Hate by K.A Knight

My little monster is sound asleep. I told the others to leave her. This time is mine with her anyway, and she needs to rest. She has been through a lot. And her body has too, not to mention the workout her other mates have put her through. I watch her sleep from the chair at the base of the bed.

She is so beautiful. Her hair is thrown across the pillow, her ruby lips parted in a slight snore, and her lashes creating dark crescents across her cheeks. Her body is bare apart from a t-shirt bunched up around her stomach.

So beautiful, I can’t bear to look away. We were apart for too long, I felt it. Now she is back and all I want to do is crawl into bed next to her, but she has things she needs to do. Things I have held off for as long as I could, but people are demanding answers and she will want to be part of it.

I can’t protect her from this, even as much as I wish I could. I can’t protect her from everything, but I can be with her through it. Holding her hand, offering her my support. She will never be alone, that’s what the fates wanted.

We have a lot to discuss, a lot has happened. But for now, she can sleep. A few more minutes stolen away won’t make a difference. She rolls over and those lashes blink open, her hand coming up to shield her eyes from the sunlight.

She sits up slowly and spots me, a wide smile gracing those lips. Without speaking, she holds out her hand and I accept it, climbing onto the bed with her. Stolen moments, yes, they can have her later.

For now, she is mine.

Leaning against the bed, she presses against my side, both of us happy just to be with each other after all this time apart. I know she has worries, worries about not being good enough, about not having enough experience. That all this is...wrong.

I wait, letting her think through her thoughts, letting her lean on me and ask anything if she needs it—this is the calm before the storm.

“Nos, I—” She sighs. “What if I can’t do this? I’ve spent so many hours debating reasons why I shouldn’t, not if I couldn’t. This wasn’t what I wanted, I just wanted to stop them,” she whispers.

“I know, my little monster, I know, but sometimes our lives are out of our hands, and you made a choice to save people, to help them. The world rewards those types of choices. Holding its breath for people who can help stop the destruction of this realm.”

“But why me?” She lifts her head, searching my eyes. “Why me?” It’s a question I have no answer for, all I can offer her is what I know. The reasons I love her.

“I don’t know, little monster, all I know is I love you. So much. As for why...only the fates know that. You are fate chosen, so am I. Two souls meant to find each other. Whatever the future holds, we do it together. No more apart. My little monster, love is our future, don’t forget that even when it gets dark and bloody. Before this change is through, we are going to face our biggest test yet, I know it. But we are here, all of us for a reason. With you. Use it, use us. Use what they perceive as our weakness. Love, my little monster. Use it.”

It’s time.

Lucy’s voice floats into my mind, so I take a moment, cupping Dawn’s face as I drop a soft kiss on her lips. “You can do this, little monster. Now, it’s time, time to go back into that world. Are you ready?”

She sucks in a breath, looking into my eyes. “Yes, I’m ready, are you?”

“If you are, so am I. Let’s go change the world, little monster, and start our lives.”