How to Rope a Loyal Cowboy by Anya Summers


It was Noah’s day off. He and his boys were spending the day by one of the small springs on ranch property. It was a hot, late summer day. Both boys were in their swim trunks and water shoes. This little spring was like a kiddie pool, and only came to their mid-chest. On a hot day, taking a dip in the crystal clear water was a great way to relax and have fun at the same time.

Wade and Zack loved the water. They ran around like crazed lunatics, shouting and laughing as they splashed around. Noah had been considering putting in a pool in the backyard—doing it up right, and making it one of those inground ones. He would have to clear more woods around the house, though, to try and keep the snakes away. But he had also been looking at making it so that it was like an add-on addition to the house, with a glass enclosure and roof that could be opened up during the summer months, and then closed during the winter, so they could swim year round.

His thoughts of a pool at his house veered toward Morgan, and imagining her wearing a postage stamp-sized bikini on the deck.

He rubbed at his chest as he took a break on the sidelines, watching Wade and Zack race around the water.

His heart had nearly stopped last night when he’d entered his room and spied Morgan in the buff, reclining on his bed. He’d been hard instantly. And nothing short of a nuclear apocalypse would have kept him from her. But then she had spread her legs, given him the first view of her pretty cunt, and he’d almost come then and there. Entranced, he didn’t even remember walking toward the bed. One moment, he had been by the door and the next, beside his bed, drinking in the sight of her lovely form.

She had these pert, upturned breasts with large, dusky areolas that made his mouth water. With her succulent cunt being on display, he had been mesmerized, and filled with such a dark carnal need to claim her, it had rattled him, making him slow to act.

Deep down, he knew there would be implications from sleeping with her last night. Except, he no longer cared. It was the best sex he had experienced in ages.

Morgan called to him on multiple levels, engaging both man and Dom, shocking him with her enjoyment of the spanking. When she had called him Daddy, he’d been equally horrified—and aroused, all in the same breath. He had never been a Dom who required the titles. Sara certainly hadn’t called him Sir, even during a scene.

But Morgan was both eager to please, and testing the limits of his dominance. It exhilarated him. It left him feeling challenged with the inherent desire to shelter her, to care for her, even though he could never give her commitment beyond the bedroom.

“Hey guys, why don’t we have some lunch?”

“Yay!” Wade roared, rushing through the water.

“Finally. I’m starving,” Zack said like he was dying, and Noah never fed him.

He was raising a pair of hooligans who could eat all the time, day or night. At times, they were picky about what they ate. But they were always hungry. He could only imagine the grocery bill when they were teenagers. He should really send his parents a gift or two, because he knew that he had eaten his way through their pantry multiple times.

Sitting on the smooth rocks beside the spring, they ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and apple slices.

“So, I’ve been wanting to ask you both what you guys think of Morgan?”

“I like her. She’s not like the other nannies,” Zack said, bobbing his head as he inhaled the sandwich.

“Me too. She likes to play and do stuff. And she’s always making sure we’re safe,” Wade said rather sagely.

“Good. I like her too, but I just wanted to check in. Because we’re the Three Musketeers, and in this together.”

Zack and Wade looked at each other, having one of their wordless conversations, with Zack shaking his head no, and Wade nodding yes. Wade seemed to win whatever the discussion was about, turned those big blue eyes Noah’s way, and asked, “Can Morgan be our mom?”

Noah sucked in the water he was drinking down the wrong tube. Coughing, he pounded on his chest. Both his boys were looking at him with heartbreaking expressions on their little faces—faces that were so much like his, but also carried hints of Sara in the shape of their eyes and darker hair color.

Had he been this blind that he hadn’t seen they yearned for a mama?

It made him want to curse his dead wife and the trail of broken hearts she had left behind, and not for the first time since she had swallowed a bottle of pills to end her life. She had deprived their sons of having a mother. And as much as Noah had tried to be both parents over the last three years, there were instances like this that proclaimed loud and clear he was failing the boys.

“Do you want Morgan to be your mama?” He was curious about their response.

“She loves us,” Wade stated like it was a fact, and that it meant she should be their mama.

“Morgan does the same types of things Jason’s mom does for him,” Zack added with a nod at Wade, like they were glad they were making their points heard.

“We want her to be.” Wade nodded, and Zack followed along with his brother in that respect.

They were killing him here, with their blue eyes wide, with the need for a mama filling them. After last night, he pushed a little further into uncharted territory for them. “So, you guys would be okay if I dated her?”

“Does that mean you’ll marry her?” Zack asked with excitement.

“And give us a brother or sister?” Wade stated.

“But we really want a sister,” Zack explained with a glance at his twin.

Thank Christ Noah hadn’t been drinking anything, otherwise he would have choked on it. They were talking marriage and wanted a sibling? Where the hell were his four-year-olds getting ideas like this planted in their heads?

“Has Morgan said that she wants to marry me?” he asked suspiciously as the dark thought entered his brain. If she had, then he was going to tan her fucking hide. He wouldn’t allow her to use his kids against him to get what she wanted.

“No,” his boys said, shaking their heads.

Unconvinced, Noah asked, “So, you guys thought this up all by yourselves?”

“We asked Jason about his mom and dad,” Wade explained, as if that should tell Noah everything he needed to know.

“They’re married because they love each other. And that’s why they made another baby. Jason’s mom is pregnant,” Zack stated, like Noah should know all this information already.

“Ah, I see.” He kept his face straight. He didn’t know how he did it, either. His boys said the darndest things sometimes.

“Do you love Morgan, Dad?” Wade cocked his head to the side. His brother followed suit, both of them staring up at him with expectant faces.

Noah had to be careful with his answer. He liked Morgan. Given the carnal indulgences of the previous night, he would say he liked her a lot. He craved another taste. But love? He didn’t do love anymore. He wouldn’t allow himself to fall for her. Love hurt far too much when it was ripped from your life, for him to want to do it again.

And it was why he side-stepped a direct answer in favor of changing the direction of the conversation. “I think Morgan is a very good friend to all three of us. I’m glad you guys like her so much. How about we pack it in here, head to the store and pick up dinner that we can make for her, to show her that she’s our friend. How does that sound?”

Wade and Zack nodded with mischievous grins on their faces.

They packed up their belongings and headed to Noah’s truck. The entire drive to the grocery store and back, he replayed their conversation while at the same time, cursing his dead wife for leaving their boys motherless. It wasn’t the first time he had done so since she decided to swallow a bottle of pills. She had left them before the twins had turned one. Not a day had passed where he didn’t see the lack in their lives.

Noah had tried like mad to make up for it in some way, all while knowing deep down, no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to do it. Sara had taken that decision from him—and them—with her act.

And yes, he had loved Sara with his whole heart. Losing her had ripped his innards to shreds. But he’d had to tuck away his grief and mourning. His boys needed him present and focused on them.

It was part of what fascinated him about Morgan. Granted, there had been other women who had made a pass at him since Sara died. But not a single one of them had made him forget everything but the woman in his arms.

During the overnight hours with Morgan in his bed, he had just been a man. A man wanted by a woman not for his work ethic or bank account, or his kids, but because she desired him. And that was worth its weight in gold.

But that didn’t mean he was going to be giving his heart away. Any softer emotions he had were designated solely for his boys.

It didn’t mean he wouldn’t care for Morgan, or see that she was taken care of in every way. But he wasn’t marrying anyone ever again.

* * *

Later that evening,once Noah had gotten the boys to bed, he headed to his room.

All afternoon long, there had been an image playing in his mind of Morgan tied to his bed. He wanted to know if she had ever had anal, and if not, he planned on being the first one there.

She was so beautifully responsive.

Noah took a shower and opened his goodie chest. He’d not opened it in over three years. Not that he hadn’t had sex in that time, because he had. But it had always been a release with a nameless tourist—he couldn’t even remember now what they had looked like. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed them, but it had been more about satisfying a basic need than anything else.

Once he had all his supplies out and ready, he took a seat in the leather chair by the fireplace, and waited.

And waited.

Drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair, he waited some more.

Where the hell was she?

They hadn’t made plans, but he had assumed she would come to his room tonight. Especially after the way she had left his room this morning. Not to mention all the heated glances she’d shot his way across the dinner table.

Hell, if his boys weren’t there, he would have had her for dinner instead of the barbecued steaks. Noah may not be the greatest in the kitchen, but he could grill with the best of them. There was little he enjoyed more than grilling steaks and burgers.

By the time an hour had passed, he was done waiting for the confounded woman.

Grabbing the condoms that he’d picked up at the store today, and the restraints he planned to use on her, he marched out of his room, a man on a mission.

He was going to spank her for her impudence, then tie her to the bed and fuck her—in that order. Then he might fuck her again.

He rapped his knuckles against her bedroom door.

Morgan answered in a flimsy lilac cotton nightgown that fell to mid-thigh. Her nightgowns turned him on without fail. Her hair spilled loose around her shoulders. Her eyes widened as he pushed his way inside. “Noah? What are you—”

He propelled his way inside her room, using his body to push her back. Closing the door behind him, he flipped the lock. “We aren’t done, sweetheart.”

“Oh. You never said… I mean, I didn’t think you wanted me to.”

That was when he spied the uncertainty in her slate blue gaze. He tried to think about whether he told her to come to his room tonight, and realized his oversight. He had just assumed that she would come.

“Well, I do. Can you not tell? I’ve been hard all damn day long thinking about last night.” He kept walking them until he had her backed up against the mattress. He tossed the supplies down on the bed, then tugged her close, his hands running over her amazing little body.

“Oh,” she whispered, her eyes huge. She laid her hands against his bare chest, and they felt like hot coals. Her breathing grew erratic, and her pupils dilated.

“To make things easier from here on out, unless I tell you otherwise, your place at night is in my bed. Now, whether that bed is in my room or this one here, doesn’t matter. Unless this isn’t what you want.” Because now that he had tasted her, he yearned to feel the taut clasp of her hot little cunt vised around his dick.

A hint of a smile curled on her luscious lips. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. We didn’t establish what your safeword is. Am I the first Dom you’ve been with?”

She nodded and looked away, like she was ashamed.

“There’ll be none of that. Tell me what you were just thinking,” he demanded. Regardless of whether they were going to merely be bed partners or not, he expected honesty.

When she tried to evade, he gripped her chin and turned her face his way. “Explain what you were thinking.”

“That you’re only the second guy I’ve been with, and much of this is all new to me. I didn’t know it could be like that. And I worry that I’m not enough to please you.”

Her words staggered him like he’d been hit with a sledgehammer. There had only been one man before him in her bed. Every dominant part of his being trumpeted a single word: mine.

He might not want marriage or deep messy emotions, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t stake his claim, and make her his submissive. It would be the perfect arrangement. They both would get what they needed. He would teach her, show her the carnal side of his world, and train her into the perfect submissive.

“Oh sweetheart, you don’t realize how much that pleases me to hear. Your safeword is red. That’s the word you will use if anything ends up hurting too much or going too far. You use that word, and everything stops. Then we will adjust things before continuing. Understood?”

She nodded.

“I’m going to need you to tell me with words.”

“Yes, Sir. I understand.”

“Now, before we begin, there’s the little matter of your punishment to deal with. Come with me.” He pulled her over to the chair. It was the perfect place to have her lie over his lap.

She sputtered. “I thought you were kidding this morning.”

At the chair, he studied her. “Understand this, sweetheart, if you mouth off or back talk or choose not to follow my directions, I will spank you. For instance, I instructed you not to call me Daddy. You didn’t listen and called me that anyway, repeatedly. You will address me as Sir or Noah. Anytime you call me Daddy, you will earn yourself a spanking.”

Noah sat on the chair and patted his lap. “Take off the nightgown and put that sweet ass over my thighs. Any delaying on your part will earn you another ten swats.”

She nibbled on her bottom lip and got this wicked look in her eyes before she said, “Yes, Daddy.”

His cock jolted in his boxers at the term. But he ignored the fresh spurt of need as she lifted the nightgown off. He didn’t give her time to remove the small slip of pink lace covering her pussy. He yanked her down across his lap. “You’re trying to be a very bad girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy. But only for you.”

With a growl, he ripped her lace panties off. Pleasure swamped him at her gasp.

Laying his forearm over her lower back, he wasted no time at all in bringing his palm down, cracking it against her ass. Through gritted teeth, he growled, “I,” smack, smack, “told you,” whack, wallop, smack, “not to,” crack, crack, crack, “call me,” whack, crack, slap, “Daddy.”

He peppered her behind, enjoying the way the flesh pinkened, deepening to a bright red shade, and she squirmed on his lap. But he also noticed the way her crease glistened with dew as he thrashed her butt.

Jesus, she was a hot piece. His cock jerked at spying her wetness. The spanking was turning her on. As it was turning him on, as well.

Noah kept her punishment to thirty swats. Her little moans were driving him bug fuck crazy to slide his cock in her tight hole. If he didn’t stop now, he would come in his boxers like an unschooled youth instead of a thirty-five-year-old man.

She squirmed as he massaged her fiery globes.

“Please,” she whimpered, tilting her hips up.

“Something you want, sweetheart?”

“Yes. You. In me… please.” Her sweet begging satisfied him on so many levels.

Noah slid his fingers through her drenched crease, stroking over her pleasure button, loving the gasped moans she made while trying not to be loud. He thrust two fingers in her tight cunt, plunging them deep.

Her back arched and she moaned, “Yes, Noah, more.”

He plunged his fingers in and out, enjoying the way her little pussy gripped them tight, trying to draw them in deeper. She canted her hips up, begging him with her body for more. Pumping his fingers in her hole, he was rewarded and knew the instant her climax struck.

Her body quaked. Her pussy spasmed around his thrusting digits. Morgan tossed her head back. Her eyes closed, her mouth open on a breathy, throaty moan. Ecstasy was etched on her features.

Morgan coming was the most beautiful fucking sight to see. And he was rock hard, and ready to fill her cunt with his dick.

The moment she stopped clenching around his fingers, he withdrew them and sucked them into his mouth. He loved the taste of her honeyed musk.

Then he shifted her up until she was straddling his lap, cupped her face in his hands, and sealed his lips over hers. She whimpered and clung to him, pressing her torso against him. Her nipples poked against his chest.

Leaving her mouth, he trailed kisses down to her tits. Gripping one of the mounds, he sucked the turgid bud into his mouth. Her hands threaded into his hair and her back arched, feeding him the mound.

Studying her reaction, he bit down on the bud.

“Noah,” she moaned, her head falling back with the enormity of her pleasure.

He growled with the nipple in his mouth. He couldn’t remember being this hungry for a woman before, to taste every part of her and make her come until she passed out from the sheer volume of orgasms.

Noah wanted to gorge on her. Feast on the sexual bounty of her lithe form. Drive his cock into her tight pussy, into her mouth, and even her naughty back channel. And given he was only the second man she had been with, he would bet that no one had popped that back cherry.

The thought of being the first man to slide his cock in her ass and fuck her there had him grinding his hips against her pelvis.

She writhed against him as he worked on the bud until it was stiff and raw before moving to her other breast. She had fucking stellar tits—high and pert. The big nipples drove him fucking wild.

But then she reached between them, and her hand delved beneath the waistband of his boxers and circled his dick.

He groaned around her nipple as she stroked him. Her hand felt like fucking heaven gliding over him. He lifted his mouth, needing to see what her hand looked like on his dick, and almost lost his mind.

When she slid off his lap onto the floor, her hands on his shaft, and looked up at him, licking her lips like she wanted his dick in her mouth, he was proud of himself for keeping a sane head, and not coming right then.

Noah nodded. At his assent, her pink tongue flicked against the slit, lapping up the drop of precum. He hissed at the silken feel of her tongue on him. He groaned as she licked him root to tip, then circled the head before taking him in her hot little mouth.

“That’s it, sweetheart.” He groaned.

Morgan bobbed her head over his dick. He loved watching it disappear in her mouth. Her tongue lashed against his rod as she sucked him. She cupped his balls in her free hand, rolling and squeezing them until he was groaning.

For a woman who had only been with two men, she was giving him the best fucking blow job of his life. He threaded his hands into her hair, rocking his hips as he began to fuck her mouth.

Her moans hummed around his dick and left him panting. He grunted as he thrust, hitting the back of her throat. Saliva coated his dick. He fucked her mouth, shoving his shaft inside as pleasure electrified his spine.

“Ah fuck, I’m coming,” he groaned. His cock jerked as he came, spilling hot jets of semen into her mouth.

Through heavy-lidded eyes, he watched her throat work as she swallowed his spunk. “That’s it, sweetheart. Swallow every drop.”

When she had finished, she released his shaft, sat back on her heels, panting, and licked her lips. Arousal filled her features. It was the look any man would love to have on his woman’s face after blowing him.

She was such a carnal creature.

Leaning forward, he gripped her face in his hands and ravished her mouth. He could taste himself on her tongue, and growled. She was so fucking hot. He wanted to fuck her all night long. Claim her. Make her his.

Lifting her up while kissing her, he laid her on the ottoman. He had to fucking taste her pretty cunt.

Tearing his mouth from hers, he knelt on the floor, spread her thighs wide, and laved her slit. Her back arched at the first swipe. Flicking her clit in fast, pulsing patterns, he was rewarded when she began to writhe and gasp. She shuddered, and rocked her hips.

And then she did something that left him aching for her flesh. Morgan became so lost in pleasure that she cupped her tits in her hands. She rolled and plucked at her nipples as she ground her sex against his mouth. Holding her steady, he plundered her depths, keeping his gaze trained on her face as he ate her pretty cunt.

When she came, it was a thing of beauty. Her body shook, her thighs clamped against his head, and she moaned his name, “Noah.”

He needed to fuck her. Now.

He lowered her thighs from his shoulders and rose. “Come on, sweetheart. On your hands and knees. I need to fuck you.”

He helped her onto her hands and knees, putting that pert little ass—still blazing red from his touch—right where he wanted it, gripped his dick, and said, “Shit. Hold on, sweetheart. I just need to grab a condom.”

She glanced over her shoulder, panting, and shook her head. “No. Please. I’m on the pill. I need you to fuck me… Daddy.”

His cock jerked at the sinful term. He smacked her rear. “Try again.”

“Fuck me, Sir, please, I need your big cock in me now!” she cried.

“Then you’ll have me.” He nudged her thighs wider. Gripping his rock hard dick, he teased her swollen cleft with it, then fit the crown at her entrance, sliding just the tip inside.

Oh fuck!Morgan bareback. He’d be lucky to last two fucking seconds.

Clasping her hips, he drove his shaft inside in a single, hard thrust until he was balls deep. Noah groaned. It was like plugging his dick into hot, electrified silk.

Morgan whimpered against his tight hold.

Noah withdrew until only the tip remained, and slammed inside with a grunt. She felt like fucking heaven. He parted the smooth globes of her ass and rubbed his thumb over her tight rosette. “Ever have a man here, sweetheart?”

“No,” she whimpered.

He drew some of her wetness up and smeared it over the hole. Thrusting in and out of her cunt, he kept a steady slow pace to make it last, and pressed his thumb against the taut ring of muscles.

His thumb easily slid inside. The grunts and groans she emitted only let him know he would take her ass. Not tonight, but he would, and soon.

She bucked against him, panting. “Noah.”

“You like that don’t you, dirty girl, my thumb in your ass?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she moaned.

He snarled, removed his thumb, and began to fuck her in a punishing fashion. He pounded his dick in her tight cunt, grunting as he fucked her hard and deep. But she loved it.

He tugged her upright as he pumped his cock in and out, feeling her squeeze him. Beside her ear, he growled, “I told you not to call me that.”

He smacked the hood of her pussy. Her head fell back against his shoulder. He smacked it again and again.

“Who does this pussy belong to?” he demanded, because he wasn’t going to fucking share her with anyone.

“You, Daddy. Only you.”

Gripping her neck, he nipped her earlobe, hammering inside her with such ferocity, he saw stars. He had no idea why her calling him Daddy turned him on like it did. But he smacked her pussy again for it, and felt her explode around him.

“Noah!” She wailed as she came.

He slammed home. His cock jolted. Pleasure blasted through him. His balls drew taut as he exploded, pouring streams of hot semen into her cunt as she milked him. He groaned low, pummeling her cunt until the final drop expelled from his shaft.

Still embedded inside her, he drew her face toward him, and claimed her lips.

She was his now. He wanted her in a way he didn’t quite understand. And while he couldn’t give her everything, he would ensure she wanted for nothing, and that he made her come screaming every night. It would be enough for them both.