How to Rope a Loyal Cowboy by Anya Summers


On Friday, Morgan, Wade, and Zack stared at their creation. It was rather epic. And given that Morgan had been able to keep the boys occupied on a rainy day, she felt she deserved a gold star.

“Not bad, guys.”

“It’s awesome,” Wade crowed.

“We did it!” Zack gave a boogie wiggle, pumping his fists in the air.

They had turned the house into a jungle gym/fort/ninja warrior obstacle course. This way, the boys could get all their energy out and not get into trouble. Because once they were tuckered out and in bed, it meant Morgan got to go play with their daddy.

Her belly fluttered at the thought of Noah’s incendiary lovemaking. Every single night, since she had first propped herself in his bed naked, he had taken her to bed, each delight more fantastic than the other.

She had developed a case for Noah. He was strong and caring, was a great father, and the most wicked, passionate lover in the history of the world—or at least, of her world. She pressed a hand over her abdomen at the thought of his exhilarating touch.

“Should we give it a test run?” She shot the boys a mischievous grin before she slid further into lust-filled fantasies of their father.

“Yeah!” Wade and Zack screamed with excitement, like it was the best idea they had ever heard.

“Okay. On your marks, get set… and… go!”

Morgan laughed with them as they hopped over obstacles and crawled through the tunnels they’d made. The course looped all the way around the interior of the house. The three of them reached the end, and collapsed on the floor in fits of giggles.

Noah walked in from the garage and eyed them—then the way his house was not in order—with a raised brow. “What’s this?”

“Dad, it’s awesome!” Wade exclaimed.

“We made an obstacle course,” Zack stated.

“Morgan helped us. Want to try it?” Wade asked.

“Is that right?” Noah shot her a glance suffused with heat and amusement.

“I don’t know, guys. Your dad might be pretty tired after his long day. He is old, you know,” Morgan stated, fighting to keep the grin from her face.

Noah’s stare promised retribution of the erotic kind later that night, and her pussy clenched in delight. Noah declared, “I think I could handle it.”

Morgan rose to her feet. “What do you say, guys? Want to see if we can beat your dad?”

At the challenge she issued, both Wade and Zack screamed, “Yeah!”

Noah neared and whispered, “You’re going to pay for that old man comment.”

She put her mouth by his ear and replied, “Whatever you say… Daddy.” And then she moved out of his reach, and got the boys ready, while Noah shot her dark glares. Thank goodness Wade and Zack were too young to understand the subtle nuances of their banter and didn’t pick up on the fact that had they not been around, Noah would have her up against the wall, screwing her brains out.

She had to press her thighs together at the throbbing in her sex. Noah smirked, like he knew that she was aroused and was pleased as punch that she was suffering while his eyes promised of a world of pain and pleasure.

“Ready… set… go!” Morgan exclaimed.

She and the boys were off, with Noah on their heels. Wade and Zack squealed at their dad closing in on the course with them. Morgan knew she had to stay ahead of him. She could see him swatting her butt when the boys weren’t looking.

They made it to the living room before Noah caught up to them. He scooped both boys up in his arms. “Ha ha! Got you!”

Wade and Zack screamed in excitement, laughing at their dad. It was a special moment—spying the closeness Morgan was a part of now. Her heart rolled over in her chest, exposing its soft underbelly.

Looking up from her spot on the floor, seeing the joy on their faces, Morgan knew that it wasn’t just the boys she loved. She was in love with Noah. As in: head over heels, deeply and irrevocably, in love with Noah.

She hadn’t seen him coming. When she’d first arrived on his doorstep, desperate for the job in the ad, she’d never imagined that she wasn’t just going to find a job, but a home for her heart.

Noah set the twins down and advanced on her with a wicked light in his eyes. Before she could crawl away, he was there, tugging her into his arms as she screamed with laughter.

But then she looked into his eyes, felt herself falling into his hazel depths, and watched his face change, become infused with hunger.

Noah dipped his head down and sealed his mouth over hers. She froze for all of two seconds. He was kissing her… in front of his kids.

And then her thoughts turned muddled, as they always did whenever this man kissed her.

But he kept it brief, removed his mouth from hers, shot Wade and Zack an inquisitive glance and asked them, “Is this okay with you guys?”

“You kissed Morgan!” Zack said with his mouth open.

“I know I did. You okay with that?” Noah asked.

Zack turned to Wade, and they had one of their wordless twin conversations. It was like they were telepathically linked, and only needed to look at each other to communicate.

They turned their heads, and had smiles on their faces.

“You can do it,” Wade said.

“But only if she wants you to,” Zack said, acting like her defender.

Noah shot her an interested stare. “Do you want me to keep kissing you, Morgan?”

“As long as you two are okay with it, then yeah, I’d like your daddy to keep kissing me.” She never wanted to hurt these boys. She loved them. Wanted to protect them from anything that could harm them. In fact, deep down in the densest part of her heart, she felt like they were hers. That even though she hadn’t given birth to them, it didn’t matter, because she wanted to mother them—to smother them with all the mothering they needed. It was not only something they needed, but was somehow also soothing the jagged edges of her own motherless childhood.

The boys nodded with wide smiles.

“Good. Maybe I’ll kiss you next,” Morgan stated, wanting to move on from the spotlight on her and Noah kissing.

She reached for Wade. He squealed with delight as she caught him and placed kisses all over his face before releasing him and going after his brother to do the same with him.

All in all, it was a good day with her guys. Dinner was a nonstop chat fest, with Wade and Zack filling Noah in on all the different parts of the course that they’d decided to build and were going to leave up overnight, since it was rather epic.

Later that night, Morgan was in the living room watching a baking show when Noah ambled in.

He was the most handsome man she had ever met. He walked into the room, and everything lit up inside her. “Wade and Zack get to sleep all right?” she asked.

“You’re really good with them.”

“It’s my job.”

Noah sat on the couch by her feet and lifted them into his lap. With a shake of his head, he said, “No, I mean it. They stopped trying to run you off after the first week. And I can tell, they just love you to pieces.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

“I see that. Now,” he yanked her onto his lap, “there’s the little matter of you using the term I thought we had agreed last night that you wouldn’t use any longer.”

Her breath backed up in her lungs and hitched in her throat. “But I like using it, and watching you get all fierce.”

He cocked a brow. “So it’s deliberate, then, and not a slip of the tongue.”

Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she whispered low, “I’ll show you a slip of the tongue.”

Leaning forward, she took his earlobe between her teeth, caressing it with her tongue. Even the man’s ears were downright sexy. He pressed his palm between her thighs, grinding her shorts against her pussy.

She moaned into his ear.

“That does it. I can’t wait any longer.” Noah shut the television off, stood with her in his arms, and carried her to his room.

She didn’t mind missing the show. She would much rather be with Noah for the few scarce hours they had once the sun set, and boys were asleep. He kicked the door shut and flipped the lock.

A tremor slid through her belly when he set her on the bed. In the bedroom, it was like a switch flipped in Noah. Gone was the affable father of two and in his place was a demanding, carnal Dom, ready to push her past her limits and drive her to the edge of bliss and beyond.

Was it any wonder she loved him?

“Strip, and lay yourself in the middle of the bed by the headboard. I just have to grab a few things.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Before she could move, he gripped the back of her head by her hair, and yanked it back. His lips crashed down over hers. Noah plundered. He took. He devoured as he kissed her. He obliterated all her sarcastic replies, blasting her with such heated lust, it left her shaken. Her mouth was open so wide that all she could do was take his demanding kiss.

He unmade and remade her with his mouth. Before his kiss, she was Morgan Davies, nanny extraordinaire, and bed partner. After his kiss, she was his willing slave. Whatever he wanted to do, she was game. In fact, she eagerly awaited all the erotic delights the man could dish out.

She mewled into his mouth as he tore his lips away, and lifted her lust-filled lids.

If she had to describe the way Noah looked, feral and territorial were the first words to come to mind. Like he was going to drive home who was in charge, and was going to enjoy unraveling her to do it.

“Strip, and get on your hands and knees to prepare for your punishment.”

She nodded. “Yes… Sir.”

She tried to limit how often she used the other term. That way, she could use a shock and awe type of style. Keep him on his toes.

Morgan wasted little time after that removing her clothing. She loved being naked with this man. That was where all the fun happened. Where she felt most connected to him. And she knew he felt it too.

She presented herself on his big lake of a bed, eagerly anticipating her spanking. Usually, once he spanked her, he couldn’t wait to fuck her. It wasn’t long after that before she was moaning his name in ecstasy.

Noah joined her in bed with a bunch of supplies. She tried to look through her hair at what they were, but he took away her sight with a black blindfold. Then he shifted behind her. His big hands stroked through her crease, teasing her slit.

“You’re already drenched for me, sweetheart,” he murmured with dark approval.

“Always for you.”

At her admission, he speared her depths with two fingers, thrusting them deep. Morgan arched her back and tossed her head back. “Noah.”

She thought this was her punishment, and it was the best punishment she had ever gotten. But then those fingers left her pussy and traveled to her forbidden back entrance. She moaned low as he teased the hole, slathering lubricant over it.

All week long, he had been teasing and playing with her anus. She fucking loved when he inserted a finger while he was screwing her. There was a bundle of nerves inside that made the sex between them so much hotter, and her orgasm that much more intense.

Noah inched a finger inside, gliding it through the taut ring of muscle. Morgan breathed deeply like he had taught her. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was her punishment. He slid the finger deeper and deeper, until he could thrust it unhindered, before adding a second one.

He stretched her forbidden channel, widening it. Goosebumps broke out over her skin. Was tonight the night he would fuck her there?

Just when she was nearing a precipice of bliss, he removed both fingers. Morgan felt the bulbous device press against her back channel. The firmness as it moved inside left her wincing at the pleasure-pain.

“Relax, it’s just a plug to widen you a bit more. Get you ready to take my cock,” Noah said, sliding it deeper and deeper as he thrust it in. The plug belled out in a cylindrical fashion, widening as it pushed further inside, until it finally slid all the way in.

She let out a shallow pant as her body adjusted. As she relaxed, the pleasure began. The plug was larger than his two fingers. But now that she had pushed past the pain, it felt amazing. Then the vibrations began.

“Oh my god!” she moaned. The vibrations slid from her ass into her pussy, engaging her entire core. She was having trouble focusing on anything but the pleasure thrumming inside her.

“Now, since I’ve not used this on you before, I’m going to keep it to five strokes as your punishment. If it gets too painful, use your safeword.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He grabbed her neck and whispered in her ear. “Careful sweetheart, I was planning on going light on you tonight. But if you want me to make it hurt and add to the tally, I will. But I would suggest, since you’ve never been paddled before, that you hush up and be a good girl.”

He rubbed the stiff silicone over her bottom, letting her get a feel for the wide, hard device before he lifted it off her bottom.

Morgan hadn’t been sure what to expect when he mentioned the paddle. But as it cracked over her butt cheeks, white hot agony stole her breath. Tears filled her eyes behind the blindfold. She whimpered as he rubbed her burning flesh with his hand, giving her a moment to catch her breath.

She was about to tell him to stop when the second, harder swat landed. The pain left her gasping for air. It radiated from her bottom up her spine, and pooled in her groin.

But something funny happened then; the pain changed. Between the buzzing in her ass and already saturated pussy, she had already been aroused before this, but now molten lava flooded her veins, and she moaned.

The third strike smacked against her butt. The crack echoed in the room. The agony bled into pleasure much faster this time. Maybe it was because instead of resisting the pain, she was breathing through it.

With the fourth and fifth strike, she moaned and tilted her hips up for more.

“You’re fucking gorgeous, and did so well with your punishment. I’m going to lay you on your back and restrain your wrists tonight.”

“But… what about…”

He chuckled. “That’s the other part of your punishment, sweetheart. No coming until I permit it.”

She sucked in a breath. “And if I can’t hold off?”

“Then I really will make it hurt, and ensure you’re not able to sit easily tomorrow,” he warned, and helped her onto her back.

Noah restrained each wrist so that her arms formed a wide vee, but left her legs free. Then she felt him shifting on the bed. He spread her thighs. At the first swipe of his tongue through her crease, she groaned.

His wicked, wicked tongue circled her clit before lashing it again and again. He sucked the bud into his mouth, grazed it with his teeth, and left her panting. She rocked her hips, needing more friction. With the plug buzzing away in her ass and Noah licking her pussy like it was a fine delicacy that he was indulging in, she was on the precipice of coming apart at the seams.

“Noah, please.”

He chuckled darkly. “Oh sweetheart, we haven’t even begun. Surrender to me and my will, hand over your submission, and stop trying to control everything. This exercise is about trust. You trusting me to get you where you need to go.”

She felt him rise between her thighs. And she thought: finally, he was going to fuck her. Once he was inside her, he usually couldn’t resist. He rubbed the head of his shaft through her folds, teasing her clit and hole until he finally inserted the head in her pussy.

She moaned. Oh my god. The double penetration with the plug felt out of this world. It was more pleasure than she had ever dreamed.

Noah pushed inside, slowly rocking forward until he was buried inside her channel. She clenched around him, trying to entice him to lose control and fuck her like normal. But tonight, none of the tricks she had used this week penetrated his armor.

Noah fucked her slow and deep, putting her body right on the edge as he thrust over and over again, in and out, until her eyes rolled back in her head.

But then he withdrew, and shifted down the bed.

“Noah,” she whimpered. But that whimper turned into a moan as he latched his mouth back onto her pussy and plunged his tongue inside.

As Noah moved back and forth between eating her out and sliding his big cock inside her, she came to realize she had no control whatsoever. But Noah would never hurt her. He made sure that she had whatever she needed, and always made her climax multiple times a night.

It didn’t make the delicious torture any easier tonight. Because she was an undulating, writhing mess of need so close to coming, it wouldn’t take much to force her over the edge.

But she did something that was another first for her, she trusted him. And in that trust, she waved the white flag. She loved him. The least she could do was as he asked of her.

For the first time in her life, she submitted, handing him her illusion of control. Her body turned fluid beneath his mouth currently ravishing her pussy. Yes, she was still teetering on the edge of ecstasy, but that was part of the beauty of surrendering to him—the sustained pleasure pumping through her veins. He was working to give her an amazing experience, until she was begging him for release.

Noah switched back and forth until she could no longer stand it. “Please…”

“Since you’ve been such a good girl, I’m going to reward you. Come as often as you need to now,” he commanded as he pushed his cock inside her.

He held her thighs wide and fucked her, pounding his shaft in hard, brutal digs that left her moaning and quaking from the force. Added to that was the waves of pleasure streaming from her ass—she was on cloud nine.

With his permission, she let go, and the orgasm slammed into her. Her back arched, and she strained against the wrist restraints. “Oh god, Noah.”

“I fucking love feeling your cunt flutter around me like this.” He repositioned himself so that his torso was flush with hers. He removed her blindfold and demanded, “Look at me.”

She lifted her heavy lids. Their gazes connected as he pistoned his shaft inside her. She met him thrust for thrust.

She didn’t breathe unless her breath came from him. Morgan could feel another climax galloping toward her at lightning speeds. It crashed over her in a tsunami of bliss. She tossed her head back, his name on her lips.

“That’s it. Milk my cock.” Noah groaned as he stiffened, spilling inside her, filling her up. Then he lowered his mouth and claimed her lips for a tender kiss. It let her know that while words hadn’t been spoken aloud, he cared for her.

She sighed into him as he released her wrists, and finally lifted his mouth. Then he withdrew his shaft, and removed the plug from her bottom.

She started to move and collect her clothes, to head back to her room.

“I’d like you to stay.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yep. Wade and Zack were fine with me kissing you earlier. Your place is in my bed at night.”

“And if I wanted to go back to my room?”

“I’d convince you otherwise. Although, I might just tie you to my bed and not let you leave.”

He really wanted her to stay, and not just because they were falling asleep because they were exhausted. She smiled at him. “I’d like that… Daddy.”

Because, really, she wouldn’t miss an opportunity to rile him up.

He narrowed his eyes and rolled her back beneath him. “I see someone didn’t learn her lesson, and needs to be punished again.”

Sliding her arms around his neck, she said, “I’m all yours.”

And she meant it, from the bottom of her heart. She wanted this man in a way she had never thought possible. The age difference didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she loved him, and wanted to be with him for always.

And maybe her luck was finally turning a corner, and he would want to keep her too.