Hacking Mr. CEO by Anna Hackett


I Just Need You


Mav leaped on Remi, pinning her to the floor.

“Everyone, get down!” he roared.

Beside him, Killian yanked Wesley down, shoving the young hacker behind an armchair.

More gunfire hit and more glass broke. He heard bullets thud into something nearby. Beneath him, he felt Remi shaking.

“We need to crawl away from the windows,” he said against her ear.

She nodded.

He lifted his weight off her, keeping his body between her and the window. They crawled across the floor, through her spilled coffee, toward the back of the coffeeshop. He saw other customers huddled under tables. Thankfully, no one appeared to be hurt.

Stopping, he yanked Remi close, keeping himself wrapped around her.

Closer to the windows, Killian rose cautiously. He had a black handgun clutched in his hand. He moved toward the door, peering out through the glass.

He glanced at Mav with a silent warning to stay, then slipped outside.

“God, is it over?” Remi whimpered.

“Just hold tight, angel. I’ve got you.”

She clung to him.

Killian was back a moment later, his gun no longer in view. “Shooter’s gone.”

“Thank God,” a customer cried out.

“I’m calling 9-1-1,” a barista shouted. “Everyone sit tight.”

Fuck. Mav didn’t want to stay here. He wanted Remi back at his place, safe.

Nearby, Wesley was sitting up, rocking a little. He looked shell shocked.

“Jesus, Mav,” Remi said. “The Shadow could have killed all these people—” her voice hitched “—just to get to me.”

He stroked a hand down her back. “It’s all right. No one was hurt.”

Killian knelt and handed out a key fob. “My ride’s out front. Gray Range Rover. It’s armored. Get her somewhere safe.”

Mav took the keys. “Thanks, Hawke. I owe you.”

“Just keep her safe.” Killian looked at Remi. “If you need me, call.”

“Thanks, Kill,” she murmured.

“Come on.” Mav helped her up. He hustled her outside, and as they headed for the Range Rover, it unlocked automatically.

As fast as he could, he got Remi in the passenger seat. Once he slid behind the steering wheel, he started the SUV and pulled out. The wheels screeched, and he forced himself to relax, hands flexing on the wheel.

Fucking hell.He blew out a long breath. He took the long way back to his place and once they were in his garage, he carefully scanned around.

He wasted no time getting Remi into the elevator and upstairs. Inside his place, he checked his security system, and made sure it was engaged.

Then he turned. His heart clenched.

Remi had her arms around herself, her shoulders hunched. Her caramel macchiato had ended up spilled down the front of her.

He cupped her chin and saw misery in her eyes.

“It’s never going to end. He’ll keep coming until he kills me, or you, or my family.” She bit her lip and shook her head. “I couldn’t live if you or Mama, or the kids—”

“Hey.” He yanked her to his chest, holding her tight. He was clearly getting the hang of the hugging thing, as this didn’t feel odd at all.

She gripped onto him and he felt dampness on his shirt. Looking down, he saw the tears tracking down her cheeks and felt a moment of panic.

“Don’t cry.”

She sniffled. “I can’t exactly control it, Mav.”

“Try.” He rubbed a soothing hand up and down her back. “I promise you, we will find this asshole, and we will stop him.”

She looked up at him. The tears were slowing. “Together.”

“Together. Maverick Rivera and his Rogue Angel.”

That got him a twitch of her lips.

“Why don’t I run you a bath? You can soak in there and relax.”

She tilted her head. “Have you ever run a bath before?”

“No.” He’d never used the tub in the master bathroom. “How hard can it be? Dump in some smelly stuff and run the water.”

“There’s that nice Maverick guy again.”

“I can put you in the bath with a red ass.”

She giggled. “A bath sounds nice.”

“Good.” In the bathroom, he turned on the water in the marble tub, and found a bottle of something lavender smelling in the cabinet under one of the sinks. He dumped some in and bubbles frothed.

When he turned, he found a now-naked Remi standing in the bathroom.

His cock twitched.

Shit, they’d been shot at. She was scared, upset, probably still in a bit of shock. He got a lock on his desire.

“Get in the tub.” Crap, his voice held a rough edge.

Remi didn’t seem to mind. She just smiled, stroked his arm, and slipped into the tub. She leaned back, closed her eyes, and let out a little sigh.

Good. He let himself stroke her cheekbone. “I’ll be in my office. Just yell if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Mav.”

He slipped out before he stripped off his clothes and got in with her.

In his office, he checked the tracker—still nothing—and answered a few emails. He flicked through a report that Richard was waiting on. His CFO got testy if reports were late.

Well over an hour had passed when he heard a noise in the doorway. He felt a little flash of déjà vu seeing Remi standing there, bundled up in a robe. He held out a hand to her.

She reached for it, fingers curling around his. She perched on the arm of his chair. “Rayner?”


She nodded. “It’s a little early, but will you come to bed. I don’t want to sleep without you.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “Whatever you need, angel.”

“I just need you,” she whispered.

* * *


The next morning, Mav stood in his kitchen, making coffee for himself and Remi.

He sipped his black one, then stirred more creamer into hers. She and Liam would probably bond over sweet, milky coffee.

Mav’s gut tightened. He realized he wanted to introduce her to his friends. Wanted them to like each other.

Yesterday, at Starbucks, he’d had a moment where he’d thought for a second that Remi was another Hannah. Wesley had stood there, proclaiming to be her boyfriend, and Mav had been plunged back to college and the entire mess with Hannah.

But he realized it had just been a split-second gut reaction. He knew Remi. He knew she was fiercely loyal to those she loved. Knew she’d never betray someone who was hers.

He’d known her a week. He shook his head. He shouldn’t be so ready to trust her.

“Okay, I’ve changed my mind, I’m moving into your bathtub.”

Remi skipped into the kitchen, holding the new Riv 6+ phone he’d given her to replace her destroyed one. She was in a pair of black leggings, with a silky-looking, white sweater and a denim jacket over the top. Her hair was out today and sometime since he’d left her well-pleasured in his bed this morning, she’d painted her nails. They were now red and black, painted diagonally across the nail.

She looked refreshed. There was no sign of the dejection and fear from the night before. She’d just bounced back. Mav pressed his lips together. He’d like to make it so she didn’t have to roll with the punches.

“I’ll still charge you rent.”

Smiling, she walked up to him, sliding her hands up his chest. “I think I could get around you.”

“I’m no pushover, Solano.” He looked at her hands. “I like your nails.”

“This is my ‘hunting the bad guy’ look.”

He didn’t want her thinking about The Shadow just yet and tugged her closer.

“Wait,” she said. “Rayner—”

“Nothing yet.” Mav kissed her, sliding his hands around to cup her ass.

With a tiny moan, she kissed him back. He lifted her onto the island, shoving her legs apart.

Things were just getting interesting, when his phone rang.

He groaned. “I have to get that.”

“Really?” She shimmied against him.

“It’s my mom.”

“What?” She let go of him at lightning speed.

Smiling, he grabbed his phone. “Hi, Mom.”

Buenos dias, mi hijo. I hope you’re relaxing.”

“I am.”

Remi tried to wriggle away from him, but he held her tight.

“How are you, Mom?”

“Good, good. Your father and I are in the city today. We’re just around the corner from your place. Are you free for coffee with your parents?”

Oh, hell.Mav glanced at Remi. “Sure, Mom.”

“Wonderful. See you in a few minutes.”

“See you soon.”

Remi impersonated a statue. “See you soon?”

“My parents are about to drop in for a quick visit.”

Her eyes went as wide as dinner plates. “What?” Her voice was a squeak.

“My parents—”

“I heard you.” She leaped off the island. “I’ll hide in your office.”

“You are not hiding.” He scowled at her.

“What are you going to tell them?”

“That you’re a friend.” He hadn’t put labels on what was going on with Remi, but he wasn’t hiding her. He could lie to himself, but not to his parents.

“A friend? Just hanging around barefoot at your place on a Sunday?” She made a sound, then raced around. “Where are my shoes?”

He grabbed her upper arms. “It’s fine. Calm down. We’ll say you’re here working on a special project.”

She sucked in a breath. “Okay. That should work.”

She disappeared out of the kitchen and Mav rinsed out his coffee mug.

When he looked up, she had her laptop at the kitchen table, and a pair of dark-framed glasses perched on her nose.

He stilled. “Where did those come from?”

She looked up. “What?”

Desire was like a punch to his stomach. “The glasses?”

“Oh, my laptop bag. They don’t have a prescription. I find if I wear them at cafés when I’m on my laptop, people leave me alone to work. Glasses have power. Ask Clark Kent.”

He wouldn’t leave her to do anything. He strolled over and caught her chin. “Later, I want you in my bed, wearing those glasses and nothing else.”

Her lips twitched, and her gaze dropped to the hardening bulge in his jeans. “You have a glasses fetish, Rivera?”

“No, I’ve got a Remi-in-glasses fetish.”

The doorbell rang and her smile vanished.

“It’s going to be fine,” he said.

Mav walked to the front door and let his parents in.


His mother hugged him, then cocked her head. “You look good.”

“Thanks. You too.” He kissed her cheek. “Hi, Dad.”

“Mav.” His father hugged him and they slapped backs.

“We met some friends for brunch,” his mother said.

“Late breakfast,” his father grumbled. “It doesn’t need a fancy name.”

“We have a surprise for you,” his mother continued. “We—”

As they walked into the kitchen, his mother’s gaze snagged on Remi, who was doing her best to look professional.

“Who’s this?” his mother breathed.

“Mom, Dad, this is Remi.”

“Hello,” Remi said with a nod.

Mav waved her over and she glared. He realized this was about the barefoot thing. He jerked his head and she came reluctantly.

“I’m Remi. I’m working with Mr. Rivera on a project.”

“Really?” his mother said. “On a Sunday?”

“An urgent project,” Remi said.

His mother looked at Mav. She was well aware that he didn’t let many people into his private domain, but Remi didn’t know that.

“You might not be aware, but your son is a workaholic,” Remi said.

“Oh, we know,” his mother said.

“And a bit bossy.”

His mom’s lips quirked. “I know that, too.”

His mother looked extremely happy. The door buzzed again.

“Oh, that’s your surprise.” She hustled out toward the front door. “Look who we found downstairs.”

As Zane and Liam strolled in, Mav ground his teeth together. Oh, crap. They saw Remi and froze. Remi looked like she’d stopped breathing.

“What is she doing here?” Zane asked.

“They’re working on a project,” Mav’s mom said.

“I bet they are,” Liam murmured.

“Ah…” Remi took a step toward the door. “I need to check something in the office.” Then she fled.

* * *


I escaped into Mav’s home office.

God. His place was now full of people. The office door flung open and I spun.

Zane Roth stormed in, followed by Liam Kensington.

I lifted my chin.

“You’re a hacker and a traitor,” Zane said. “You’re blackmailing Mav and we won’t let you hurt him.”

“You don’t understand,” I said.

Zane shook his head. “I know a woman stomped on his trust once. I know you’ve ensnared him—”

I laughed. “You think I somehow got him obsessed with me?” I waved a hand. “Me? Yes, I’m a regular femme fatale. You have no idea what’s going on here.”

“Really?” Liam picked up my discarded robe off the floor.

Heat flooded my cheeks. “Look, Mav and I are working together. He doesn’t want to drag you both into it. He knows you’ve been through your own crap lately.”

They both stared at her, frowning.

The door opened again.

Mav blocked the doorway, and scowled at his friends and strode straight to me. He wrapped an arm around me.

So much for pretending things were purely professional.

“Where are your parents?” I asked.

“Making coffee.” He looked at his friends. “Remi is a white-hat hacker who works for Sentinel Security.”

“Killian Hawke’s company,” Liam said.

“Yes. Her foster mother is sick, and a not-so-friendly someone bribed her into hacking my system.”

“They wouldn’t take no for an answer,” I said quietly.

Mav squeezed my shoulders. “They set her family home on fire, and chained the doors closed. With her foster mother and siblings inside.”

Zane muttered a curse. Liam’s face was suffused with anger.

Zane’s gaze met mine. “Are they all right?”

I nodded.

“Boone got them out,” Mav added. “I hired him to watch them. Then yesterday, we were shot at while we were at Starbucks.”

Liam sucked in a breath. “I heard about that shooting. Are you both all right?”

“We’re fine,” Mav said.

“You should have called.” Zane stepped closer and dragged a hand through his dark hair. “I’m sorry.” He looked directly at me. “I’m sorry I was hard on you. We were just worried about him.”

I swallowed. “He has good friends. I don’t want him hurt, either.”

“Remi and I are going to find The Shadow. Unmask him.”

Zane cursed.

“This is a dangerous game,” Liam said.

“He’s after military secrets,” Mav growled. “And he’s willing to kill innocent people, kids. I won’t let that stand.”

Mav’s friends didn’t look happy but they nodded.

“What can we do to help?” Zane asked.



He held up a hand. “I don’t have anything yet, but we’re working on it. If we need help, I’ll call.”

“Promise?” Liam looked at me. “He’s notorious for trying to do everything himself, and not asking for help.”

I smiled. “Noted.”

“I promise,” Mav said with the grumpy growl. “I already gave Vander a heads up.”

Remi cocked her head. “Who’s Vander?”

“Vander Norcross. Ex-military. Runs a security company.”

Zane nodded. “He’s helped us out in the past and does work for Roth Enterprises. Guy is spooky, scary, and gets the job done.”

“The boogeyman,” Remi said.

“No,” Mav said. “He’s the guy the boogeyman is afraid of.”

The computer on the desk let out an insistent chime.

Still scowling, Mav leaned over it.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Rayner made some calls and sent some messages.”

My heart leaped. “Is the dragon angel working?”

His brows drew together. “Too well.” He shifted.

On-screen was the map of the United States. A red tangle of lines was spreading out like an infection from New York.

I frowned. “No, it’s tracking everyone in his network.”

“And everyone connected to them.”

“Can we limit it? Find a way to narrow it to The Shadow?”

A muscle ticked in his jaw. “Not easily. We need more computer power.”

I watched the map turning red.

We need a lot more power. Dammit.

“God, they’re perfect for each other,” Zane murmured.

“There must be something we can do,” I said ignoring the billionaire. “I’m not letting that asshole win. I let Rayner pinch my ass to get that trojan on his phone.”

Mav’s face turned to stone. “He what?”

“Stay focused, big guy. We need to think.”

“No, we need more computer power. Luckily, I have that.”

My head whipped up.

“At the Rivera Tech Park upstate.”

I gasped. “Oh my God, I’ve always wanted to see inside of that place.”

“Yes, perfect for each other,” Liam whispered.

Mav smiled. “Today’s your lucky day, angel.”

“He’s smiling again,” Zane said.

“I know,” Liam replied. “I’m still not used to it.”

“All right, you two need to get back to your women,” Mav said. “We need to get to Rivera Tech Park.”

“Okay, you guys be careful,” Zane said.

After Mav showed his friends out, we tracked down his parents. They were finishing their coffees in the living room.

“I’m sorry, Mom and Dad, Remi and I need to go to my labs at Syracuse. It’s important.”

His mom gave him a look I’d seen on Mama Alma’s face too many times to count, then she nodded. She must’ve picked up on the seriousness.

Mav hugged his mom. I fought off the edgy itchiness. I wanted to get to work, and away from the scrutiny of Mav’s parents.

“To make it up to me, you need to come home for a family dinner next week,” Mrs. Rivera said.

“Okay, Mom.”

I felt a little flash of heat on my cheeks. Was there anything sweeter than a big, strong man who clearly adored his mother?

“And bring Remi,” Mrs. Rivera continued.

“What?” My eyes widened. I shook my head, but Mav pretended not to notice.

Then Mrs. Rivera turned my way and I smiled.

“I’d love to, Mrs. Rivera, but I—”

She gave me the mom look. Wow, that really packed a punch.

“I’d love to,” I said in a rush.


Mrs. Rivera beamed, patted Mav’s arm, and then touched my cheek.

Mav’s dad just smiled at us.

After they’d left, I decided to ignore the dinner thing. “I’ll pack my laptop.”

He nodded. “I’ll get your shoes.”

Soon we were in his sexy, little roadster, zipping down the street. My sooty shoes couldn’t be helped. I just hoped I didn’t make a mess in his fancy car.

When he drove into a garage at the Rivera Tech head office, I frowned. “Do you need to pick something up from here?”

“Yeah.” He grabbed my laptop bag and swung it onto his shoulder.

He used a fingerprint scanner and retinal scan to get us into the building. Soon, we were in an elevator, shooting upward.

In my head, I calculated how long it would take us to drive to Rivera Tech Park. Every hour of delay was time wasted. I wanted The Shadow exposed. I wanted Mama and my family safe.

“Have you heard from Boone?” I asked.

“Yes, he’s busy trying to beat Charlie and Jamal at Mario Kart. And Naomi is cooking up enough food for all of Long Island.”

The tension inside me eased a little. They were safe.

“I told him to give them your new number,” Mav added.

The elevator doors opened and I frowned. This wasn’t Mav’s office.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

He pushed open an external door. “Getting our ride to the lab.”

The whump-whump-whump of rotors hit me. I stepped out and sucked in a breath.

A sleek, black helicopter sat on the helipad, the side door open and the rotors spinning.

The Rivera Tech logo was painted on the side of it.

Mav waved a hand. “After you.”