Hate by K.A Knight

Lucy leads me downstairs and towards the throne room. The bodies and blood from yesterday are gone, it looks spotless apart from some holes in the walls and doors. It makes me wonder who cleaned it all up, but I guess I better get used to that type of thing now.

He stops in front of the closed double doors where we can hear the muffled voices of the crowd gathered beyond. “They voted for this, show them why,” he murmurs to me, and then blows open the doors without even touching them.

He’s right, I might not understand why they think I can lead, but they chose this. I have to show them I can be what they need, at least right now. Give me a battle or someone to kill and I’m your girl, but when faced with a room full of expectant supernaturals all looking to me, I hesitate.

But I can’t afford to.

Every eye swings my way and the crowd slowly quiets, then they all get to their feet. There are thousands of faces, some I recognise, some I don’t. But they all know me. Some, most, bow their heads. Some stare, waiting, watching, analysing. They are all expecting me to mess up, to prove I’m like Amos and his men. It won’t happen. I’m not.

I raise my chin and step into the room, and as Lucy leads me through their masses, murmurs go up. People shuffle to see, to get closer, but my mates keep them from stampeding or getting hurt, and when I view the thrones, I have a brief flash of panic.

You can do this, little regina, no one but you. Look at their faces, you give them hope. Hope for change, for the future. Embrace it, embrace your past. Let it guide you, let it build you into the queen they see...that I see.

I glance at Lucy as his voice floats through my head, but he doesn’t look at me. I swallow, his confidence filling me so when we reach the throne, I turn with him, in sync, until we face our people. I don’t know what to expect, there wasn’t a lot of time to explain, but I do know Lucy isn’t one for traditions and laws, so I’m betting it’s going to be a quick, no frills ceremony.


Just my style.

Standing on the podium before the gaudy thrones, I let Lucy take the reins for now. “Today we are gathered to crown our new council head. The rest will follow. This moment is about stability and structure. We will keep this short, since everyone is anxious for what is to come. Change is…change is always hard, even if it is for the better. But this woman, Dawn, she has the backing of the sleeping council, and more so—you.”

He turns to me then, watching me closely, so I give him a small nod. I’m ready for whatever the future brings. I’m scared, that’s true, but some of the best things in life are scary. Without fear, how can we truly appreciate something?

“Dawn—” He cuts off, blinking in confusion. What’s your last name?

Smirking, I let the answer drift to him. My mother’s last name was Agana, it means blood.

Fitting. He smirks.

“Dawn Agana, do you accept this role? Do you swear on your life to uphold our laws and to protect those who may not be able to protect themselves? Do you, as an extension of our council, vow to represent our races with dignity, strength, and understanding? Do you promise to exact swift justice on those who deserve it, and accept the role of judge, jury, and executioner?”

“I do,” I vow, my voice strong, and something wraps around me—a rightness. It’s warm and caring, it pulses around me, pride filling...it.

“Kneel,” he orders, and I do so before him, bowing my head. He places his hand there, his power encasing me, sinking through my skin, coating my veins. I gasp as I feel it lock around me, chaining me to not only him...but this role.

“Then as a representative of the sleeping council and those who govern the races, I hereby proclaim you head of the council. You are to do your duty without fear or prejudice. You are the new protector of all our people, called upon to service by need and trust. Dawn Agana, you may now rise and take in your people.” The scent of blood fills the air and then his blood-covered hand is at my mouth. “Drink, let our power fill you, let our people be yours now.”

Gripping his hand, I raise my eyes to his, meeting those red depths as I lap at the blood he’s offering. He grinds his teeth as I watch, and I can’t help the clenching of my pussy at the taste…at the ultimate power. He observes me darkly, his eyes firing with each lick of my tongue until he yanks his hand away and steps back.

At first nothing changes, but then I feel it moving through me, setting me ablaze. Then all at once, lights start to turn on in my head. Like fireflies in the dark, growing brighter and brighter. More and more appear until I’m almost blind. I nearly fall to the side with the force, with the vastness of it. My mind expands, white-hot pokers stabbing into my brain.

“Rise,” Lucy demands. I blink to try and push the lights away and concentrate on what’s happening. I can’t mess this first thing up, I can’t.

Lifting my head, I let him assist me to my feet. A roar of applause and screams go up among my men and the gathered crowd. The room shakes with their stampede of approval. Pride fills my mind from all my mate bonds, true pride filled with love, and I almost stumble. The belief they have in me is astounding, and as I turn and smile at them, their eyes reflect the truth I felt in our connection.

Whatever this role entails, wherever it takes me...they will be there. That’s when I realise these people need the same promise. They need the truth. They are staring at me like I stare at my mates, for help and assurance...for strength.

Turning, I face the crowd again, scanning them as they slowly become quiet. All eyes are on me, waiting to see what I’ll say or do.

I stand, knowing they are waiting for a speech, some reassurance. Taking a deep breath, I gather my mates’ and my strength. “I know you wonder who I am, and the truth is, I am nothing. No one. But I have been through hell and back to get here. I have fought every day of my life. I know what it means to be beaten, tortured, and thought of as nothing.” I look around, meeting each and every gaze that I can. “I never gave up, not once, and I never will. This was a big step, razing the council, but their reach, their rot, is still pervasive, and we, together, need to get rid of it. They thought we were nothing but pawns.” I shake my head. “They were wrong. Even the youngest, even the least powerful of us have a place, a reason...a destiny. I’m finding mine, and I don’t know if I belong here, but I want to help, and I hope that’s enough.”

Sucking in a breath, I hold my head high. “I will try my best, that’s all I can do. I might make mistakes, I might fumble, but I promise you I’ll never give up. To those who followed me into battle, you are up here with me. I may be the voice, but I’m fighting for you. For everyone who ever felt mistreated or unseen, who was sick of the power plays. The games and the injustices. We are all one people. Despite our differences, they are what make us strong. Together we can stop everything, this is our—your choice. We can live as they did, nothing can change, or we can fight and never give up, and maybe, just maybe we can be great again. Maybe we can find our destiny together.”

Cheers go up and my heart slams in my chest at the hope, at the pride, and fierce devotion in all their faces...and my mates’ minds. When they start to calm, I look about once more. The lights are drawing closer, so I know I need to end it soon before it overwhelms me. “It starts now, no empty promises. I’m not better than you, not above you. I’m one of you. You are one of us. Together, as one. So let me begin with the truth. The human hunters are still out there, as are some of the witches who helped Amos. Titus also made it clear he has other experiments. We start with them. I will have others combing through the wreckage the council left behind, scouring their notes and plans to see what else we are unaware of, but until then, I ask this—who here will help me? Who here wants to change this world? I can’t do this alone. This is a war, not a battle.”

For a moment, nothing happens, then a woman steps forward. “You saved my life, I’m with you, whatever you need.”

Then another and another until a cascade of voices fills the room. It shocks me to my core, I never expected it. They want to help, they want change. I look to Lucy who steps up beside me. “We will start with guards.”

“Griffin, is my head guard, he will be taking applications,” I announce.

Lucy looks at me with a raised eyebrow but nods.

“Nos will be in charge of liaisons with the old council and the new changes. Go to him if you have issues and can’t get to me. That’s all we know for now, everything else will be decided, but my first priority is you. Ensuring we are all safe and well. No more lies, no more experiments. We are one!” I roar.

“One!” they scream in response, as my men step closer to my back, ready for what we’ll face. We have an uncertain future, but up here, looking out at those expectant, ready faces, I know.

I made the right choice.

This is my destiny.

* * *

Afterwards,I’m led through the crowd. Questions are fired at me, but I ignore them for now, slightly overwhelmed. It’s as if I can feel every member of this country. Every power, every person. Their lights fill my head until it feels like it might explode. There are so many, so fucking many, and now they are all looking to me.

Once we are past the door, Lucy yanks me into the closest room and cups my cheeks, forcing me to look at him with blind eyes. It hurts, it hurts so badly, there are so many...the more I think about it, the more I feel it.

“Breathe, let them pass, don’t focus on them. Push them backwards, that’s it. They are still there but block them, build a wall, you only need to reach for them in dire emergencies, good girl, that’s it. Breathe.”

I still can’t see, but I let his touch anchor me. “What is that?” I whisper.

“Your people, every single one. You will feel their lights extinguish when they die, you can call them, you can master the connection and use it to monitor and control your people,” he murmurs.

“God, so many…” I gasp.

“Yes, now imagine seeing the whole world like that.”

Blinking, I meet those red eyes, my head not hurting any longer. “You see all the supernaturals around the world?”

He nods. “All day, every day. It’s exhausting. It’s one of the main reasons only one of the sleeping council ever rules at any given time, and not for too long, to stop us from going crazy. Feeling better?”

I nod silently. Fuck, I can’t imagine the chaos, the pain in his head at all the lights, all the people. Never truly being alone even in your brain. No wonder they pulled away from the world. I would as well.

Looking around, I realise we are in a cupboard. “Where are we?” I snort.

“Closest room, I think it’s a cleaning cupboard.” Lucy laughs. “Your mates are blocking the door, making sure we have the time you need to rebuild. They could feel the pressure in your head...I could.”

“Thank you.” I sigh, and then we both seem to realise he’s still touching me at the same time. I expect him to jerk away or make some nasty or dirty statement, but he stays quiet, his hands still cradling my cheeks. Those red eyes watch me closely. “Lucy—”

“Don’t call me that,” he murmurs, but it’s an offhand comment, like an automatic response as his eyes dip down to my lips and seem to trace them. Shivering under his gaze, I dart my tongue out and wet them, making him groan.

“You love it, Lucy,” I tease, pushing him, wanting to see what he’ll do. The world is waiting right outside this door, but in here, I feel suddenly very far away...very alone with this powerful demon.

“I’m warning you…”

“Yeah, you keep doing that. I’m wondering what the warning turns into...Lucy,” I press.

He’s still for a moment, then he snaps. He shoves me backwards, and my back hits the shelves with a bang, making me grunt. It’s dark in here, and small, and there isn’t much room for me, never mind a demon. He presses his body against mine, his hand tugging my chin up before he covers my lips with his.

He’s warm, really warm, like touching a candle or an open flame. His lips taste like burnt embers and blood...it’s addicting. Groaning, he grips me tighter, pressing harder against me until there is no space between us. He bites down on my lower lip and I open my mouth, the taste of my blood apparent as our tongues tangle in a deep, harsh kiss.

His hands are mean, painful, his lips soft, yet harsh. I want more.

My hand darts out and grips his shirt, twisting it in my fist as I pull him closer, then, using my strength, push him away. I start to walk us backwards, still kissing. He grunts into my mouth as he crashes into the shelves behind him.

If he thought I was just going to be a good girl and sit there and take it, he doesn’t know me very well.

His hands reach down and cup my ass, lifting me higher until our eyes are level. His gaze is so bright, it’s almost blinding as I toss my head back. Fires burn and twist in those depths. “You want to play games?” he snaps, as I laugh.

Then we’re gone. My stomach flips, and there is a feeling of movement, and then we appear outside. Blinking, I look around. I don’t even know where we are, it doesn’t look familiar. There is a castle behind Lucy, a big, towering structure. The moon is high, and mist creeps along the grass to where we stand at the edge of the property.

Spinning me, he slams me into a tree, but I snarl and shove him away. “Where are we?”

“Somewhere we can’t be found.” He smirks.

“Lucy!” I yell.

“Just a little place where they still worship me. Want to see?” he offers, and before I can respond, he moves us again. I’m not prepared and bile rises in my throat, but I swallow it back and look around.

We are in a clearing in the woods—the same woods, I can feel it. There is an altar made of stone with bowls of blood and bones surrounding it. The stone is etched with carvings depicting what looks like a great demon...Lucy.

Half burnt candles with wax dripping down them circle the large altar, and with a snap of Lucy’s fingers, they come to life, illuminating everything. “The people of this world still beg for me, worship me. I am their god...they fall to their knees before me. They ask for boons and assistance, but they dare not look in my eyes...yet you, brave little walker, do,” he murmurs behind me, his breath blowing over my hair. “Are you afraid?”

“No,” I reply, and it’s true. I’m not. He can try to kill me if he wants. He might even succeed, but I’m betting he won’t. I intrigue him, and like it or not we are linked somehow. Oh, he wants to kill me, that’s for sure, at least half of him...but he won’t because the other half wants me.

Like I want him.

Spinning, I smirk at him. “They worship you here?”

He nods, his eyes alight, and in the smoke behind him I see his demon emerging—big, twisting horns, fire eyes, and bulging body. A terrifying sight…also a hot one. “Then how about we change that? You think you are untouchable. Above it all. You laugh at their sacrifices, you bathe in their blood, and appear on altars of lost souls and bones...how about you worship me on it, demon? Let us see if you are worth all that...loyalty.” I smirk and then turn, leaping onto the altar. I sit and swing my legs back and forth as I watch him from the circle of flames.

He’s smoking, this is probably sacrilege and he doesn’t like to be tested. His body changes until he towers above me, those horns ablaze with an internal fire, his mouth twisted in a snarl, and eyes black like the pits of hell. Grinning, I spread my legs wider, letting the dress part to show a glimpse of my white skin under the moon.

He circles the altar behind the ring of fire, watching me as he stalks around it. Power fills the clearing. It’s dark and twisted and so fucking delicious. He calls it, and the night silences in fear. Eyes of the people and animals across the forest turn away, downcast. People hide, feeling it.

Me? I revel in it.

Falling backwards, I arch my back into the air as it skims across my body, touching me.

“I am the one they fear in the dark. Not you, little walker. You do not command me, you do not know me, you do not disrespect me!” he yells, and the world trembles.

“But I did, Lucy. So tell me, oh great demon, what are you going to do?” I laugh breathlessly, my body writhing on the altar as his power increases, seeming to slip inside me like fingers, an actual touch.

Suddenly, he’s there inside the ring of candles, and as soon as he steps across them, they burst into flame. Stronger, higher, until a circle of fire surrounds us, so tall and fierce we can’t see out.

We can’t escape.

The thought makes me moan. Yes. Fuck.

He thinks he’s trapped me in here with him, but in reality he’s imprisoned himself with me...the one thing he can’t control. I wonder if either of us will come out alive.

“I could kill you, Regina. So easily. Slit your throat and watch the blood run across that pale skin, rip your soul from your body...so fucking effortlessly,” he whispers.

“Then do it, I dare you,” I taunt.

Never, ever dare a demon...or Lucifer.

His face looms above me, then he grips my arms and yanks them over my head, restraining them to the stone until I’m stretched out below him like a sacrifice. Maybe that’s what I am.

“Killing you would be too easy, little walker, it’s much more fun to watch you live…”

“Lucy, you pussy,” I goad right in his face, even as I’m pinned, unable to move below him. Really, I’m asking for it at this point, but I can’t seem to stop. My life is spiralling out of control, everything is changing, so maybe this is me laughing in the face of death, daring him to try and take me.

“Pussy?” he rumbles, as one of his hands trails down my body, making me gasp. He shoves open my thighs, and one claw-tipped nail slides down my wet heat. “Like this one? You see, I can smell your arousal, little walker, how much you want me. So tell me, do you want to make a deal with the devil?”

“No, but I’ll fuck him.” I giggle, and then press my lips to his.

He freezes, shocked by my actions. I’m betting about now all those girls, even the dark ones who thought they could handle him, backed away, ran off scared. I can almost see it in his mind, how often they thought they wanted this, him, they believed they could handle him. But his darkness was too much from them and they ultimately feared him.

Not me.

Never me. His darkness? I crave it. I want him to paint it across my skin on his altar. I want everything this demon has to offer. I want to consume him until nothing is left.

He rumbles against me, those claws dangerously close to my most vulnerable areas as he returns my kiss, dominating it, changing it until he’s draining me. Taking everything from me. And I let him. I let him lead, helpless beneath him, craving his harsh, mean touch.

One finger presses inside me and I gasp into his mouth. The edge of danger is making this so much hotter, but then he pauses. I open my eyes to see his gaze has gone far away until he blinks.

“We need to go back,” he snarls, but he doesn’t seem happy about it, nor does he move away or stop touching me.

“Let’s go then...and demon? There might be hope for you yet. I can see why they worship you, why they pray to you. But I never will, you have to earn that, if you dare.” His eyes go red again while I grin. “Better take us home, Lucy, they will be looking for us.”

His hand grips my chin, no doubt leaving a mark. “One day I will fuck you on this altar, Regina. I will take you and everything you have to offer. I will drain that magic from you as your blood runs over the stone and soaks into the ground. And there is nothing you can do about it.”

I can’t wait.