three of us at once, and we don’t want to push her too far too fast, but she nods.

Gripping her hips, I pull her down to grind on my hard length. Her mouth pops open and her eyes hood. She looks fucking magnificent sat up there like a bronze goddess. Her skin has deepened from the sun yesterday and her hair cascades around her shoulders.

“Touch yourself,” I tell her, and her eyes widen slightly as I put my hands behind my head to give me a better angle. Atlas pulls his cock out into his hand and leisurely pumps it, giving her the confidence she needs as she places her hand between her legs. She looks over to Max, who is in the same position as Atlas and she slowly swirls her fingers. Rocking slightly, she drags her core against my cock that is throbbing underneath her. Fuck, that’s hot. She picks up speed, rubbing her fingers over her clit and torturing me with her swaying hips. Her breath gets shallower, and she lets out a quiet gasp, signalling that she’s close.

“Wait,” I say, and she jolts to a stop with a little whimper. “Ride me.”

“Fuck,” Atlas mutters next to me, enjoying the show.

Madelaine is staring at us all, and I sit up and give her a gentle peck on the lips. “Ride me, Lai,” I murmur into her mouth, my eyes locked on hers. She lifts herself up with her thighs and lines the head of my cock up with her entrance. I lay back down as she slowly sinks down my length, taking me inside her fully. I groan as I’m fully seated in her tight core, and she rolls her hips, making me jerk inside her.

“Shit, you need to move, gorgeous.” The torture of her grinding on me while she played with herself has put me right on the edge. The teasing has also affected Lai, and as she lifts up and down slowly, I feel her quivering. Max and Atlas have picked up their pace on either side of us, gazes fixed on Lai’s face radiating pleasure. As she returns her fingers to her clit with a sensual moan, we all seem to explode as one. Lai clenches around me and I grab her hips, thrusting a couple of times and emptying myself into her with another groan. She collapses onto my chest, breathing hard. After a minute, I stand with her in my arms, heading to the bathroom. We clean up and then she curls into my chest. Max and Atlas clean themselves up and get back in on either side of us, all of us promptly falling back asleep.