Cream Pie by Madison Faye

Chapter 10


I’m smiling.Shit, I’m smiling like I haven’t smiled in years. I mean, can you blame me?

I’ve just left Amy’s bungalow—probably a bit later in the morning than is safe, considering the circumstances, but we were... well, delayed in our goodbyes.

...That’s code for “I fucked her into her mattress through three orgasms before taking her from behind once more in the shower until we both came hard enough to almost pass the fuck out”.

Oh, right, and then there was that one last time on the floor right before I had to run out. I grin, looking up at the tropical sun and taking a deep breath.

Yeah, she’s in deep. Like, really, really deep. Deeper than I’ve ever let a woman in, maybe. This started as strangers, as a one-time-thing. Then we found out the truth of who we are. Maybe it should have stopped there, but it damn well didn’t. And now?

Now there’s no way I’m walking away from it, come what may.

We’re leaving Thailand today, but I know there’s no damn way it’s ending here. And so does she.

I take another big breath of air, grinning and closing my eyes as I look up into the morning sky.

“Well well well!”


I’m yanked out of my reverie and my wandering thoughts of everything I felt last night with Amy in my arms by the sound of my buddy Max’s voice.

Max, also a guest at the wedding, used to work for Marshall, but set out to open his own fund—under Marshall’s tutelage and blessing, that is. He’s not really a competitor, more like a satellite branch of Bane Financial, since Marshall shares data with him in exchange for a small percentage of profits.

Works well for everyone.

I blink and open my eyes to glance at my blond buddy. I laugh and shake my head at his bare chest, swim trunks, and flip flops.

“Shit, I thought the strippers were just for the bachelor party.”

He rolls his eyes, and I laugh.

“How’s flexing the guns working for you, Thor. You in the Avengers yet?”

Max sighs. “I was swimming, relax.” he arches a brow. “And are you seriously about to bust my chops on dress code? Dude, you’re still wearing your fucking tux.”


He’s not wrong. Sure, I’ve got my jacket over one shoulder, my tie stuffed into my pocket, and my shirt half-unbuttoned. But it’s pretty fucking obvious I’m not just out for a morning stroll to breakfast.

Max grins.

“Guess you found some fun last night, huh?”

My brow furrows, and my jaw tightens.

“Leave it,” I growl. Max chuckles.

“Hey, easy, bud,” he grins and holds his hands up. “Relax, just making the obvious point. If it was that bad, maybe you should have snuck out earlier.”

I frown deeper. “I wasn’t sneaking—fuck it, forget it.”

He looks like he wants do the exact opposite of that, but when I glare at him again, he backs down.

“Alright, alright. Fine. I’ll just have to find your diary and read about it later.”

I grin, shaking my head. Max and I go pretty far back, actually. We were in the same Marine platoon in Afghanistan, and probably managed to save each other’s asses from more than our fair share of things that go boom. Back stateside, we were in the same business program at Columbia, but after that we headed in different directions. I found work with La Société Rouge, and Max, in a twist of kismet, ended up working for Marshall. We’d sort of lost touch a little for a year or so there, so it was a nice surprise to find out our mutual connection once I moved to Bane Financial and put the pieces together.

“How about you?” I nod my chin at him. “Get into any trouble last night?”

He scowls. “No. Well…” he frowns again. “Not exactly.”

“That’s an interesting way of saying you struck out.”

He flips me off, and I start to laugh before his look turns serious, and my brow furrows.


He scowls. “Listen, man, I was actually going to try and find you this morning. I think…” he shakes his head. “Look, I’m probably wrong.”

“What is it?”

Max rakes his fingers over the blond stubble on his jaw and takes a slow breath before letting it out.

“Dude, I think I saw Jackie last night.”

My gut sinks, and something cold cuts into me.

“Are you fucking with me?”

“Would I seriously fuck with you about that shit?” he mutters. “No, man. Look, it was from a distance. I’m just being paranoid on your behalf is all.” Max shrugs. “It couldn’t have actually been that psycho bitch.”

“It could,” I growl quietly.

Max frowns. “I mean, she’s not that crazy enough to show up here in Thai—”

“Yes, she is.”

My voice is like cold steel as the tense anger grips me inside. I look at Max unflinchingly.

“Yeah, she is.”

He nods, muttering. “Shit. Sorry to be the messenger, man. I’ll keep an eye out and tell the resort security.”

I nod slowly, only half hearing him. “Yeah, thanks.”

“You got it. Catch you at breakfast?”

I nod again, and he claps me on the shoulder before heading off.


Whatever glowing high I was on leaving Amy just now, the shadow of fucking Jackie sours it all, and that’s what I hate the most about it. Fuck, I mean, I never want to see her crazy ass again, and there’s more than a few legal documents and restraining orders that back me up. But if it was just me having to deal with running into her, fine. Not my idea of a good time, but I can deal with crazy.

It’s that she’s cast a shadow over this pure bliss I’ve found with the most off-limits girl in the world—like she’s this looming storm cloud over our little escape. That’s what pisses me the fuck off.

You better not actually be here, I mutter to myself as I turn down a path and head to my own bungalow.

Inside, I make a quick check of the closets and under the bed, feeling like a paranoid psycho. But believe me, it’s warranted when it comes to that woman. I lock the door and finally breathe easy before I head to the shower to clean up before breakfast with Marshall and Kendall.

Yeah, that’s going to be fun after my activities last night.

The newlyweds had their escape last night, but they’re not actually leaving for a real honeymoon for a few days. They both had some stuff to wrap up at home first, so we’re actuallyall flying back this afternoon on the same private jet—Marshall, Kendall, Amy, and me.

Fuck me sideways.

I get the water hot as hell before I step in, wincing a little at the heat before I let uncoil my muscles. I close my eyes, and instantly, even with the Jackie shadow looming, all I can think of is her.


All I can think of is that look in her eyes when she came for me. All I can taste is her on my tongue. All I can feel is the way she clung to me so tightly and moved with me. The other night wasn’t something I do—the whole one-night thing. But I knew even before I knew who she was that the girl I saw in that bar was just… shit, I don’t know. Something different. Something real.

Something that was going to rock my whole fucking world.

And now, here we are.

I know it’d be easy to call it blind lust. Hell, it would definitely make it an easier pill to swallow when it comes to keeping it from Marshall, in a way, if it was just mad physical attraction. And yeah, it sure as hell is, but I know damn well it’s more than that.

I know it’s a lot more than that, and that scares the shit out of me. I know that waking up with that girl in my arms is the single best feeling I’ve ever had. I know that holding her close and nuzzling her neck as she still slept another few minutes and feeling the beat of her heart with my hand on her chest made me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt.

I don’t even know if I’m ready to really think about what that even means, but I know I want it always.

Water streams over me, and I close my eyes and remember my last shower. I groan, remembering the way she looked at me with pure hunger and turned around to face the tiled wall. The way I moved behind her and gripped that tight little ass in my hands as she cooed for me. The way I bit her neck as I slid my cock between her legs and pushed it into her slick little cunt.

I growl, and my hand slides down to wrap around my fat, throbbing cock. I stroke, grunting as I remember pounding into her sweet pussy, and feeling her come so hard for me.

Fuck, I’ve been up for barely two hours, I’ve already come three damn times with Amy, and here I am ready to spray my cum across the shower wall.

I grin as I let my breath out and drop my hand.

Easy, buddy.

I shake my head to clear the thoughts, and I finish rinsing off and step out. I can’t be jerking off like a horny teenager, I’ve got breakfast to get to.

…You know, with the man whose daughter is the one that has me all twisted up like this.

I throw on some linen pants and a t-shirt, and I head out.

“Heardyou found some company last night.”

I almost choke on my coffee at Marshall’s words, and I shoot quick glare towards the next table on the veranda where Max is stuffing his face with bacon and french toast. He catches the look and grins. Hell, it’s not like he knew it was Amy I was with when he gossiped like a little schoolgirl to Marshall about spotting me on the walk of shame this morning.

I sputter on the black coffee, and Marshall laughs next to me.

“Easy, buddy,” he chuckles, grinning. “Hey, good for you. You haven’t really ever gotten back out there after, you know.”

“Jackie,” I mutter.

Marshall nods. “Yeah.”

“Can you blame me?”

He grins. “Hardly.” He laughs again and raises his own coffee cup to me. “Well, cheers. And congrats, whoever she was.” He looks at me with peering eyes, like he wants me to spill it.

Like fucking hell.

“Aww c’mon!” he finally sighs. “Really?”


“C’mon,” he prods. “Look, it’s just you and me. Kendall’s still taking a shower.”

I just shrug.

“Someone from the wedding or someone from after?”

“Marshall, I love you man, but…” I mime zippering my lips, and he groans.

“One-time thing or something you’re gonna follow up on?”

I roll my eyes. “You know, you’re as bad as Faust over there,” I grumble, nodding my chin at a clearly eavesdropping Max at the next table.

Marshall roars with laughter.

“Alright, fine. Keep your damn secrets.”

“Gentleman never tells,” I mumble.

A gentleman doesn’t fuck his best friend’s daughter either, you shithead, I think darkly to myself.

As if on cue, I look up just in time to see a fucking dream breeze onto the breakfast veranda.


Amy looking like fucking perfect—looking sexy as hell, and somehow also completely adorable. She’s in this breezy, short white sundress, her hair down and tumbling over one shoulder. She looks up and catches my eyes with her baby blues, and instantly, the heat burns into her face.

She hides a smile as she whirls and makes a beeline for the self-serve coffee station, and I quickly look down into my own mug.

“Hey, there she is!” Marshall beams, raising a hand to wave her over. I look past him, my eyes glued to the way the sun just bathes her in a glow, and my jaw tightens.

This isn’t good. I look at her, right there past my best friend, and I just fucking want her. I want her constantly, always, incessantly. I want her like I want air, and water, and food. Like my heart wants to keep pumping blood.

“One-time thing or something you’re gonna follow up on?”

And suddenly, like a knife twisting into me, I don’t fucking know.

This whole thing, here, at Marshall’s damn wedding of all places, was bad enough. But here at least, there’s this aura of being “on vacation,” like it’s an excuse. It’s not, and to me, it definitely isn’t. But what about her?

She’s young, she’s at a wedding, she’s on vacation, and this is all new to her. Yeah, I might be willing to admit that I’m fucking crazy about Amy, but I am older. I’ve been around the block, and I see the world from thirty-five, not eighteen. She’s got her whole damn life ahead of her, and as much as I want to just fucking claim her, and make her mine forever?

Shit, I mean, c’mon.

I turn, and my eyes land on Marshall. My best friend, my boss, and the man who’s given me so damn much. And when I glance back at Amy, something twists in my gut.

What the fuck am I doing, and what thefuck have I gotten myself into?

“Listen, I’m gonna go catch some sun before we take off later,” I mumble at Marshall as I stand. “Later.”

I turn, I grit my teeth, and I walk the fuck away.

Because I have to, before I march right over there, take her in my arms, and kiss her until they have to drag me off of her.