A Ruthless Christmas by K.L. Savage


Four days until Christmas.

I got my comet the only thing in the world she’s ever wanted.

A bookstore.

Andrew’s bookstore, which I know will hold some meaning for her. I don’t know why. The guy was a complete waste of space, but just because I can’t understand her feelings doesn’t mean they aren’t valid. I’ll love her through them, even if I disagree.

Plus, the bookstore has this really old book she likes, and I want her to have it. I want her to have everything.

I can’t wait until Christmas. I got the keys to the place yesterday. The bookstore was supposed to go to next of kin if something happened to Andrew, and since something did happen, I had to threaten the lawyer that I’d kill him and feed him to Happy for that not to happen.

I won, and the lawyer still speaks.

How do I want to surprise her? Women like that, right? She deserves it. She’s been teaching me how to read, but since I’m a fucking idiot, it’s taking a long time. I’m lucky to read three words before I get frustrated and throw the book across the room.

“Tongue? I need your help. I can’t—” Daphne grunts as she stretches her arm to grab a book on the shelf I just installed, “—I can’t reach it.”

Of course, she can’t. What would make her think she could? It’s an entire foot above her. Sometimes, I don’t understand her efforts. I like watching her try, though. Her ass jiggles every time she loses her balance, and my cock hardens. I growl as her sleek body moves. A body that’s mine. I was just inside her this morning, but I want her again.

I can’t because there’s no time. I need to take her to the bookstore, and then we’re going to do some last-minute Christmas shopping for everyone. All I want to do is stay in bed, deep inside her tight cunt, rubbing her body with my knife that I had engraved with her. I want her to beg me to cut her, to carve my name into her chest like she wanted before.

“Wayne,” she gasps as I pick her up and throw her on the bed.

Christmas can wait. It isn’t like it’s going anywhere. It will be there next year, and the year after, and then the year after that. And since me and Daphne are going to be together for all eternity and in death, I think it’s safe to say we will have plenty of holidays.

Daphne’s tits bounce as she settles on our mattress. Her nipples are hard, tenting the shirt she’s wearing. “We have to go shopping. We can’t,” she moans as I strip off my shirt.

She loves my body for some fucked up reason, but it’s why we’re meant to be together. She loves me, and only the Devil knows why.

I’m about to unzip my jeans so her plump lips can wrap around my cock and suck me down her throat, when someone who has a death wish knocks on the door. I curl my lips, grab my knife from on top of the dresser, and lick it. I’m ready to kill somebody for interrupting me.

“Be nice,” Daphne says with a giggle.

“I am nice,” I grouse.

I open the door and place the tip of the blade under the visitor’s chin. “Boomer,” I greet with zero excitement. Maybe I would’ve been if he didn’t interrupt me. “I didn’t know you were coming. You and your members here?” If they are, I’ll have to take Daphne away from here. I don’t know Boomer’s guys like I know the Vegas members. They will want her. I’m not afraid to cut out their tongues. I don’t care if they are brothers by the Ruthless name. I’ll kill.

I’ll bathe in their blood victoriously, and you know what Daphne will do?

She’ll join me.

Oh, now that would be the perfect Christmas gift. Maybe we can find someone walking down the strip again and do a little hunting, have some fun, let our hair down.

“It’s good to see you too, Tongue. Merry Christmas.”

“I would say it’s good to see you too, but I’m busy.”

He peers around my shoulder, no doubt seeing my beautiful comet laying in bed. His eyes widen. “Well, how are you doing? I’m Boom—Ow!”

I drop my knife from his chin and slice it across his arm. “Don’t.” I wave the blade in front of him.

“I should’ve known that even after you found someone, you’d still be a psychopath.”

“Don’t call him that!” Daphne comes to my defense and loops her arm through mine. I tilt my head down and notice her glasses are crooked, so I straighten them and push the frames up the bridge of her nose.

Damn, I’m a lucky man.

“Does anyone know you’re here? Reaper didn’t mention you coming.”

“I tried calling him, but he hasn’t been answering, so no, I don’t think anyone knows we’re here. I’m excited to see everyone, meet all the new members we have—”

“We have. Not you. You left, remember?” I didn’t know it bothered me that he left until this moment. “Don’t say we. You picked a new family.”

“Tongue, you’re still my family. That hasn’t changed. You know why I had to leave.”

Daphne’s body sinks into mine as she leans against me. She got new shampoo that reminds me of the beach. Coconut and some type of flower. I love it. I concentrate on her, her curves, her scent, the softness of her hair, and breathe out. “Everyone is actually downstairs to see if Sarah is pregnant. Everyone is excited,” I finally say.

“Why aren’t you?” His misfit market of members come from down the hallway, and the twins look Daphne up and down like she’s candy.

“Mine,” I sneer at them while they bump knuckles.

“Lay off, guys. Daphne is taken, and you do not want to fuck with Tongue, got it?” Boomer says over his shoulder, but he never stops looking me in the eye.

“Got it, Prez.” The one that has the name patch ‘Warden’ on his cut, nods his head and turns into the kitchen across the hall.

Wolf is next to him, a guy I never thought I’d like because of what happened with the Jersey Chapter, but I do. He’s a good guy who was trying to save his sister. Arrow, One-Eye, and Kansas drag the chairs out from the table and get comfortable. Wolf seems bored, so he finds the coffee pot instead of standing here and talking to me. He rinses it out and stares out the window. He slushes the water around in the pot, washing out all the flavor.

Doesn’t he know that’s a cardinal sin?

He tilts his head and pauses what he’s doing, almost as if he’s lost in thought. The faucet runs, and water flows down the sink, gurgling through the pipes. Wolf releases the handle, and the glass pot breaks in the sink, ruining any chance for coffee.

But he has a reason.

He dashes down the hall, toward the main room, and out the front door, leaving it wide open so the dusty air can get in.

Curious, Boomer and his men head out the door, but I don’t follow.

“What the fuck is the racket about, Tongue?” Reaper opens the basement door, which jingles since Maizey put a bell on it. “I’m trying to see if my wife is pregnant.”

“Boomer is here,” I drawl.

His face lights up like our Christmas Cactus in the living room. “Doc! Wait. Sarah, Boomer is here!”

A high-pitched squeal has my ears ringing.

You know what follows Boomer? Explosions. I want a quiet Christmas. Maybe a little blood, a lot of sex, maybe at the same time, but I do not feel like getting blown up.

“Is there a story I’m missing?” Daphne asks me, tugging on my cut.

I shut the bedroom door and grin. “Oh, yeah.”

She jumps on the bed, excited like a teenage girl about to gossip. “Tell me, tell me, tell me,” she begs.

I mock her, jumping on the bed too, but my weight breaks it. One side of the mattress falls to the floor when a metal rod snaps, and I grab onto Daphne to make sure she’s okay.

But she’s laughing so hard she can’t breathe. “You … you … can’t jump on beds. You’re … too big,” she gasps, her face turning red.

I’m getting worried. Do I need to breathe for her? Blow into her mouth? I will.

“I was excited to tell you the story.”

“Tell me. I’m listening, Comet,” she smiles.

Bed broken, books scattered, the remainder of the bed’s frame moaning from having to support the weight.

My arm hurts, but I don’t care. If I can be here with Daphne, what more could I want for Christmas? I have my swamp kitty, my knives, my tongues, and love. The only thing I need to fix is my relationship with Sarah. Boomer asked why I wasn’t excited.

I am.

I just don’t think she wants me there when she gets the news.