Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Ten

This space definitely felt more like Mason.

Decorated in deep grays and blues, the basement was outfitted like an apartment. Complete with its own small kitchen, a living room, a small office, a bedroom, and a private bath.

“This is nice,” I said as I moved across the kitchenette to the corner booth.

“Thanks. It’s tough, living and working with your parents, especially when you’re in your thirties, so I needed my own space. I’d thought of converting space in the barn, but ultimately this worked out the best. I have to be here, it’s just easier that way, and there’s no way I could kick my ma out of her house.”

“Of course not,” I agreed, settling in and taking my first spoonful of food. “Oh my God. I’d never want to leave here either…”

Mason’s eyes crinkled at the sides when he grinned back at me. “Yeah, the food here doesn’t suck.”

I shook my head and took another bite.

“Your mom has a true gift,” I managed around a mouthful of spicy sausage and creamy gravy. “My mom couldn’t even boil water without burning it. I thought wonder bread with miracle whip was a delicacy growing up.”

Mason’s brow furrowed as he asked, “You mean, just bread? No meat, cheese, or veggies?”

I laughed and shook my head. “The miracle whip was all you needed.”

“If you say so…”

He looked so disgusted, and I was so tired, that my laughter turned a bit manic before I could settle it down.

“Look, about yesterday,” Mason began when I finally caught my breath.

“No, please, let me,” I said, holding up my hand to stop him from apologizing again. “I’m so sorry that I freaked out on you like that. You said you know a little about me, but my track record with men hasn’t been great. I’ve always been a kind of party girl and that’s how guys treated me. I’m the girl you take home for the night, but not the one you have a relationship with.”

When he opened his mouth to speak, I stopped him.

“I’m not saying that to be down on myself. Honestly, I’m not ashamed of my past or anything I’ve done. It was the place I was in in my life, ya know? I was working nights at a bar, going to school full time and only looking to blow off steam and have fun. But since I graduated and found out I got the job with Dr. Garcia, I promised myself that that part of my life was done. I’m older now, and ready to start living a grown-up life. I do eventually want to get married and have kids and the way I used to live was not the way to do that. So I told myself I was moving on and leaving wild Becs from the wrong side of the tracks behind me. Then I met you…”

“Can I?” Mason started. When I nodded, he said, “I don’t care about your past, I only care about your present and your future. I didn’t mean for things to progress so quickly yesterday, but it happened, and I don’t regret it for one second. It was amazing. You are amazing.”

“Thanks, I think you’re pretty amazing, too.”

“Our chemistry was greater than I anticipated, and I gotta say, I’m thrilled about it.”

I couldn’t help but laugh over his pleased expression.

“And I love everything you just said … that you’re ready to have a serious relationship, and do eventually want to settle down, because I want those things too. And I know you probably think I’m some kind of crazy stalker farmer who lured you here, but I promise I’m just a normal guy. No, I don’t get out a lot and I haven’t been on a lot of dates, but like I said, I have a plan to free up my time so I can have a real relationship. A partnership. Not like my parents, who both worked so hard and never seemed to have enough time left over for each other.”

Aww, that made me sad for his mom.

“If you’ll give me a chance, I’d love to take you out on a real date. I’ll pick you up, we can go to dinner, maybe a movie or dancing, and I’ll kiss you at your front door at the end of the night. I know we started out a few steps ahead, but I’m willing to slow it down and give us a real shot, if you are.”

I picked up my bacon and took a bite as I watched him thoughtfully.

“Are you real?” I asked finally. “You have to realize you seem too good to be true, especially to a girl like me.”

“I’m as real as you are,” he said, reaching out to take my hand. “And believe me, you’re a damned fantasy come to life.”

“Sounds like we may be just what the other person needs,” I replied, squeezing his hand back gently.

“Now, I know we said we’d take things slow, but I know you’re exhausted and I’d rather you not drive home if that’s okay with you. What do you say we head to my bedroom and take a nap? I promise to keep my hands to myself even though it’ll take some restraint on my part.”

He totally knows I’m going commando under this dress.

“Actually, that sounds amazing,” I replied, following his lead and standing. “I’m kind of surprised I didn’t just fall asleep right on the table. I’m running on fumes here.”

“Me, too,” Mason said.

We put our dirty dishes in the sink, and when he held out his hand to me, I accepted it and we walked through the living room to his bedroom.

“Under the covers or on top?” Mason asked once we reached his king-sized bed.

“Under,” I replied, moving to the right side of the bed when he went left.

His grin was enticing as we pulled back the covers and slipped underneath. I turned to my side so I could look at him lying on the pillow next to me and immediately felt my body relax into the bed.

“Sweet dreams, Becs,” Mason whispered.

“Sweet dreams, Mason,” I replied.

And we both drifted off to sleep.

* * *

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