Claimed By her Daddies by Laylah Roberts


Pippa was nervous about their date.

Maybe it was silly, but she just wanted everything to go well. With all her guys. And this was her first official date with one of them. She didn’t know if last night’s naughty secretary-stern boss play with Kassim counted. Or going shopping with Aric.

But this one was definitely a date.

She spun around in front of the mirror, her dress flirting around her thighs. The dark-blue dress was tight from the waist up and had sleeves to her elbows and a modest neckline. But from the waist down it was all party. The skirt was full and ended just below her ass. She’d paired it with stockings and a suspender belt. As well as some of the high heels Aric bought her. She’d even put some make-up on, which wasn’t something she normally attempted. She’d never had anyone teach her how to put on make-up so she always felt a bit silly attempting it.

A knock on the door interrupted her worrying and she moved to the door, opening it.

Tavi stood there, dressed in a white shirt and black pants. In his hand, he held a bunch of white tulips, which were her absolute favorite flower.

He looked dashing. A little dangerous with his darkly handsome good looks. But she liked that

“You look gorgeous,” she blurted out.

“I think that’s my line.” He winked at her. Then his gaze ran over her. “You are so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she told him. “Am I dressed okay? I wasn’t sure what to wear.”

“Perfect.” He handed her the flowers that were already in a vase.

“Wow, these are gorgeous. Nobody has ever brought me flowers before.”

“What? Never?” He gave her a shocked look.


“We’ll have to remedy that,” he said quietly as she placed the vase on her bedside table. Although hopefully she wouldn’t be spending the night in here. Or at least not alone.

Sheesh, you hussy.

Turning, she stared up at Tavi nervously. “What are we doing?”

“That’s a surprise.” He held out his elbow and she placed her hand in it, letting him steer her out of the room then downstairs to the back part of the house she hadn’t yet explored.

“It’s so quiet.”

“Everyone is giving us some space,” he told her.

When they walked into the room, confusion filled her. It looked like a ballroom. But down at one end was a big projector screen with speakers. In front of it was a rug with . . .

“Is that fish and chips?” she asked.

“Yes, hopefully they’re not cold. I put them in the oven to warm them up a bit.”

“Oh my God! I haven’t had fish and chips for ages! Is there tomato sauce? Please say there is.”

He laughed. “Do you mean ketchup? Of course there is.”

“How did you know?” she asked as she flicked off her heels and sat on one of the huge pillows that had been set down on the rug.

He sat across from her and they both dug into the greasy goodness of hot chips and deep-fried fish. She swirled her last chip through the tomato sauce then lay back on the pillow with a groan. “So full. You’re gonna have to roll me into bed.”

“Not too full, I hope,” he replied. “You haven’t had your surprise yet.”

“Is it a nice nap?” she asked hopefully.

He laughed. “Something better, I hope.” He quickly tidied up the mess, brushing her hands away when she tried to help.

Then he moved to the laptop that sat above one of the speakers. She sat up, watching him curiously. A gasp of shock filled her as the projector screen suddenly lit up and a person appeared in it.

“Oh my God! You’re Arianna.”

And she sounded like a crazy lunatic.

The other woman, who was likely halfway around the world, let out a soft laugh. She was gorgeous. And her warmth came through the screen, making it seem like she was in the room with them. “I am. And you must be Pippa.”

“She knows my name,” she said with wonder.

Another laugh from the famous singer.

Pippa quickly pinched herself.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Tavi crouched next to her, taking her arm gently in his hand and rubbing his thumb over the red spot where she’d pinched herself.

“Just making sure this is real,” she replied.

“That’s something I do too,” Arianna said. “Well, I used to.” She glanced off screen. “I’m not allowed to anymore. Someone thinks I’m hurting myself. Which is a big no-no.”

There was a low voice that spoke back but she couldn’t hear what the person said. Arianna’s face flushed.

“I understand fully why Bain doesn’t allow you to hurt yourself,” Tavi said, sending Pippa a firm look.

“Tavi, that’s Arianna,” she whispered.

Amusement filled his face. “I know.”

“You can’t scold me in front of her.”

Arianna laughed again. “Don’t worry, Pippa. I have a dominant male in my life too. He likes to scold, makes them feel useful.”

That low voice spoke again then a huge man with dark skin and a frown was peering into the camera. “Ah, Tavi, there you are. This your girl?”

Tavi smiled. “It is. Pippa, meet Arianna and Bain. This is our Pippa.”

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Arianna said sincerely. “Tavi and his brothers mean a great deal to Bain and I, we’re so pleased they’ve found you.”

She flushed. She couldn’t believe that Arianna was happy to meet her.

“Breathe,” Tavi told her. “She’s just a normal person.”

“Hey!” Arianna said teasingly. “I resent that.”

“Yeah, she’s not a normal person, Tavi.” Pippa gave him a wide-eyed look.

Tavi just chuckled. “I know, little one. Arianna, shall we start?”

“Absolutely.” The other woman moved to a chair with a microphone in front of it and then Bain handed her a guitar.

“Wait. Oh my God! She’s singing a song for us?”

“She’s singing us several. Ari is doing a private concert just for us.”

“Fish and chips and a private Arianna concert. Kill me now because life doesn’t get better than this.”

He stood then held out a hand and drew her up into his arms as Arianna began to sing.

* * *

Two hours later,after they’d said their goodbyes to Ari and Bain, Tavi helped his girl up the stairs and into his bedroom. He told his cock to calm down, knowing she had to be too tired to do anything tonight. Especially as Kassim had apparently kept her up half the night then Aric and Matek had played with her this morning.

But to his shock, as soon as the door closed behind them, she turned to him, pushing him back against the wall.

“Pippa? What are you doing?”

“I can’t believe you did that. I can’t believe you arranged that,” she said almost feverishly as she undid the buttons on his shirt. She yanked it open then pressed her mouth to his nipple, before licking it.

Oh. Fuck.

“That was the best date ever,” she told him as her fumbling hands undid his belt then his pants. “Not that I had much to measure it against, Gary’s idea of a date was watching the rugby at the pub then stumbling home for drunken sex that never included getting me off. But this was spectacular.”

She started kissing down his stomach then pulled his pants and boxers down, revealing his hard cock.

He’d never seen her like this. He was so taken aback, that it took him a moment to realize that she was completely taking control.

That wouldn’t do.

But then she sucked his dick into her mouth. And instead of stopping her, he reached for the loose bun she had her hair in, letting it free then grabbing up her hair in his hand to guide her.

“Fuck yes, little one. Just like that.”

This wasn’t where he’d expected his night to end. Yeah, he’d hoped for sex. But her basically attacking him so she could suck his cock? Nope, that hadn’t entered his mind.

When he knew he wasn’t far away from completely blowing his load, he drew her mouth away from his dick. She let out a whimper of protest. Fuck, it was a turn-on knowing how much she enjoyed doing that.

“Stop, little one,” he told her in a low voice. Time to take back control.

“I don’t want to.”

“Who is in charge?”

“You are.” Although the sulky look on her face said she wished it was otherwise.

“Come here.” He helped her up then cupped her face between his hands. “I don’t want to come in your mouth because then I’ll have to wait to fuck you. And I feel like I’ve waited forever to do that.”

“You’re going to fuck me?” She sounded breathless. Hungry. Probably similar to how he sounded.



He had to grin. “Finally.” He stepped back and stripped off his shirt and kicked his way out of his pants and boxers. She watched him hungrily.

“Like what you see?”

She nodded. “Can I touch you?”

“You can,” he allowed. She immediately ran her fingers over his chest, flicking at his nipple then down the ridges of his stomach to his cock. “But not there.” He grabbed her hand before it reached his dick. “Turn around. I’ll help you out of your dress.”

He moved the zipper down slowly, kissing every part of her skin that was revealed. When she stepped out of the dress, she was left just in high heels, stockings, and suspenders. And nothing else.

“No bra?” he asked.

“The dress had a built-in one,” she replied.

“Bend over, hands on the floor,” he told her.

“You guys have an obsession with my ass,” she muttered, but she didn’t sound like she was too upset.

“That’s because it’s such an amazing ass.” As she bent over, he ran his hand down her cheeks. “I’m going to go grab a butt plug and lube. Aric said he didn’t get a chance to plug you earlier.”

“Aric has a big mouth,” she grumbled.

He slapped her ass. “Enough sass, brat. Or I’ll give you the bigger plug.”

“No sass here,” she replied. “Total sass-free zone. All sass has been wiped out.”

He shook his head at her craziness as he strode into the bathroom to get the butt plug Aric had put in here earlier. This one was bigger than the other day, but still had a bat on the end. Grabbing it and the lube, he walked back into the bedroom, staring over at her.

He really had wondered if this day would ever come. When he would have her like this.

She’s going to be mine.

“Spread your legs, little one,” he told her. “That’s it. Good girl.”

A shiver ran through her with his words and he parted her bottom cheeks, staring down at her puckered hole. “You look fucking sexy with your heels and those suspenders. Hell, it is a wonder I was able to get through the concert without pulling you to the floor and taking you.”

“That would have been awkward,” she agreed, letting out a small sigh as he pressed a lube-coated finger into her asshole.

“Just slightly. That’s it. Relax and let me in.”

He thrust his fingers in and out of her ass. Her breathing had grown faster and he knew that it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge into orgasm.

“I’m going to get the plug ready,” he told her, sliding her fingers free from her ass. She let out a small groan. “It’s slightly bigger than the one we used the other day.”

“Oh, slime balls,” she muttered, making him grin.

He pressed the plug to her ass. “Deep breath in. Now let it out.” Slowly, he slowly slid the plug into her ass.

She groaned, panting. He rubbed her ass, staring down at the bat peeking out at him from between her ass cheeks.

“You can stand now, little one.” He held onto her with the hand that hadn’t been in her ass. She turned towards him, leaning her head on his chest for a moment. “All right?”

“Yeah, just getting used to it.”

He tilted up her face. “You look damn sexy with that plug in your ass. Stay there.”

Quickly, he washed his hands in the bathroom then returned to where she was still standing. He held out his hand and led her over to one of the armchairs that sat in front of the fireplace he’d lit earlier. He hadn’t wanted her to be cold for what he had in mind. She looked damn sexy walking around in just high heels, hose and suspenders. Her breasts gently swayed and her hair lay in a mess of soft curls around her face and shoulders.

“Sit,” he commanded.

She moved gingerly, perching on the edge.

“Keep your butt at the edge of the seat but lean back and put your legs up on the arms.”

Her breath caught, her eyes widening. But she leaned back as ordered. This put her pussy on display as well as giving him a glimpse at the plug poking out of her ass.

“Fuck, that’s a beautiful sight,” he told her.

“Really?” She looked unsure and vulnerable and he knew she needed reassurance.

“Oh yes,” he told her. “I wish I could take a photo of you like this. I’d keep it somewhere safe, bring it out when I wanted to remember this.”

He leaned between her legs to kiss her gently. Then he kissed down her neck to her breasts, spending time on each nipple, nipping then soothing any pain with his tongue. Moving along her tummy, he reached her mound. Kneeling now, he bent and parted her pussy lips.

“You may come as often as you want,” he told her.

Then he worked on her clit. He sucked, licked, pierced her with his fingers until she screamed as she came, her pussy clenching down on his fingers. Fuck, so tight. So good. He kept working at her clit, driving her up into another orgasm that left her panting and breathless.

Knowing he couldn’t wait any longer, he drew back.

“Turn around, little one. On your knees and grab hold of the back of the chair.”

She moved around, spreading her knees apart. That butt plug was going to make things tight and he thought about removing it. Then he thought better of it.

He gathered up some of her moisture and coated his dick in it. He loved the taste of her, the smell. Then he slowly slid inside her. He was right, it was a tight fit but it felt so good and she was so wet that he still easily filled her.

Small cries left her lips as he plunged in deep. “Okay, little one?” he asked, pausing to catch his breath. He might need to up his gym work-outs to keep up with her.

“More, please. Please.”

Grasping hold of her hips, he drew back and thrust forward. He didn’t have the ability to deny her, or the desire to either. Maybe one day, he might be able to hold back, to make her squirm as he impaled her like this, to torture her until she was begging him.

But that day likely wouldn’t come for years. If then.

He moved up his pace. Sweat coated his skin. His breath came in hard pants. He’d dreamed about this for so long. Tortured both of them. Finally, it was happening.

And if he wasn’t careful he was going to come in an embarrassingly quick amount of time. But shit, he couldn’t hold back.

“Reach down and touch your clit,” he commanded. “Make yourself come.”

“I don’t know if I can come again,” she told him.

“You can. You will.” He stopped, waiting until she moved. Then as she toyed with her clit, he drove himself in and out of her tight sheath.

“Please. Please. Please.”

“Come for me, little one,” he commanded. “Come around my dick. I want to hear you scream.”

She clenched down around him and he knew she was close. Then her cry of pleasure filled the room as she came.


One thrust. Two. Then his own roar joined hers as he followed her over into bliss.

* * *

She rolledfrom side to side, unable to sleep. At least the bathroom light was on which cut through the darkness. She knew that Tavi had left it on for her.

They were all so thoughtful. It made her feel safe and cared for. Not a feeling she was used to.

As she sighed, Tavi moved. She froze. Shoot. It wouldn’t be fair to wake him up. Maybe she should go back to her room. As she was getting out of bed, a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist.

“Where are you going?” he asked in a sleepy-sounding voice.

Shoot. She’d woken him up.

“Sorry I woke you.”

He let her go then rolled and turned on the bedside lamp. He slid onto his side, pulling her into bed so she was lying on her back.

“You okay?” he asked, cupping her face as he leaned over her. “Did you have a nightmare?”

“Ah, no, I haven’t been to sleep yet. I’m sorry for waking you up.”

“Where were you going?” he asked.

“I thought I might go back to my room and watch some television.”

He frowned. “Staring at a screen before bed isn’t conducive for a good night’s sleep. You’re probably overtired. You’re not worrying about anything, are you?”

“Like who might be trying to kill me and whether they might hurt you guys instead?” she asked dryly.

He let out a deep breath. “I can see how that would worry you. What would help with that? Your pacifier, right? I’ll go get that for you. And a drink.”

“And Cranky?” she asked quietly.

“Of course, how could I forget Cranky? Silly Daddy.” Leaning in, he kissed her gently on the forehead. “I want you to stay in bed, understand? It’s too cold for you to get out and move around. I’ll be ten minutes, tops.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

She lay under the covers, feeling a bit bad that he was up and walking around the house in the dark and cold. When he returned, she sat up eagerly, holding out her hands for Cranky and her pacifier. He was carrying her bottle with something in it.

“It’s hot chocolate,” he explained. “Thought it might help you. I didn’t make it too hot.” He hopped back into bed and handed her the bottle. She grabbed it shyly.

“Whenever I couldn’t sleep as a child, my mother would sit by my bed and read to me. Would you like that?”

“If you don’t mind. I don’t want to keep you awake.”

He shook his head. “I won’t sleep until you do.

“Hey, no reason for both of us to be awake.”

He reached for a book in his bedside drawer. “I’ve been reading this book.”

Her eyes widened at the reverse harem romance book in his hand. It was one she knew well. His cheeks were slightly red as he stared down at her. “I can start back at the beginning.”

“No, don’t,” she told him. “I’ve actually read it. You can start from where you were finished. I really like this book. It’s a good choice.”

He just nodded then started reading out loud. She snuggled down and lifted the bottle to her mouth, drinking the hot chocolate. She closed her eyes as she sucked, hugging Cranky tight against her.

She wasn’t sure when the nipple of the bottle was replaced with her pacifier or the blankets were tucked around her or a pair of lips were pressed against her forehead.

“Love you, little one.”

“Love you too, Daddy,” she whispered back.

She slept the whole night without having a single nightmare.