Dare to Love by Lylah James



Christmas Day

Exactly a weekafter we came back from Switzerland, it was Christmas Eve. And it couldn’t have been any more louder than this. I stepped through the door and I was hit with the smell of cookies and a lot of other delicious food – and easy laughter, with Christmas carols in the background.

It looked like Christmas exploded in my house, with all the decorations and the overly fancy tree with way too many ornaments. My house bustled with people and the kids were running around, everywhere.

I found Riley, Aurora and Charlotte in the kitchen with my mom. But Lila was missing. “Where’s my wife?” I asked, putting down the plastic bags on the kitchen counter.

“You got it?” Riley demanded, shifting freshly baked cookies onto plates.

“Yes, I got the icing you asked for. You were so fucking specific but I got it. Jesus, how does he deal with your crazy ass?”

Riley rolled her eyes, showing me her shiny diamond ring. “He married me. So, he has to deal with my crazy ass.”

Charlotte clucked her tongue at me. “As if you don’t deal with Lila’s insane ass. You’re more pussy whipped than Colton and Grayson combined.”

“Language,” my mom scolded.


“It was time for Iris’s next bottle. Lila went to feed her,” Aurora explained, softly.

I nodded. “See? You’re my favorite. Have fun, ladies. I need to find my wife.”

“Pussy whipped,” Charlotte mouthed.

I waited until my mother’s back was turned before practically shoving my middle finger in Charlotte’s face. She crackled like a maniac and I strode away.

I went upstairs and walked down the hall to the master bedroom but when I didn’t hear Iris crying, I slowly creeped into the nursery, without making a sound.

There, I found my wife and daughter.

And it was a sight to behold.

Lila was holding a cooing Iris to her chest, rocking her back and forth. She was singing the lullaby she sang to me once… and to our boys when they were babies. She didn’t notice my presence and I stood there, arms braced against the door, watching my wife hold our daughter.

Iris wasn’t screaming bloody murder while Lila held her. In fact, this was the first time our daughter was smiling and cooing at her mother.

My chest squeezed with an indescribable pressure. I watched as Iris fell asleep in her mother’s arm, snuggled tight against her chest. Lila finally turned toward me and I saw the silent tears streaming down her cheeks.

I love you, I mouthed.

She smiled through the tears before gently placing Iris in her crib. I opened my arms for her and Lila walked straight into her, melting into my embrace. She choked back a sob. “She didn’t cry.”

“I know.”

“She was smiling up at me,” Lila whispered in awe.

I kissed her hair. “I saw.”

“Iris fell asleep in my arms.”

“She loves you, Little Dragon. Never doubt that.” I’d say it a thousand time if I had to, until Lila believed me.



“Thank you for believing in me.”

Always, my Lila.

We joinedthe others downstairs just as Grayson was walking through the door. He greeted everyone and then went straight to Riley, placing a quick kiss on her forehead. I wasn’t surprised that she was the first person he went to. She smiled up at him and he whispered something to her, looking quite intimate with each other. Her eyes widened and then she threw her head back and laughed.

Lila let go of my hand to help my mom with the presents under the Christmas tree.

I sat down next to Lila’s grandpa, keeping the old man company. He was watching an old re-run of a football match and soon enough, we were both engrossed in it until Colton interrupted.

“Yoh,” he said, handing each of us a beer. “When are we finalizing the extension plans for the building?”

I shrugged, taking a sip of my drink. “After New Years.”

Colton nodded. “Works for me.” I didn’t miss the way his eyes kept going to Riley and Grayson. There was no bitterness or jealousy in his gaze, just… protectiveness.

A few minutes later, he joined us on the couch. “They kicked you out of the kitchen?”

Grayson grabbed a beer from the table, stretching out his long legs in front of him. “I didn’t even try to argue.”

“There’s no arguing with these women,” Colton agreed.

Truer words had never been spoken. Cheers to that.

Food was served quickly after that and after we wrangled the kids to the table, it was a pretty perfect dinner.

Every time I found myself looking at my wife, her eyes were already on me. She’d smile and then bite on her lips, as if we were sharing some secrets.

Fuck, I loved this woman. Madly.

Once the table was cleared out, the boys and I went to the living room, leaving the girls to gossip among themselves but it was soon after, when Riley came forward to announce something.

“So, I have some news. I can’t keep it in any longer,” she started slowly. All attention was on her. Riley grinned and her hand went to her stomach, cupping her belly tenderly. “I’m pregnant!”

All the girls squealed, running over to Riley to congratulate her. Aurora rubbed Riley’s belly, almost longingly. Lila was crying and Charlotte hugged Riley – well, practically strangling her. “Oh my God, I’m going to be an aunt. Again!”

“Congratulation is in order,” I said to the father of the baby, raising my beer in a toast.

Colton smiled, looking so at ease while he kept his gaze on Riley. While there was unmistakeable delight in Grayson’s eyes.

The kids went back to running around, all the adrenaline about the opening their presents soon enough, pumping through their veins.

Christmas Eve was always chaos for us. But it was nothing short of perfect.

None of us were blood related, but damn it, this was family.

* * *


After desserts,Maddox and Colton disappeared. And I knew exactly why.

“Boys! Who’s ready for Santa?” I called out. A chorus of ‘me’ were shouted and they all waited, eyes big with anticipation.

“Can we open our presents now?” Noah asked, practically dancing on his toes.

“Well, you have to wait for Santa to give them to you,” I explained.

“But they are already under the trees,” Logan complained. “Can’t we just take them?”

With my hands on my hips, I shook my head. “Nope. Gotta wait for Santa. I want all four of you to sit down, quietly while we wait for San–”

I barely even finished my sentence when the entrance door slammed open and two huge figured walked in, bringing in a cold wind and snow as they did.

Santa Claus and his Elf.

“Ho – ho – ho.”

I had to press my lips together, holding back a laugh at how ridiculous both Maddox and Colton looked. It was a tradition since Logan was born, but it never got less hysterical to see them in their costumes.

Savannah took pictures while the Elf handed everyone their presents. Santa had the boys on his lap, one by one as they whispered their secrets in his ears and he granted them their wishes.

Was it possible to fall even more in love? Because I did. Every time I saw Maddox with our kids and how easily he handled them… I probably fell deeper in love, but I didn’t think that was even possible anymore.

Once the presents were distributed and the kids were practically ripping through the wrapping, I went into the kitchen to grab another plate of cookies. The boys were going to be demanding for more cookies soon enough.

“Did I get to tell you how fucking beautiful you look in this red dress?”

I shivered as his deep voice rolled down my spine and goosebumps peppered across my bare arms. He crowded into my back, his warmth surrounding me.

“No, you didn’t tell me yet,” I said, with all the sassiness I could muster. Maddox grabbed my ass, squeezing. My breath hitched.

“Delectable,” he rasped in my ear.

I turned around in his arms, so that I was facing him. He had gotten rid of the fake white beard but he was still in his Santa costume.

“You’re being inappropriate, Mr. Santa,” I said even as I reached out, grabbing his bulge through his red pants.

He groaned. “You’re on the naughty list, Mrs. Coulter.”

“Oh really? What are you going to do about that?” I taunted. “Are you going to punish me, Santa Claus?”

I chewed on my lips, hiding my grin. His eyes glinted with something dark and mischievous. “You’re about to find out what happens to bad girls like you,” he threatened. “Tonight.”

I caressed his dick through his layers of clothing, feeling him grow thick and hard. “I can’t wait,” I breathed.

“Lila, the boys want cookies.” Savannah walked in the kitchen and Maddox coughed, practically choking on his saliva. I still had his dick in my hand, but his body was big enough to hide me and what I was up to.

“Sure, I’ll bring the plate over!” I said, in an overly cheerful voice.

Maddox pulled away from me. “You’re dangerous, woman,” he growled.

“And I happened to hear that you love danger.” I winked, before sashaying away.

Maddox swore under his breath and I grinned.

Walking back into the living room, where everyone was present, I watched as my family talked and laughed between themselves. My babies were well loved and I had everything I could ask for.

Savannah came to me, with a sweet smile. We swapped between the plates and Iris, and suddenly, I found myself holding my daughter while Savannah walked away with the cookies.

My body froze and I held my breath, expecting Iris to burst out crying.

My heart thundered in my chest and I swore, my lungs caved inside my rib-cage, I could barely breathe.

Please don’t cry, please don’t cry,I begged.

Her eyes, blue like her father’s, blinked up at me. Her lips pursed into the cutest pout and then she did the most unexpected thing.

Her tiny fingers wrapped around my dreamcatcher necklace and my daughter smiled, cooing.

In that very moment, my world tilted on its own axis, the room swayed and I felt both dizzy in relief and breathless with happy.

“You know, this necklace is special to your daddy and me. It was his very first gift to me,” I whispered to my daughter.

I felt Maddox’s presence before I saw him. His arm came around my shoulders and we both looked down at Iris. “This is our dreamcatcher, little one,” he said.

My heart was so full, I could burst.

He pressed his lips against my temple, giving me a chaste kiss. “Do you believe in Christmas magic, Little Dragon?”

I looked down at my precious bundle of joy as she shoved a fistful of my hair into her mouth. She giggled.

“Maybe I do. A little bit.”

“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Coulter,” Maddox whispered in my ear.