The Lion Soul by Amy Sumida

Chapter Four

“Just give me one moment,” Kaelen said as he got to his feet. He went to the tent flap and leaned outside to say, “I'm not to be disturbed until I let you know otherwise.”

“Yes, my lord,” a voice replied.

Then the Lion Lord strode up to me and held out his hand. “You do understand what this could mean for us? What kind of relationship I'm hoping for?”

I grunted and blinked.

“I'm going to need a little more than that from you this time. Words please, Rieyu.”

“You wish me to fight and sleep beside you?”

Kaelen grinned. “Hopefully more than that.”

I grunted again, this time adding a nod to it.

Kaelen chuckled. “Good enough. Come with me.”

He led me by the hand into the back corner room, which turned out to be his bedroom. It was impressive for a tent. A real bed, not merely a cot, ruled the space, with a dresser to one side and a chair beside that. The mirror over the dresser reflected Kaelen's excited expression as he drew me into the room and then closed the door flap behind us. He took a deep breath and brought me to the bed.

“Lay down,” he said.

Although I wouldn't show it, I was as excited as he was. My heart pounded rapidly, and I had to force myself to take long, slow breaths. The prospect of binding myself to the Lion Lord in some kind of spiritual way felt right but was also terrifying. He had spoken of souls and sharing his with me. Even though I'd dreamt about it, it worried me. This was a huge change. If his gods accepted me, I would lose my humanity and become fae. Would my gods forsake me then? But if they had led me there, why would they turn on me for doing their will?

I laid down, and Kaelen sat down beside me. He smiled reassuringly as his hand went to the pendant on his chest. The gem started to glow, and my eyes widened. For a second, I saw the Lion superimposed over Kaelen, his claw cutting into his breast.

“There's nothing to be afraid of,” Kaelen said gently.

I kept my gaze on his face—his striking fae features and shining eyes. I tried to ignore the glow of his amulet and the memories of my dreams, but then the light expanded to surround us. Within that golden light, Kaelen's body went transparent. I flinched and glanced down to find my body in a similar state. Although we were spectral, we both shone as if lit from within. It was beautiful, but Kaelen's appearance far surpassed mine. I felt him inside it; his truths. The little things that made him Kaelen Brimara. And I knew then that I was looking upon his soul.

Then the Lion Lord's soul reached into mine.

I didn't flinch, despite my surprise, because the feeling of his hand sinking into my chest was profoundly wonderful. While he was inside me, the pain of losing my family and home lessened. It seemed insignificant compared to what he offered me. My soul trembled around his as if it recognized him, and Kaelen's spiritual eyes widened. He withdrew his hand at last, but I still felt him inside me; a little piece that was mine forever, no matter what happened next.

I would have been content with that, but as Kaelen's form became solid again, colors seeping back into it, I heard a female voice and the cry of several beasts. The roar of a lion rose above the rest, drowning out the woman's words so that all I heard was my name. Power rushed through me—energy so great and searing that there was nothing to compare it to. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't exactly pleasant either. Just powerful. Powerful enough to make me cry out.

Kaelen's hand slid into mine as his lips spread in the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. “I told you we were destined to be.”

Then I passed out.