Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Tavi watched as Pippa’s face filled with a mix of arousal and trepidation. Something shifted inside him. Satisfaction. Happiness.

This is what they all wanted. Thank God his plan had worked and Matek had gotten through to her because he didn’t know what they were going to do otherwise. And he had really been starting to worry about her health.

Aric returned quickly from their room with lube and a plug. Pippa’s eyes widened comically. Tavi had to hide a grin as he saw the butt plug. It was black and squat and the end of it was molded into the shape of a bat.

Poor little one. Not that he actually felt sorry for her. They’d spoken about her limits, and anal play hadn’t been one.

Stepping forward, he lifted her off the bed as Matek grunted, shifting down the bed onto his back.

“You ready for this, little one?” he asked as he stripped off the hoodie and her pajama top, leaving her naked.

“She’s cold,” Matek told him.

“We’ll have to keep her warm, won’t we?” Tavi asked, moving behind her and cupping her breasts with his hands.

She moaned, leaning back against him. He lightly played with her nipples while Aric set the lube and plug down on the bedside table.

“Spread your legs,” Tavi commanded. “Then reach down and show Aric how wet you are.”

“What? I can’t do that.”

He pinched her nipples, making her cry out.

“Wrong answer, little one,” he growled.

Aric came and knelt in front of her. He stared up at her with a stern expression on his face. “Show me.”

She glanced at Matek, who didn’t say anything.

“Don’t look to Matek,” Tavi growled. “He won’t save you.”

“She often does that, doesn’t she?” Aric looked up at Tavi. “Thinks that one of us will save her from the other.”

“Especially with Matek. Because he’s a big softie for her.” Tavi hid his grin as Matek growled.

“Nothing soft about me,” Matek muttered.

“That’s true,” Pippa added, staring over at Matek. “You’re very, very hard, Matty.”

He grunted with satisfaction.

“He’s a grumpy ass with everyone else, but with you he’s marshmallow. However, that doesn’t mean he’ll intervene in your punishments,” Tavi told her.

“Or allow you to do anything detrimental to your health and safety,” Aric added.

“Even if you pout,” Matek added firmly.

“Is she pouting?” Tavi asked.

“Sure is,” Aric replied.

“Am not.”

“Hmm, being disobedient and trying to get out of a punishment. That’s very naughty.”

“Hey!” she protested. “You’re making it sound way worse than it is.”

“Goodness, someone is racking up the punishments,” Aric teased.

“We need to start working through some of these punishments,” Tavi said sternly. “Since you just earned another fifteen. You can bend over and take fifteen smacks to your delicious ass. Or you can be denied an orgasm.”

“What? What sort of choice is that?” she wailed.

He had to bite his lip to hide his smile. He noticed Aric looking away and knew he likely had the same problem.

“Well? What’s it to be, little one?” Tavi asked.

“That’s no choice.”

“We’ll make the decision for you soon,” Aric warned.

“Orgasm denial or spanking?” Tavi pressed.

Urgh.The asses.

Seriously? Who came up with that sort of ultimatum? No orgasm or a spanking? And they expected her to decide?

Well, it wasn’t really a choice, was it? Because there was no way she could last without an orgasm. Especially with Matek planning to use his tongue on her pussy. She snuck another look at him. He was still lying on his back, but his head was turned towards her and he had pushed down his boxers and pajama bottoms to below his cock so he could stroke it.

Oh hell.

She could see his piercing now. It went vertically through the head of his cock. She couldn’t even imagine how that would hurt.

“Spanking,” she squeaked out before she could think better of it. Or attempt to run and hide in the bathroom to get herself off. Why hadn’t she brought Mr. Buzzy with her?

Although she wasn’t certain that Mr. Buzzy would be able to get her off as well as these guys could.

“Good girl,” Tavi murmured, sending a shiver across her skin. “I’m going to step away and you’ll lean over and take hold of Aric’s shoulders. If you feel dizzy or ill, you’re to immediately say your safe word. What is it?”

Hapuka,” she told him.

“That’s our girl,” Aric encouraged her with a smile.

She relaxed in pleasure at Aric’s words. Leaning over, she put herself in the right position.

“Either hold onto my shoulders or clasp your hands behind my neck,” Aric told her. She nodded, moving her hands behind his neck. Lord, what a sight she must make, bent over, her ass on display, her breasts swinging free.

“Spread your legs wider. That’s it.” Tavi ran his hand over her bottom then down her inner thigh. She shivered in pleasure. “Cold?”

Cold? How could she feel cold? She was on fire. “No, Tavi.”

“Good girl. Here’s the first five.” He delivered them rapidly. One cheek then the other, landing the fifth smack in the middle of her ass.

She gasped, going up onto her tiptoes. Aric was murmuring something quietly to her. Gradually his words reached her through the fog.

“ . . . such a beautiful girl. And all ours. So precious.”

She’d never really felt precious or beautiful. Not until them.

“How are you doing, little one?” Tavi asked as he massaged the heat into her ass.

“I’m good,” she replied. He’d definitely given her worse before.

“Next five.”

He smacked his hand down on her bottom, using a different pattern. Three in the middle of her ass then one on each side.

By the time he paused, she was trembling. Pain and pleasure warred in her body. She didn’t know which one would gain the upper hand.

“Little one? Do you need to change position?”

“No, please. Just finish it. Please!”

“All right, last five. You’re doing so well.”

The last five were the hardest. The smack of his hand against her ass filled the room. She heard Matek groan and quickly glanced over to see him coming all over his hand. She licked her lips. Damn it, she wouldn’t have minded taking care of that.

Tavi helped her stand, turning her so he could kiss her. His mouth was soft and gentle but when she parted her own lips, the kiss turned hotter. When he drew back, they were both breathing heavily.

“Okay, little one?”

“Yes, now can we get to the orgasm part?” she asked eagerly.

A laugh came from behind her and she turned around to grin down at Aric cheekily.

“So eager,” Tavi said. Her butt burned, but it only seemed to add to her arousal. Her clit was throbbing and she was so wet she could feel it on the top of her thighs. “Poor baby, have you got needs that aren’t being met?”

“Yes, it’s called needing to come,” she told him.

“Well, show Aric your pretty pussy and he might play with you.”

She sucked in a breath. Shoot. She thought her punishment meant she didn’t have to do that.

“Bend your knee and raise your foot,” Tavi commanded.

What the hell? But she lifted her leg. He grabbed it under the knee, exposing her pussy to Aric.

“Now reach down and part your lips.”

Fuck. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. But she reached down and parted her lips.

Aric licked his lips, staring at her. “That is the best-looking pussy I’ve ever seen.”

Oh Lord. Really? What did she even say to that? Thank you?

But then, Aric leaned forward and licked her. He ran his tongue along her slit, right up to her clit, flicking it gently.

“Oh. Oh. Oh.” She leaned back against Tavi, needing him to hold her up.

“Reach up and clasp your hands behind my neck, little one,” Tavi ordered.

She moved her hands back and held onto his neck as Aric sucked on her clit. Her breathing grew faster.

“Hey!” Matek complained. “Hurry up. I wanted to taste her.”

Aric drew back and looked over at his brother. “Aww, poor big guy. What you going to do if I refuse? If I keep her here with my mouth on her clit? She might prefer to have me eating her out, anyway. Why settle for an amateur when she can have the master?”

“Aric!” she scolded as Matek let out a growl. A pillow landed against the side of Aric’s head.

“You’re brave now while I’m injured. Won’t always be injured,” Matek warned in an ominous voice.

Aric paled. “You’re right. Maybe it’s time to sit on Matek’s face, Poppet.”

She rolled her eyes at him but Tavi lowered her foot to the floor and Aric stood, licking his lips. “Fucking delicious.”

He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and drew her close for a kiss. She unclasped her hands from around Tavi’s neck and clasped hold of Aric’s shirt as she kissed him back, tasting herself on his lips.

“Damn. Shit. Come on, before I lay you on the floor and fuck you.”

“I wouldn’t object,” she told him.

“Aric,” Tavi warned as Aric looked like he was considering that. “You know the rules.”

“Damn it,” Aric took a step away from her. “That tradition is antiquated.”

“Still, we have to follow it.”

“What tradition? What rule?” she asked as Matek crooked a finger at her. She moved over to him. He squeezed the base of his dick. “Over my face.”

She blushed at the very blunt demand but put one knee on the mattress, prepared to climb over him. Tavi knelt next to Matek on the other side of the bed and held out his hand to her.

“There’s an old tradition in the harems that the oldest has to have sex with their bride first,” Tavi told her.

“What? Really?” she asked, gaping at him.

“Yep,” he replied. “It’s not a tradition that most people would adhere to, but being the princes puts us in a different position.”

“Not that anyone would freaking know,” Aric grumbled. “It’s not like the old days where elders used to sit in the room while the royal bride was taken by the oldest prince in her harem.”

“What? Did that happen?” And why did the thought of it turn her on so much? She didn’t want to be watched, right?

“So that means that Kassim has to sleep with me first?” she asked, blushing at the thought. How often had she fantasized about her boss?

Too often. That’s how much.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun,” Tavi told her as he helped her position her bent legs on either side of Matek’s head.

“But what if he won’t?” she asked. “Have sex with me.”

They all started laughing and she glared at them. “Stop it. That was a legitimate concern. I haven’t seen Kassim since Matek was hurt. He’s avoiding me. What if . . . what if he’s changed his mind?”

“Little one, I’m sorry,” Tavi told her, cupping the side of her face. “We weren’t laughing at you. The idea of Kassim being able to ignore his feelings for you for too much longer, to not make you his completely, that’s what’s funny.”

“He’s just swimming in guilt at the moment,” Aric told her. “Like you were.”

“And you’ll help him out,” Matek told her.

“I will? How?”

Instead of answering her, Matek took hold of her hips and guided her pussy down to his mouth.

Oh. Holy. Hell.

That was crazy. Incredible. It felt so weird kneeling over him, like she was going to suffocate him. But he kept a firm hold of her hips when she would have tried to move away to give him air.

“Don’t worry about Matek,” Tavi reassured her. “He knows what he’s doing. If he needs you to move, he’s capable of doing it himself. Grasp hold of the headboard. That’s it. Fuck, that’s a fucking delicious sight.”

“Lean forward more,” Aric commanded from where he stood on the other side of her. She noticed that he was coating the black anal plug in lube.

Oh fuck.

Was he really going to put that in her ass?

“It’s not going to fit,” she whined.

“Don’t worry, it will fit,” Tavi reassured her, using his hand on her back to lightly press her forward.

Matek thrust his tongue into her passage and she cried out in pleasure.

Oh, holy hotness, Batman! Then Tavi moved and used his hands to part her bottom cheeks.

“No, wait, please,” she begged. “I’m not ready.”

“You’re building this up to something scary and it’s not,” Aric reassured her. “You have your safeword. If you need us to stop then say your safeword and I’ll stop immediately.”

“But it looks so huge,” she gasped out as Matek started flicking at her clit.

“Don’t you come,” Tavi warned. “You’re not to come without permission.”

Oh God, that so wasn’t fair.

“Poppet, this plug is tiny in comparison with Matek’s dick and I’m sure at some stage that’s gonna be in your ass. By the way, Matek, could you cover up that monster?” Aric complained as he moved out of her vision.

Matek slid his hand away from her hip and there was a grunting noise.

“Crap, I’ll do it,” Tavi muttered. “I should get hazard pay for this.”

She felt a finger press against her back hole.

“I can’t do it!”

“You can do it, little one,” Tavi told her. “You’re fine. Just relax. If you don’t try it, then you’ll never know whether you like it. There you go, Aric is pushing his finger into your ass. That’s it, let him in. Nice and slow. Now, doesn’t that feel good?”

“Do you like having a finger up your ass?” she asked him.

Smack! He slapped her ass.

“Hey! That wasn’t fair.” She moaned as Matek continued to assault her clit. Fuck! How was she supposed to hold off?

“It was,” Tavi replied. Your voice was getting a bit bratty. And for your information, I’ve been plugged before.”

“You have?”

“Yes, brat.”

“I’ve got her up to two fingers. She’s sucking me in,” Aric said in a tight voice. “Don’t know what she was worried about. She’s a natural.”

“Lucky me,” she said sarcastically. “Glad to know my natural-born talent is to take a finger up my ass.”


“Hmm, it’s definitely not watching what you say in order to avoid a hot ass,” Tavi told her, before rubbing the heat in.

Her breath came in harsh pants, especially when Tavi climbed off the bed to strip.

Oh hell. Oh hell.

“I need to come,” she cried. Truth was, the finger in her ass felt really, really good.

“No, not yet,” Tavi ordered. “You don’t get to come until that plug is buried deep in your ass.”

Matek lifted her slightly, attacking her pussy at a different angle as Tavi crawled back onto the bed, completely naked. She licked her lips as she took in his cock.

“How would you like to suck on Matek’s dick, little one?” he asked.

Um, she didn’t want to point out the obvious, but how was that going to happen when his dick was behind her?

“After Aric plugs you, I’m going to help you turn. You’ll suck Matek off while he eats out your pussy.”

“What about you and Aric?”

“Don’t worry about us. Matek needs you right now. He hasn’t been sleeping, but I bet a blow job from you will set him right off into la-la land,” Aric told her.

Matek growled and it made her cry out, the vibrations moving through her pussy.

“That’s it. You’re so close aren’t you?” Tavi said with mock-sympathy. If he felt any sort of sympathy for her then he would let her come. Right now.

Oh, and he’d also stop Aric from pushing that plug into her ass. She could feel it right now, prodding at her ass hole.

“Deep breath in. That’s it. Now hold. Good girl, you’re doing so well,” Tavi encouraged her. One hand worked his cock as he ran the other one up and down her back.

Fuck. Fuck. It burned. It was close to being too much. But then the widest part went through the tight ring of muscle and she started panting as it settled into her ass.

“What a good girl you are, isn’t she, Aric?”

“Fuck, that’s a fucking beautiful sight,” Aric replied.

She turned her head to find him stripping. Then Tavi helped turn her without bumping Matek. Aric walked stark naked into the bathroom.

Damn, that was one nice, tight ass.

“Attention on us, little one,” Tavi warned. “You’ll have plenty of opportunities to check out Aric. Now, you’re going to suck on Matek’s cock and make him come.”

Okay, that was one order she could totally get behind. Eagerly, she lowered her mouth to his dick, swirling her tongue around the head, nudging the piercing. Matek let out a low groan.

Blow jobs were the one thing Gary used to tell her that she did well.

Don’t think about him right now.

She licked her way down Matek’s dick. Fuck, he was huge. Matek’s tongue licked her pussy. The plug in her ass felt strange but as her pleasure rose, she decided she liked the feel of being full. She squeezed her ass around it, groaning in delight.

She took Matek’s dick as far as she could into her mouth. Then she bobbed up and down, humming with delight.

Oh, so good. So damn good. She wanted more. Turning her head slowly, she saw that Aric stood to one side, his hand moving up and down his dick.

Matek stole her attention as he pressed his tongue to her clit and she let go, her orgasm rushing through her. She felt hands steadying her, stopping her from collapsing on Matek. Thank God, because she’d feel awful if she hurt him. But then his dick spurted in her mouth as he came. She swallowed him down with murmurs of pleasure. When she pulled back, she was gasping for air. Her body was sated and yet, she wanted so much more.

“Lay her on her back,” Aric commanded. “I want to taste her pussy again.”

“Again?” she squeaked. “I don’t think I can come again.”

Tavi snorted. “You can.” He helped her off Matek, who lay there with a dreamy smile on his face.

Aric let out a chuckle, seeing that. “I think someone is happy.”

“Very.” He yawned. “Carry on.”

“We can’t do anything more,” she told them as Tavi rolled her onto her back and started sucking on a nipple. “What if we bump him? Or wake him up?”

“If you didn’t bump him while sucking him off, then I think we’ll be fine,” Tavi told her.

Matek let out a soft snore.

“And I don’t think anything is going to wake him up,” Aric added, settling between her legs. “My turn.”

He spread her lips then dove in with his tongue. She let out a groan that she attempted to muffle. Tavi raised his lips from her nipple.

“You really won’t wake Matek. He’s only slept because of the drugs. He needed you.”

And she’d been staying away. Guilt filled her.

“Hey, no more guilt. Understand me?” He cupped her jaw then kissed her. Hard. “Enough.”

She nodded, eyes wide. He leaned in to kiss her as Aric thrust two fingers into her pussy, his tongue flicking her clit. She thrust her hips up, wanting more.

“I need you guys,” she cried as Tavi drew back.

“Then you’ll just have to get Kassim on board, won’t you?” Tavi said with a grin, reaching down to tug at his dick.

“Let me touch you,” she asked. “Please.”

He knelt up beside her and she played with his cock as Aric continued his assault on her pussy.

“Fuck yes,” Tavi groaned as she reached a rhythm he seemed to enjoy.

Aric steadily flicked at her clit, making her wriggle around on the bed. It was almost too much. She couldn’t possibly come again. Her clit was way too sensitive. And yet . . .

She muffled her scream with her hand as she came. The orgasm even more intense than the last one. Collapsing back, she realized she was squeezing Tavi’s dick.

“Oh no, are you all right?” she asked frantically, looking up into his tensed jaw.

“Fuck. Keep going. Keep going.”

She moved her hand quicker until he came with a deep moan. She kept sliding her hand up and down in gentle movements until he slid away then leaned down to kiss her.

“Damn, Poppet. I could stay buried in your pussy all day,” Aric told her.

“Might get a bit boring down there after a while,” she told him. “Also might make going to the toilet difficult.”

He grinned and lay on his back next to her as Tavi moved into the bathroom. She heard the sound of running water and guessed he was having a shower.

“I’d let you have toilet breaks,” Aric reassured her.

“How very kind of you.” She snuggled into his side then reached down to run her hand up and down his erect dick.

“You don’t have to,” he told her on a whisper. “There’s never any expectation that you’ll do anything for us.”

“Ahh, but that just makes me want to do it more,” she told him, wriggling down until she was lying between his legs. Then she ran her tongue around the head of his dick. It was so pretty. Longer than Tavi’s but not thicker. Neither of them were as big as Matek. But she knew better than to ever say that out loud.

She sucked the head into her mouth and ran her hand up and down the shaft. All of these guys were so big that they created a delicious sort of ache in her jaw. But she ignored that as she widened her mouth and took as much of him as she could into her mouth.

He ran his fingers through her hair then he grabbed it up and twisted it, holding it in his hand so he could gently guide her. She’d thought that might freak her out, but she felt her core pulse.

No more. I can’t take any more orgasms.

Urgh, her pussy was such a poor listener. It needed a spanking.

No, wait. No pussy spankings. That sounded like something she should put on her hard limit list.

“Fuck, Poppet. Fuck, yes. You feel so damn good.” Aric drove his hips forward and she took him as deep as she could as he came, swallowing him down with a murmur of pleasure then licking her way back up his shaft as he took deep, heaving breaths.

“Dying. I’m dying.”

She crawled over him to lie on his chest and he ran his hand up and down her back.

Yeah, he wasn’t the only one.

“I love you, Aric,” she whispered to him.

His hand paused. “I love you too, Poppet. You’re my whole world. Please don’t scare me by retreating again.”

“I won’t. I promise. No more hiding.”