The Lion Soul by Amy Sumida

Chapter Six

When I stepped back into the Lion Lord's tent, he jumped to his feet with a look of relief spreading across his face. I wondered at that. Did he think I had left him? Where would I have gone?

Kaelen met me on my way to the table. He angled his body between the others and me and whispered, “May I speak with you privately?”

I nodded and followed him back into the bedroom.

Aidan's voice carried to us from the main room, “All right, everyone, I think the Lion Lord would like some privacy, and I'm fucking exhausted. Let's clear the tent, please.”

Then came the sound of a mass exit.

Kaelen smiled and shook his head, “Aidan's a good man.”

I grunted. “He said the same about you.”

“He did?” Kaelen stared at me long enough to make me nervous, then asked, “What else did he say?”

“That you'd been waiting for me.”

The Lion Lord's eyes widened. “He said a lot.”

“Is it true?”

“Yes,” he admitted without hesitation. “I'm new to this post, but I took it knowing the prophecy of the valorians; the one I told you of, that every warlord would have a valorian.”

I made a soft sound of acknowledgment.

“Look, I feel as if I haven't given you enough time to adjust or maybe not enough information. What can I do to make this easier on you?”

It was such a considerate question that I smiled and the tightness inside my chest eased. “I think I'd like to have breakfast with you. Alone.”

Kaelen's grin was enough to weaken my knees. He nodded and waved a hand back toward the main room. “I don't know how warm the food is, but your plate's still full.”

We headed back to the table but instead of sitting, Kaelen grabbed a carafe and went to the tent flap. I sat down and watched as he handed the carafe to one of his guards and asked him to fetch some fresh coffee.

Kaelen returned with another smile firmly in place. “At least we can have some hot coffee if not hot food.”

“Thank you.” I started to eat.

“Uh.” He sat down beside me. “Is there anything you'd like to ask me, either about your transformation or me?”

“Yes.” I set my fork down. “What will happen next?”

“I need to take you to Varalorre, where you'll be presented to the Queen and then trained at the Lion Academy. It's a straight path from here to the Lion Kingdom, so the journey won't be long.”

“How will they train me?”

“Well, I happen to have a couple of scholars here, visiting from the Lion Kingdom. I can take you to speak with them, perhaps later tonight or tomorrow. It's been a long night, and they helped with burning the Farungal bodies, so they're probably resting.”

“Why do you have scholars here?” I resumed eating.

Kaelen sighed and swept a large hand over his hair, mussing it into a wild fall that reminded me of his lion's mane. His citrus-musk scent hit me, making my body tighten in exciting ways, and I had to take a few deep breaths to conquer my sudden lust. I'd seen this man's soul and had dreamt of him for most of my life, but we were strangers to each other. I could hardly jump into bed with him. Although, he did say that would be expected of me.

And I had agreed to it.

A shiver coasted through me as I let my gaze wander down his broad chest, lingering on the V of his neckline where smooth, sculpted skin peeped through. I was glad he wasn't hairy, as I'd been told some men from Stalana were. We Nazakians don't grow chest hair and the thought of a hairy lover didn't arouse me. But thinking of running my hands over Kaelen's hard muscles did. Very much. Those thoughts slid into others, taking me down his body as my imagination supplied images of what I hoped to find. Was he thick? Long? What would he taste like? What would it feel like to take him into—

“Rieyu?” Kaelen caught my attention.

I grunted and returned my gaze to his.

“You're about to pass out into your food, aren't you?” he asked softly as he slid a hand over the back of my neck and started massaging.

I went still; it was all I could do to stop myself from grabbing him and pulling him into a kiss. And I couldn't do that because a kiss would lead to more, and he was right; I was tired. I didn't want our first time to be an exhausted fumble. But I enjoyed his touch, and when he suddenly looked unsure and started to pull away, I leaned into it. Kaelen smiled softly and started to say something, but then his guard walked in.

“The coffee, Lion Lord,” the knight said as he brought over the carafe.

Kaelen lowered his hand reluctantly and tore his gaze away from me to speak to his knight, “Thank you, Rinmae.”

The guard nodded, then shot a welcoming grin my way. “Valorian, I just wanted to say how happy we all are to have you with us, and thank you again for your help last night.”

I bowed my head to him in deep gratitude. It was just what I needed to hear, and it seemed to have been an acceptable response because when I looked up, Rinmae's smile had broadened. Kaelen nodded to him in approval and then Rinmae left, whistling.

“Here, this will help you stay awake through breakfast,” Kaelen said as he poured me a fresh cup of coffee.

I was familiar with the brew, though not the biggest fan. I preferred tea, but I wasn't about to refuse the drink after he'd gone through the trouble of getting it for me. I drew my cup closer as Kaelen set a little pitcher of cream and a bowl of sugar in front of me.

“Those are for the coffee?” I asked.

“Unless you like it black,” Kaelen said. “I prefer my coffee with both cream and sugar; it sweetens it and smooths out the bitterness.”

I grunted in interest; the main thing I hated about coffee was its bitter taste. Tea could be bitter but nothing like coffee. I added some cream and a spoonful of sugar to my cup, stirred, then sipped.

Eyes widening, I looked at Kaelen. “This is good.”

Kaelen grinned. “Have you never tried it that way?”

I shook my head. “We drink tea in Nazaka, and we don't add cream or sugar to it.”

“Right. I forgot about that.” He scowled. “I should have offered you tea.”

“No, this is good. I like it.”

“Very well,” Kaelen said softly, his expression matching his tone.

We finished breakfast, during which Kaelen told me a little about Varalorre and what I should expect. When the meal was over, we went into the bedroom and spent a few awkward moments getting undressed together. After laying my swords on his dresser, I stripped down to my underwear, and he did the same. Then we looked at each other. Just looked. But our stares were nearly physical things, they were so hot and intense.

Kaelen's body was a masterpiece of musculature—broad shoulders, lean hips, and corded thighs. I couldn't focus on one part of him for long, drawn along the perfect lines of his form. The column of his throat led me to the upward curve of his shoulder, then down to the bulge of his bicep. I continued along a forearm sprinkled with hair, across thick fingers, and then skipped over to the indent in his hip, just above the waistband of his shorts. I memorized the shape of his bellybutton before letting myself wander over the ripples of his abs and then up the center of his chest, over an expanse of pectorals that I ached to touch. I could have stared at him forever, following the map of his body.

I felt as if I should disrobe completely, that it was important for Kaelen to see all of me, and for me to see all of him. That this moment was integral to our relationship; a time for us to see each other honestly. To look and know that these bodies would be what we'd have to touch, kiss, and take comfort in if we became what Kaelen said we'd be. I wanted him to know exactly what he'd have and give him the chance to reject it now before I touched him. Before I lost myself completely.

So, I slid my thin shorts down and bared everything to him. Kaelen's breath caught, and his gaze went straight to my sex. The breath left him softly, sliding across parted lips, and then, slowly, he slid his shorts down.

Kaelen was as I'd hoped—large and long. The biggest I'd ever seen but not so huge that sex would be painful. He was perfect and grew even more perfect as I watched, that smooth shaft rising and hardening. Lengthening. Mine responded in a similar manner, and Kaelen's breath grew harsh. But I wasn't done. I turned and pulled my hair forward so he could inspect the rest of me. When I heard him take a step toward me, I spun again with my hand held out. He frowned, and I looked down his body pointedly.

Kaelen's eyes widened and a smile spread across his face. “Ah, that's what this is about.” He turned slowly in a circle, his arms held out. “Do I pass inspection, Valorian?”

I grunted in approval, but just as Kaelen reached for me, I crawled under the covers and scooted over so there was enough room for him. Kaelen chuckled but didn't say anything, only turned off the lantern. With the thickness of the tent fabric and the wide, black stripes running through it, the room was cast into comfortable darkness despite the time of day. The Lion Lord got into bed beside me and settled onto his pillow with a few glances my way. With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes and sought sleep before I did something I was sure to enjoy and just as sure to regret.