Love, Ally by Hannah Gray



The next weekend comes fast, and here I stand, ready to go out in front of a shit-ton of people and sing the national anthem. I love that Cole did this for me, but at the same time, I sort of want to castrate him for it.

“Don’t be so nervous, girl. You’re going to totally kill it,” Sloane says before giggling. “And remember, no matter what, you will never be half as bad as me.”

My skin feels hot with anxiety; it prickles and feels itchy. My brain is in an almost-foggy state. I’ve never been this nervous to sing in front of people. But this is a lot of people.

I try to give her a smile to let her know I’m okay. Though I think it just comes out as an awkward, weird-as-fuck facial expression, of which I have no control over.

Damn Cole and his ideas.

“And now, our very own student, Ally Lee James, will sing the national anthem.”

The words echo through the stadium, and I actually think my stomach might fall out of my butthole. But even still, I make my way to where I was told to go, and I take the microphone. And once I have it, that thing that always happens, happens again. I’m fine as the words begin to flow out of my mouth. I couldn’t tell you how they sound because my heart is pumping so loud in my ears that I can’t hear a damn thing other than that. But I know I’m singing the words.

When I’m done, I find Cole in the line of players, and I give him my best smile.

He did this for me. He gave me the honor of singing the national anthem at a college football game. And what an incredible thing that was to do.

He points to me and claps. Telling me he thinks I did a good job, and really, that’s all that matters. The fact that he believes in me is everything.


“Go down there and give your fine-ass boyfriend a kiss,” Sloane says, shooing me away.

I roll my eyes but oblige. Secretly wanting to throw my arms around him and drink him in.

Cole poured every ounce of himself into this game. He was on fire, and it was a beautiful sight to watch. And the team won by a landslide.

“Hey, superstar.” I wink. “Looked pretty good out there.”

“Pretty good?” A wolfish grin stretches across his face. “I was fucking legendary.”

“Eh … you were all right.”

Scooping me up in one swift move, he presses his lips roughly against mine. “You’re so full of shit. I’m surprised your eyes aren’t brown.”

“I’m just playing.” I kiss him, tasting the mint gum he’s been chewing. “You were fucking legendary.”

“Damn straight I was.” Twirling me around in a circle, he puts his nose to my neck. “And you, Ally Lee James, were fucking incredible.” The stubble on his face tickles my skin. “And unbelievably sexy. You were born to be on a stage, sweet cheeks.”

Setting my forehead against his, I peer into his eyes that look more green than blue today. “I don’t know about all that. But thank you for setting it up for me to do that. I was nervous, but I’m so glad I did it.”

“Anything for my angel.” He nips at my neck.

The truth is, as much as I love to sing, I’m starting to second-guess that I want an actual career in it.

“Yo, Storm, party tonight at Andrew and Asher’s house. You coming or being a little bitch?” Knox calls out to Cole.

Usually, Cole wouldn’t take being called a little bitch too well, but I can tell that anything that comes out of this guy’s mouth is all in good fun. I’ve been around him and Weston since Cole and I have been spending more time together, and I have to say, I enjoy hanging around them. And I can tell they are good friends to Cole, which obviously seals the deal for my stamp of approval.

Setting me down on my feet, he looks down at me. “What do you think? You feel like partying tonight?” Pressing his mouth to my ear, he drops his voice low enough for only me to hear. “Or we could go back to my place and have a party of our own.”

My lips curve up in a smile. “While the latter is rather tempting, I could actually go for a little Crown and a lot of dancing.” I look at Knox and tip my chin up. “Sloane will be with me.” I don’t ask; I tell him.

“Perfect,” he mutters before stalking off.

His body language tells me he isn’t big on the idea. But oh well. Where I go, she goes.

“Who even are Andrew and Asher? No frat guys, right?” I ask Cole.

He shakes his head. “Fuck no. They are seniors on the football team. They have a place off-campus.”

Tilting his head to the side, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I don’t know how he makes such a small movement seem so intimate.

“I hope we can have a place off-campus next year too.”

Pulling my lips to the side, I hold my hands up and shrug. “We shall see.”

His eyes narrow slightly as he watches me. “Yeah, we will.”

He wanted me to give him more. To tell him, Yes, yes, let’s do it. Let’s plan to move in together! But the truth is, I haven’t even come clean to him yet about all the secrets I’ve buried. I’m being disloyal, and I know that isn’t exactly the best recipe for us moving into a place together.

Hopefully by next year, everything will be out on the table. But then again, what if Sloane wants to room together still? I can’t be that girl who drops her one and only friend for a guy. But he isn’t just a guy.

One thing I know for certain is, I am excited to tip back some Crown and shake my ass against Cole and Sloane. My experiences in the past shouldn’t ruin my chances at being a normal college girl. And normal college girls get dolled up and go to parties. That’s exactly what I plan to do tonight.