Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Pippa frowned as a weird thumping noise interrupted her show. She yawned and looked around. What time was it? Where was everyone?

Her bladder protested as she moved. Slime balls.

Urgh, she didn’t want to get out of bed. It was so hard to drag herself free of the fog pulling her down and find the energy to do anything. It was easier just to hide in Little headspace and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist.

Yeah. And how is that working for you? You just going to spend the rest of your life in bed?

What about the princes? They were going to get sick of being around her. When was the last time she even saw Kassim? And Matek had to be upset with her.

Grabbing Cranky, because when you were upset sometimes you just needed your toy to come pee with you, she stomped into the bathroom.

Darn it. Why was the toilet seat so cold? She shivered. Maybe she should have put some more clothes on than the shorty pajama set that Aric had bought her.

She wished she could rewind time. Go back and change everything.

After peeing, she washed her hands, avoiding looking at herself in the mirror.

Nobody wanted to see what a mess she was. Least of all her.

That thumping sound came again.


She froze.

“Hey, someone help!”

That was . . . that was Matek. But why would Matek be calling for help?

Because he’s injured, dummy. He’s hurt. Go help him.

She shook her head. She couldn’t help him. She couldn’t even help herself. And she didn’t want to see him. Didn’t want the guilt to override her. Matek never got mad at her. Never grew tired of her. He was just there for her. He always stood between her and any harm.

The thought of him dying . . . if she lost him, she’d lose a piece of her heart.


But isn’t shutting him out like this losing him too?

“Shut up, shut up,” she whispered. She’d managed to shut down the voice telling her she was being a dumbass. Telling her to go to Matek and tell him she was sorry. To ask for forgiveness. To hold on to him and never let him go.

The voice saying to track down Kassim and demand that he tell her why the fuck he was avoiding her.

The voice that said she needed to treat Aric and Tavi more fairly. To be the woman they needed. The voice that screamed that she needed them to follow through on their warnings, not just make them and walk away.

Because somehow that made her feel worse.

“Stupid voice, stop it.”

It all rushed at her, threatening to overwhelm her.

She’d turned it off, but the pipes had burst.

And she couldn’t breathe.

Leaning over, she grasped hold of the counter as she attempted to breathe in and out.

She should probably leave. But how could she when they held her heart?

So what are you doing instead? Pushing them away before they can send you away?

“You’re a fucking idiot,” she muttered. “Who does that? You know who? Dumb idiots. Four freaking gorgeous men want you and you push them away because you’re scared?” She stood and looked at herself. “Find some backbone, Pippa.”

Damn, her dad would be ashamed. He didn’t raise her to be like this. It felt like ever since he died, she’d been hiding. Protecting herself from hurt. She’d chosen Gary, not because she loved him but because she knew she never would love him. She’d run to Escana because it was easier than facing everyone back home. She’d told herself it was an adventure, but she’d never pushed herself to do more. Now, when she came close to losing one of her men, she was running again, trying to protect herself.

And hurting herself and everyone around her. She hadn’t missed the concerned looks Tavi and Aric had given her, the hurt at her rejection.

Then there was Matek and Kassim.

Maybe they were angry. Maybe they couldn’t forgive her.

But she wouldn’t know if she didn’t try.

Another thump. “Help! Help!”

Shit. Shit. Where was everyone? Why was Matek calling for help? Where was that therapist? Pippa had taken an instant dislike to her when she’d opened the door to Pippa’s room without knocking. She’d claimed she’d gotten the wrong room, but Pippa hadn’t trusted the look in her eyes or the way she’d stared at Pippa.

Matek wasn’t a person to ask for any sort of help. Unless he was desperate.

Help him.

Moving from the bathroom, she set Cranky down on the bed. “Sorry, Cranky, but if things go bad, I don’t want you to see. Last thing I need is for you to try to protect me by biting Matek’s foot off. If he’s angry at me, well, he’s entitled to be. And I know how protective you can be.”

She moved out of the bedroom, looking around. A shiver ran through her. It was far colder in this big house than in the penthouse. She’d grown used to the warmer climate of Escana.

But rather than returning to her room to get a jumper, she moved towards the noise.

“Hey! Is someone there?”

A door was open to the room next to her and she peeked in. Shock filled her as she saw Matek on the floor.

“Matek!” she cried, racing towards him.


She stopped just before she flung herself at him. That would be great, wouldn’t it? Injuring him further.

“What happened?” She crouched next to him. “What’s the matter?”

“Needed the bathroom. Couldn’t reach my crutches.” He nodded over to where they leaned against the wall.

“So what? You thought you’d climb out of bed and shuffle on your bum?” she asked him.

He grimaced. “Something like that. Get them for me?”

“Of course. Wait. Maybe you shouldn’t be moving around. What if you hurt yourself?”

“Be fine. Got to use the bathroom.”

“Are you sure you’re not supposed to use a bedpan or something?” She glanced around as though one might pop out at her.

“Not using a bedpan,” he growled. “Crutches. Now.”

She jumped to her feet, taking a step to get them before she realized what he was doing.

She narrowed her gaze at him. “I don’t want you hurting yourself.”

“Crutches. Now,” he bossed back. She chewed at her lip.

“Unless you want me to have an accident.”

No, she didn’t want that. “But how are you going to get off the floor? Where is everyone? I’ll go find Aric and Tavi. They can lift you up.” She spun around. “I can’t believe they all just left you. It’s completely unacceptable. You need someone here to help you.”

“Pippa, freeze,” he demanded.

She paused at the doorway.

“Get back here.”

“Matty,” she wheedled. “You need help.”


Shoot. She stepped back into the room as he crooked a finger at her. Then he pointed at his crutches. “Now.”

“How did I not know you were this bossy?”

“Haven’t had to get bossy with you.”

“But you do now?” She grabbed the crutches and brought them back to him. Then in a feat of strength, he grabbed the bed behind him and drew himself up so he was sitting on the edge. His biceps bulged and she hovered, ready to catch him.

“Been avoiding me.”

“That’s not true,” she protested.

He shot her a quelling look that made her gulp nervously. Uh-oh.

“Fifteen,” he told her.

“Fifteen what?” she asked.

“You know fifteen what,” he grumbled.

She moved behind him, her arms out. She had no idea how she was going to hold onto him if he tilted over but she’d have to try. She wasn’t so worried about the fifteen. So far, they hadn’t given her any of the punishments they’d threatened.

Looking over his shoulder, he frowned at her. “Wait on the bed.”

“What? No. What if you fall?”

“What you going to do if I fall?”

“Catch you.”

“Little girl, you can’t catch me. Wait on the bed where you’ll be safe.”

She frowned at him, her hands going to her hips. “And if you fall?”

“Then I’ll fall and drag myself to the bathroom. You are not catching me.”

“Maybe if you lean on me and one crutch that will be better,” she said, ignoring him.

“Come in front of me.”

“Shit! Are you falling?” She reached around in front of him, placing her hands on his chest to steady him. Not that he seemed at all shaky. The heat of him seared her skin.

“Fuck, your hands are freezing.”

“Oh, sorry.” She drew them back.

He frowned down at her. “Shouldn’t be running around in light-weight pajamas without a robe or socks. Get into bed, under the covers and wait for me.”

“But you might need—”

“Now,” he growled.


She moved around him towards the bed. “Fine, but if you fall you can’t blame me. And I’m not helping you.”

“Liar,” he told her as he moved into the bathroom. With a sigh, she slid under the blankets. The scent of him surrounded her and she sighed in happiness. It helped that it was still warm from his body heat. She swore he was a sauna.

When he came out, she saw he was pretty steady on the crutches. He sat on the bed and set them aside before managing to swing his legs around. She sat up in worry, reaching over to help him as he grunted.

“Back under the covers,” he commanded.

“I’m trying to help you.”

“I don’t need your help.”

She shied back, feeling hurt. He sighed and leaned his head back against the headboard. “Come here.” He opened his arms and she slid carefully over, leaning against his chest. His injured leg was on the side closest to the edge of the bed. Still, she didn’t want to accidentally bump into him.

“Sorry, baby,” he murmured to her. “Don’t find it easy to accept help. Hate being helpless. Really hate the painkillers so I don’t take them then I end up a grouchy fucking asshole.”

“It’s all right.”

“No, it’s not. The last person I should be snapping at is you.”

“I don’t know. Of everyone here, I’m probably the person that deserves it.”

He stiffened. “Excuse me?”

She didn’t say anything.


She hunched her shoulders.

“Uh-uh, no more hiding. Look. At me.”

She gave him a disgruntled glare. “I haven’t been hiding.”

He let out a huff of breath. “I know you’ve been avoiding me. Want to know why.”

She gulped. “I don’t . . . I haven’t . . .”

“Do you want to add to the fifteen?”

“Are you really going to spank me?” she asked doubtfully.

He tensed, his face growing pale. Then his jaw clenched. “I won’t do it. Wouldn’t expect you to trust me. I’ll put it in your notebook then one of the others will deal with your punishment.”

“Wait, no, I didn’t mean . . . Matek, I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.” She couldn’t have him thinking that.

“Know I’m big. Know you’ve seen me lose it. But I would never lose my temper with you. You’re the reason I got so upset.”

“What do you mean?” she asked. “Is that why you wrecked Kassim’s office back at the palace? Because of me?”

But what happened?

Wait. That was soon after she’d been hurt. Was that it?

“I saw the footage of you being hurt. I failed to keep you safe.” The self-loathing in his voice floored her.

“Matek, you couldn’t have known that would happen.”

“If we’d claimed you, then you would have had guards. Nobody would have touched you. That was our fault. We should have made our intentions clearer.”

“No, Matek.” She shook her head. “Even if you’d all told me how you felt earlier, it doesn’t mean I would have been in a place to accept your feelings.”

“You don’t accept us?”

“I do now. Or I did.” She buried her face in her hands with a groan. “I feel so messed up. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“I’m a good listener.”

“I know you are. But first,” she took his large hand in both of hers, “these hands would never harm me. I know that. I trust you. You’d never push me too far. You’d never inflict hurt. Well, beyond a warm ass.” She grinned up at him.

“You aren’t scared that I’ll lose control like I did in the office?”

“You were upset because I was hurt, right?”


“So given that reaction was because I was hurt, it stands to reason that you’re never actually going to hurt me. Right?”

He nodded, although he still looked a bit uncertain. “So much bigger than you.”

“Yeah, and I like that.”

He raised his eyebrows.

“I like how safe I feel with you. I know that you’d never let harm come to me. Matek, you stepped in front of a car for me. You threw me out of the way and took the hit. If that isn’t the ultimate sign of protection I don’t know what is. You risked yourself for me.”

“Do it again,” he growled. “Can’t believe that person nearly hit you. Going to kill him. Not going to allow you to be hurt.”

“I know. Which is why I trust you, even if you don’t trust yourself.”

He let out a deep breath. “Didn’t mean to lose it in Kassim’s office. When I was younger, was with my mother and some guards. Our car was attacked. I was only four. A ruler of another country wanted my mother. Whoever he hired was overzealous. The car rolled. My mother was injured. I was in a car restraint and couldn’t get to her. Could only sit there, watching her bleed.”

“Oh, Matek. That’s awful. I’m so sorry.” Her heart broke, imagining him as a little boy, trapped and watching his injured mother.

“Don’t let many people close. Can’t lose someone I love.”

“Me either. Ever since I lost my dad, I’ve felt so alone. But anytime someone got too close I’d run. I now realize I wanted to be with Gary because I knew I’d never love him. I’ve been a coward, Matek.”

“If you’re a coward, so am I.”

She wiped her arm across her eyes. “So, want to be brave with me?”

He watched her steadily. “You’re already brave.”

She shook her head. She wasn’t brave.

Gently, he grasped hold of her chin. “You are. Brave enough to take on the beast, aren’t you?

“You are not a beast, Matek! You are one of the best men I know and I won’t have you talking about yourself like that or I’ll . . . I’ll . . .”

“You’ll what?” he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

“I’ll take off my belt and whip your ass.” So there. Let him cower in fear beneath that threat.

He broke into big guffaws of laughter.

“Hey, it’s not that funny,” she complained, digging her finger into his side. He grabbed hold of her hand, stilling her.

“Yes, it is.”

“Is not. I could whip your ass if I wanted to.”

“You and what army?”

“Hmm, I bet I could bribe Tavi and Aric to hold you down for me,” she told him slyly.

He pointed a finger at her. “You try, minx, and you won’t sit for a month. Take you over my knee every night and every morning.”

She pushed her lower lip out.

“Don’t. Get your notebook.”

“I don’t think we need to write it down at all since that’s just mean.”

“Might get Tavi and Aric to help me spank you,” he repeated her threat back to her.

“I’ll go get it,” she said immediately, trying to climb from the bed.

“And your hairbrush.”

“What do you want that for?” she asked suspiciously.

“Hair is a mess.”

She squealed and raced off.

* * *

Matek hadto grin as she ran away. Reaching over, he grabbed his phone.

Matek:Mission accomplished.

Aric: Thank fuck. Do you need us?

Matek: No.

Tavi: Is she all right?

Matek: Fine. Give us an hour.

He neededthe time to settle her down and draw out what was going on with her exactly. While he wasn’t the best communicator, he hadn’t been lying when he said he was a good listener.

He shifted around, trying to find a comfortable position. Shit, he fucking hated this. Hated that he wasn’t fully healthy when there was a threat to his girl. Whoever was trying to hurt her better hope the cops got to him before he did, because he’d tear the bastard limb from limb.

While he was alive.

He knew Kassim wouldn’t stop until he found the bastard. But it sounded like that was all his brother was doing at the moment.

Pippa first. Then Kassim.

When she returned, he raised an eyebrow at her. “What took so long?”

“I didn’t know where this was.” She held up the notebook.

“Really? Thought Aric and Tavi would be filling it up with all your naughty behavior.”

“Hey! I’m never naughty!”

He snorted. “Go into my wardrobe. Get a hoodie and a pair of socks.”

“Oh, are you cold?” She practically threw the notebook and hairbrush at him, nearly getting his injured leg. “Oh my God! I’m so sorry. Did I hit you?”

“I’m fine,” he reassured her.

“I’m such an idiot.”

“Pippa,” he growled.

“Why wasn’t I more careful?” She whacked the palm of her hand against her forehead.


“Here. Now.”

She gazed at him then walked over, chewing at her lip. Reaching up, he took her hand and drew her down. “No hitting yourself. It was a mistake. You didn’t do any harm. Understand, baby?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Haven’t had any desire to have a sub, not since . . .”

“Not since?”

“Since I messed up.”

“You could never mess up, Daddy.”

“Thanks for your belief in me, baby, but I did. Was taken with this girl years ago. Others didn’t like her. She was my first real girlfriend and submissive. But because the others didn’t want her, she could never be anything serious. Not unless I left the harem.”

“You can do that?”

“It’s rare. Can happen when one member finds someone the others don’t want.”

“What happened?” she whispered.

“Decided to leave the harem. Said I’d had to give up my active role as a prince and move from the palace. When she learned the others didn’t want her, she told me that she didn’t want me. Was a means to an end. Said I was too rough, a beast in rut.”

He braced himself for her sympathy. He hated pity, but he wouldn’t snap at her for it. He would suffer through it.

“What a bitch!”

Huh? Not the reaction he was expecting.

“What was her name?”

“What?” he asked.

“Her name,” she demanded through clenched teeth. She was furious, her eyes sparking, her hands in fists.

She’d never been more beautiful to him.


“Name. I’m not fucking around here, Matty. Name.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

“Nuh-uh, while flattery is cute, it’s not her name.”

“She’s long gone. Want you nowhere near her.”

“So I’ll find out on my own. Revenge will be mine!” She pumped her fist into the air. “No one messes with one of my men.”

She shivered, reminding him of her freezing hands.

“Go get the hoodie and socks,” he ordered.

Her shoulders slumped.

“Then I’ll tell you.”

She nodded and raced into the wardrobe, coming back with the hoodie and socks.

“Put them on,” he ordered.

“They’re for me?” She gave him a surprised look.

“You’re freezing. Should be dressed warmer. Gonna get a cold.”

And he wanted her in his clothes. Caveman, maybe. But he liked being able to take care of her, even in a small way.

When the hoodie was on, she looked like a kid playing dress-up. The hoodie reached her knees and the socks were bunched around her ankles.

They needed to get the heat turned up. Old houses like this took a while to warm up. If he could have, he’d have lit the fire for her.

He drew back the covers and slid his good leg over to the side to create a space for her to plant her ass. He patted the mattress. “Sit.”

“Matty, I can’t. I’ll bump you.”


“What if I hurt you?”

“Pippa. Sit.”

“You know, I’m not sure I like this bossy side of you,” she grumbled.

“Oh yeah? Shall we check and see?”

“What?” she squeaked. “How would you check?”

He gave her a serious look. “By testing your pussy, of course.”

Her mouth opened, closed. “You . . . what . . . no!”



“Disappointing. Miss the taste of your pussy.” He licked his lips.

“Matty!” Her face went bright red.

She shook her head as she carefully crawled up from the end of the bed then slowly settled herself between his legs. He drew the covers up over their legs. Grabbing her hair brush, he leaned back against the headboard and started to untangle her mess of hair.

“You haven’t been taking care of yourself,” he growled. He’d noticed the dark marks under her eyes and her tangle of hair. And her face looked drawn as though she’d lost weight.

She hunched her shoulders. “Sorry, I told you I was being a coward. I was hiding.”

“From what?”

“It was my fault you got hit!”

He stilled. “What?” Where would she get that idea from? If anyone had said that to her . . .

“Oh, Daddy Matty, it’s all my fault,” she said miserably. “Judd went over the rules before I left the plane. Then Aric and Beck both went over them again and I br-broke them and y-you ended up h-hurt. I’m so s-sorry.”

Her tears were killing him. He dropped the hair brush, wrapping his arms around her. He wanted to tell her that she was being silly. But he understood how guilt could rip you apart. And that words didn’t always erase the guilt.

As she fell apart in his arms, he knew he would do whatever was necessary to take that guilt and pain away.

“Baby, hush. Hush.”

She was going to make herself sick.

“Look at me. Turn and look.” He made his voice firm even though he wanted to treat her like she was the most delicate of treasures. Because for him, she was.

She was that and everything. All that he had ever wanted. His bright light in his dark existence. And now that he’d experienced that light, he couldn’t go back. She turned, kneeling between his legs.

“Can you ever forgive me?”

“Nothing to forgive,” he soothed, wiping away her tears with his thumbs.

“B-but you were hurt because of me.”

“Hurt because some asshole was trying to harm you. That’s not your fault.”

“But I shouldn’t have been on the road on my own.”

“No,” he agreed. “But the rule you broke shouldn’t have ended up in your life being at risk. You couldn’t have known.”

“I still feel terrible.”

“What shall we do about that?”

“I don’t know. I just want to get rid of the guilt. I’ve been hiding from it, from you and Kassim.”

“You thought we would blame you?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You know that’s not true.”

“For you, but Kassim . . . I haven’t seen him since. I think he’s mad at me.”

Actually, he thought Kassim was probably drowning in the same guilt since he took everything on himself. An idea of how to help both of them occurred to him. But he brushed that aside for the moment.

“What would rid you of the guilt?”

She groaned. “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I guess a spanking might.”

“Hmm, well, if you insist.”

“I know I’ve been worrying Tavi and Aric. I reverted into Little space to hide. I didn’t want to think about what happened and how close I came to losing you. I’m terrified of something happening to one of you.”

“Nothing will happen to us,” he reassured her.

“You don’t know that.”

“Got hit by a car, came out with just a scratch.”

“I don’t think you can call a broken femur that required four hours of surgery a scratch.”

He shrugged. “It would kill someone else. I’m Mr. Indestructible.”

“Like a superhero?” she asked.

“Yep. Your superhero.”

She smiled through the tears dripping down her face.

“Enough tears.”

“Why? Are they your weakness?”

“You are my weakness.” He wiped her tears away. “And my strength.”

She leaned forward and carefully hugged him before reaching over for a tissue to wipe her eyes.

“Nobody knows the future. But you can’t worry about it or you’ll never live.”

“You’re a wise man, Matty.”

“I know.”

She grinned at him.

“Also know I’d be lost without you. Don’t pull away from us. We all need you. We all love you. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered.

He carefully drew her forward to kiss her, his hand cupping the side of her face as he coaxed her into a deeper kiss.

“Turn back around. Got to tame this mess. When did you last wash it?”

“Um, I don’t know. Maybe before we arrived here?”

He stilled. “What?”

She shrugged. “I’ve had a shower, but I haven’t really had the energy to wash and dry it. It’s a lot of work. Maybe I should cut it.”


“But I think I’d look cute with a pixie cut.”


“It’s my hair,” she protested.


“So bossy.”

“Never did get that taste of your pussy.”

“We can’t! You’re injured.”

“Injured, not dead.”

He moved one hand down to her thigh.

“Matek!” she cried.

“Take off your bottoms and panties.”

“I . . . I shouldn’t.”

“Now,” he growled. He felt her shiver against him and knew how turned on she was. Fuck, he loved her. It was more than love, though. It was everything. It felt like the only reason he’d been put on this earth was to take care of her.

“Matek . . .”

“Do what you were told. Or do we need to put more punishments in your notebook? Need to put those last ones you earned in.” He grabbed the notebook, sliding the pen out of the holder and opening it.

“We really don’t have to do that,” she told him.

“That’s odd.”


“You haven’t any punishments except for the one from days ago when you called yourself a wuss.”

“What’s so odd about that?”

“You’re so naughty, thought this would be full.”

“Daddy!” she exclaimed.

Fuck. That sounded so good coming from her lips. He drew her hair to one side to nibble up her neck. “Fucking love you calling me that.”

She shivered. “Really?”

“Yep. Don’t want to fuck it up.”

“You won’t.”

“Were you naughty while I was in the hospital?” he asked.

“Nooo, I barely did anything.”

“No lying, minx. Is there anything else you need a spanking for?”

“Fine, Aric and Tavi might have threatened me with a spanking or two, but they never spanked me or wrote it in the notebook therefore it doesn’t count, right?”

“So they threatened and didn’t go through? Have to talk with them.”

“You sure you don’t want to go back to saying nothing at all?” she asked desperately.

Such a brat.

He wrote her punishments in and then left a question mark. He’d talk to his brothers, they needed to learn not to threaten something if they had no intention of not following through.

Even he knew that.

“Still think that notebook is silly. If it goes missing, like maybe falls into one of the hundred fireplaces in this house, then it’s not my fault.”

“It goes missing, your ass will be on fire until we get a new one. You taken off your pants and panties yet?”

She grumbled but carefully shimmied out of them. She accidentally brushed against his leg, but he bit his lip to ensure he didn’t make a sound. Last thing she needed was to feel guilty for hurting him.

She dropped them over the side of the bed. “Happy?”

“Watch your tone, minx,” he growled at her. “Because of that tone, you’re not to come without permission.”

“Nooo, Daddy, that’s not fair.”

“Keep complaining, I’ll just add time on.”

She whimpered but didn’t say anything more.

“Lean back, one leg over my good thigh.”

He waited patiently for her to move into position.

“Nice and still, understand? No coming without permission or that’s another punishment.”

A small groan and he grinned, knowing she couldn’t see him.

“Push your top over your breasts. We need a small chat.”

“About what?” she asked suspiciously. “Why do you like talking now?”

“Never disliked it. Just didn’t have much to say. Now I do. Do as you were told.”

She drew the hoodie and pajama top up, revealing her pert breasts. He cupped them then twisted the nipples.

“Oh. Ohhh,” she said, squirming.

He winced. “Stay still.”

“Oh no, I’m sorry. We shouldn’t do this. I might hurt you.”

He pinched one nipple, sharp. She cried out, pushing her head back against his chest.

“No moving. Not without permission. Understand?”

“Yes, Matty.”

He wrapped one arm under her breasts, moving the other down her stomach. When he reached her slit, he ran a finger up and down her slick lips.

“Someone is very turned on.”

“Like you didn’t know.”

“Someone likes my bossiness.” He circled her clit slowly. Her breathing quickened. Small whimpers escaped her lips.

“Me!” she cried out. “I confess. I’m someone. It’s me. I like it, okay? Now may I come?”

He had to chuckle. “You’re cute.”

“What does that mean? Do I get to come?”

“Nope. Not yet.”

She groaned.

“Baby, I’ve barely teased you.”

“But I haven’t come in days,” she moaned. “I’m not used to going for days without any.”

He filed that away.

“Gonna need to learn patience,” he grumbled, moving his fingers lower so he could thrust them into her pussy. He drove them back and forth, making her groan.

Then he drew his fingers up to his mouth and sucked on them. The door opened, making her squeal. He quickly pulled up the covers as the therapist walked in. He drew his fingers from his mouth as the woman stood there, gaping at them.

“What is going on in here?” she demanded imperiously. “You can’t be here with my patient.”

He felt the moment his girl started to shrink in on herself. Nope. Not happening.

“Get out,” he commanded.

“But . . . but . . . you are my patient. She could hurt you! And just what are the two of you doing?” The nurse, whose name he hadn’t learned, gave them a disapproving look, her lips pinching together.

“Get. Out. Now,” he roared, watching as she took a step back. “You’re fired.” He’d never normally speak that way to a woman. Mostly, he ignored people. But this bitch had no right to speak to his girl like that.

“You . . . you can’t fire me. Prince Kassim—”

“Will fire you for daring to speak to his betrothed that way. Out. Now.”

“B-betrothed?” the woman stared at Pippa. “Her?”

“That’s it,” he said in a menacing voice.

“Matek, stop,” Pippa told him. Then she turned to the woman. “You heard him. Get out. You’re fired. You’ll leave immediately. We’ll pay you the hours you have worked but we will not give you a reference. Go.”

He smiled. There was his girl. She sounded calm. In control. Even though he’d just had his fingers in her pussy and she was naked from the waist down.

His girl was fierce.

“I . . . I . . . you have no right!”

“I have every right,” Pippa said. “Leave.”

“I’ll be talking to Prince Kassim about this!” She turned and left.

“Losing my touch,” he said.

“How’s that?”

“Used to be, it only took one look from me to send someone running in terror.”

“Aw, poor baby. Not so scary anymore.”

“should be scared of me, minx. Just remember, my arms aren’t injured.”

She shivered. “Yes, Daddy Matty.”

“Was proud of you just now. And fucking turned on. That deserves a reward.”

He heard her breathing catch. “The sort of reward where I get to come?”


“I should lock the door.”

“She won’t be back.” And if he knew his brothers, they’d be here soon. They might just appreciate the view. He dropped the blanket and went back to playing with her nipples. She was tense to begin with, watching the door and he thought about telling her to lock it. But her body gradually relaxed and he moved his fingers down to her pussy, driving them in and out of her passage then drawing them up to his mouth.

“Fuck. You taste so good. Need to get my mouth on your pussy, have your taste on my tongue.”


“Come for me, baby,” he whispered as his fingers speared her again. This time he moved his other hand to her clit, circling it with his finger.

“Please, please,” she begged.

“I want to feel you squeezing my fingers. Come now.”

She threw her head back with a cry as her orgasm washed through her, leaving her panting and shaking. Fuck, she was glorious.

He drew his fingers away from her. “That’s it. Good girl. Such a good girl.”

The door opened again and she squealed but this time, it was only Aric and Tavi.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Aric asked, strolling in while Tavi leaned against the door, watching them hungrily. Aric moved to the side of the bed, staring down at their semi-naked girl. “Damn you look fucking hot, Poppet.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“You look a lot better than you have lately,” Tavi added with a grin. “Someone is rocking a post-orgasm glow.”

“I feel better.”

“We can see that.” Aric winked. “Go, Matek.”

“I, um, I’m sorry for the way I’ve been the last few days. I’ve been feeling really guilty over what happened to Matek.”

“Matek getting hurt wasn’t your fault, little one,” Tavi told her gently.

“It kind of was, though. I was told not to run off from Aric and Beck. Aric even said not to cross the road without holding his hand. And I forgot all of that when I saw Matek standing there.”

Aric sat next to them and cupped the side of her face. “Yeah, you disobeyed me. But nobody expects perfection. Getting used to bodyguards and rules around what to do or not to do isn’t easy. Nobody is mad at you.”

“I’m mad at me,” she whispered. “And I deserve a punishment for breaking the rules.”

“Well, yes, that’s normally what happens, but—”

“No buts,” Matek said with a grumble. “She broke the rules and will get a punishment. It will help erase her guilt.”

Both Aric and Tavi nodded.

“I’m just glad you’re back with us, Poppet.” Aric leaned forward to lick his tongue over her nipple. “And I’m really glad to see you like this.”

She moaned and Matek drove his fingers back into her. “Both of you have been threatening to punish her without following through. She needs follow-through to feel safe.”

“You’re right,” Tavi agreed, leaning back against the door and watching as both Matek and Aric played with her.

“And when did she last eat? She’s lost weight.”

“It’s not their fault,” she said.

“Hush,” Matek told her.

“Excuse me!” she huffed.

“Would you like Tavi and Aric to give you that spanking you’ve earned now?”

“No, no, I wouldn’t,” she said hastily.

That’s what he’d thought. He glanced over at Tavi. He’d expected more from him. He had more experience than Aric with having a sub under their care, especially a Little.

Tavi sighed. “You’re right to be upset. But we’ve been doing everything we can to get her to eat. She retreated into Little headspace and we couldn’t get her out.”

Matek gave them a nod. He understood, but that didn’t mean that this could continue. She’d take care of herself or she would allow them to.

End of story.

“It’s not their fault. It’s mine.”

“Nobody’s fault,” Matek said. “But it won’t continue. From now on, you don’t skip meals. Or hide your feelings from us. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy Matty. I understand.”

“Good, now I want you to sit on my face.”

She froze. “What?”

“You heard me.” He looked to Aric. “Help her up so I can lie down.”

Aric’s eyebrows rose in amusement. “Yes, boss. You sure you’re allowed to do this? Is it part of your recovery plan? Would your guard dog get on my case?”

“She might offer to spank you,” Tavi offered.

Aric shuddered. “The way she looks at me, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“What?” Pippa asked, pulling away from him. “What do you mean, the way she looks at you?”

“Like he’s ground beef and she wants a burger,” Tavi said with a grin.

“Nice imagery there, bro. Although she is very hungry looking.” Aric shuddered. “She grabbed my ass earlier today.”

“I’m going to kill her,” Pippa snarled as Aric lifted her off Matek. “Let me go, Aric. Let me at her! I’ll teach her to touch my man.”

“Aww, Poppet, are you going to defend my honor? I’m so touched.” Aric touched his hand to his chest.

“Let me down.”

“That’s not happening.”

“It is happening! I’m going to kick her ass.” Her fists moved through the air, as though she was some sort of champion boxer.

Matek smiled. Damn, she was so fucking cute. Enough of this, though. She was going to wear herself out. And he wanted to be the one to do that.

“Pippa, calm,” he said firmly.

She glared over at him. “I wanna kick her ass.”


She huffed out a breath, crossing her arms over her chest. The hoodie had fallen down, covering her entirely.

“You’re not going near her. She’s gone now,” Matek reminded her.

“She is?” Aric asked.

“Fired her,” Matek replied.

“You did?” Tavi asked. “Don’t you need her?”

“What the fuck do I need her for?”

“If he needs anything I can get it for him,” Pippa said.

“Aww, thanks, baby. Right now, what I really need is your pussy over my face.”

She went bright red at the reminder.

“Since you’ve been naughty and delayed my treat, you need to be punished, though.”

“Wow, Matek is really taking to this Dom stuff,” Aric mock-whispered to Tavi.

Tavi shrugged. “He’s always had it in him, guess he just needed the right sub.”

“Found her,” Matek replied. “Aric, get lube and a butt plug.”

Aric grinned. “Oh, hell yes! I have the perfect one too. We bought it the other day.”

“What!” Pippa screeched. “No. Way.”

“Yes. While I’m eating you out, Aric is going to plug you,” Matek told her.

“I don’t want to be plugged,” she wailed.