Hacking Mr. CEO by Anna Hackett


Rivera Tech Park


Ashort while later, the helicopter swept in over Rivera Tech Park.

Several large, hexagonal-shaped buildings were surrounded by lush gardens, and not far away were several enormous warehouses, with assembly lines for tech they constructed locally. Mav tried to provide as many local jobs as he could.

Beside him, Remi bounced in her seat, nose pressed to the side window of the helicopter.

She didn’t hide a single ounce of her joy and curiosity.

The helicopter pulled in, hovered, and then landed on the helipad outside the main building. Remi caught his eye and smiled.

“There you go, Mr. Rivera,” the pilot called back.

“Thank you, Mark.” Mav open the side door, climbed out, and then helped Remi out.

“Wow,” she mouthed.

A man in pressed pants and a checked shirt with a lanyard dangling around his neck strode across the helipad to meet them. Dr. Ruben Jones, a tall, lanky, African-American man in wire-rimmed glasses, was the head of operations.

“Didn’t know you’d be visiting on a Sunday afternoon, Mav.”

“Chill, Ruben, I’m working on a special project, and needed some more computer power. Ruben, this is Remi. Remi, Ruben’s the boss around here.”

“Hi.” She shook Ruben’s hand. “The place looks great.” She took in all the glass walls of the building, and the green interior walls visible through the glass. There were plants everywhere.

“You work in tech, Remi?” Ruben asked.

She nodded. “Cybersecurity.”

“Well, wait until you get a look at Mav’s computer lab.”

Remi grinned. “I can’t wait.”

Mav rolled his eyes. “We don’t want to be disturbed while we’re in my lab.”

“You got it,” Ruben replied. “There are only a few people here today, anyway.”

They headed down the hall. Ruben showed them the kitchen area near the lab—fully stocked with a coffee machine, sodas, and snacks.

Remi grabbed a cookie. “Must be nice to work here.” She took a bite.

“Most people like it,” Mav said.

“Unfortunately, there are always a couple who are unhappy.” Ruben glanced at Mav. “You got the report on Tisdale?”

Mav scowled. “Yeah.”

“Security caught him trying to cut through the fence on the eastern side of the park a few days ago.”

Remi raised a brow.

“Disgruntled employee,” Mav said. “He was fired recently.”

“He has a mental illness, and he’s not taking his meds,” Ruben said.

“Tisdale believes my phones are secretly embedding microchips in people’s fingers. So I can control the world,” Mav said, deadpan.

Remi bit her lip. “You do look like an evil mastermind.”

He wanted to kiss her and swat her butt, but he managed to restrain himself.

“You gave him enough chances, Mav,” Ruben said. “The lawyers are going to press charges this time.”

Mav sighed. “Fine.”

They reached a large door that was marked Comp Lab 15.

“If you need anything, let me know. I’ll be in my office.”

“Thanks, Ruben.”

The man nodded his head at Remi. “Nice to meet you, Remi.”

“You, too.”

Mav pressed a hand to a scanner beside the door and it beeped. The door slid open, and he led her inside.

She gasped. “Oh. My. God.”

It was his own little space. He led her past the line of servers to the heart of the lab.

“This is my private lab.” He felt a funny sensation. He spent a lot of time here, when he could escape the city and the meetings.

She turned in a circle—taking in the computer screens, the large digital board, the workbenches covered in tools and half-built prototypes.

She met his gaze. “This is awesome.”

He smiled, chest filled with…something.

“Can I see your system now?” She fluttered her lashes.

“You have to buy me dinner first,” he said.

“How about a bite of cookie?” She held up what was left of her cookie.

Mav bit it, purposely letting his tongue touch her fingers.

She bit her lip, watching his mouth.

As he chewed on his mouthful of cookie, he waved at the chair in front of the main screens. “All yours, angel.”

She moved fast, and scrambled into the chair. He figured he should be insulted that she was so desperate to test out his computer, almost forgetting about him in the process.

Except, he realized that she was looking at it much the same way she’d looked at his mouth. His gut clenched.

“Nice.” She tapped, zooming through his system. Her eyebrows winged up. “When you said more computer power, I didn’t expect this!”

Mav sat beside her. “I wanted the best, most powerful system in the world.”

“Of course, you did.” She cracked her knuckles. “Now, let’s get to work.”

Mav tapped the keyboard, and pulled up his tracker and all the info.

“One of these dots is The Shadow.” She tapped her nails on the desk. “We need to use a few parameters to track him down.”

“We can’t assume that he’s in New York.”

She swiveled. “You don’t think so?”

“He could be in a foreign nation, or an international terrorist organization.”

She shuddered. “I really hope not. Okay, let’s see if I can narrow down some dates and times. Maybe link it to that bogus Gmail email account.”

Her fingers flew.

Soon, she was absorbed. He really liked watching her work.

The computer pinged. It was an internal Rivera Tech chat window and he opened it. Rollo’s face and disheveled hair appeared.

“Mav-man. Didn’t know you were coming out here today.”

“Hey, Rollo.” He waved at Remi to stay out of sight. “I’m working on a special project.”

The man’s eyebrows winged up. “Need help?”

“No, thanks.”

Rollo tossed him a salute. “Just give a shout if you do.” The man stuck his hand in a bag of chips. “I’m just down the hall.”

The screen went black.

“How’s it going?” Mav asked her.

Her brow creased. “It’s taking longer than I’d hoped.”

He leaned closer. “I have another algorithm I’ve been working on. It might speed things up.”

“Show me.”

They worked together. He liked how her brain tackled problems. Mav was more linear and direct in his thinking, but Remi’s brain seemed to toss out a bunch of different ideas all at once.

“Okay. Search parameters are in.” He hit a key.

“Wow, that algorithm rocks.” She smiled at him and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

It was just a casual, fleeting kiss, but he felt it to his toes.

“I think you might be a genius, Rivera.”

“Time magazine said I was.”

She grinned. “Show off.”

She flicked the search up on the screen and he saw the progress bar at 3%. It ticked to 4%.

“It’s still going to take a while.” Her fingernails tapped on the desk.

“But it will be far less than before. You just need a little patience.”

“That’s one virtue I can’t claim.” She eyed him, something changing in her gaze. “Do you have any cameras in here?”

He frowned. “No, just outside the door in the hall.”

“Good.” She rose, and closed the gap between them.

“Why?” he asked slowly.

She dropped to her knees. “Because I thought of something pleasurable we could do to pass the time.”

As her hands slid up his thighs, every muscle in Mav’s body locked. “Oh?”

She smiled, her fingers moving to his belt buckle.

“Yes, I’m going to suck that big cock of yours.”

* * *


I felt the tension vibrating in Mav’s big body.

Because of me.

Oh yeah, I loved driving this man wild.

I finished unbuckling his belt and opened his jeans. His thick cock sprang free.

Hot flames licked at my belly. I was almost shaking with the need to touch him, pleasure him. I gripped his cock, and stroked down to the base. He let out a low groan.

“What was that, Mr. Rivera?” she teased.

“I can’t think with your face so close to my cock.”

“Good.” I leaned in. God, he was so thick and long.

“And feeling you breathing on it makes it even worse,” he added.

That bossy, grumpy tone got to me every time.

“Clamp those big hands of yours on the arms of your chair. I’m in charge now.”

His dark eyes flashed. “Really?”

I pumped his cock and got another groan. “Really.”

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this.” His voice was a growl.

“Like I said, you aren’t in charge.”

“Remi, put your mouth on me before I lose my mind.”

My gaze locked on his. That hungry expression on his rugged face made me wet between my legs.

Staring at him, I leaned closer and licked the head of his cock. He growled. Oh, that need, that hunger was all for me.

I licked again, swirling my tongue around the swollen head of his erection. My hair slid forward, brushing his skin.

He jerked in the chair, and I saw his knuckles turn white as he gripped the armrests.

I closed my mouth on his cock and sucked.

His tortured groan sent up butterflies in my belly. With a growl, one of his hands slid into my hair, massaging my scalp.

The man just had to take charge. Luckily, I liked it, and because he wasn’t directing or forcing me, I just closed my eyes and kept working him.

“You’re so damn hot, Remi. You drive me crazy.”

His voice was so guttural that I could barely understand him.

I swirled my tongue, and heard him suck in a breath. Gently, he nudged me further down, his cock going deep.

My fingers dug into his hard thighs.

“God, angel.” He growled. “That’s it, swallow me.”

I moved up and down—taking him deep, then moving until just the head was in my mouth.

I loved his cock. I loved driving him wild. His big body vibrated under me, his fingers firm against my scalp.

“Angel… Remi…”

His hips bucked up, driving him deeper. My vision blurred, sensation exploding. Shit, I was going to come just from this.

He grunted, then groaned my name. With another thrust, he came, exploding down my throat.

I trembled, on the verge of my own climax.

He gently eased out of my mouth, and then I was yanked onto his lap.

I was panting.

“That mouth of yours.” He yanked me in and kissed me.

I squirmed, desire leaving me needy and lightheaded.

“What’s my angel need?” His brown eyes were on me—hot, and filled with something I couldn’t put a name to.

Or maybe I was afraid to, in case I was just imagining what I wanted to see.

His hands slid down my thighs, back up and inside my leggings.

“Mav,” I gasped.

“Shh, now I’m going to give you what you need.”

His hand went straight into my panties.

“So wet, angel. You love my cock, don’t you?”

His knuckles rubbed my clit. On a husky cry, I exploded.

My body jerked and shuddered. Mav held me tight, rubbing my clit until I touched his hand and pushed him away.

His strong arms closed around me.

With a contented sigh, I leaned back against him. Again, I felt that safe feeling.

I closed my eyes. Part of me said not to trust it. People had been disappearing all my life. Letting me down. Hearts were so damn hard to repair, so it was better to keep it light, have fun, and not risk anything deeper.

I kissed the underside of his jaw.

“That was nice,” I said.


“Sorry. That was off-the-charts, mind blowing.”

He pinched my side. “That’s better.”

“Hot sex with you is a definite side benefit of this whole situation.”

I saw him frown.

The computer pinged.

“It’s Ruben,” he said.

I scrambled up and out of view. I needed to tidy up. I grabbed a bottle of water off the desk and sipped.

On the screen, Ruben was frowning. Behind him, I heard an alarm going off.

“Mav,” Ruben said. “We have a minor security breach.”

“Oh?” Mav said, stiffening.

Ruben sighed. “It’s Tisdale.” The director shook his head. “He cut the fence. The security team’s been dispatched.”

“Okay. He really needs help, Ruben.”

“I know. We’ve tried. He’s a smart guy, but his demons are hard to tame, and right now he doesn’t seem to want to tame them.”

Mav nodded, and pressed a hand to the back of his neck. “Keep me posted.”

The chat window closed.

“You feel bad for him,” I said.

“Of course. Tisdale was a good employee. A good guy. It’s upsetting and frustrating to see him like this, and not be able to help him.”

I wrapped my arms around Mav and hugged him. “You’re a good guy, Maverick Rivera.”

An insistent chime came from the computer.

“What now?” Mav’s face changed, and my heart did a flip.

“The tracker narrowed down to an address,” Mav said. “In Manhattan.”

“Oh my God, where?” I leaned over his shoulder.

“In SoHo.”

I felt a chill. “That’s just around the block from your place.”

“A three-story house.”

I looked at the image he pulled up. It was a plain rectangular, corner building painted a dark gray, with narrow balconies on all sides. It didn’t look like much, but I knew it would be worth millions.

Mav tapped in a search. “Fuck. It’s a rental.”

“Rented by…?”

“Zaria Corp.” He tapped again. “I can’t find anything on them.”

“Let me.” My fingers danced. “It’s a shell company.” I groaned. “A real tangle of shell companies.”

“Dammit,” Mav bit out.

“Hang on.” I opened up a chat window, and a second later, Killian’s handsome face appeared. “Killian.”

My boss frowned. “Remi. You okay?”

I nodded. “I have a rental in SoHo that’s owned by a fake company. Can you trace the owner?”

“I can try.” Killian steepled his hands. “You ready to explain yet?”

“I can’t. I’m protecting you.”

Kill growled. “Let me help you, Remi.”

Mav leaned in. “You can help by looking up Zaria Corp.”

“Fine.” Killian’s hawkish face hardened. “If I find something, I’ll call. And Remi, if you need me, I’m only a call away.”

“Thanks, Killian.”

Mav scowled at the empty screen. “He’s possessive of you.”

“He’s my boss. He looks out for everyone who works for him. He helped us out yesterday.” Mav looked put out, so I kissed him. “What do we do now?”

“I’m going to call Zane and Liam for help.”

A moment later, Mav had Zane on the screen. The billionaire was sitting in his office, an amazing view of the city behind him.

“Why are you in your office?” Mav asked.

“Last-minute meeting. You two okay?”

“We tracked The Shadow to a place in SoHo. It’s owned by a shell company called Zaria Corp.” Mav told him the address. “I thought you and Liam might be able to help.”

“Do not go over there, Mav.”

“We might need to—”

“That’s not in your skill set. But, I have some visitors.”

Two men stepped into view.

One was long, lanky, with long, dark hair pulled back in a stubby ponytail. The other held his muscled body in a way that signaled readiness. He had ink-black hair and dark-blue eyes that looked like they missed nothing. Both men were hot, but the black-haired one sent a chill down my spine.

“Remi, this is Ace Oliveira and Vander Norcross. Vander owns Norcross Security in San Francisco, and Ace is his tech guy.”

Oh, the boogeyman’s boogeyman.

Ace smiled, and I could see he was a bit of a charmer. But as I looked at the ruggedly handsome Vander Norcross, I thought badass-who-could-kill-you-with-one-finger might be a better title.
