Dare to Love by Lylah James



Three years later

I walkedinto my house and it was surprisingly quiet. I wasn’t going to complain though, since today had been a long day at work and I was completely wrecked.

I dropped my bag and coat at the door, toed off my heels and walked barefoot into my living room. Maddox was sprawled on the couch, legs stretched out in front of him. Bare chest and grey sweatpants. Oh, yum.

“You’re dressed like a hoe again.”

“And you’re severely over-dressed, Mrs. Coulter,” he drawled.

I looked around but found no kids. “Where are the monsters?”

“At my mom’s.”

I paused, quirking up an eyebrow at my husband. “So, you’re saying we got the house to ourselves for tonight?”

Maddox rubbed a hand down his abs, his lower lip tugged between his teeth as he gave me one long appreciative look. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Oh damn. I slowly grinned, before settling into my husband’s embrace. He took my lips in a long, leisured kiss until we were both breathless.

I tucked my face into my throat, inhaling his spicy scent. “God, I’m exhausted.”

After my maternity leave for Iris, I went back to work. I missed the kids terribly but I also loved my job. It wasn’t exactly easy at first, but I had learned how to cope with it. Being a working mother – while not being riddled with so much shame and guilt.

It took me a year of talking with a therapist for me to finally… heal, as Maddox would put it. Opening up about my insecurities and fear to a stranger wasn’t easy, but it had been exactly what I needed.

When things got too hard, Maddox was there for me. But it was also nice to have a therapist who would put everything in perspective for me. She was patient and understanding. And in her, I found both a confidant and a friend.

A lot of time, I was still stuck in my head, in the dark corner where I’d pile everything up until I burst. But over the years, I had gotten better at talking about my feelings and asking for help when I needed it.

Maddox was my comfort.

He was home and exactly what I needed when I felt the urge to let go. I knew he’d be there to catch me and he always did. Every. Single. Time.

“What’s that sound?” I asked. It was very soft before, barely noticeable when I walked into the house but now the noise had grown insistent.

Maddox looked guilty and he pulled away, coming to stand in front of me.

I crossed my arms over my chest, slowly growing suspicious. He took a step back, hands up as a mock surrender. “Okay, listen. Don’t freak out.”

My eyes widened. “What did you do now?”


“Maddox, answer the question!”

His eyes darted left and right as if someone would pop up to save his ass. Maddox gave me a sheepish look. “I got Iris the baby goat she wanted. Early Christmas present.”

“You did what?” I gasped.

Iris was an animal lover. My little girl had a pure soul, but that meant my house turning into a zoo. She brought home all the injured animals. Birds, lost cats and dogs, squirrels…

Two months ago, she asked her daddy to get her two white rabbits. And what did her daddy do? He got her two pet rabbits, of course.

“You got her a baby goat?” I repeated slowly. Oh my God! Maybe today was the day I ended up in prison. On the possible charges of murdering my husband.

“She pouted and I couldn’t say no. You know I’m weak for her pouts,” he tried to defend himself as if that explained why he bought a freaking goat.

I took a deep breath, to calm myself down. But yeah, that wasn’t happening. When he opened his mouth to justify himself again, I was done.


“Yes, ma’am. Of course, ma’am,” he said quickly.

Maddox backpedaled, hands still up in defense. When he was a good distance away from me, he finally chuckled.

“I’m not even sorry, Little Dragon. But I love you.”

And then he was gone. Practically running away from me and the goat he brought home.

Who thought marrying this insane man was a good idea?

Oh right, me.
