Love, Ally by Hannah Gray



Eight Months Later

“Charlotte Ellis Storms.” I smile down at my beautiful daughter before glancing up at Lenny. “I’m sad I never got the chance to meet Ellis, but from what I’ve heard about your wife, she was truly an angel.”

“She was.” Lenny nods, wiping his eyes. “We all need an angel in our life sometimes.”

Cole pulls his eyes off of our daughter and glances up at me. “We do.”

My husband was right about us bringing a baby girl into the world. A dark-haired, blue-eyed, sweet-angel baby. And if I thought I loved Cole before, I think that love tripled when I saw him snuggle her against his chest as he whispered to always love and protect her. He told her she was the luckiest baby in the world to have me as her mom.

Truth is, she’s lucky to have him as her fierce guardian.

I have no idea how someone like Cole could exist. But I’m so damn thankful to call him mine. And I feel like the luckiest person in the world to belong to him. I spent a good portion of my life wondering where the heck I belonged, and now, I know I wouldn’t want to belong anywhere else than right here, next to him.

I told you our story wasn’t pretty. But I wouldn’t trade this story for anyone else’s. Because … it’s ours. And our story, flawed and gritty as it might be, is so much more than I could have ever imagined.

It’s perfectly imperfect. And perfectly us.