Hate by K.A Knight

Iwait and watch.

I see Griffin arrive. He goes in and doesn’t come back out, which could either be good or bad, I can’t tell yet. But I can’t worry about him also, I need to focus on my part of the plan. My only concern is getting my mate back alive and well.

They have her.

It’s simple.

Crouching down, I tilt my head and watch the wolves’ alpha creep closer. He plops down by my feet, his bright blue eyes watching me with too much intelligence. Others think they are just animals, but they are so much more, and they have all answered my call. Reaching out, I stroke his fur. “My friend, send your pack far and wide, carry my message on the winds to the wolves. We need them, tell them I request them, they are to meet me here in three days’ time when the moon is high, come in animal form. I have found their missing pack members.”

The wolf inclines his head, turns tail, and breaks into a run, heading into the forest. I turn back to watch the house, seeing the usual guards patrolling the property. I scan the area wondering where they are keeping her. It must be behind the building or below it, but I have to trust Griffin to find her. However, I am prepared in case I feel her fear or pain. I am ready to go in. To throw a curveball into their plans and gain their attention so they leave her alone.

They want powerful supernaturals, that much is obvious.

Women too.

I will give them whatever they need to help her. I will show them my true capabilities. They thought they genuflected when they approached me about that final seat on the council, thought they could control me, but they were wrong. They are nothing, just an inconvenience, and I could kill them before they even raised their powers.

They are nothing more than toddlers throwing their toys from the pen, and it’s time to remind them who the true adults are around here.

A whisper comes from above as if held on the wind. The elementals have heard my call, so have the fae. Now, I am just waiting for everyone else. They are all missing people, women, and the more I searched and put out a call, the more I realised had actually been taken.

They were all angry, wanting them back, wanting to know who and why. I am offering them that for purely selfish reasons because I need them. I can kill the council, but the uproar would be astonishing. No, I need the supernatural world behind me to keep my mate alive and safe, so when we do kill them and stop whatever plans they have in motion, we are free to leave and know that our world won’t fall apart—that’s another reason we need the sleeping council. They need to step in and take over. I have no desire to lead. I want my mate, that is all.

I breathe in softly, urging myself to have patience which is hard when I know my mate is in there, so close but just out of reach. No, we have to do this right. So I settle down into a cross-legged position on the forest floor and wait with my animals around me, awaiting the order.

I am the God of the Forest, after all, and they will protect my mate as if she was me. I tilt my head and send in my birds out, seeing if they can find her location and get eyes on her, I need to see her. I need to see if she is okay.

They forget what else I am, though, a god of death. I will remind them. It’s time they remember why myths and horror stories were created around me. I feel the shift coming on, my third shift, one so horrifying humans fight at the sight, their minds breaking, even as my mate plastered herself to me.

Little one, whatever you are doing, know I am here. Here waiting for my love, we will be together again soon. Until then, give them hell.