Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Eight

It felt like I was walking through cement as I headed through the white picket fence and up the sidewalk toward Mason and his mother, who were watching me with matching smiles.

I knew it was all in my head, but his mom’s gaze seemed to hold a fondness that I hadn’t yet earned.

“Ma, this is Becs,” Mason said, his voice hinting at something I couldn’t quite name. “Becs, this is my ma.”

“Hello, Mrs. McClintock,” I managed as I made it to the top step. “It’s lovely to meet you. Thank you so much for the lunch. It was delicious.”

“Please, call me, Mary,” she said, easily. “And you’re most welcome. I was so pleased when Mason told me you were coming.”

I blinked and wondered, really, but simply smiled in response.

“Mason told me you recently became a vet tech. I can tell you it’s a very important job, especially to our community. Not only for our farm and many local businesses, but pets are family and it’s important to have people who will love and care for them.”

She glanced down, and for the first time I noticed a large older yellow lab sleeping in a bed next to the porch swing. A few feet away there was a water bowl with Sparky stenciled on the side.

“Thank you. I’ve always loved animals and hoped I could do something in this field. It took a little bit longer for me to get here, but I’m really excited to get to do what I’m doing. And getting the opportunity to work with Dr. Garcia is a dream come true,” I replied, then added, “How old is Sparky? He’s adorable.”

Sparky opened one eye at the sound of his name, then closed it again and went back to dozing.

“He’s what, sixteen this year?” Mason asked his mom.

She nodded and replied, “Last month.”

“We got him when I was in high school.”

“Would you like to come in for some lemonade?” Mary asked, causing me to remember why I’d been looking for Mason in the first place.

“Actually, the doctor sent me to find Mason and Henry. It’s time to for Charming to have her calf. Can I get a raincheck?” I asked, as Mason lifted his radio and put a call out to Henry to meet us in the barn.

“Of course. Life on a farm is all about flexibility.”

“It was nice to meet you, and thanks again,” I said as I turned to walk back down the steps.

“Anytime, Becs. Don’t forget that lemonade,” she called out and I gave her a little wave in response.

“You okay?” Mason asked, falling into step with me.

I shifted my head to look at his face. Dang, he sure is handsome.

“Yeah, I’m good. How about you?” I asked, even though I was afraid of the answer.

“I’m nervous about Charming but optimistic that everything will be fine,” he said softly. “I’m thrilled about our picnic, but worried about you and wondering what you’re thinking. And I’m hopeful that we can talk things out and see what happens next.”

That was a lot.

“Okay, so … honesty. Right.” Mason was nothing if not surprising. I’d only known the man a few short hours and he seemed to keep me constantly on my toes. “Well, then … I’m excited about seeing Charming give birth, if not a little nervous about what actually seeing it will be like. I’m confused over everything that’s happened today, and agree that we should talk, but can it wait until tonight, once Charming and her baby are safe?”

“Yes, of course,” Mason said, a relieved grin taking over his face, making him somehow even more appealing.

“Her water bag broke!” Dr. Garcia shouted as we entered the barn. “Make sure there’s enough fresh straw laid out.”

“Boss, it looks like Dottie and Bea will be calving tonight as well,” Henry said as he spread the hay.

“We’ve got a long night ahead, how are you feeling?” Dr. Garcia asked me.

“I’m ready to help however you need me to,” I assured her, my adrenaline starting to spike.

Charming made a sound of distress and her tail flicked up as she struggled to move.

“She wants to lay on her side,” the doctor said. “Give her some room.”

Once Charming was in a prone position, Dr. Garcia had me move up to stroke her neck gently while she monitored Charming’s progress.

“The front feet are visible,” she said, and I hurried around to take a look before going back to try and soothe Charming.

It was a long process, and I felt sorry for Charming, who seemed incredibly uncomfortable, but less than two hours later, Charming’s baby was born.

“Next she’ll expel the afterbirth,” Dr. Garcia told me as I gushed over the baby calf. “And we’ll want this little guy to nurse within the first four hours. Henry, can you make sure everything’s set up for Dottie and Bea? I’ll be there in a moment to check their progress.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Henry replied.

“What’ll you name him?” I asked Mason as Charming began to clean her calf.

“I was thinking maybe you’d like to choose,” he said, causing me to look up at him in surprise. “It’s kind of a tradition around here for first timers to pick the name.”

Pleasure flushed my cheeks and I crouched so I could get a good look at the little guy’s face.

“Peter,” I said after a few minutes of internal deliberation.

“Peter?” he asked.

“Yes, is that okay?”

“Of course, newbie’s choice. Peter it is.”

By sunrise, Paul and Mary joined Peter on Cherry Springs Farm.