Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Nine

Iwas exhausted, yet exhilarated, and smelled pretty terrible, and it was the longest, yet most fulfilling first day of work I’d ever had.

I’d seen three baby calves come into the world and had even gotten to help deliver the third one. I was riding on fumes but utterly jazzed over the last twenty-four hours.

“You want to come in and grab a shower?” Mason said as we watched Dr. Garcia drive away. “I’ll make you something to eat while you get cleaned up.”

“That’s the best offer I’ve had in my whole life,” I said with a laugh.

I may have been feeling slightly delirious.

“Come on. I’ll bet you a hundred bucks my ma has laid out some clean clothes for you and probably has biscuits and gravy warming in the oven.”

“Wow, really?” I asked, thinking how nice it must feel to be taken care of like that.

“Yeah, but I’ll hold up my end and scramble you some eggs to go along with them.”

My stomach growled in response and I realized I hadn’t eaten anything since our picnic at lunch the day before. Neither of us had.

Mason opened the door and led me inside through the rustic, country-themed rooms. It was obvious from the mix of antique furniture and family photos that the house was the center of the McClintock family.

“Your house is lovely,” I said as we stepped into a room with a pretty canopy bed covered in throw pillows, and yes, there was a sweet floral sundress laid out across it.

“Thanks, it’s mostly still the same as it’s been since I was born. Except the bottom floor, that’s mine. I’ll show you once we’ve gotten you clean and fed,” Mason said as he gestured toward the open door of the bathroom. “Everything you need will be in there.”

I blocked out the vision his words put in my head, of him stepping into the shower with me and scrubbing my back, and simply said, “Thanks.”

Once I was alone, I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the glorious steam of the shower. The hot water hit my aching muscles and I realized I’d been more tired than I thought. The longer I stood under the spray, the more my tension eased.

It was wonderful.

Once I was fresh and smelled of lavender and orange blossoms, I put on the dress, which was about one size too big, and went off in search of Mason. I hadn’t been able to stomach putting my soiled underwear back on, so I was going commando. Luckily, the dress covered everything that needed to be covered, so I figured I’d be safe and no one would be the wiser.

My hair was still wet, and my face scrubbed clean, but I didn’t think he’d mind.

When I stepped into the kitchen, I let out a gasp of disbelief, and Mason turned at the sound.

“This kitchen is ridiculous,” I murmured, my head swiveling as I took it all in.

Mason chuckled and said, “My mom had it redone about five years ago. This is her dream kitchen.”

“I bet. I don’t even cook and it’s my dream kitchen,” I joked.

“Coffee?” he asked.

I took the cup he offered and took a sip as I continued to look around.

The walls were lined with open cabinets and shelves, baskets filled with fresh produce and a large island as the focal point of the space. Warm woods with white accents made the kitchen feel warm and welcoming. The flooring was wood, but rather than looking brand new, it looked weathered and well lived in.

All the dishes, serving ware, and cookery were exposed, so it had to be pretty and lend to the décor, which of course it did.

The whole concept and execution was amazing, and I had no idea how someone could be creative enough to come up with it. I had to give his mom her due, her vision come to life was stunning.

“Mmmm, this is really good,” I said after a couple sips.

“We buy local beans from the farmer’s market.”

“Of course you do,” I retorted, smiling at him over my cup so he’d know I was teasing.

“Hungry?” he asked, his eyes lingering on my chest for a few beats.

Oh God, can he tell I don’t have a bra on?

“Starved, actually,” I replied, my eyes widening as he held out a plate filled with biscuits and gravy, bacon, and eggs so fresh there was steam rising off of them. “Wow, thanks.”

“Let’s take these downstairs,” he said, lifting a plate that matched my own.

I nodded and said, “Sounds good,” then followed him to the door at the back of the kitchen and down the stairs into what he’d called his domain.