Hate by K.A Knight

“Tell me everything I need to know about dragons and what this means,” Dawn requests over breakfast the next day. After Lucy’s lessons, she had fallen into a deep sleep. They went on until the early morning and she woke up exhausted. I can see it, it’s getting to be too much for her.

“I will, but first you need a break. You went from hunting your ex to stopping the council without a pause. We can have a few hours off, my love,” I tell her, my hand gliding up and down her thigh. She is sitting beside me on the sofa, and I can’t stop myself from touching her, from being close. I am not ashamed to admit I tackled Griffin to get the seat next to her.

“A break?” she questions, tilting her head and blinking at me as she eats her sausage. Which is very distracting when she is in a room full of horny supernaturals. All eyes are locked on her. She either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care, but the slight smirk around her lips tells me she’s noticed and is doing it on purpose now.

She takes another bite and moans, her eyes fluttering closed. My cock jerks in my pants and I shift uncomfortably. Looking around, I can see the rest of her mates are in the same predicament. Nos laughs at her. “Little Monster, be nice or be prepared to run.”

She blinks open her eyes and they bleed to black. “Only if you promise to chase me.”

“Focus, Vasculo.” Griffin snorts.

“Fine.” She huffs. “What kind of break?”

I look at the other guys. I had asked them earlier when she was asleep. They agreed she needed to rest, although Nos had to smack Griffin on the back of his head when he tried to kill me for, and I quote, ‘stepping on his territory’ with her. He also told me we couldn’t fuck or he would chop off my ‘tiny dragon balls.’

“You’ll see. Put on trousers, Neriso, and meet me out back,” I instruct her, then lean down and lick the sauce from the corner of her mouth, making her shudder against me. I hop up before any of her other mates can kill me and stroll from the room. I glance back at the door to see my mate’s eyes on my arse.

I wink at her and Griffin rolls his eyes at me. Laughing, I head downstairs and prepare for our break. This is the first time I will be alone with my mate and not in the dreamscape. A part of me is nervous about what I want to show her, but it’s better to do this now instead of later. She didn’t flinch when she saw me shift in battle, but this is different. My dragon is aching to meet her, to wrap around her and protect her.

They need to meet.

If she will let us, I want her to meet my dragon and then take her flying. Let her soar above the sky with me and get her away for a bit. Get her to relax so she is ready to face what is coming, because if I am right, if the dragons are preparing for an attack...we have a war approaching.

She doesn’t keep me waiting long. She hops down from the second floor balcony and lands before me, grinning on the grass. Her legs are encased in leather pants, which look painted on, with a tank top tucked in, showing off her bare, pale shoulders and arms. I debate keeping her to myself, but then shake it away.

“So what are we doing, dragon?” she queries, seeming excited.

“We are going for a ride.” I smile and then, without warning, I change.

My wings sprout from my back as scales take over my expanding body, the ground and air around me swirls with power, and through it all I see her eyes locked on my transformation in wonder. Then, my dragon stands before her.

Her mouth drops open. “Aska...you’re beautiful,” she whispers.

Huffing, I lower my head and she steps closer, pressing her hand to my snout, unafraid, even as my purple magic seeps through my black, spiny leather skin. She stares into my eyes, looking so tiny against my curled body.

My dragon hesitates, not wanting to hurt her since she is so little. Want to climb on? We will go for a ride.

“You want me to ride you?” She beams, still stroking my snout like she cannot stop.

You can ride me anytime, Neriso.

She giggles and looks at my body. “You are huge, how do I even...ride you?”

Tilting my head to the side, I sink my body to the ground as low as it goes. There are some spikes behind my head, use them, don’t worry about gripping too hard, my skin is very thick. You couldn’t even shoot an arrow through my hide.

She nods with a wide grin, and without hesitating, grabs onto my spikes and throws herself up onto my neck. Huffing with a smirk, I rise up and she gasps.

“That felt so wrong, rumbling between my legs.”

So, of course, I do it again and she gasps. I feel her warm body against the skin of my neck and turn my head, blinking at her as I blow smoke right in her face, making her laugh.

“Come on then, big guy, let’s fly!” she shouts, almost squealing.

Taking her word that she is ready, I push from the ground and soar into the sky, flapping my wings. I allow her to get settled and hold on before I dive towards the ground, sweeping low before tucking in my wings and spiralling higher until we break through the clouds.

She whoops, squealing as we move faster. Once through the clouds, I open my wings and we glide. I turn my head and watch her arms spread on either side, reaching out to touch the clouds, her eyes closed. She looks so peaceful, so happy with her mouth curved in a relaxed smile and the wind blowing through her blonde hair.

She is beautiful.

Her eyes open and lock on me. So are you. Now, how fast can you go, big guy? Let’s take this dragon for a real ride.

Oh, she wants to go fast?

Hold on, Neriso, if you fall they will kill me.

She screams in delight as I stop my wings and tuck them close, letting us plunge through the clouds and spiral closer to earth. I streamline my body as much as I can, letting us go faster and faster, and then I start to spin. I hear her screaming, the wind taking the sound away, but I feel the excitement and thrill in her mind. I make sure to keep an eye on her, not wanting to hurt her or push her too far, but my mate wants more.


She wants this.

Before we hit the ground, I spread my wings and take us higher, then I loop over the city and farther out, doing tricks and spins, flying fast and slow. It’s like being a youngling again. We did this to show off, to test how fast we could go. It was exciting, a thrill, and I get that feeling now, sharing this with my mate. It’s incredible, I’ve never felt more alive, more connected to another person.

I slow down on the way back and she drapes her body across my neck, her hand reaching out as far as it can go and stroking my scales. Thank you, my dragon, that was amazing, I needed that…

Always, Neriso. You can fly with me anytime. It has become a function to me, but you reminded me of the joy in it.

I spot a waterfall below, cascading into an azure blue pond, and glide towards it, landing on the edge. It’s hidden by the trees, not far from the city. I change back after she slips from my neck and lays on the ground with a smile on her face. Back in human form, I lie next to her, my arm under my head as I stare up at the clouds, the sun shining down on us.

“It’s so beautiful,” she whispers.

“It is,” I agree. “Though the beauty this world has to offer in no way matches the beauty of you, Neriso.”

She laughs and rolls over, sprawling on my chest, her head on my heart. “Cheesy, but I like it. Want to go for a swim?” she asks, and leaps to her feet, her hand outstretched to me.

I accept it and stand, pulling her closer as we walk down to the pond, the rush of the waterfall loud and relaxing. It reminds me faintly of home, but this is so much better, because now I have Dawn.

She dips her toe into the blue water and sighs. “It’s warm.” She looks over at me and grins before releasing my hand and diving in.

Smirking, I follow after her, splashing her as she surfaces. She laughs and splashes me back. I can’t seem to stop smiling, even as she dives under the water to escape me. I follow her, cutting through the pool until I can pull her close under the blue water. The world above seems far away.

Her eyes grin at me as she leans closer and presses her lips to mine. Gripping the back of her hair, I push us to the surface, our heads breaking the water. She sucks in a breath and slicks back her hair, her legs wrapping around my waist as I hold us both up, kicking my legs.

“Aska,” she murmurs, her gaze going to my lips. “Tell me, are you ever going to fuck me, my dragon?”

Grinding my teeth, I ignore the jerking of my cock. “I didn’t want to pressure you and a lot has—”

She giggles and covers my lips with her finger. “Aska, I have been waiting for you. Now you are finally here, and you’re worried about not pressuring me? I want you so fucking much it hurts. And today, soaring through the sky with you, feeling all that power between my legs...it’s only made me want you more. So tell me, my dragon king, do you feel like consummating our mating?”

There is no need for any more words. I growl, my eyes lighting up as they lock on her. She isn’t getting away from me now, she made this choice, she wants me...she’s going to have me.

Gripping her head, I twine my fingers through her wet locks and yank her closer, covering her ruby lips with mine. She groans into my mouth as I lick and nip, teasing her before she opens her mouth to me. Tangling tongues, I swim until I can stand. Not breaking our desperate kiss, I hoist her from the water, which flows from our joined bodies as I walk her backwards until we meet the rocks surrounding the pond. One is like a shelf—half in the water, half out. I drop her onto it and step between her parted thighs, still keeping our lips locked in a desperate battle of wills.

She tastes like water and sex. Images of silken sheets and pale thighs flash in my mind, making me rumble with lust as I press closer still. She’s addictive, and the sensation of her wet, silky body pressed against mine sends my heart racing and my cock jerking from desire, wishing I was buried inside her.

Tipping her backwards until her back rests against the rock barrier, I tear my lips away from her and kiss down her neck, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses as she gasps. Her hands grip my shoulders, digging in as her nails pierce the skin, and I smirk.

“Feeling needy?” I murmur, as I kneel between her thighs. My head is level with her heaving chest, her ruby nipples hard and taut, her breasts floating in the water as she pants, her eyes black and locked on mine.

Grinning, I reach out and cup her breasts, squeezing them in my palms until her eyes close and she gives herself to me, her body pliant and soft as little moans escape her lips, driving me crazy. I wonder if she will make them when I’m pounding into her pussy.

Leaning down, I suck one of her nipples into my mouth and roll it around before moving to the other, switching back and forth until she is scratching at my shoulders, pulling me closer. The scent of her arousal fills the air, the fragrance heady and addictive.

My cock is throbbing, swollen from the need to be inside my mate, but I’m not rushing this. I have been waiting a millennium to feel my mate, to taste her, fuck her, and make her mine. I want her to scream like she did in the air, this time while she rides my mouth and fingers.

I want those black eyes locked on me as I bring her to the edge again and again.

She moans my name, her eyes flashing dangerously as she drags me closer still, trying to get me to do what she wants, but I ignore her nails buried in my shoulders and lower my head, blowing warm smoke across her nipples, making her shudder and moan. Her body seems to melt into the water, nothing but the stones and my hands holding her up.

Stroking along her thighs, I part them further and run my hands up the silky inside until I meet her wet center. She groans, her teeth biting down on her bottom lip as I glide my finger down her lips before spreading them. Keeping my eyes on her face, I analyse each change and nuance, storing away what she likes and what she loves. What gives her the most pleasure.

Circling around her throbbing nub, I lower my mouth to her nipple and suck it into my mouth, biting down gently as I press on her clit. She jerks closer with a silent scream, her eyes wild and begging.

“Aska,” she growls, as I release her nipple with a smirk.

Neriso?” I rumble, as I trace my finger down her slit and press inside her pussy, my eyes locked on hers.

They flutter shut as her head drops back when I curl my long fingers inside her, dragging along her nerves that have her lighting up like a firework. With my other hand, I wrap it around my cock and squeeze the tip, trying to ignore my own need and stop myself from just pounding into her.

“Yes, yes, God,” she moans, as I rub her clit and fuck her with my fingers.

Her chest glistens with droplets of water and I lap them from her skin, tasting the saltiness of her sweat and the sweet, fresh flavour of the water. Her pussy clenches around me at the rough texture of my tongue, making me smirk. Dropping lower in the water, I take a deep breath before diving under, looking at her pink, raw, wet pussy. Her clit is engorged and begging for my mouth. I watch my fingers dip in and out, coated in her cream, her tight hold squeezing around me. Fuck, I bet she will feel amazing wrapped around my cock.

So responsive, so needy.


Darting out my tongue, I wrap it around her clit before lashing her with it. Her moans get louder, my name escaping her lips on a prayer that has me feeling mighty and powerful. Fucking her harder with my fingers, I suck her clit into my mouth, biting down slightly before I start to rumble the way I did in my dragon form.

She comes apart with a scream, her hands searching for me in the water and pressing my face closer to her pussy as she rocks her hips through her release. Her pussy clamps around my fingers, massaging until I can’t wait anymore.

Ripping them free, I surge up through the water, droplets falling from my lashes and lips as I lick her cream from my digits. I grab her hips and drag her farther down the rock, pressing my cock to her still fluttering channel.

Her eyes flare open and meet mine as in one, long thrust I bury myself inside her. I almost roar from the feel of her, so tight and wet. Clenching around my cock, trying to stop me from pushing deeper. Grinding my teeth, I dig my fingers into her hips, denting her skin as I pull free and work myself back in again and again until I am balls deep, my hilt meeting her core.

Her chest arches, her nipples pointing to the sky as she takes all of me, her curvy little body fitting mine perfectly. “Aska,” she moans. “God, move, or, or—”

I do as my mate demands, I move, pulling free from her clinging body and driving back in. She reaches up and grips her breasts, swaying from my thrusts. Tweaking her nipples, she rolls them between her small fingers, making me grunt.

That’s a beautiful sight. My cock jerks inside her, my balls aching as I watch her body beneath me. So beautiful, so perfect. Her tight little cunt taking me, her lips raw and bruised from my kiss, teeth marks around one nipple.


I have to close my eyes at the onslaught, the image of her accepting my cock is too much, I need this to last…

But she doesn’t let me. She dives forward as soon as I close my eyes and her lips meet mine as we fall backwards. I manage to stay inside her as we tumble into the water, the blue closing above us.

Gripping her head, I kiss her back desperately, hard, showing her just how beautiful, how perfect she is.


Her voice floats in my head and I growl into her mouth as I draw my cock out of her and pound back in as we sink to the bottom of the pond. I hope she can hold her breath. Flipping us, I press her back to the sandy floor and use the leverage to fuck her for real.

She bites at my mouth as I drive into her with hard, pounding thrusts, the sand kicking up around us, obscuring everything but us as I take my mate. Hiking her legs higher, I angle her hips until I am hitting those nerves with each thrust. She screams into my mouth as she comes, her pussy clenching around me again.

I can’t hold back. The feel of her lips, her body, is too much. I roar into her mouth as I pound into her once more before stilling, my cock jerking with the force of my release. It’s never-ending, filling her as I gasp into her mouth. My lungs scream at me, needing air, but we can’t move.

Something snaps into place between us, making the thread that was once there seem almost grey and frayed compared to this strong one. Like the strongest wire, wrapping around us, linking us together forever. Her mind rushes into mine and I push us off the bottom, breaking through the surface of the water. We both drag in long, deep breaths as I flip onto my back and float with her spread against my chest. She’s so tiny compared to my huge body.

“Fucking hell,” she gasps, not moving, and I feel the utter pleasure still coursing through her, the same one going through me, making my legs weak and stomach clench.

And that was only our first time, the edge taken off...what will it be like day after day with my mate? Better, though I don’t see how. Her body fits so perfectly against my hard one, her softness a contrast as we float in the water under the sun, relearning how to breathe.

“I love you, my dragon,” she whispers, and presses her lips to my chest that she can reach.

“I love you, Neriso. My greatest treasure, I can’t wait to start our life together.”

* * *

After I could walk again,I helped her clean up under the waterfall before carrying her to land and laying her down on the sofa grass so we could lie in the sun to dry.

“So, tell me everything I need to know about dragons.” She sighs wearily. Dragging her closer, I kiss the top of her head, unable to help myself. I need her pressed against me all the time, touching me, feeling her. It’s the only time my dragon settles and is quiet, almost purring beside her.

“Dragons are old, powerful creatures. Once we walked this earth as gods. We were worshiped, this was before my time. There were so many of us, but we started to die out from our own pride mixed with hunters. Dragons.” I shake my head. “Our pride is our downfall. We were only allowed to mate with pure bloods, which meant our bloodlines started dying, wasting away. When two of the strongest were completely wiped out, we decided to pull back from this world, to bring everyone home to Klasfor.”

“Where is that?” she asks.

“It is hard to explain, Neriso,” I murmur as I kiss her head, her warmth settling me as I tell the tale of our people. “It is both alongside this world and not, similar to the fae. We have our own lands, linked through doorways, but all except one was destroyed. The only link to this world, guarded at all times. No one but dragons can enter or leave. Our lands are vast, built into the sky. Golden palaces filled with treasures and jewels this world has never seen. Palaces in the sky...dragons sweeping through the clouds. A vast and rich land, but our people…” I shake my head. “They are greedy and proud. That land was mined until there were no more precious jewels and gold became scarce, until the rich became richer and those weaker died trying to elevate their station.”

“Same story everywhere.” She snorts and I nod. “What happened when you went back?”

“We stayed there. It was our own choice to be locked away from the humans and others. We were untouchable, but the killing didn’t stop. Our lands might have been vast, but pride and strength led to a lot of battles between our own. So a king was chosen to lead us, to set down laws. The king had to fight, to prove his own strength, the only way they would accept him. When I was born, I was different. Some saw it as a sign of change, of the future of our race...others not so much. I was so strong, so fierce, it wasn’t long before I was crowned king, defeating the other in battle. I, of course, let him live, which many took as a weakness, but he was a friend, a mentor, he helped me learn the way. And for years it worked. I led, I ruled...but I always felt so empty, so alone, like I did not belong there. I yearned to leave, my dragon pulling me from that world. So I did. I put laws and a new leader in place, one I trusted, and I left. I just left, Dawn. I searched this world for the reason I needed to be here, but could not find anything. Tired, I retreated to my mountain and slept...until you woke me.”

She sucks in a breath. “What do you think happened to the dragon you put in charge?”

“He is probably dead. The dragon I found was someone he took under his wing, a good kid, so if he was allowed to be killed, then the king is undoubtedly dead.”

I clench my fists before sighing and pulling her closer.

“So...who’s in charge now...who’s king?” she inquires, her eyes confused.

“That’s the question, isn’t it...and why does he or she want to finally leave Klasfor and enter this world after all these years?”