Summer Love by Piper Rayne

Chapter Six

Isaw it the moment Abigail stepped back into the ballroom.

Something had happened.

I excused myself from the conversation I wasn’t paying attention to anyway, grabbed a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter, and went directly to her.

As if it were the most natural thing in the world—which it felt like—I slipped my arm around her waist and handed her the glass as I spoke into her ear. “You look like you could use this.”

She trembled ever so slightly in my arm as I held her fast. Whatever had happened, it had definitely shaken her. But she was strong—again, one of the things I loved about her.

Abigail had every reason not to walk into the club with me, especially after the way I’d pushed her away the night before, but she had. With her head held high. She was amazing and courageous. Even if she was having a moment right now, I was already so proud of her for coming this far with me.

“Thank you.” She handed me the now empty glass. “Can we go?” She glanced around, and froze. I watched as her face transformed into a mask of defiance when she saw something over my shoulder.

Slowly, I turned to see Janine Lister and Bitsy Neville emerge from the hallway and the ladies’ room, where Abigail had just returned from. And it all made sense.

“How does that song go?” I grinned. An idea that would achieve more than one thing formed in my head.

She turned toward me and tilted her head in question so her hair cascaded over her bare shoulder enticingly.

“Let’s give them something to talk about.”

Before she could reply, I took her hand and with the other pressed against her back, I led her to the dance floor, where I pulled her scandalously close. For the next few songs, I spun, dipped, and moved my gorgeous date all around the dance floor, until I was certain every person in the place was watching us. Not that I knew for sure, because I never once took my eyes off hers.

When the band started to play a slow song, I pulled Abigail even closer, and slid my hand lower down her back until it rested just over the swell of her ass. “Feel better?”

She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “A little.”

“Do I have more work to do?” I teased. “I could spin you—”

“Why are we here, Phillip?”

Her question caught me off guard and I stumbled. But only a little.

I had a choice. I could give her the glib response. The easy answer. The one that suggested she was here because she owed me. But we both knew that wasn’t true.

We both knew it last night in my office when my lips were on hers, my hands all over her, my need for her almost completely out of control. There was no more pretending.

No more hiding.

“Why do you think you’re here?”

Abigail pulled away a little, but didn’t hesitate with her answer. “Honestly? I don’t know anymore.” For the first time that I could remember, Abigail looked vulnerable and unsure. It took the breath from my lungs. “I thought I knew, but…I’m so confused, Phillip.” Her feet stopped moving and we stood, unmoving on the dance floor. “I thought maybe…but last night, you—”

“Deserved so much more.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“It makes perfect sense, Abigail,” I murmured in her ear as I pulled her close to me again. With my other hand, I tilted her chin up to look at me. “You deserve so much more than a quick fuck on top of my desk.” She startled in my arms at my brash language. Good. I liked to keep her guessing. “So much. You deserve to be loved and cherished and…” I swallowed hard and made sure she was listening carefully, because I could only say it once. “You deserve the truth, Abigail.”

“The truth?”

I nodded slightly, but didn’t hesitate or stumble over the words I’d been waiting far too long to say. “The truth is, I love you, Abigail. I always have.” And then I kissed her. Because it was the only thing I could think to do.

* * *

He loved me.

Always had.

And he was kissing me. Right there in the middle of the ballroom, with everyone watching. Right out in the open. Like it didn’t matter.

Like they didn’t matter.

Like I was the only one who mattered. Because he loved me.

He. Loved. Me.

Hearing the words filled empty spaces in me I didn’t even know existed. It took me a few seconds to catch up to what was happening, but when I did, my entire body responded to him. I pressed closer to him, and let his mouth consume mine. His hand left my chin and twisted through my hair, holding my head in place—as if I would go anywhere.

Never again.

I pulled away from the kiss, but just a little. “Why?” It was an incomplete question. I swallowed hard, and tried again. “All those years ago,” I started and saw the realization flash in his eyes, “why did you walk away?”

He squeezed his eyes shut for a second, but he was still listening.

“Why didn’t you fight for me?”

I don’t think I realized how much I needed the answer. But when Phillip opened his eyes and looked at me, I knew how badly I needed to hear his explanation.

His arms remained wrapped tight around me. “It was the biggest mistake of my life, Abigail. I’ve regretted it every single day since.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I don’t have an answer that is worthy of you.” His head dipped. “Because I wasn’t worthy of you.” His words caused a stab of physical pain, but I forced myself to hear him out. “Daniel always got what he wanted. Ever since we were boys. And he wanted you.” He shook his head a little. “So, I just assumed he’d get you, too. Once he set his sights on you, I knew it was only a matter of time, so I backed off. By the time I realized how much I loved you, and that I should have fought for you, I wanted more than anything to race to the ends of the earth to win you back, but I couldn’t.”

I could see the pain in his eyes, but it didn’t make any sense. “But why not?”

“Like I said, I wasn’t worthy of you.” He offered me a small smile. “You didn’t deserve a man who only realized his feelings after the fact. You deserved a man who was strong enough to know his heart from the outset. So I let you go.”


But Phillip wasn’t done. “I’ve spent the last fifteen years working to be the man worthy of you, Abigail. I would slay dragons for you, and that includes anyone in this room.” He smirked, and I burst out laughing at the idea of Janine and Bitsy as dragons. It wasn’t far off. “I just hope like hell you feel the same way about me, and…”

“And what?” I tipped my head and bit my bottom lip a little, causing him to emit a low groan only I could hear.

“Judging by the way you kissed me, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you feel exactly the same way.”

Damn, he was cocky.

But he was right.

I leaned in until my breasts were pressed up against his chest, and I whispered in his ear. “Take me home, Phillip.”