Cream Pie by Madison Faye

Chapter 12


Needless to say,the flight from Thailand back to New York is a very, very long flight. And I don’t even mean that figuratively, I mean it’s just literally so fucking long. What doesn’t help is that every single time I look across the aisle at Javier, I want him. Like, literally every time. But at no other point on our trip back do we get that perfect storm again of everyone sleeping, so sadly, there aren’t any more Mile High Club sessions.

There are cars waiting for us when we land at the private jetport outside New York. Max waves goodbye and head back to his place, Hope has some friends from high school who she’s off to see for the night, and Kendall and my dad have a honeymoon to pack for. I can see Javier angling himself to get into a car with me, and I know without even us having said anything that we’re both without question going to go back to his place.

…And good lord am I wet thinking about that.

That is, until my dad pops that balloon.

“Hey, you want to ride with us, man?” He nods at Javier.

“What’s up?”

Dad frowns, but Kendall pipes up, looking sour.

“He checked his work email, like he promised he wouldn’t,” she mutters. My dad smiles and wraps an arm around her. “I’m all yours, baby. Just need to fill him in on some stuff for when I’m gone.”

Javier frowns as he scrolls through his emails.

“Shit, the Bronson Tech merger?”

My dad nods and the both of them sour even more.

“Shit, yeah, you want to talk strategy?”

Dad nods. “If we can talk on the way back to my penthouse, that might be all we need. Then you can head home while we pack for the honeymoon.”

“Yeah, sounds good.”

Dad nods again and turns to me. “You coming with us?”

I shrug. “I could?”

My phone buzzes, and when I glance at it, I have to think fast to cover the blush on my face.

I have plans for you. At my place.

I clear my throat and look back up.

“Actually, Hope just invited me out with her friends tonight. That cool?”

My dad smiles. “Hey, you’re an adult, kiddo. Just be safe.”

Kendall pouts. “Are we seeing you tomorrow morning before we leave?”

“Of course!”

She beams. “Good. Well, have fun tonight.”

She and my dad start to get into one of the waiting cars, but Javier turns back, as if he’s still rummaging in his suitcase before the chauffeur puts it in the trunk. His eyes meet mine, and I shiver as he reaches out and palms something into my hand. I realize it’s a keycard with the name of an upscale Park Avenue address on it, and heat blazes through me.

Go to my place,” he growls under his breath. “I’ll let the front desk know to expect a guest of mine. Get to my place, take your fucking clothes off,” he rasps, making me whimper quietly. “And then get on all fours on my bed.”

I gasp, my eyes wild as they lock with his.

“Don’t be long,” I whisper heatedly.

He groans and steps dangerously close to me, making me gasp again.

“Can you still feel me?” he growls quietly. His hand comes up to brush my hip, and I shiver.

“Can you feel my cum soaked into those little panties?”

I gasp, nodding as fire sparks between us.

Yeah,” I hiss. “And it’s been making me wet the whole flight.”

He groans. “I’ll be there soon.”

I swallow back the heat and force a smile to my face as I wave at my dad and Kendall in the car. “See you for breakfast!”

“Have fun!” Kendall calls back out through the window.

Oh trust me, I’m going to.

My body shivers heatedly the whole way into the city towards Javier’s address. I mean, it’s not like I’ve ever done this or anything close to this—sneaking off to slip into a guy’s home to wait naked and ready for him on his bed. It’s wild, and it makes me feel wild, just like every single second since the two of us collided has made me feel wild.

I still know there’s an element of wrong to this. I know this could still blow up in our faces. But I can’t help it, because I just crave him, utterly and completely. I know it’s a cliché to say, “damn the consequences,” but honestly, those consequences can go fuck themselves. I know whatever this is is real, and huge, and unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

And I know I want more.

Javier’s building is swank. I mean, my dad keeps a ridiculously nice penthouse on the other side of Central Park from here, in addition to the main house out in Greenwich. But Javier isn’t exactly slumming it with Central Park West address. The doorman lets me inside, and the man at the front desk nods in recognition of my name, seeing as Javier’s somehow gotten them word that I’m coming.

It feels scandalous, too. Like I’m this seductress or courtesan sneaking into a noble’s quarters for some tawdry and passionate affair.

Javier’s penthouse is on the top floor, and when I step out of the elevator and keycard open his front door, it takes my breath away. Yes, even growing up with the money I grew up with, walking into a place as gorgeous as this, with the view it’s got, can still take my breath away. And Javier has nice taste.

I close the front door behind me, shivering in anticipation as I drop my bags to the side. I step into the big open-concept condo with the huge ceilings and brick walls and enormous windows overlooking the city, and I grin. In my head, I imagine us just cooped up in here, playing house together forever. I know it’s silly, and I start to roll my eyes at myself when suddenly, I hear something.

I freeze, and I’m about to write it off as me just being tired after a long flight, when I hear it again. And this time, I know I’m not making things up.

It’s the sound of a door, and then bare feet on hard wood.

I whirl, and my heart jumps into my throat at the sight of the beautiful blonde woman that strolls around a corner into the big living room area. But my fear instantly turns to something harder, and my eyes narrow as I realize she’s just wearing this super-skimpy lacy white lingerie.

The both of us lock eyes, and freeze.

“Oh, are you the new maid?” She croons with this judgey, pompous up-turn of her nose at me.

“Uh, no? I’m…” I frown. “I’m sorry, who are you?”

The woman’s lips curl at the corners into a wicked, sharp smile, and her blue eyes flash fire at me.

“I’m Jackie. Javier’s fiancée.”

The whole room freezes, and something inside of me just shatters and drops through my stomach. My mouth begins to fall open, and I stare at her as a numbness creeps over me.

I swallow, paling.

What?” I breath out in a choked whisper.

The woman giggles. “Yeah, I know, I almost can’t believe it either!” She waves a hand in the air, and there’s no missing the enormous diamond ring on her finger.

I’m still just staring at her, trying to grasp at straws and put together what the fuck is going on, when she laughs again.

“Oh, wait. I do know who you are!” She beams at me, her eyes narrowing and her smile thinking into a hard line.

“You’re the little whore who fucked my fiancé in Thailand.”

The whole world freezes, and my jaw almost hits the ground. It feels like there’s a knife twisting inside of me, and I gasp for words, feeling like I’m going to collapse.

“You dirty little tramp,” she suddenly hisses at me, her face instantly dropping the fake smile as she sneers at me.

“I know my Javier has a big appetite, you little slut. When we’re married that shit ends, but, well, he has his dalliances now.” Her eyes burn into me, and that thin, evil smile comes back.

“Oh, you poor thing!” She coos patronizingly. “Did you think…” she laughs. “Did you think it was more than just him getting a taste of you? Oh honey.”

She makes a tsking sound with her teeth and shakes her head patronizingly at me.

“See, I know who else you are, too. Marshall Bane’s daughter,” She gasps and dramatically puts a hand over her heart.

“Now does daddy know you’ve been fucking his right-hand man?”

My whole body begins to crumple, but she just keeps smiling at me horribly as she slowly shakes her head.

“Why you dirty, disgusting girl. I bet Marshall has no idea, does he?” She sighs heavily. “Well, that’s not right at all, so it’s a good thing I took plenty of pictures in Thailand to show him!”

I sputter for words, feeling cold and numb. But when she nods at the kitchen counter, the spell breaks enough for me to stumble towards the it.

Oh God.

The glossy pictures are strewn across the marble—pictures of us dancing that first night, pictures of us through a window of my cabana—half naked and making out.

Oh my God

The panic and the hurt and the anger explode through me, and I choke out a gasp as I snatch them up and start to rip. It’s like a dream-like frenzy as I shred and tear them to pieces, and it’s not until it’s done and I’m half sobbing that I realize she’s laughing behind me. I turn, my face white and haggard as I stare at this horrible, horrible woman.

I want to scream that this can’t be real—that she’s clearly just some crazy person. But then, she’s here, in his apartment, prancing around in lingerie. And clearly, she was in Thailand, too.

“Oh you poor stupid girl!” she giggles cruelly. “Those were copies, obviously, you bitch.” Her smile fades until she’s suddenly snarling at me with cold eyes.

“Now get the fuck out of here, and stay the fuck away from my fiancé—!”

The door to the penthouse suddenly swings open behind me, and I whirl to see Javier stepping inside. His face instantly goes cold, his eyes narrowing to dangerous slits as he takes in the scene before him.

You,” he snarls, baring his teeth as he glares at the woman. His eyes dart to me and then back to her, his whole body stiffening and clenching.

“What the fuck did you do!”

Me,” Jackie gasps, placing a hand on her chest and looking shocked. “Honey, I just—”

“Shut the fuck up,” Javier growls darkly before he turns to me, his face drawn and lined.



The word falls from my lips in a whisper, my head slowly shaking back and forth.

“Damnit, Amy, listen to me!” he growls. “She’s full of shit! Whatever she told you—”

“She told me enough,” I croak, taking a step back as he moves towards me.

His eyes drop to the shredded and torn pictures, and I watch him freeze suddenly.

“Oh fuck,” Javier says quietly.

Jackie laughs. “Oh, yes, I should mention. Copies of those have already been sent to your dear friend Marshall.” She makes a face. “Dear friend, and yet, wow, you were really screwing his own daughter? Javier, Javier, Javier,” she sighs, shaking her head. “Baby, see, this is why you need me—”

“Stop fucking talking.”

His voice is like raw steel, and she suddenly snaps her mouth shut. He looks up at me with haggard, wild eyes, slowly shaking his head.

“Amy, listen to me.”

No,” I hiss.

I blink back the tears as I shove past him for the door, and when his hand shoots out to grab my arm, I suddenly scream as I whirl and shake it off.

“Don’t touch me!” I choke out, the tears coming fast and hot. “Don’t you ever touch me!”

“Listen to me!” he roars. “Amy, whatever fucking bullshit she just poisoned you with, it’s not fucking true—

Save it,” I snarl back, backing away from him. “It’s not true? Then how did she get in, Javier? How did she get those pictures? How does she even know you!”

He moves towards me, but I shake my head, ignoring the sound of Jackie laughing in the background as I jab a finger at him.

No,” I hiss quietly, shaking my head as the tears start to fall. “No. Never again. Don’t call me, don’t… just don’t.”

I sob as I whirl and yank the door open…

…Just at the same time as the elevator door across the hall from his penthouse slides open, and my dad, looking absolutely murderous, steps out.


He blinks in confusion, when suddenly, his eyes snap past me, and his whole body stiffens.

You!” he roars. His arms and shoulders bulge and his jaw clenches in rages as he storms past me into Javier’s condo.

“You!” He bellows, barreling right at Javier with one finger pointed at him.

“You’re fucking dead.”