Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Five

Icould have walked away. And maybe I should have. But I didn’t.

After I ran out of Phillip’s office, humiliated and confused, hurt and pissed off and…all the things, and I got back to my room, I hate to admit it, but I saw the shower that had at least two giant shower heads in it and a steam function, and I just couldn’t pass it up.

Just a shower, I told myself. Then I’d leave.

But after spending almost an hour under the hot water, I was feeling better. Well, not better better, but not quite so hurt. And when I came out of the bathroom, wrapped in only a towel, I could see Mrs. Mclean had been there.

A tray with meats and cheeses, fresh fruit, and a bottle of wine was laid out on the table by the window.

I looked for a note, disappointed there wasn’t one. So I popped a grape in my mouth and picked up my phone to check the group chat I had with the girls.

There were at least ten messages, looking for details.

I poured myself a glass of wine, sat, and filled them in.

Fifteen minutes later, I’d finished the glass and caught the girls up on my humiliation.

If you couldn’t be honest with your best friends, who could you be honest with?

What I didn’t tell them was that the whole thing had started with just having a little fun and getting him out of my system, but I’d been terribly wrong. Because the moment my lips were on his, every single feeling I’d ever had that I thought I’d buried deep all those years ago came flooding back.

I couldn’t admit it out loud yet, but I was one hundred percent sure I still had feelings for Phillip. Which was also why I’d decided to stay.

Never mind that the wine and snacks were delicious and I was feeling very tired and that four-poster bed looked so much more inviting than my old single mattress in my crappy apartment. A good night’s sleep would help me see clearly.

* * *

Islept in almost to noon the next day. The bed was magic!

In the morning, with no note or message, I went in search of answers and found them with Mrs. Mclean in the kitchen.

As if she’d expected me, she slid a plate of eggs Benedict in front of me and handed me a cup of coffee.

“Mr. Conrad is out for the day. He had something to take care of at the office.”

I picked up the mug of coffee that had been poured for me and hoped my disappointment didn’t show on my face. One cream, one sugar. Just the way I liked it.

“He requested you make yourself at home and enjoy the pool if it suited you. He also asked me to tell you that he would still very much like you to accompany him tonight.” She watched me closely for a reaction.

“I will.” I glanced up. “I’ll be ready on time tonight, not to worry.”

I added the last part for Phillip, who, if I didn’t know better, had security cameras all over this house. After all, it was how he’d made his millions. He’d be watching. No matter what had happened last night, I’d be there.

I wanted him to know that.

* * *

There was only one dress hanging in the closet that would be suitable for a function at the pretentious country club. Aspen Valley might be a small town in a valley at the edge of the mountains, but that didn’t stop the members of the club from behaving as if they were very important.

Aspen Valley was known for being full of millionaires, and more and more billionaires. With the hot summers and mild winters, it was a little pocket of paradise for the wealthy to golf, entertain, and show off their money on the lake with their ridiculous boats.

I was raised modestly as an “other” in Aspen Valley. Until the summer I met Phillip, and then subsequently Daniel, I’d been sure I would follow a similar path as my friends: college and a job, or married with children, working an unassuming job that supported the rich residents. Never in a million years had I thought I would ever be one of them.

And now I wasn’t.

I spun in the mirror and took in the length of the blue, shiny dress. It was slit high on my thigh, just short of scandalous. The fabric hugged my body in the most flattering way, pushing my breasts up and together, in a way that I knew would have more than one tongue wagging.

I loved it.

My rejection from the night before still stung, but when I walked down the hall into the foyer where Phillip was waiting, looking like some sort of GQ model in his tux, my heart stopped and did a little flutter in my chest before starting up again.

Even from a distance, I could see his nostrils flare and his eyes darken. He liked what he saw.

Yes. There was definitely something going on with him. How could he push me away one moment, but look like he could eat me up the next? He was behaving as if nothing had happened between us the night before. As if I hadn’t thrown myself at him. As if we hadn’t shared the most passionate kiss I’d ever had. As if he hadn’t wanted me as badly as I wanted him. As if he hadn’t pushed me away.

Instead, he flashed his sexy smile at me. “You look ravishing.” He held a hand out for me, which I took. I tried to ignore the spark that rushed through me at his touch. He pulled me close and gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

“Ravishing?” I teased. “Interesting choice.”

“There really is no other word to describe you, Abigail.” Phillip looked at me seriously. “Are we…are we okay?”

His vulnerability softened any leftover tension I felt from the night before. I nodded. “For now.”

“I’ll take it.” His handsome grin once more slid over his face. “Are you ready for this? For these people? There will be questions.”

“I’m counting on it.”

But what I wasn’t counting on was how hard it was to actually be with Phillip. To have his hand on my back guiding me through the room, his arm around my waist holding me close, almost possessively as we made small talk with the other club members. My entire body was on alert. Every nerve ending acutely aware of his proximity and how good it felt to be with him. Even if it wasn’t real.

Together, we fielded inquiries from nosy members.

“Interesting to see you together. Are you…”

“Enjoying our evening?” Phillip would say, playing dumb. “Absolutely. And doesn’t Abigail look ravishing?”

I smiled politely and let Phillip do most of the talking. It was easier to stay quiet, making my thoughts known with a few pointed looks before Phillip swept me away to say hello to someone else.

Finally, I needed a break. There was only so much small talk I could make.

I excused myself to the ladies’ room, which was mercifully empty. I quickly locked myself into a stall and whipped out my cell phone from the tiny clutch I carried.

Everything felt so surreal. Being at the club. Phillip. The feelings crashing through me. It was a lot. I needed to touch base with reality.

This is crazy.

I quickly texted the group chat.

What am I doing here?

It only took a second before a reply appeared. Jessie.

I can’t imagine how weird it is. Take a breath.

I nodded. I could almost see her reassuring smile. I did as she suggested and inhaled deeply.

How’s Phillip?

It was Britt who asked. Before I could reply, Darla chimed in.

Sexy as hell I bet.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little as I typed my reply.

Definitely! Also…I don’t know…being with him feels…

I chickened out. I still couldn’t tell my best friends that despite everything I was still in love with the man.

Don’t overthink it, Abby. Your heart knows what to do.

I blinked twice at Sandy’s comment. I was positive she disapproved of the very fact that I was there. Before I could reply, the bathroom door opened and I heard voices. I quickly texted my good-bye to the group chat and tucked my phone away as I heard a familiar nasally voice say, “Can you even believe the nerve of her to show up here?”

Janine Lister. Inwardly, I groaned.

“Right? And looking like…that.” Another voice I vaguely recognized as Bitsy Neville chimed in.

I rolled my eyes because I knew perfectly well that Bitsy was just jealous. She couldn’t eat a grape without gaining five pounds.

“And with Phillip Conrad. Do you think they’ve been sleeping together all these years?”

I bristled, but stayed put.

“Definitely,” Bitsy agreed. “It’s no secret that Phillip’s been desperately in love with her forever.”

It wasn’t?

“But to bring her here, of all places? After she stole all our money. I can’t—”

“Why, hello, ladies.” I couldn’t take it anymore. With a smile I didn’t feel pasted on my face, I stepped from the stall. The shock of their faces was almost reward enough for having to listen to their vitriol. “Sounds like you’re having an exciting night.” I stepped between them to the sink, where I washed my hands and dried them with one of the plush hand towels. I took my time, both Janine and Bitsy watching, open-mouthed but silent, until I was done.

I tossed my hair back and straightened as I turned to face them. I looked each of them in the eye and smiled as sweetly as I could. “I’m glad that Phillip and I can provide you with something to talk about in your boring, empty lives.”

Janine’s mouth opened and shut like a dying fish, but she couldn’t seem to find anything to say.

“Have a great night, ladies. I don’t want to leave my date waiting.”

I walked confidently past them but the second I was in the hall, I took a deep, gulping breath. I did my best to put on a strong front, but I was rapidly hitting my limit. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take.