Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Seven

The moment the door closed behind us, I had her pressed up against the solid oak and my mouth on hers.

She moaned as I slipped my hand up her side and cupped her breast through the silky dress. It was thin fabric, but it was too much between us. My hands found the zipper on her back and tugged, but it wouldn’t move.

“Here, I’ll…” Abigail shimmied and offered to help, but I was far too impatient.

I gripped the edge of the dress and pulled. The silky fabric tore away easily and she gasped.

“Phillip, the—”

“It’s just a dress.” I was finally able to take a good look at her free of the garment and groaned. “I’ll buy you another one. Hell, I’ll buy you a hundred—” The words died on my lips.

I was completely speechless at her beauty.

Literally nothing in the world compared to the pure beauty of the woman I was desperately in love with, standing before me, her skin flushed with passion, her breasts heaving with every breath, her lips parted just a little, yearning for another kiss…fuck.

I licked my lips and took in a deep breath, trying to give myself just one more moment to look at her. Drink in the sight of her. Every. Single. Inch.


I didn’t answer. Instead, I let my gaze travel slowly up the length of her. She still wore her heels, the dress in shreds in a pool of blue silk at her feet. Her legs were lean and long, leading to curvy hips that begged to be held. But her sinful curves didn’t end there. Hell, they were only just beginning. Her breasts, round and full, were the perfect size. My fingers flexed with the need to caress her. Finally, my eyes met Abigail’s.

Her pupils were dilated with desire. She leaned back against the wall seductively, crooked a finger, and beckoned me to her.

Before I went to her, I shed my jacket and tie, and stepped toward her. I was done waiting. I pulled her toward me and kissed her deeply. Her knees buckled a little, but I held her fast. She wasn’t getting away from me. Never again.

“I want to take my time with you, Abigail.” My words were rough against her neck as my kisses traveled lower. I needed to taste all of her. I needed every part of her.

She groaned as my fingers tore at her bra, leaving it, too, in tatters so I could finally have access to her breasts. I cupped and kneaded her soft flesh. I needed this woman as badly as I needed air to breathe.

“No,” Abigail moaned into my ear.

My hand froze right as my fingers slipped under the elastic of her panties.

I shifted so I could look in her eyes. “You want me to stop?”

Her face transformed immediately. Her mouth opened and her eyes widened. “No! I mean, no. Don’t stop. And for the love of God, do not take your time with me, Phillip.” She grabbed my collar and pulled me to her, hard.

Clarity restored, there was no slowing down. Everything sped up.

Abigail’s hands clawed at my clothes, until I was naked, my hard erection pressed up against her soft belly. Our hands grabbed and slid all over the other, as if we needed to relearn each other’s bodies, which we did. And at the same time, learn them for the very first time. In the very best way.

“I’m not going to make it to the bedroom, Abigail.” With my hand wrapped in her hair, I tipped her head back and bit and sucked at her throat until she squirmed beneath my attentions. With my free hand, I slipped it between her legs, and she cried out.

She wasn’t going to make it either.

Abigail lifted her head and when our eyes met, I knew it was true. We needed this now.

Without another second of hesitation, I scooped her up easily, cupping her ass in my hands, and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I pressed her up against the wall.

“Yes, Phillip. Yes.” She moaned and arched her back as I lifted her and poised my hard length, ready to finally have what we’d both been wanting and needing for far too long. But I couldn’t.

Not yet. I needed more.

She sensed my hesitation and her eyes opened in question.

“Abigail. I can’t do this.”

* * *


I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. And it wasn’t just about sexual frustration. It was so much more.

“Phillip, I—”

“I love you, Abigail.”

I froze. He’d said that earlier at the club.

“And I want this,” he continued. “I want you.”

Confusion flooded through me. We were doing this. What was the problem?

“I want you, too, Phillip.” I tried again, to wiggle in his grip. “I think that much is clear.”

His lips twitched up into a grin. “That’s not enough, Abigail. That will never be enough.”


“I want all of you, Abigail. Or nothing at all.”

This man was going to be the very death of me. I reached out and grabbed his chin in my hand so he was looking me directly in the eye. It was my turn to hold him firm. “Phillip.” I kept my voice level despite the flood of feelings crashing through me, never mind the intense waves of desire that were only barely being held at bay. “I’m only going to say this once, so please listen carefully.” I took a quick breath. “You do have all of me. I know now that you always have.”

I felt every word deep in my heart. The last few days, being with Phillip—no matter how it came to be—had been the greatest gift I could have ever had. And if it meant going through everything all over again, I’d do it. Every. Single. Time.

Phillip’s grip on me shifted. But still…he wasn’t giving us both what we wanted. What we needed.

“It’s not enough, Abigail.”

I wanted to scream. My body ached for him. I needed him like I’d never needed anything or anyone in my whole life. Hot tears built in my eyes. I was going to cry. Oh God, no. I couldn’t cry. Not now.

“Phillip.” I leaned my face as close as I could to his until our lips almost touched. “I need you. I’ve always needed you. It’s always been you, Phillip. It always will be you.” I swallowed hard. “I love you, Phillip.”

A combination of a groan and a sob sounded between us. I couldn’t be sure who made the sound, or whether it was a mixture of the two of us. Not that it mattered, because a second later, the only thing that mattered was that Phillip had shifted our bodies and just like that, he was inside me. His hard length filled me completely and perfectly. Like a puzzle that had finally, after far too long, found its final, missing piece.

I gasped out of relief and need and…love for this man.

I released my grip on his chin so I could hold him closer to me, my palms pressed flat on his smooth back as he thrust inside me.

“I love you, Phillip.” Every time the words slipped from my lips, they felt better than the time before.

He groaned and increased his pace, kissing me hard. There would be time for exploring each other later, for making love and keeping it slow and tender.

For now, the only thing that mattered was this union that had been far too long in the making.

“Say it again.” His voice was gruff as he pulled his lips from mine.

“I love you.”

He groaned and his hands tightened their grip on my bottom.


“I love you.” My climax was building within me. Fast. My thighs trembled around him.

“I love you, Abigail.” He caught my mouth in another kiss and pressed my back harder against the wall.

I tightened my legs around him and matched him thrust for thrust.

“One more time,” he demanded.

“I love you, Phillip.” The words had barely slipped from my lips when my orgasm crashed through me. I tipped my head back and cried out as Phillip took his own release with a long, low growl.