Cream Pie by Madison Faye

Chapter 11


Outside the window,the palm trees and street-side food stalls, and past that, the beach, blur past us. The air-conditioned Range Rover rumbles as we pull of the main road, heading down through another grove of palms to the private airfield, where we’ll be heading home from Thailand with a quick refueling stop in Hawaii.

It’s gorgeous outside, and inside, it’s all laughter and smiles, seeing as it’s just me, Hope, and Kendall in this car, gabbing about the wedding. And yet, there’s a cloud following me too, hovering overhead. Part of it has to do with walking into breakfast this morning just in time to see Javier glare at me coldly and storm out.

Yeah, not at all confusing. Not in the slightest.

But the other part of my funk is wondering what “going home” means. Leaving here and this fantasy world I’ve existed in, sneaking around with Javier, I wonder if that’s all it really was: a fantasy world. Because here, there was the thrill of the forbidden, and it being someplace new to both of us, and all of that. Back home, it’s just reality, and that reality is that there is no way Javier and I can actually be anything real. Right?

The very man I’m thinking of is about twenty feet behind us in a matching black Ranger Rover, riding with my dad and their mutual friend Max, who’s hopping a ride back to the States with us. Normal me would already be fully immersed in giving Hope a hard time for the moony eyes she’s been making at the blond Viking-in-a-tailored-suit looking man, but, I’m too engrossed in my own shit to even follow what she and Kendall are talking about.


I blink, shaking my thoughts away and turning at the sound of Hope calling my name exasperatingly.


She and Kendall share a look, and even if they’ve both got that “let’s tease Amy” look on their faces, and even with my funk, I grin. I like that these two are friends—my best friend from home and my best friend from college.

“I was asking Kendall if it was weird that you’re her stepdaughter now.”

I glance at Kendall, who rolls her eyes and gives me a “her words, not mine” look past Hope.

“Stepmom to Amy Bane.” Hope whistles, grinning at me. “Now that sounds like a tough job.”

“Okay, can we call it with the stepmom shit?” I mutter.

Kendall laughs. “We have an arrangement, Hope. No ‘step’ stuff, it’s way too freaking weird.”

“Not her and my dad,” I add quickly. “There’s just no way on earth I’m ever calling her my stepmother.”

The both of them laugh, and Hope shakes her head.

“Well, I mean you can’t blame a girl for falling for your total DILF of a dad.”

I groan, making a sour face. “Could we not?”

Kendall giggles again as she leans over to hug me.

“I mean, we could say stepsisters I guess?”

“And you’re sleeping in my dad’s room?”

Kendall makes an immediate “ick” face that matches mine.

“Okay, yeah, that might be worse. Forget I ever said that.”

“How about we stick with ‘best friends’?”

She grins. “Deal.”

We hug again, and Hope sighs dramatically. “Aww, nothing like some bonding over your DILF of a dad—”

“So how’s Max?” I say brightly, grinning as Hope’s face turns to bright pink. The three of us giggle and keep on gabbing as the cars pull into the airport and out onto the tarmac before coming to a stop. The driver pops the door for us, and we step out into the balmy heat just as the guys from the other car step out of their’s. My eyes meet Javier’s for a second before I turn away.

“Everyone know each other by this point?” my dad says, clapping his hands together.

“I mean, if not, we’ve got like twenty hours to do so,” Max quips, nodding at the private jet.

The pilots and attendants come out to get the bags, but my dad waves them off with a smile, hefting his own stuff. He’s like that, my dad. Yes, he’s rich beyond belief, but he’s never let it turn him into one of those rich douchebags. He doesn’t come from money, and I think that’s one of the reasons he prefers to do some stuff by himself—carrying his own suitcases, making his own breakfast. Things like that. He’s also instilled it in me, which I’m forever grateful for.

He and Max walk their bags over to the plane, but Javier steps over to our car. Our eyes meet again, flashing with fire, and he clears his throat.

“My suitcase ended up in your car,” he grumbles lowly.

“Javier, right?” Hope immediately butts in, smiling away.

“Yeah,” he smiles. “Hope?”

“Yep!” She beams back. “Now, do you know everyone, Javier?” she says in a half teasing way.

He frowns, like he’s pretending to think. “You know, vaguely. You—” he points at Kendall. “You got married or something yesterday, right?”

She giggles and he nods.

“Yeah, it’s Kerry, yeah?”

“Har har har,” she groans, punching his arm. “Nice to meet you too, Jared.”

Javier grins.

“And of course, you know Cream Pie here, right?”

I groan, my face going bright red at Hope’s words. Javier looks amused as he arches a brow.


“It’s because of my cake,” I mutter quickly, shooting Hope a glare. “The cream filling. Sorry, she’s terminally disgusting.”

Hope laughs and whirls to pull her bags out of the trunk. Max and my dad are suddenly back though, helping to grab all three of our bags as Javier takes his own. We all head to the plane, but somehow, I realize I’m lingering behind everyone else along with Javier.

“Cream Pie, huh?” he chuckles darkly.

“It’s because of the fucking cake,” I hiss back under my breath. “Don’t be disgusting.”

“Right, right,” he says slowly as we keep walking. We’re almost to the staircase up to the jet when I gasp at the feel of his lips barely brushing mine.

“See, I thought it was because you just fucking loved feeling me fill your little pussy up with cum.”

My legs shake as a ripple of heat teases through me, melting me from the inside out. I gasp quietly, and I’m searching for a response through the haze of filthy heat that sizzles over me when Javier just walks past me with a grin on his face. He passes his bag to the luggage guy, watches me do the same, and grins widely as he gestures towards the stairs.

“Ladies first.”

I’m still shaking as I board the plane, feeling his eyes on me and the lingering heat they bring.

A few hours later,and everyone’s asleep. Well, mostly. Dad is for sure, with Kendall conked out against him, and good lord are they adorable, I have to say. Hope is napping too, and Max a few seats away looks like he’s about ready to follow.

That leaves Javier and I, and after three hours of flying, I can safely say that neither of us are going to be falling asleep anytime soon. Not when we just keep eyeing each other and then looking away, over and over again. It’s like we’re whispering about what happened this weekend, but without the right words. Like we’re trying to communicate about it through thoughts alone, which is stupid.

In any case though, it’s got me tingling all over with a nervous, forbidden heat. I look up again for the millionth time, and blush when I catch his eyes drinking me in across the small aisle of the jet.

Screw this.

I pull out my phone and navigate to the information guide on the website for Bane Financial. Javier, as a corporate officer, is listed there—his education, his finance background, a way-too-hot looking headshot. And, of course…

I grin.

His cell number.

I enter it into my phone and fire off a quick text before tucking my phone back face-down. A second later, I glance up in time to see him frown as he reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a phone. He reads the “What” I sent him, and grins as he rolls his eyes. Without looking at me, he pulls out a second phone and starts typing away. A second later, I get a response.

Congrats, you found my work phone. Texting you from my personal line.

I respond.

Wow, so special. Now is that something I share with a very select group of nine hundred other young women in New York?

Javier frowns and rolls his eyes.

Only nine-hundred?

I grin, shaking my head, when he sends another one.

And what do you mean, what?

You were staring at me.

Javier chuckles to himself, shaking his head as his thumbs tap his phone.

Speak for yourself, princess. I feel like I’ve been getting eye-fucked since the minute we took off.

I fire back.

Oh please.

Honestly, I just feel violated now.

I look up and catch his eye, rolling mine and mouthing “I’m sure” as he grins. But our eyes stay locked on each other, and the same heat and the same unshakable need and raw lust I’ve had for this man ever since I laid eyes on him comes roaring through me like a storm. I swallow, my face burning as I start to replay everything that’s happened with us over the last two days.

Now that’s the face of a guilty girl right there.

And suddenly, I want more. Suddenly, I realize how totally unready I am to go back to the real world, especially if that comes with “not having mind blowing sex with Javier” as part of it.

Heat thunders through me, and my hands shake as I type out possibly the dirtiest text message I’ve ever sent, even if I’m totally sending it as a joke.

Want to join the mile-high club?

Javier grins when he looks at his phone, and he looks up and winks before he starts to type.

Who says I’m not already a member?

I growl to myself, a shade of green flashing over me before I see him grinning.


I just scowl at him and turn to look out my window, turning my phone face down in my lap. It buzzes again, but I ignore it. It buzzes yet again, and I ignore that one too. It buzzes a third time, and I when I hear him clear his throat, I grumble to myself and snatch the phone up to look at it.

I’m not, for what it’s worth.

My cheeks tingle, and I look up across the aisle to see those dark eyes burning into me.

Also, yes. Five minutes.

I blink quickly, my pulse suddenly racing.

I was kidding.

I’m not,” he growls audibly as he undoes his seatbelt and stands. I swallow, looking up into his gorgeous, fierce gaze as he looks down at me. He grins wickedly before he turns and heads towards the back of the jet, leaving me shivering in heat and panting.

I look around the plane. Everyone’s asleep now, including both stewardesses who are taking the opportunity to catch a nap in their seats by the cockpit up front. My pulse races, and a naughty, forbidden heat pools hot between my thighs as I glance towards the back of the plane.

Am I seriously doing this? I shiver. This is a horrible idea. Even if everyone’s asleep, the chances for us to get caught—

My phone buzzes again, and I take a breath as I open it to glance at the message. Instantly, my whole body stiffens, and something hot and wild melts over me.

Oh fuck.

There, filling my phone screen, is the picture Javier just texted me from the bathroom.

…It’s his rock hard, huge, throbbing cock.

I bite my lip, and pure, raw heat pulses through me.

Fuck yes.

I’m up before I know it, and my feet are already walking on shaky legs as I make my way down the aisle. I glance back at everyone sleeping, take a deep breath, and I’ve barely brushed my knuckles onto the bathroom door when it opens, and there he is. And instantly, I know “what happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand” is not at all what this is going to be.

What happens in Thailand is going to keep on happening. And I’m so fucking wet knowing that that I actually moan when I see him.

I gasp as Javier yanks me inside, and suddenly, we’re just crashing together. I moan again as he shuts the door and slams me against it, kissing me hard and fierce as I wrap a leg around him and clutch him tight. The bathroom is bigger than something you’d find on a commercial flight, but not by much. And yet, being cramped in here together doesn’t do a damn thing to stop the heat exploding between us.

Clothes are ripped away, and my whole body aches to feel him just take me, here and now. This isn’t the time for teasing or taking our time. This is about getting that gorgeous cock in me as quick as I can.

His mouth bites and sucks at my neck as he opens my blouse and then tugs my bra down, freeing my breasts. He groans, kissing his way down until he takes a pink nipple into his lips, making me gasp. I yank at his belt, shoving his pants down and then slipping my small hands into his boxers. I whimper when I feel his huge cock, and when I wrap my fingers around that thick tool, my panties are instantly even more soaked than they already were.

I stroke him with one hand as I push his boxers down, and his hands are already working at my shorts. They slip down my legs along with my panties in his strong grip, tangling at my knees as he moves back to kiss me hungrily. I feel his big cock throb against my tummy, and suddenly, I moan as he spins me around and pins me to the sink.

Our eyes lock in the mirror, heat and fire blazing between us as he grabs his cock and spreads my legs as far as they’ll go with my panties around my knees. I whimper as I feel his swollen head push between my thighs and then tease my lips, and when he pushes, my breath catches as he starts to slip inside.

Oh fuck,” I gasp, still looking right into his eyes in the mirror.

Javier growls, pushing forward, and his huge cock begins to slide deep inside my hot little pussy. I start to moan, when suddenly his big hand covers my mouth.

Jesus Christ is that hot.

“Better not wake anyone,” he growls, thrusting his hips and burying his cock in my pussy. I cry out into his hand, whimpering and moaning and not even remotely able to help myself.

He keeps his hand right there covering my mouth, and the other grabs my hip. He groans quietly himself, thrusting deep and making me squeal into his hand. Fuck, he’s so fucking big, and fills me up so fucking deep and perfectly that I’m already shaking and quivering for him. Again, and again, he thrusts into me, his heavy balls slapping my clit and his mouth finding my neck.

I keep moaning into his hand, our eyes locked in the mirror as he fucks me over and over. It’s hard, and rough, and savage, and it’s like two unstoppable forces crashing into one another. This isn’t about making it last or drawing it out. This is a race to the finish line, and we’re both about to crash over together.

So. Fucking. Tight,” he groans, his cock swelling inside of me as he grinds deep. His abs flex against my ass, and I whimper into his hand and push back to meet him. His hand on my hip slides down between my legs, his finger rubbing my clit as he drives his fat, swollen cock into me over and over, until my knees are shaking.

“Mmmmmcmm!!” I moan into his hand. He pulls it away just enough for me to gasp.

“I’m going to come!”

Javier growls into my ear, slamming his cock into me as our eyes lock in the mirror.

“Come for me, princess,” he hisses against my neck. “Fucking come for me.”

He drives in deep, his finger rolls my clit, and suddenly, I’m exploding. His hand barely covers my mouth in time to muffle the cry of pleasure, and then I’m shattering. My walls ripple around his thick cock, and my entire body shudders as the orgasm slams through me. Javier growls deeply, then he’s driving as deep as he can as his big cock begins to throb and pulse.

I moan as I feel the hot, thick jets of his sticky cum blasting into me, rope after rope filling my little pussy up until finally, we come to a panting stop. We stand there against the sink, panting and half collapsed on each other before he slowly begins to kiss my neck. Gently, he slides his cock out of me, and I moan as he reaches down to quickly pull my panties up snug against my pussy.

My face burns hot, because I’ve realized something: I freaking love feeling his cum leak into my panties after he fills me.

We dress quickly, grinning hugely at each other before he pushes me against the door again and kisses me, this time slow and deep, until my toes curl.

“Ladies first?” he grins, nodding at the door. I giggle and raise up on my toes to kiss him again, and I start to turn, when he stops me.

“Wait, actually,” Javier growls quietly. “Listen, Amy, when we land back in New York…”

I smile, even though there’s a little twinge when I realize what he’s saying. But really, what else could this ever be? With who he is, and who I am? Of course, this is it, as much as it sours in me when I think of it like that.

I swallow, and I nod quickly.

“Right, yeah, of course,” I say as brightly as I can. “This was just a vacation fli—”

No,” he growls deeply, shaking his head as his eyes blaze. He takes my hands, pulling me into him, and I bite my lip as I look up into his eyes.

“No,” he says again quietly, shaking his head. “I was actually going to say, when we land, can you come to my place?”

I swallow thickly as the heat teases through me, both of us eyeing each other.

“What happened to what happens on vacation?”

Fuck that,” he growls before his lips crash into mine. I moan into the kiss, his hands holding me possessively before he pulls back.

“What happened on vacation is like nothing I’ve ever known before, Amy,” he growls quietly. “Like nothing I’ve ever felt.”

My face burns hotly, and something electric buzzes through me as I look up into his eyes.

“This conversation might actually be better outside a plane bathroom,” he says with a grin. I giggle as he pulls me into his arms.

“So let’s finish it at my place.”

I rake my teeth over my lip. “Wait, just to clarify—”

“To clarify, I want you,” he puts. “But I don’t just ‘want you.’ I want all of you. I want the feeling I get when you’re with me not just here, but always, Amy.”

I gasp as he kisses me, sinking into his embrace.


“The details will come second,” he growls. “The what-ifs and the consequences. All of it. First though, comes us.”

“I think I like that idea,” I whisper heatedly, looking up into his gorgeous eyes.

“Come to my place when we land?”


We crash into each other again, kissing until my lips are bruised. Then it’s the matter of sneaking back to our seats. Luckily, everyone’s still asleep. Well, everyone but one of the stewardesses, but all she does is give me a small grin and a look that says “you do you, girl” before she goes about her business.

And then, I sleep, and I dream that I’m in his arms the rest of the way home.