How to Rope a Loyal Cowboy by Anya Summers


Morgan opened bleary eyes. Her body sore in spots she didn’t know a body could be, but her heart was chock-full of hope for the first time in forever, it seemed.

It was early yet. The red numbers on Noah’s alarm clock declared it was a little after five in the morning. Which meant she had to get up and leave Noah’s bed before his boys woke up. Not that she didn’t want to stay, because she did, with every breath in her body.

He’d been so fierce in the way he had touched her. In the way he had loved her. Last night had been the most amazing night of her life. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever believed that she would find such passion and intensity, as if they would expire should the other one stop touching them.

She couldn’t wait to do it again. She craved him with an intensity that stole all conscious thought and reasoning. Her need for him was elemental and primal.

But since they had been rather occupied with soaking up every ounce of ecstasy they could muster last night, they hadn’t discussed whether he wanted his kids to know. That was a decision and step she would let him determine.

After placing a light kiss on his chest, Morgan raised her head and disentangled her limbs from his with the utmost care. It was Noah’s day off. The last thing she wanted to do was wake him.

She shifted to crawl off the bed.

A hand shot out and grabbed her, stalling her departure. “Just where do you think you’re going?”

“My room. I shouldn’t be in here when the boys wake up.”

“Regretting it already?”

She sucked in a breath and turned his way. In the dark, she could barely make out the harsh angles of his face. Morgan placed her palm against his cheek. His shadow beard scraped over her palm. “Not even a little bit.”

“Is that a fact?”

“It is.”

“But I haven’t given you permission to leave my bed yet.”

“What are you saying?” She shivered at his husky tone.

He pulled her flush against him, where she felt the proof of his desire pressing into her belly. “I’m saying that I’m not letting you leave quite yet.”

His hand stroked down her side and lifted her leg up so that it was wrapped around his waist. His fingers delved between her labia, stroking her swollen sex.

“Noah.” She moaned. How could she want him again after the numerous engagements they had had throughout the night?

“See? You’re wet for me already,” he murmured, shifting and reaching behind him for a minute.

And then he was back, his torso up against her again. In the darkness, she heard the distinct sound of a foil packet ripping. Her hands slid down to tease his nipples. She’d never realized how sensitive they were on a man, or how wild it would drive him when she nipped and sucked at them like she had at one point last night.

But then the head of his shaft penetrated her pussy, and she clutched at his chest at the wide swath of sensations bombarding her. He inched inside slowly, allowing her to feel the full impact of his wide cock, slicing through her delicate tissues, stretching them to almost painful proportions.

When he was fully embedded, he held still. He brushed his lips over hers, seeking entrance. Sliding her arms around his shoulders, she gave herself over to him. Where he led, she would follow.

And a part of her knew it was wrong that she was sleeping with her boss and a man twelve years older, but she no longer cared. She had always done the right thing, her entire life. And the thing was, being with Noah didn’t feel wrong. If anything, it felt right, more right than anything else in her life ever had.

She loved the way she fit in his arms. How his big body dwarfed hers, made her feel small and protected.

Noah deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue in her mouth just as he withdrew and plunged deep. As they were on their sides, facing each other, this angle of penetration didn’t delve as deep, but it did strike the bundle of nerves inside her, thoroughly engaging her G-spot.

Rocking her hips, she met him thrust for thrust, grinding her pelvis.

Morgan moaned into Noah’s voracious mouth. He rolled them so that she was on her back. He slid his hands up her arms and removed them from his body. He held them above her head, bracketing them with one of his big hands.

He tore his mouth from hers and stared down at her. The room was beginning to lighten in a misty gray gloom before dawn broke.

With her hands restrained, she was his to command. Morgan didn’t understand why Noah taking away her freedom like this fired all her engines, but it did. He was showing her sides of herself that she never knew existed. Was she in fact submissive? Was that why Noah fascinated her like he did, because he was a Dom?

She hadn’t known that sex could be like this—this all-powerful, consuming, world-altering experience.

Although, perhaps it was only sex with Noah that was this way. Morgan writhed as he pounded his massive cock inside her. She wished she could read minds so that she knew what was going on in Noah’s head. Especially with his whole, he hadn’t given her permission to leave his bed yet spiel.

“Noah,” she whimpered as the pleasure increased tenfold.

“That’s it. Take your pleasure and come for me, sweetheart.” Noah grunted as his thrusts turned downright ruthless, hammering his cock in hard, deep thrusts that had pleasure-filled bursts ricocheting through her system.

Noah rammed deep. The shower of sparks that thrust emitted was all it took to launch her over the edge into ecstasy.

She came. Hard.

“Oh god!” She cried as she came and came and came around his pumping shaft.

Noah released her hands, buried his face in the crook of her neck, and gathered her close as he pistoned, straining as he climaxed, his cock jolting inside her.

He groaned low beside her ear as he came. It was the sexiest damn sound in the world: Noah coming, letting her know how good she felt clamping down on his dick.

“Now, I will give you permission to leave my bed.” He nipped her earlobe playfully.

And because the devil hadn’t left her shoulder yet, she whispered in his, “Yes, Daddy.”

“You’re going to pay for that later, sweetheart.”

“I’m counting on it.” She pressed her lips against his neck and nipped at his flesh.

Noah chuckled. “Someone’s being a naughty girl on purpose.”

“That’s because someone needs to keep you on your toes… Daddy.”

He growled. “Now you’re just begging for it.”

“Maybe. But you need to let me up before Wade and Zack come barreling in here. I doubt you want to explain why I’m naked in your bed.”

With a sigh, he released her and rolled onto his back. Morgan felt bereft at the loss of him on top of her. Before she did something silly like confess that he was the best she had ever had, she made herself move and rise from his bed. In the gray light filling the room, his gaze followed her as she padded into the bathroom. Flipping the light on, she grabbed her clothes from the vanity and donned her jean shorts and tank top. Glancing in the mirror, she studied her reflection. She looked a woman who had been thoroughly ravished overnight, from her unkempt hair to the stubble burn on her neck and swollen lips.

Morgan dug the key to her room out of her pocket and padded back into his bedroom. Noah was sprawled on his back, his hands behind his head, watching her, like a gorgeous naked deity in repose. She wanted to walk over and give him a kiss before she left. But if she did that, she couldn’t guarantee that she wouldn’t get handsy and end up riding him again. That was why she didn’t stop by his bed, but strode straight on past him and his lake of a bed.

“You’ve only caught yourself a reprieve.”

At the door to his room, she shot him a cheeky grin over her shoulder. “I’m aware of that, Daddy.”

Then she scurried from his room with his dark chuckle following her, and raced down the hall to hers. At her room, she closed and locked the door behind her. Granted, Noah had a key. But she needed the barrier in place after everything that had happened. Her cheeks flamed.

She pressed her hands over her heart. The plan had worked even better than she had hoped it would. Yet, after last night, she knew that she didn’t just want to be in his bed—she wanted the man’s heart, too.