Hacking Mr. CEO by Anna Hackett


Caramel Macchiato


“I’m going to move into your shower.”

Mav looked up from the roast beef sandwiches he was making. Remi bounced into the kitchen like she’d never run out of energy.

They’d spent most of the morning in bed, and despite that and a hellish night, here she was, freshly showered and looking bright and bubbly.

She was dressed in leggings that hugged her curves—curves that he was now intimately acquainted with. He knew exactly how her ass felt in his hands as she worked herself on his cock.

Then she’d dozed for a while, half on top of him.

Mav didn’t sleep with women. Didn’t like to share his bed after sex was done. Hell, he’d never had a woman here at his home—he met them at a hotel, or their place.

He liked Remi on him, her face buried against his neck as she’d slept. He liked her sleeping on him, worn out from taking him.

“Mav?” She snapped her fingers. She was holding her laptop in her other hand. “Did all that sex fry your brain cells?”


She jumped up to sit on the island. “I don’t know, you’re looking kind of dazed.” She pressed a hand to his forehead and winked.

She was teasing him.

He liked that, too.

“If you move into my shower, I’ll have to charge you rent,” he said.

She poked her tongue out. “What’s for lunch?”

“Roast beef sandwiches.”

Her eyes lit up. “With mustard?”

“Of course.”

“Gimme.” She held her hand out. “I’m starving.”

“I’m not surprised.” Because he wanted to, and couldn’t stop himself, he stepped closer and kissed her.

She hummed into his mouth, her hand clenching in his hair as she kissed him back.

“Mmm, you taste good, too. Probably almost as good as this roast beef sandwich with mustard.”


She tugged him closer and kissed him again. “Okay, maybe a little better.”

He tweaked her ear and passed her the sandwich.

She bit into the food with a small moan, and opened her laptop. He saw that she had the tracking program open. There was a red dot on the Upper East Side.

“Come on, asshole,” she said. “Contact The Shadow.”

“It’s the weekend. He’s likely still in bed.”

She grunted. “Lazy rich dude.”

Mav stood between her legs, hands pressed either side of her hips on the counter. “I’m rich. Do you think I’m lazy?”

She cupped his jaw, her nails scratching over his stubble. “Well, you haven’t been this morning.”

He kissed her, enjoying her hum of pleasure. Then she pushed him away.

“I have a sandwich to eat. Don’t interrupt me.”

They ended up eating their lunch on his terrace. He put the outdoor fireplace on and found her a blanket. Watching her curled up on the outdoor couch, munching on her sandwich, and staring at the fire, set off a strange sense of contentment in him.

A few times, Mav pulled out his phone to check the tracker. Whenever she glanced at him, hope in her eyes, he shook his head.

“I’m going to call Mama.” Remi rose. “Find out if they’ve settled in okay.”

“Boone will call if there’s trouble.”

“I know. But this is more for me.” She ran her hand down his arm, an easy touch, then slipped inside.

It amazed him that a woman who’d had such a rough start to life was so easy with affection. No doubt another thing Mama Alma was responsible for.

Mav gathered up the plates and headed back inside. From the kitchen, he heard the murmur of her voice from the Great Room, followed by a laugh.

He’d just put the plates in the dishwasher when she returned. She leaned against the island, watching him steadily.


“It seems six laptops and a RivSeriesOne gaming system were delivered to the safe house. The boys are currently in fits of delight, trouncing each other in whatever game is their favorite this week. Naomi is starting a cooking blog. Steve is teaching Kaylee how to use her laptop, which you’ll be happy to hear she’s already covered in stickers. And Mama is resting in bed, watching Netflix on her new machine.”

“So, they’re good?”

“Mav, you sent thousands of dollars’ worth of electronics to them!”

“I wanted them to be comfortable.”

She pushed away from the island, grabbed the front of his shirt, and went up on her toes to kiss him. “I like getting a glimpse of the good guy under the gruff.”

He scowled. “I’m not a good guy.”

She grinned. “Too late. I’ve seen him. I know he’s there.”

He growled. “Quit it. Or I’ll make you pay.”

With a grin, she danced backward. “Ooh, I’m trembling. How are you going to do that, big guy?”

Mav took a step forward. “By spanking that curvy ass of yours.”

She gasped, but he didn’t miss the way her eyes flared.

His lips curled. “You like the idea of that, angel?”

“You can’t spank me…unless you catch me first.” She spun and darted around the island.

Desire was a hard, hot punch through his system. He started around the island.

With a laugh, she ran out of the kitchen.

Mav chased her.

They raced through the Great Room, and she dodged behind the couch. She was surprisingly quick.

They ran down the hall, her excited laugh filling the air. She sprinted around the formal dining table and Mav lunged.

He almost caught her, but she yanked free. She raced back toward the Great Room.

“That ass is mine, Solano,” he growled.

She tossed him a hot look over her shoulder.

Back in the Great Room, he put on a burst of speed. He snatched her off her feet, loving her laughing yelp. He landed on the couch with Remi on his lap.

He quickly spun her so she was lying facedown, draped over him.

“Mav!” She was breathless and laughing.

He shoved her shirt up, just high enough to see her angel wings. He took a second to trace them, then pulled her leggings and panties down.

She squirmed, and he drank in that gorgeous bare ass. He slapped one smooth cheek.

She gasped.

“God, I love your ass, Remi.”

Writhing on him, she lifted a little. He caressed her ass, watching goose bumps rise on her skin. He dipped his hand between her thighs. She was wet.

Mav spanked her again, and again. He turned each slap into a caress, soothing the sting. Soon she was making incoherent cries, lifting her ass up to each slap on her oversensitive skin. He slipped his fingers down to her swollen clit, then sank a finger inside her. She was panting.

“Mav, I won’t last much longer.”

He rose and laid her flat on the couch. It took him seconds to strip her leggings off. He yanked a condom from his pocket, opened his jeans, and slid the latex on.

“You carry a condom around?” she asked tartly.

“With you here, I do.” He covered her body with his, loving the way she wrapped herself around him.

He entered her with a single, deep thrust. They both groaned, her arms flexing on him.

“Perfect,” she whispered.

His gaze locked with hers and he started thrusting. This time, he kept his strokes slow and firm, making sure she felt his possession.


“Don’t stop.”

As he picked up speed a little, driven by a desire he could no longer control, he watched her head drop back. She cried out, her nails digging into his skin.

“I…” Whatever she was going to say was lost as she cried out again. He felt her orgasm take her, felt it in the tight squeeze of her body, saw it on her face.

He pulled her closer, lost in her, and he pounded deeper. His climax hit, hard and powerful. With a deep groan, he dropped his face to her neck and shuddered through his release.

Feeling breathless and out of energy, he dropped to the couch, trying to keep as much weight off her as he could.

She let out a gusty, satisfied sigh.

Mav smiled.

Then she slapped his ass. “Okay, big guy, shake off that post-orgasmic haze. Sexy times, as awesome as they were, are over. We need to find our bad guy.”

Mav grunted. “How are you going to get up if I’m lying on top of you?”

She shoved at him, then tried to buck him off, then huffed. “Ugh, you weigh a ton.”

“You’re just small.”

She smacked a kiss to his cheek. “We do need to move.”

“I know.” He heaved himself up. As much as he wished he could keep Remi locked in his penthouse, preferably in his bed, safe, he knew they had a job to do.

The Calix Project wouldn’t be safe, nor would Remi and her family, until they dealt with The Shadow.

* * *


After ducking into Mav’s bedroom to clean up, I headed back downstairs to meet him in his office.

My body still felt warm, loose, and luscious. Who knew spanking could be so much fun? Or wild, sexy couch sex?

Don’t get too used to it, Remi.

And I couldn’t afford to let myself get distracted from the asshole threatening my family. My gut churned.

Mav was already at his computer. My laptop was set up beside him.

I dropped into the chair and studied the tracker screen. Nothing.

“Come on,” I cried. “Rayner can’t still be in bed.”

“I did a little searching.”

A photo from a nightclub popped up. It showed a very drunk-looking Leon with his trio of buddies from Guastavino’s. There were a few women with them.

“Rayner had a very late night.”

I huffed out a frustrated breath. “Waiting sucks.”

“It does.”

A notification popped up on his screen and I looked at it. “Someone called Martine needs you to approve the donation increase for the Kids Tech Fund.”

Mav grunted, opened an email and started typing.

Frowning, I opened a browser and typed in Kids Tech Fund.

A large charity that donated tech—computers, software, electronics—to schools and holiday programs. It focused mainly on inner city schools, but it helped schools all across the country. I sucked in a breath. It was funded by private donors. I suspected one donor in particular.

“Kids Tech Fund, huh?” I said.

Mav glanced my way.

“Funded by private donors.”

He grunted. “I make a lot of tax-deductible donations.”

“Including some pretty hefty ones to help disadvantaged kids learn to use tech, learn to code, to gain the skills they’ll need in today’s workplace?”

Mav stared at his computer screen so hard I was surprised I didn’t see holes bored into it.

Feeling warm and gooey inside, I leaned over and kissed his stubbled cheek. “There’s that good guy again.”

He flicked me a glance. “Do you want another spanking?”

I felt a sweet little pulse in my lower belly. “Yes, but not right now.” I shifted in my chair. “My ass cheeks are a little sensitive.”

Heat ignited in his eyes.

“And there is something I really need.”

“What? I’ll give it to you.”

I cocked my head. “I need a triple, venti, half sweet, non-fat caramel macchiato from Starbucks.”

He eyed me like I’d lost my mind. “A what?”

“A big caramel macchiato with—”

He held up a hand. “I don’t want to know.”

“I know you drink your coffee black, but when I’m stressed, I really need my fix from Starbucks.”

Mav sighed. “It isn’t safe to go out. If The Shadow is watching my place—”

“We’ll put on ballcaps and sneak out the back. Just to Starbucks and back. Please? This waiting is killing me.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Fine.”

“Yay.” I jumped up and kissed him again. “I’ll get my shoes. Wait. Where are my shoes?”

“They were covered in soot. They’re in the laundry room.”

“Oh my God, I didn’t bring extra shoes.”

He shook his head. “I’ll grab them and get some hats.”

My running shoes were pretty grimy but I cleaned them off the best I could. Mav gave me a New York Giants ballcap and I stuffed my hair under it. His hat was a New York Rangers one.

“Hey, I like ice hockey more than football,” I said.

“Me too.” The hat did little to hide his rugged face. He pulled on a tan suede jacket and I slipped into my own puffy, blue coat.

We headed down in the elevator.

“There’s a Starbucks a couple of blocks away.” Once we got outside, he took my hand.

And I found myself braving the cold day, walking down a pretty SoHo street, holding hands with a billionaire.

Funny, I didn’t really think about the billionaire thing so much now. He was just Mav.

When we stepped inside the Starbucks, I absorbed the warm air. It wasn’t too busy.

“You want something?” I asked Mav.

“Hell, no.” He scanned around the place, eyeing the few people inside, including the baristas.

I leaned into him. “I don’t think any of the baristas are out to kill us.”

He shot me a look.

I placed my order and made my way to the end of the counter to wait. Mav stood beside me, shoulders hunched.

As we waited, I wondered what Mama and the kids were doing.

“Remi?” a voice said.

My head jerked up and I saw a slim man in ironed jeans and a black hoodie. His hoodie had the words “I’d rather be phishing” written on the front. His light brown hair was neatly combed, his skin was pale white, and he fidgeted a little.

“I’m so glad I found you.”

His voice registered. “Wesley?”

He smiled at me.

“God, how did you find me here?” I asked.

“I traced your phone. You haven’t been answering my messages.”

He’d what? Oh, my God.

Mav stepped closer to me, his hand dropping to my shoulder. “Remi, who the hell is this?”

I sucked in a breath.

Wesley straightened. “I’m her boyfriend.”

I felt Mav stiffen. I looked up and my stomach clenched to a tiny point. As I watched, his face hardened, his eyes going blank. His hand dropped away from me.

For a second, I knew he was seeing Hannah.

You idiot, Mav.I faced Wesley. “Wesley, you aren’t my boyfriend. Never have been and never will be. I told you I only wanted to be friends, and I tried to be nice and not hurt you.”

“We’re hackers, Remi,” he said insistently. “We have the same work and hobbies. We’re a good match.”

“No, we’re not. You don’t even know me. This is the first time we’ve met in real life.” I glanced at Mav and saw several things working in his gaze now. “And Wes, tracing me via my phone, that’s creepy.”

Wesley’s face fell. “I…I don’t want to be creepy.”

I tried to remind myself he was just a lonely guy, with limited social skills.

Wesley swallowed. “Is there someone else?”

I sighed. “Yes.”

His gaze moved past me to Mav. “Him?”

“Yes, not that it’s any of your business.”

Wesley straightened to his full height, which still put him several inches shorter than Mav. “She’s an amazing woman. You couldn’t treat her right.”

I swallowed a groan.

“Caramel macchiato for Angel?” the barista called out.

“That’s me.” I grabbed the coffee and turned back.

Wesley was trying to stare down Mav, who now looked vaguely amused.

“Wes, go home.”

“No, I want to know who this guy is? He could be a criminal. He could be using you.”

I choked and heard Mav’s low chuckle.

Wesley glared at Mav. “I think we should take this outside.”

Oh my God, what did my sort-of hacker friend think he was going to do with Mav? Fight him? Mav would take him down with one punch.

“Wesley, no—”

“Remi?” a deep voice said from behind me.

I spun and saw Killian. My boss wasn’t in his suit today, but he was still wearing black. Black jeans and a black turtleneck that fit his lean, muscular form, topped with a black leather jacket.

I blinked. “Killian, how did you find me?”

“I traced your phone.”

I huffed out a breath. I had extra security on my phone. How the hell was everyone hacking into it today?

Wesley was goggling at Killian. My boss looked sharp, sexy, and dangerous in a kind of badass assassin way.

Killian meanwhile was looking at Mav. “Rivera.”

“Hawke,” Mav replied.

“Wait,” Wesley breathed. “Rivera?” He studied Mav’s face hard under the brim of the cap. His mouth dropped open. “Maverick Rivera. Oh wow, Remi. You’re sleeping with Maverick Rivera!”

“What the fuck?” Killian bit out. “What the hell have you dragged Remi into, Rivera?” His dark gaze locked on my face. “I found out about the fire. Are you okay?”

“So much for our disguises,” Mav grumbled.

“Killian,” I said. “I’m fine.”

“Wait,” Wesley said. “Killian Hawke from Sentinel Security.” Wes breathed my boss’ name like he was a rockstar. He glanced at me. “Are you sleeping with him too?”

My patience, which wasn’t that great to begin with, snapped. “Okay, Wesley, it is none of your business who I sleep with. And don’t ever track my phone again, or I will hack your computer and make you regret it. Understand?”

His shoulders slumped and he nodded.

“Killian, I’m fine. Mav didn’t get me into this mess, I did. He’s helping me.”

Killian reached for my arm. “You’re mine, Remi. You should have contacted me.”

Mav pushed up behind me, his big chest pressing against my back. “She isn’t yours.”

“Cool it, Rivera, I mean she works for me, so that makes her one of mine. I look after my people.”

Mav slid an arm around me. “Well, she’s in my bed, so that makes her well and truly mine.”

I cocked a hip. “Why don’t you just brand me? That should limit the confusion.” I tried to pull away but Mav held me tight. I released a breath. “I actually belong to myself, but Mav is helping me, and I promise things will be fine. Eventually.”

Killian stared at my face, then reluctantly nodded. He skewered Mav with a laser stare. “You’d better take good care of her or I will make you pay.”

Mav just grunted.

Jeez, the alpha male displays were half annoying, half sexy.

Then something finally clicked in my head. “Wait. How did you two trace my phone? I have it locked down.”

Killian frowned. “I got a tracking message from you, telling me where you were.”

Wesley nodded. “I did too.”

My blood turned to ice. “I didn’t send any messages.”

Behind me, Mav stiffened. “The Shadow got into your phone.”

“And sent a tracking message out. Probably to all my recently used contacts, knowing that bogus email address of his was there too.” My pulse pounded. “He knows where I am.”

Mav snatched my phone, dropped it to the floor, then stomped his boot on it.

It crunched to tiny pieces.

Killian crossed his arms over his chest. “I think you’d better share exactly what the hell is going on.”

I tasted bile. I didn’t want Killian in danger as well. “No, I—”

Suddenly, the front windows of the Starbucks shattered in a hail of gunfire.