Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Kassim watched with amusement as her mouth dropped open.

His brothers were interfering idiots. But he was grateful that they were.

His belief that he had to do everything and do it perfectly was a strength and a weakness. He’d known he needed to pull himself out of the dark place he’d gone, but hadn’t been sure how.

The curvy, beautiful woman on his lap was just what he needed to distract himself from his obsessive thoughts. He wasn’t instantly going to become laidback and relax his rigid rules. But he could work on it. And he could turn some of his attention back to her.

She needed him.

That’s what he had to remember. That her needs weren’t just related to her physical safety. That if he made a mistake, her feelings towards him wouldn’t change.

She loved him.

It seemed they had been doing something similar, just in different ways.

That had to stop.

Now he had to see to her. In whatever way she needed.

He reached for the notebook and she slammed her hand down on top of his.

“We don’t need to look at that,” she said desperately. “We can just snuggle. Don’t you like snuggling with me?”

“I love snuggling with you,” he told her, amused at himself for using a word he was pretty sure he’d never uttered before in his life. “We can do this for as long as you need. But we also need to take care of what’s in this notebook, don’t we? Now, remove your hand.”

A huge sigh erupted from her, making him smile.

“Why didn’t I get rid of the notebook? It wouldn’t have taken much. All I needed to do was find a fire and throw it in. But nooo, I had to bring it in here. Now, my butt is doomed.”

So dramatic. And cute.

“If you had destroyed this notebook, you wouldn’t have liked the consequences.”

“But you wouldn’t be able to give me any of the punishments in it,” she replied.

“Believe me,” he murmured, “you would be getting all of them and more.”

He loved the shiver that ran through her. Naughty little subbie. He opened the notebook. “Hmm, seems there are a few punishments to take care of. Let’s see. There’s the punishment for calling yourself a wuss on the plane. Then there is a punishment for refusing to eat.”

“That shouldn’t count!”

“Why not?”

“Because I was in Little headspace.”

“You don’t think you can get punishments while Little?”

“Well, I think that should be a thing. That could be a thing, right?” She gave him a hopeful look.

“That is most certainly not a thing,” he told her sternly. “Your punishments in Little space might be slightly different, but they will be in accordance with your crime.”

“It’s not a crime not to eat.”

“But it risks your health, which is against your rules. Although, I wouldn’t worry too much. The punishment for not eating this time won’t be too harsh. You weren’t doing it to be naughty.”

“Oh, good.”

“I’ll expect a five-hundred-word essay tomorrow evening. It will be handwritten. And the topic is why it is important for your health to eat. You will present the essay here in my office wearing clothing similar to what you have on now. Any mistakes will incur further punishment. One spank per mistake.”

“Hey, that isn’t fair.”

“Fine, we’ll make it two spanks per mistake.”

“All right, all right. Sheesh. I’m not going to sit well for a long time, am I?”

He studied her carefully. “If you tell me that you really don’t need a spanking, I won’t give you one. Yes, you disobeyed the rules. But I didn’t tell you that you were in danger. I think it would only be fair to give you the option, this once, of telling me that you don’t need the punishment. That you can walk out of here and no longer feel guilty over what happened.”

She was silent for a long time, obviously thinking that through.

“I can’t tell you that. I . . . I need the punishment to let go of the guilt.” She’d dropped her gaze as she admitted that. But he didn’t want her to be ashamed of her needs.

He tilted her head back. “There is no shame in asking for help. I think you’ve made the right decision. It’s not healthy to keep punishing yourself the way you have been. This way, you take a punishment and you’ll let this go. Understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. We’ll take care of your other punishments at the same time. Start the slate clean, although I’m sure it won’t be long until you’re filling up that notebook.”

She groaned at his teasing.

He stood with her in his arms and walked over to the large sofa in front of the fireplace, which someone had lit. If he was going to have her strip, he needed to ensure that she was warm.

The sofa faced the fireplace and there was a plush rug on the floor. It was rather romantic, although that wasn’t the reason he’d brought her over here. He thought the last thing she’d feel like after this punishment was sex.

Even if he was hard again. Something he didn’t think would happen so quickly after that blow job. This was all her. Pippa.

His woman.


Nothing had ever felt more right. Or perfect.

Sitting, he held her on his lap and just stared at the fire for a moment.

“Kassim? If you don’t want to do this . . .”

“No. It is not that. I just don’t want you to see me as the disciplinarian. Or not just as the disciplinarian. Or as the leader. Or a prince. Or your Dom and Daddy. I want you to see me as your man.”

“I see you,” she whispered.

“How can you when I don’t see myself? My whole identity is tied up in being Prince Kassim.”

“I love Prince Kassim. But I also love Daddy. And Kassim. He’s smart. Loyal. Kind. He loves fiercely. Protects with everything he has. He’s a natural leader. But he’s also a good snuggler. He can have almost old-fashioned views and values, but I like that. He also always listens to all viewpoints. He’s the person who can calm me, settle me. Who makes everything else not seem so insurmountable because he’ll always be there for me, supporting me, helping me, protecting me when the rest of the world is a scary place. My life wouldn’t be complete without all of you.”

“And ours wouldn’t be complete without you, tamiya. I like the way you see me.”

Kassim ranhis fingers through her hair. It was soothing, relaxing. “When was the last time you ate?”

“The others made me eat a sandwich before coming down here.”

“Good then we don’t have to stop for you to eat. This is what I want you to do. You will stand and slip off your panties and hand them to me. Then you are going to raise your skirt up over your ass and ask me to punish you.”

“No way.”

“Yes, way,” he replied. “And if you argue, there will be extras added.”

Holy slime balls. This wasn’t cool.

She couldn’t believe he was making her do this. Grumbling under her breath, she stood. He was a gentleman and held out a hand to help her. She moved from foot to foot in her high heels.

“You may take the high heels off first,” he said, mistaking her hesitation.

“Oh yes.” She slid them off, feeling so short now. “But, um, the thing is . . . “


“I’m not allowed to wear panties when I have a skirt on,” she blurted out.

His eyes flared. “Is that so?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“All right, then. Raise your skirt up over your ass. I want to see you.”

This was something she’d fantasized about. But the reality was a bit more embarrassing. Sucking in a breath, she did it quickly. Like ripping off a band-aid. Grabbing the bottom of her skirt, she drew it up to her waist. The skirt was tight and it could stay in place by itself, but she held it up needing something to do with her hands.

Kassim sucked in a breath. What was he thinking? Did he like what he saw?

“You are beautiful,” he told her sincerely. “Perfect.”

A blush heated her cheeks. She wouldn’t go that far.

“Step forward.”

She stepped closer to him.

“Spread your legs.”

She slid her feet apart and he lightly cupped her mound, making her moan as his heat seared her. She knew he would feel how wet she was. How turned on.

“You’re so wet,” he murmured. “Why?”

Did he really have to ask?

“What turned you on? Being my naughty secretary? Sucking me off? Having me order you to bare your pussy and ass?”

“All of it,” she whispered. “And you. I’m, um, very attracted to you. I always have been.”

“You hid it well, Miss Jones,” he told her.

“I didn’t want to lose my job.”

“That would never have happened,” he reassured her. “What is your safeword?”


“Good. I want your reassurance that you will use it. For whatever reason. If you are in pain, uncomfortable, unsure or you just need to stop and talk.”

“I will. I trust you, Kassim.”

She knew it was the right thing to say when his shoulders relaxed. Then he slid a finger along her slit and pressed it deep inside her.

“Ohhh,” she cried.

“You feel so good. Hot and wet. And the noises you make.” He drew his finger out then drove it back inside her.

It felt amazing but she wanted more. Needed it.

Another finger was added. Better, but still not enough. She needed to feel him deep inside her. She wanted to see him the moment he lost it. When he came inside her.

“Please, Sir.”

“I’m supposed to be punishing you when all I want to do is lie you down on the rug and take you.”

“Punish me later, Sir,” she begged as he thrust into her, nearly sending her onto her tiptoes, her breath coming in sharp pants of need.

“I cannot. I have already let you down.”

She opened her eyes to give him a fierce look. “You have never once let me down.”

His face was stern, but she thought she saw a glimpse of amusement. She didn’t care, he could find her funny but she meant every word. There was no way Kassim could let her down.

“You shouldn’t be rewarded while being punished.”

“That’s a stupid rule.”

“I’ll admit, I’m not feeling so happy about it myself right now. But perhaps if you are a good girl when you take your punishment, you’ll be rewarded after.”

Sounded insane. But she guessed she shouldn’t answer. What the heck did being a good girl for her punishment mean, though?

He slid his fingers free from her pussy. They were glistening with her dew. Heat entered her cheeks. She fully expected him to wipe them clean on the handkerchief he always kept in his pocket. The one he would whip out when she spilled something on herself.

Which unfortunately, happened often.

But he shocked her by instead placing his fingers in his mouth and sucking on them. She stared, riveted at the sight of her very proper, everything in its place, man tasting her from his fingers.

“Delicious.” He held out a hand to her. “Come here. It’s time for your punishment.”

She slid her hand into his and let him guide her onto the couch then over his lap. Her torso was over his thighs with her head, shoulders and legs supported by the couch.

Taking a deep breath, she attempted to get herself to relax.

Kassim placed his hand on her lower back and she jumped.

“Shh, tamiya,” he told her in a soft voice. “You’re okay. You know I would never harm you?”

“I know,” she replied. “I trust you.”

“That is worth more to me than anything. Your trust and love, I’d give up everything to keep that.”

Okay. Now she was officially mush. Who the heck was this guy? And how had she done anything to deserve him? Any of them?

“Ditto.” She cringed as she said that.

“Ditto?” he asked with amusement.

“I’m not as good with words as you,” she said with a huff.

Really, Pippa. You could have done better than ditto.

“I don’t know about that. You always seem to know the right thing to say.”

“You flatterer, you.”

He huffed out a laugh. “See what I mean?”

Lord, he was full of it. And she loved him for it. His hand moved lower to her backside. “I’m not going to go easy on you, I’m afraid. We need to get rid of this guilt you feel.”

“I mean, I’m sure it would disappear after, say, ten smacks,” she said. She would have gone for five if she could have gotten away with it.

“So you think your punishment should be the same as when you called yourself a wuss?” he inquired.

Crap. Should have gone for fifteen.

“We’ll split this into two punishments,” he told her. “Thirty tonight. Then tomorrow night, when you bring me that essay, you’ll get the rest.”

Oh holy heck, Batman!

His hand slid to her ass, rubbing gently. “Objections?”

Plenty. But none that she thought would move him. And he was likely right. She needed something to get rid of the yucky feeling in her stomach.

“No, Sir.”

“Good girl. Here are the first ten.”

The first few made her jolt. Slime balls! He wasn’t messing around. There was no warm-up. He started hard and fast. She barely had time to catch her breath and when she finally managed it, a wail escaped her.

She started pounding her feet against the sofa and her hands curled into fists.

“No! Stop!”

Two more smacks landed then he paused. He actually stopped.

“That was the first ten. Do you need me to stop here?”

“Ten? It was only ten?” she sobbed, tears dripping down her face. “I’m not even halfway?”

“No, tamiya.”

“I’m never going to sit again!”

“We could spread this out over the whole week if you need to.”

What? No. That sounded even worse.

“No, Sir. Keep going please.”

“All right. You’re doing so well. Here are the next ten.”

She didn’t think it was possible for her ass to get any hotter.

She was wrong.

These ten were hard and fast again. They felt lower. Halfway through, she reached back to cover her bottom. But he simply gathered her hands in the middle of her back. He moved his hand down lower to where her ass and thighs met.

By the time he was finished, she was crying, her face pressed against the leather sofa, completely spent.

“Good girl. Last ten. I’m going to move you slightly for these ones.”

He rearranged her limp body so that her legs were trapped between his thighs and her stomach rested on his left leg.

She didn’t realize until he started spanking her that she had been repositioned so he had an easier reach to spank the underside of her ass and the top of her thighs.

With a cry of pain she attempted to wriggle free, but he held her still, applying the last ones briskly and without mercy.

When he finished, she was lying there limply, crying sadly. She was spent. Sweaty, exhausted, with a throbbing bottom that she was certain had to be twice its size.

“Good girl. It’s all right. You did so well. Shh, I know it hurt.” He helped her up then lay down with her on the couch. He was on his back with her lying on top of him chest to chest. His hand rubbed up and down her back as he spoke quietly into her ear.

There was a knock on the door which they both ignored.

Gradually, she settled, laying her cheek to his chest.

“I got your shirt all wet,” she told him. A yawn caught her by surprise. Damn, getting spanked was tiring.

“I am sure it will survive. How do you feel?”

“Like I sat on a pile of hot coals,” she replied.

“Hm, well your ass is very red. It’s going to be sore to sit on for a while.”

“Ya think?”

His hand landed lightly on her thigh. “Watch the attitude, brat.”

“Sorry, Sir.”

Her eyes were closing. There was something very soothing about lying here with him. She realized that she’d never just sat with him. He’d always been working or there had been something important to discuss.

“Other than having a hot ass, how do you feel?”

She thought about that for a long moment. “Empty.”

“In a good way? Or empty as in you’ve turned into a sociopath who wants to remove my balls from my body?”

She had to giggle. That sounded wrong coming from Kassim. “Empty in a good way. That tight knot is missing from my tummy. I feel like I could sleep. Really sleep.”

“Then that is what you should do.”

She sniffed and rubbed at her cheeks. “I need a tissue. And some ice packs.”

“No ice packs.”

“My butt burns.”

“Part of the punishment is dealing with a hot bottom after,” he told her.

More stupid spanking rules.

“But I can take care of the tissue issue.”

“You’re a poet, Daddy.” She didn’t know why, but her Little always slipped out more easily when she was tired. She guessed she was less guarded.

“So I am. Now pull yourself up a bit and I’ll wipe your face.”

“I can do it.”

“I know that,” he told her. “But you’re going to let me do it.”

She grumbled but pulled herself up so he could get to her face. Gently, he cleaned her up, even helping her blow her nose.


But she was almost too tired to care.

“Wanna nap, Daddy.”

“I know, lay your head back down.”

“Do you gotta go to work?” she mumbled.

“Not at the moment, tamiya. Right now, it’s more important that I take care of you. Besides, I could have a nap myself.”

“I didn’t know Daddies had to nap too.”

“Well, it takes a lot of energy to take care of a Little. The reason Daddies often insist their Little ones take naps is because they want a nap themselves. But don’t tell anyone I told you. I wouldn’t want to get kicked out of the Daddy club.”

“Zipping my lips, Daddy. Your secret is safe with me. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.”

“Wow, now I know you are serious.”

“Time to stop talking now, Daddy. Sleep.”

* * *

The persistent beepingof his phone woke him. Despite how tired he was, he was still surprised that he’d managed to sleep. Perhaps the cure for insomnia was spanking a brat then cuddling her after.

He grinned. Well, just one brat. Who was still sleeping peacefully.

His phone beeped again and he sighed.

Sliding out from under her, he grabbed a blanket from a cupboard and laid it over her. Blankets were kept in every room of this house for when it became cold.

She was so beautiful. Her hair was lying around her face, her face slightly flushed and her thumb was in her mouth. She’d probably rather have her pacifier. Maybe he should start keeping one close by as he didn’t want to leave her to grab it.

Moving to his desk he picked up his phone and saw several texts from his brothers.

Aric:Kassim, are you guys okay?

Tavi: From what I heard when I walked past, it sounds like we should ask Pippa that.

Matek: Did you harm her?

Tavi: We sent her there for him to punish her, Matek.

Matek: How hard did you punish her? Send her to me.

Those texts had comethrough about half an hour ago. He scrolled further down to the ones that had woken him.

Aric:Answer us, Kassim.

Tavi: Shit, Judd is getting worried. He’s about to storm into your office. You might want to make sure you’re both covered up.

Aric: Or let Judd know you’re both alive and safe.

Matek: Bring Pippa to me.

He wasn’t goingto have Judd storm in here and wake up Pippa. Quickly, he texted back.

Kassim:Weare both fine. Tell Judd if he interrupts us then I will bury his body where no one will find it. Pippa is fine.

More texts came through,but just then he heard her whimper. Putting his phone on silent, he walked over to her. Crouching down, he ran his fingers through her soft hair. She always smelled like cherry blossoms. Sweet.

Another whimper. He cupped the side of her face. “Tamiya, wake up for me.”

Her eyes opened slowly and she blinked at him.

“Sorry to wake you, but it sounded like you were having a bad dream.”

Her nose wrinkled. “It was about Matek dying again. You all leaving me. Same old.”

She tried to sound dismissive, but he hated that she was having nightmares about that.

“You know we would never willingly leave you, don’t you?”

“I know. Sometimes it’s just convincing my stupid brain.”

“No calling yourself stupid,” he growled at her. “Perhaps I didn’t spank you hard enough before.”

Her eyes widened. “You did, Daddy. I promise.”

“Any derogatory comments aimed at yourself will result in a hot ass. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. Sorry.”

Leaning in, he kissed her gently. It was just meant to be a brief kiss, but it turned more heated. A small whimper of need left her lips as he drew back. He cupped the sides of her face. “So beautiful.”

“So are you,” she said back.

“I suppose that is better than ‘ditto’,” he teased.

Her cheeks went red.

“I’m just teasing. How was your nap?”

“Good.” She stretched and the blanket fell down off her chest.

The buttons on her shirt had all come undone, revealing her black bra and the mounds of her breasts

Reaching out, unable to stop himself, he ran his finger over the top of each mound. He heard her suck in a breath.

Tamiya, if you don’t want this I’m going to need you to tell me now,” he warned.

“If by this, you mean sex then I most definitely want this.”

“That is exactly what I wanted to hear.” He ripped off the blanket, revealing her bare pussy, the skirt bunched around her waist and her shirt which was wide open.

“Lie on your back,” he commanded.

She rolled over, wincing as her ass came into contact with the sofa. Poor baby. He grabbed a cushion. “Raise your ass. I’ll take off your skirt then put this under your lower back so your ass isn’t touching the sofa.”

“I thought part of a punishment was the sore bottom afterward,” she sassed.

“Or I can change my mind,” he threatened.

“No, no,” she said hastily. “The cushion is good.”

She raised her hips up then he slid off the skirt and placed the cushion so she could lie on it.

He completely parted her shirt, staring down at her breasts. Then he kissed his way across the top. Grabbed the cup of her bra, he lowered it to free the creamy mound. A groan escaped him.

“I’ve often had fantasies about these breasts,” he told her. “They are even more spectacular than I could have dreamed.”

She went red. His girl didn’t take compliments easily. But he would help her with that.

“Widen your legs,” he commanded. “Put one foot on the floor.”

He thought she went even more red. But she moved her leg, allowing him easier access to her pussy. He slipped his mouth around her nipple, sucking on it strongly. Groans of pleasure escaped from her as he released her other breast, giving that nipple the same treatment.

He ran his hand down her stomach towards her mound, which he cupped again. It was a mark of possession.

She was his.

Sliding one finger along her slit, he slipped it inside her and just held it there as he sucked on her nipple.

She writhed on the couch, trying to push herself up against his finger.

“Kassim, please,” she begged as he lightly dragged his teeth over one taut nipple.

“Please what?” he asked gruffly, moving another finger inside her before returning to her nipple.

“Please, make me come. Please, move your fingers. Or better yet, replace them with your cock.”

His eyebrows rose. He’d thought he would have to coax her into saying what she needed. Turns out, he was wrong.

“You need me to fuck you,” he murmured.

“Yes, please, please.”

“Do you need to come?”

“Yes, yes, I need to come.”

He pressed a finger against her clit. She thrust her hips back and forth, trying to get some friction from his thumb against her clit.

“Do not move.”

“I can’t!” she cried out as he licked at her nipple.

“You can. You must stay nice and still.”

“Why?” she wailed.

“Because I command it. I am in control here, not you. I decide when you come, if you come.”

Another sob but she stopped moving around. A surge of satisfaction filled him. This is what he wanted, what he craved. He liked her fire and sass, but there were times he needed her submission.

“That’s a good girl,” he crooned. “Do you know what happens to good girls, tamiya?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Good girls get to come.”

Another sob.

“What a clever girl you are to stay so still for me. Now, I’m going to play with your nipples for a while. You’re going to stay still and if you do that for me, then I will reward you.”

A small whimper. She gave him a sad look.

“I am not Matek, tamiya,” he told her. “That pouting doesn’t work on me.”

She huffed out a sigh. “That’s not fair. I thought that was my superhero power.”

If she learned that she didn’t need a superpower, that she already had them all wrapped around her finger, well . . . they would all be in trouble.

But he still had the power to resist those pouting lips and big eyes.


It was hard. There was no denying that.

He lowered his mouth to her lips and kissed her until they were both breathing rapidly. His heart pounded, lust for her so powerful it was nearly overwhelming.

To his surprise, she managed to stay still despite his fingers spearing her pussy. He returned his mouth to her nipples, sucking on one then the other. Her moans were like the sweetest symphony and she clenched her pussy down on his fingers, almost cutting off circulation.

His dick was so hard, it pressed uncomfortably against his pants. Maybe he should have her suck him off first so that he didn’t come so quickly.

But he needed a taste of her so badly.

Moving his mouth from her nipples, he slid his fingers free of her pussy.

“No, please,” she begged.

“Shh,” he told her as he stood and stripped. “Take off your bra and shirt then lie back down with your legs spread wide. I need a taste of that pussy.”

“Oh thank you, Batman,” she muttered.

“Not Batman,” he told her. “Daddy, Kassim, or Sir.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied. Her gaze was riveted on him as he stripped off.

“Do as you were told, tamiya, unless you would prefer I ordered you to your knees to suck me off.”

Her eyes widened and her gaze went to his now free dick. He stood there, naked in front of her. He wasn’t built as big as Matek but his morning work-out meant that he kept in shape.

Still he had never felt quite so desirable as he did right then with her gaze eating him.

“Can we do both, Sir?” she asked sweetly.

Hunger filled him and he wrapped his hand around his dick, rubbing it up and down the shaft. “You want my cock in your mouth?”

“Please, Sir. So badly.”

“Then get undressed and on your knees.”

He groaned as she quickly stood. Then she undressed, revealing all of that creamy skin that he longed to kiss. She moved down onto her knees. He was grateful for the thick carpet as she landed with a bit of a thump. They’d work on that.

She reached for his dick but he stepped back, shaking his head. She stared up at him in surprise.

“Ask for it,” he told her in a gruff voice. “Ask to touch my cock.”

She hadto ask to touch?

Sheesh. Gary used to shove her hand down his pants or gag her trying to shove his dick into her mouth.

You know what, Margie was welcome to Gary. He’d hardly been a catch.

“Or do you no longer want to suck my cock?” He took another step back and she whimpered, staring at his dick eagerly.

“Please, Sir, may I suck your cock?”

“You may,” he replied. “But you’re only to use your mouth, not your hands. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” She wasn’t entirely sure why, but she got a huge rush from doing what he said. Maybe it was the satisfaction in his voice or the way he seemed to relax more with each moment that she submitted to him, or her need to please him.

“Good girl. I’m going to hold your hair to grab you, but I won’t force my dick into your mouth and at any time you can draw back. Or you can slap my thigh, understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

She parted her lips as he guided his dick into her mouth. A murmur of pleasure escaped her as he wrapped his hand around her hair and started to pump in and out of her mouth.

“Your mouth is so hot. So wet. You do not know how hard it is not to come in your mouth again.”

She thought that sounded like a good idea. She peered up at him, trying to convey that thought to him. He smiled down at her. “I’m not a teenager who can recover quickly anymore, I’m afraid. And I want to come in your tight pussy more than in your mouth.”

It surprised her that he liked to talk dirty. It was almost enough to have her coming without him even touching her.

He slowly pumped in and out of her mouth. She wrapped her tongue around him, sucking on his shaft as he drew back out. His breathing became faster and her own arousal grew. She reached a hand down to her pussy. All she’d need was to touch her clit. Just flick it a few times to send her over the edge.

She whimpered as he drew his dick free from her mouth.

“No touching yourself without permission,” he growled at her. “Your orgasms are mine right now. You don’t get to come without permission and if you do, then you won’t like the consequences.”

She licked her lips. “Consequences? Like another spanking?” She thought she might be able to do that. Although her burning butt said otherwise.

“Consequences like no orgasms for a week.”

Holy hell, Batman.

“You wouldn’t!”

“Oh, I would. And I know that Matek forbid you from coming without one of us there.”

“So mean.”

“Stay right there,” he ordered her as he walked over and grabbed the cushion that she’d been lying on earlier. He set it down on the floor. “I want you to lie with your lower back on this again. Then bend your knees and spread your legs.”

He was killing her. But she also really wanted to come. Needed him inside her. So she lay back and spread her legs wide.

“Very nice. You’re being such a good girl. I’m going to taste you now. You’re going to lie still while I feast. But you cannot come. Understand? Not without permission.”

“I don’t know if I can hold it off.”

“You can,” he told her firmly. “If you get too close then call out yellow. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“That’s my girl.” He kissed his way down her thigh then across her mound. Using almost delicate strokes of his tongue, he lapped at her slit, running his tongue from the bottom to the top then pressing against her clit.

It was so hard to stay still. But she did her best as he tortured her. He flicked at her clit until she was close to yelling yellow. Until her thighs were trembling and it felt like her body might explode. Then he moved his tongue lower, pushing it deep inside her. His thumb pressed against her clit, just adding pressure. The need to move, to come, rode her.

She didn’t know how long he ate at her. But by the time he pulled away, her body was coated in sweat and she felt like she’d been out jogging. Not that she ever jogged. But she figured this is how fast her heart would race if she did.

Kassim laid kisses along her stomach then up to her breasts, sucking one nipple into his mouth. After letting her go, he placed his hands on either side of her head. “How are you doing?”

“I’m dying,” she told him pitifully.

“Poor baby,” he said with fake sympathy. “Too bad you have to wait a bit longer.”

“No, Sir, no!” she wailed as he kissed back down her body to return to her pussy. He drove her wild again. There was no way she could hold back. She just couldn’t. But then he slid his two fingers free of her passage and moved them lower, down to her puckered asshole.

She tensed, pressing her ass cheeks together.

Tamiya?” he queried.

“I, um, are you sure you want to touch me there?” she asked.

“You said it wasn’t a hard limit. And we need to start preparing you.”

“Aric already plugged me,” she told him.

He froze. “Did he?”

“Is that wrong?” she asked.

“Wrong? Why would it be wrong?”

“I don’t know. I mean, they told me that there’s a tradition that the oldest brother has to, um . . .”

“Have sex with you first?” he supplied. “There is. But that doesn’t mean I have to be the first one to play with your asshole.”

“Good to know,” she muttered. “I was definitely wondering about that.”

“Glad I could enlighten you. Now, unless you have objections, I’d like to get back to what I was doing.”

“No objections,” she squeaked out.

“Good, just relax,” he told her.

“Why do people keep telling me to relax when they want to stick something up my butt? Things aren’t supposed to go up your butt, it’s impossible to relax,” she muttered then let out a gasp of pleasure as he sucked on her clit.

Oh hell. Oh hell.

One finger dipped down between her ass cheeks, pressing against her hole.

Oh hell. Oh hell.

There was no way she could stop herself from coming. It wasn’t happening. Then he drew his mouth back from her clit.

She took big breaths, trying to calm herself down.

“Would you prefer I use a condom?” They’d already spoken about this and she was on a pill while they were regularly tested. But she appreciated him asking again.

“No condom.”

Did that mean the torture was over? Please let it be over.

She felt like there were small tremors running under her skin. Then he was leaning over her, pressing the head of his dick to her entrance. Slowly, he moved inside her. Inch by agonizing inch. His mouth captured hers as he pushed in deep.

“You feel so good. So hot. You’re clamping down around me. I don’t think I’m going to last long.”

“Please move, Sir. I can’t take it. Please. Please.”

He pulled back then drove forward. With each drive of his hips, he moved faster, harder. She wrapped her hands around his neck, holding on for dear life. Then he slid back.

“No, please, Sir!” she cried.

“Shh, easy,” he told her. “I want you to roll over. Stay up on your knees, but put your head down on the floor.”

She rolled and he moved in behind her, his dick sliding into her once more. This time he moved even harder. Reaching around her, he flicked at her clit.

“Please, Sir, may I come?”

“Come, tamiya. Come now.”

He continued to flick her clit until she came. Her body seemed to float. Time suspended as she pulsed around his firm dick. When she came back into her body, she realized he was still driving himself into her. His breathing had quickened and she thought he was close.

With one final drive, he let out a loud groan as he came. She collapsed onto the floor. He rolled her to her side then curled her against his body, holding her tight. She’d never felt anything like that before. But she knew it wouldn’t take much to get addicted.