The Jealous Groom by Alexa Riley

Chapter 8


Itrail my finger down Henrik's chest as he sleeps. I should be exhausted because once we arrived at the castle, we spent the night making love. We had sex all over this room, and the bathroom too. This place is heaven, and we made sure to break it in.

It’s almost impossible to believe my life now includes a prince, a castle, and a crown of my own. Never in a million years did I think this is how things would turn out for me. It reminds me a little of the story of Cinderella. When Allison and I were little, it was our favorite, and beyond all reason it seems as though fate had the same plans all along. I found my prince who loves me as I am, and we’ve got a fairytale ahead of us.

“Morning, wife.” Henrik takes my hand and kisses the palm before he places it back on his chest. He really is all mine in every way. I’ve never had something that only belonged to me, and I feel like I want to hold him tighter.

“Back at you, husband.” I slide on top of him, and he pulls me up a few more inches to reach my mouth. I moan as I relax against his muscles and his mouth moves down my neck.

“I was sure I wore you out.” He plays with the ends of my hair, like he needs to make sure I’m real.

“I slept for a little while, but I have all this excited energy. It all feels too good to be true and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

“No.” He shakes his head. “Everything from here on out will be more than good for you. You’ve dealt with enough, and I give you my word that it’s only your dreams coming true from here on out.” I believe him.

“And I will always love you.” When I say the words, he closes his eyes, as if savoring them.

After I told Henrik I loved him last night, it was as if the floodgates opened. I poured out everything, telling him all about my life, and he listened and hung on to every detail. I could see he truly cared and wanted to know everything about me.

“You have no idea what it does to me when those words touch your lips.”

“I think I have an idea.” I place another kiss on his chest. “I love you,” I say again before giving him another. I do it over and over as I slide down his body. The lower I get, the more his breathing picks up, and when I look at him I see him staring at me like a predator. He raises his arms and wraps his fingers around the bedframe. He squeezes it so hard I hear the wood groan in protest.

“Baby girl,” he warns as his legs flex. I straddle them and wrap my hand around his cock.

“Hmm?” I look up at him innocently. My hair falls forward over my breasts, and if I’ve learned anything about my new husband, it’s that he loves control in the bedroom. I had no idea that his needs would be something that I’d crave too.

“Don’t hmm me. Be a good girl and take your king's cock into your mouth.” I lick my lips and a bead of cum leaks from the tip. I lean in and swirl my tongue around the head of his cock, tasting him for the first time. The bedframe makes a sound of protest and I look up at him.

“Are you sure?” I fight a smirk because he looks like he’s about to break the bed in half. His desire and need for me has my sex flooding.

“Don’t play,” he growls. “I’m warning you. I’ll tie you to this bed and keep your little pussy on edge all day.” I glare at him but have no doubt that he would.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” I tease him before sucking him into my mouth.

While I slide up and down his cock, I shift my legs over to only straddle one of his thighs. I press my clit into his hard muscle and hump his leg while I suck him off.

When I glance up at him, I can see the love and adoration there along with pleasure. I hollow my cheeks and suck harder because I want to please him so badly. I want him to cum hard into my mouth, and with every eager stroke, low moans rattle in his chest.

“Are you going to be a dirty girl and drink me down?” he grits out, and I nod my head, my own orgasm about to hit me as I keep working against his thigh.

He gives me a quick nod of warning a second before I feel his release hit the back of my throat. Something in the distance breaks, but I don’t care. I keep sucking and moaning around his cock as my own orgasm hits me. I don’t stop moving my mouth even after I get every drop down, because it feels good to have his cock on my tongue as I ride out the rest of my orgasm.

“You’re a greedy girl,” he manages to say, catching his breath. I am when it comes to him because I want it all.

Before I have time to come down from my climax, he grabs me and presses my chest into the mattress and lifts my ass in the air. He wastes no time as he thrusts his hard cock inside me and I’m already so wet that his entrance is slick. How is this man still hard? It’s a gift from above, but I don’t take it for granted as he pounds me from behind.

I grip the sheets, needing something to hang on to, and as impossible as it may be, I’m already about to cum. My husband might have been a virgin, but he’s a sex god, and when he pushes his thumb against my ass, I lose all control. I cry out his name as the orgasm floods through me and sends my body into paradise.

He doesn't stop thrusting as he fists my hair and pulls me up onto my knees. He kisses and sucks my neck, telling me all the filthy things he wants to do to me, and my body obeys.

“Give me your mouth,” he demands, sending a wave of heat through me.

He kisses me hard before letting me go, and I fall back onto the bed on all fours. He thrusts harder, hitting something deep inside of me, and my body shivers with desire.

“Henrik,” I call out for him because I don’t understand what's happening.

Over and over he hits the spot deep inside of me as his fingers rub my clit. It’s all too much, and I scream when the pleasure hits me harder than ever before. Black spots dance in my eyes, and my orgasm explodes from within. I collapse on the bed and feel Henrik slip out as his cum drips between my thighs. He falls beside me on the bed, and I close my eyes, overwhelmed by all the sensations.

“I’m going to get you some food and see what my brother and your sister are up to. You rest.” I nod my head in agreement, not opening my eyes, and he lets out a laugh. I’m not sure I could stand on my own feet right now anyway.

It takes a few minutes to come down from the high, and eventually I roll over onto my back. I eye the door, already missing Henrik. I knew if he ever really got his hands on me, I’d be done for, and I was right.

Getting off the bed, I go in search of something to wear. I pause at the door when I hear voices outside.

“Jade, is there something I can help you with?” a man’s voice asks.

“I was told when the brides got here I was to train them on their duties and obligations to the crown.

“They only got here yesterday. I’m sure they’ll be busy for the next few days enjoying their honeymoon,” he responds.

“After doing some checking, this is going to be harder than I thought. We should start as soon as possible.” She huffs a breath, and my stomach drops.

“I think this can wait. We don’t want to overwhelm the ladies. It would be best if we do this slowly and over time,” the man suggests.

“I suppose but there’d likely be pushback. I’ll work up a new plan.”

A plan to manipulate us? I stand there for a long moment until I can no longer hear them.

Henrik lied. He had every intention of changing us. Asshole. All this be who you are was a load of bullshit. If he wanted someone who would smile prettily like a doll with fake giggles, he picked the wrong woman. I left all that behind when I left the foster system, and I don’t pretend anymore.

I have to find my sister.

When I poke my head out of the door, I recall Henrik telling me that my sister was on the other side of the estate. I debate if I should run now or form a better plan to get the plane ready. I have no idea where my cell phone is, so that’s pointless. My emotions get the best of me, and I start making my way down the hall to the other side of the castle.

Allison and Magnus’s wing is similar to ours, so it’s easily to figure where the master suite is. When I push open the door, I glance around but don’t see anyone. When I slip inside, relief fills me when I spot Allison in the closet.

“There you are!” I run over to my sister. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” I grab her wrist and pull her with me.

“What are you doing?” She pulls back on my hold.

“What am I doing? We’re getting the hell out of here.” What else might we be doing?

“You married him?” she says softly, grabbing my hand to look at the ring. I should take it off and toss it, but it’s a parting gift, I suppose. It’s mine now.

“So?” I shrug, trying to downplay it. “You got married too.” I roll my eyes at her resistance. We don’t have much time here. “Now they trust us and we can make our escape.”

“They’ll just find us again. You know we can’t run forever.” That is likely true, but I’m not staying here to be someone’s doll to dress up for the public and fuck at night between his duties.

“No, we’ll be smarter this time.” I smirk. I know him better now.

“You don’t like it here?” she asks. “We’d get to stay together.” I stare at her. That was a dream we’ve always had. She doesn't want to leave. I know I have to tell her. I don’t want to. Her heart is softer than mine. I always try to take the heat that comes our way to shield her.

“No,” I snip, trying to keep myself together. “They just want to knock us up and get their heirs. Put us in some box like toys until we’ve served our purpose.”

“Magnus loves me,” she snaps back defensively. She doesn't want to believe it, and I don’t either, but I know what I heard.

“Are you choosing him over me?” I put my hands on my hips “We stick together. Always.” Her eyes start to fill with tears, breaking me. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” I drop my head, guilt overwhelming me.

“Do you really think that’s all they want?” she asks. I can see the hope in her eyes that I’ll say differently.

“I overheard someone talking about the plans they have for us. They want to make us into something we’re not.”

“They have plans for us?” Her noses scrunches. “They love us the way we are.”

“And I love my husband, but for some reason he can’t love me for all that I am.”

A tear slips down my cheek, and Allison pulls me into a tight hug. I knew this was too good to be true. The other shoe finally dropped like it always does.

“I love who you are.” I smile into her neck until we both jump at the sound of my name bellowed in the distance.

“I have to hide.” Allison pushes some clothes aside before shoving me in behind some clothes racks and then quickly puts them back in place.

My heart begins to race, and I know it’s only a matter of time before he finds me. He’ll pull this place apart brick by brick.

“Amber! Where are you?” my husband shouts again.

There is no way any of this can turn out well. I know in my heart that someone is going to get hurt, and that person is always me.