Taken By the Stranger by Jenna Rose



Jesus Christ, what the fuck was that?

This wasn’t the plan. Not by a long shot.

I was supposed to kidnap Sophie, bring her home, make the call, demand the ransom, get paid, and bring her home. The dumb bitch didn’t even realize that when she included the photo of herself on The Dungeon that she completely blew her cover by showing her backyard in the picture. I knew instantly who it was I was looking at, and my suspicions were confirmed when she provided me with her address.

Sophie Madison, the one and only heiress of the Madison family, the rich sons of bitches responsible for ruining my life and the lives of countless others in my community.

Her dad, Howard, may tout himself as some kind of kind-hearted philanthropist now, but when I was a kid, he was just another ruthless developer who bought up all the land and buildings in my neighborhood, and using his political connections in the local town government, evicted everyone in the middle of winter.

Sure, he made a show of providing temporary housing pay for those affected, but that basically just meant we all ended up in shelters, crammed in four or more to a room, sleeping on cots or bunk beds until we could find. And me, being just a boy, I could barely understand why we were suddenly being forced from our homes and out into the cold to live with a bunch of strangers.

Now, my old working-class neighborhood by the river is a bunch of luxury condos filled with yuppies telling stories about how great and “down to earth” the people who used to live there were.

So when I saw Sophie’s post on The Dungeon, I saw my chance to get back at the Madisons for good.

But then I got my hands on her, and something changed.

Something snapped inside me when I felt her lips against my palm, her ass pressed against my bulge and heard her soft little whimpers like a scared little dog.

I knew I had to have her.

And what’s more, I knew she wanted it.

Who would have thought that Howard and Jacqueline would have ended up raising a freak for a daughter? But I guess that’s what you get when you squirrel your girl away in a crystal tower and keep her from having a normal life for eighteen years. She ends up fantasizing, and then those fantasies run away with her, and she ends up in the arms of a monster like me.

And I am a monster…

And that’s why she can’t stay here. That’s why I have to stick to the plan. I have to call Howard from my burner phone, demand the ransom money, and send her ass packing. As much as I hate her family, Sophie’s never done anything to me. It would be wrong to keep her, corrupt her, tear her away from everything she’s ever known and force her to stay with me.

She’d probably turn out like her bitch of a mother anyway when she’s not coming all over my cock. It’s not like she’s ever had any good female role models around her. There’s no way she can cook, probably has never picked up a broom or a mop in her life, and would be crying for the comforts she’s grown accustomed to after a week of being away from the palace where she’s been living for her entire life.

One thing’s for sure though. This bitch is definitely already promised to another man. There’s no way Howard would settle on anything different. I know how he works, and I’d put everything I own on him and his harpy of a wife already having picked out a suitable husband for his daughter – someone of equal social status, who’s got a promising future ahead of him. And that’s why Sophie made her post on The Dungeon. Because she wants to the get fuck away from that.

And you know what? I don’t blame her.

But still. She can’t stay here.

I need the ransom money. With it, I can rebuild not only my life, but the lives of the countless others who were thrown out of their homes and cast into poverty because of her ruthless, son of a bitch father. I need that a hell of a lot more than I need some girl who’s just going to turn her back on me when the novelty of her little fantasy wears off.

Like she’s really going to give away the life of a princess to live with me, a construction worker whose back is probably gonna go out on him in the next ten years? Is she gonna cook me meals when I come home and rub the knots out of my sore muscles? I highly doubt that.

But even still, that doesn’t change the fact that I just had the best sex of my fucking life. Normally, I’m a machine in bed. I can go for hours if I want. But Sophie’s pussy…that was beyond perfection. Straight up dangerous, and had me busting in minutes, like I was back in high school again or something. And on top of that, what fucking chemistry.

I’ve never been into daddy kink before, to be honest, and didn’t give two shits about her including that in her Dungeon ad, but when I heard the word come out of her mouth, goddamn did it turn me on. That’s something I could get used to.

And on top of that, she’s an absolute stunner.

Gorgeous, from head to toe. There isn’t an inch of her where I wouldn’t put my tongue, and I fucking plan on it before I send her packing back to her folks. For a girl that grew up with everything, she sure didn’t miss out in the genetics department either.

The face of a goddess, the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen, and despite the fact that I barely got a glimpse of her tits, I’m pretty sure they’re spectacular too. I’m going to have to take another run at her and soon. I’m already half-hard just thinking about it.

I grab the burner phone from the table and dial her father. By now, they’ll know she’s missing, and having found her phone in the driveway, will rightly have assumed what’s happened. The bastard answers on the first ring.

“This is Howard Madison, with whom am I speaking?”

“Hi, Howard,” I reply. “Don’t worry about my name and don’t even think about trying to run this conversation. I have your daughter. Don’t worry, she’s not harmed. And she won’t be, as long as you listen and follow my instructions.”

“I’m listening.” I can hear the anger through the line.

“I’m sure the police are with you now. Don’t bother trying to trace this number. You won’t get very far. What I want you to do instead is withdraw two million dollars in cash, unmarked, untraceable bills and get it ready for me. I’ll provide you with an address, and you’ll drop it off. Once I have the cash, you’ll get your daughter back. Understand?”

“I don’t know if I can get that kind of money—”

“Now, now, Howard,” I reply. “Don’t play games with me. We both know how much you’re worth. I wouldn’t want to hurt your little sweet Sophie because you wanted to haggle over less than one percent of your net worth, would you?”


“No, of course not.”

“Good. I’ll call you with further instructions.”

“Wait, at least let me talk to my daughter—”

I hang up and pull the battery out, making the phone untraceable.

Fuck him. He didn’t give my family any courtesy, so why should I give his any? As a matter of fact, he should count himself as lucky that it was me that ended up blackmailing him and not some psychopathic son of a bitch that would legitimately end up hurting Sophie if he didn’t comply.

I reach down and rub my cock, which is hanging heavy in the pouch of my briefs. I could go for another round with the sweet thing I’ve got chained up downstairs, but after that pounding I gave her, I’m also hungry and have something better in mind.

When I open the door, I find her just where I left her, curled up on the bed, one arm chained to the radiator. She looks up and scrambles away from me into the corner.

“Relax, little girl.” I grin. “We both know you want it. But you’re not gonna get it. Right now I have other plans for you.”

From my pocket, I take the handcuff key and unlock her. I see a flash in her eyes like she’s thinking about running, but it’s gone in an instant. Whether it’s because she knows she wouldn’t get far or because she knows deep down she wants to stay, I don’t care.

“What do you want?” she asks.

“That’s a good question, Sophie. What I want is for you to come upstairs and cook for me.”

Her reaction is priceless. I might as well have asked her to build me a rocket to the moon.

“C-cook for me?”

“That’s right. C-cook for me. A nice steak and potatoes. Think you can manage that?”

She swings her legs to the floor. She’s wearing only a pair of my shorts now, tied tight and rolled three times to keep them from falling off, and goddamn if they don’t look cute on her.

“I’ve never really cooked before,” she replies.

“I know.” I smirk. “That’s why this will be so much fun. Come on. Or would you like to stay down here in the dark?”

She doesn’t have to think twice at that one. She’s on her feet in an instant and following behind me like a trained dog. I stop at the foot of the stairs and let her go up first so I can watch her perfect ass as her hips sway back and forth with each step. Christ, she’s a fucking goddess.

I make sure to lead her to the kitchen in a way that avoids the living room so she can’t get a view of where we are, then grab all the ingredients she’ll need and lay them out for her, then take a seat at the table and watch.

“Umm…” she says slowly. “What do I do first?”

“Boil water for the potatoes. Please tell me you know how to boil water.”

She doesn’t. I have to show her, which I have to admit is scarily adorable. This girl couldn’t help her way out of a hole with a ladder she had to position herself. I give her instructions from where I’m sitting and watch as she clumsily dices the potatoes and adds them to the boiling water, squealing as she gets a few drops on her arm in the process.

It’s better than any movie – any porno for that matter. Every move she makes causes her plump, eighteen-year-old tits to bounce beneath her shirt and my cock to fill with even more blood. By the time she’s salting the steak and putting it in the pan, I’m about ready to call the whole thing off and bend her over the counter and fuck her again.

But I am a good boy. I wait and watch, tell her when to flip the steak, when to take it out and when to let it rest, tell her how to drain and salt the potatoes, watch as she does a terrible job mashing them, and intervene at the last minute so I actually have a decent dinner. And only then do I slide a hand up her shirt and cup her perfect breasts.

“That wasn’t bad for a first time,” I tell her.

“What are we talking about here? My cooking? Or…”

Honestly, I’m taken aback and let it show on my face. “You’ve got a mouth on you, little girl. You looking to get fucked again? Because if you haven’t noticed…” I indicate down to the bulge in my pants. I’m rock hard again. “I could do just that.”

“Why don’t you eat your steak, Daddy?” she replies, an unmistakable flare in her eyes.

Christ. She’s really playing back at me.

There’s more to this girl than I expected, and that’s bad for me. Because right now, the thought of shipping her back to her parents for a boatload of cash is not as appealing as it once was.