Wolf Marked by Alexis Calder


By the time the wolves started returning to human form, I had to make a choice. I could either enjoy the limited time I had here, or I could mope and make myself miserable.

I’d spent too many years being unhappy. I wasn’t going to do it anymore. I knew I wouldn’t go back to Wolf Creek for anyone or anything. It wasn’t worth it. Even if I did want to make Tyler, Julian, and Kyle feel the kind of pain they’d inflicted on me. I wasn’t like them. I didn’t get off on causing harm. It was better for all of us if I vanished. Besides, Tyler would have to deal with the bond between us his entire life. That was probably a greater punishment than killing him.

Sheila was back in her clothes, her face flushed and her eyes wild. “That was a great run.”

“You looked like you were having fun,” I said.

“I can’t wait till you get to join us,” she said.

My chest tightened but I managed a smile. I knew that once I could shift, I was out of here but I didn’t need to think about that tonight.

“Drinks?” Sheila asked.

“Hell, yes.” I followed her toward a keg and we grabbed a couple of red plastic cups full of beer. It tasted terrible but I didn’t think we were drinking it for the flavor. While I’d had a drink on occasion in the past, I’d seen too many examples of what happened when you got drunk to let myself go all in.

We wandered around the bonfire and I met a lot of shifters. Some of them still naked, drinking beer and chatting without any concern. I found myself hoping I’d run into Alec in that state. Stop it, Lola. I had to get him out of my head.

As the night wore on, my cup was never empty. I was a little unsteady on my feet, but I had nowhere to be and I’d talked myself into to having some fun. I’d been the responsible one my whole life, why not let go a little?

We were chatting with a group of shifters around our age and Sheila was practically eye fucking one of the females in the group. I wasn’t even sure how it happened, but suddenly, they were making out and started to distance themselves from the group.

“You know, I keep asking her out but she just won’t bend,” a male said.

“She’s not into dick,” I said, matter-of-factly.

“What about you?” he asked.

I narrowed my eyes, forcing myself to concentrate through the booze induced haze. He was handsome. Tall, like all the male wolf shifters I knew. He was broad shouldered and strong with olive skin and jet-black hair.

“You’re checking me out,” he said.

“Yes, I am,” I agreed.

“I think that means you like dick,” he said.

I nodded. “I think that means I do.”

He laughed. I vaguely registered that I was giggling. Which I never did. Was I flirting? Maybe. Maybe I even wanted to make out with this handsome shifter. Didn’t I deserve to enjoy myself too?

For a moment, I wondered if it was a good idea. I didn’t know him. But I’d honestly never made out with anyone. I was nineteen fucking years old. I should be enjoying myself.

I winced, my brain was rebelling against the conflicting thoughts in my head. It was too difficult to concentrate right now. Besides, giggling was fun. Drinking was fun. This random wolf shifter in front of me was fun.

And he was hot. Yep. I liked dick. “You’re hot.”

He moved closer to me and set his hand on my back, pulling me up against him. He ran his other hand through my hair. “You are fucking gorgeous. I’m going to do all sorts of things to you.”

“You are?” I asked, my mind was foggy but my body was reacting to his touch. His hand was on my ass, squeezing and rubbing. Little ripples of pleasure came from his touch. I wanted it. I needed it.

He lifted my chin and lowered his lips to mine. He tasted like cheap beer and tobacco but I ignored it, too drunk to resist. The kiss was sloppy and wet, but I went along with it. Somewhere in the back of my head, I wasn’t sure I should continue, but the thought didn’t last long.

His tongue was in my mouth now, and my body felt like it was on fire. There was a part of me that needed the sexual release, but it didn’t feel quite right.

When his hand went down the front of my shorts, warning bells rang in my head. I tried to pull away from the kiss, but he pressed his mouth harder against mine. His fingers rubbed against my clit and I panted into the kiss. The touch felt good, but also wrong. Why couldn’t I make myself stop this?

As his fingers neared my entrance, I regained some clarity. I didn’t want this. He tasted like cigarettes and he wasn’t who I wanted to be with. I pushed away, managing to move my mouth away from his enough to get a word out. “Stop.”

He pulled his hand out of my pants, then gripped me closer, pushing his lips on to mine again. The pressure was intense, and it was hurting me. I shoved him again, but he held me closer, forcing the kiss on me.

I pulled away again. “Stop!”

“Just give in, baby,” he said. “I’m going to make you feel so good.”

“I said stop.” My mind wasn’t fuzzy anymore. I knew I didn’t want this.

Growling came from behind me and the man holding me suddenly released his grip.

“The lady said no.” Alec looked like he was ready to attack.

I scrambled away, giving distance between me and the male I’d been making out with.

“I didn’t know she was yours,” he said. “I wouldn’t have kissed her if I knew.”

“You pack your things and leave now. She said no.” Alec growled.

“We were drunk, she was enjoying herself,” he said.

“You leave or I will make you leave,” Alec said.

The man growled and his hands balled into fists. My chest rose and fell as my breathing quickened. He looked like he was ready to attack.

“This place gives feral wolves a bad name,” he hissed. “You might as well be a pack.”

“Out,” Alec said.

The man growled again but he turned and walked away. I watched until he was out of sight. Only then, did I start to catch my breath. How had I let that happen? What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Are you okay?” Alec asked, his tone gentle.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t have.”

“This isn’t on you,” he said. “You told him to stop. This is on him. You are not responsible for that asshole’s behavior.”

“Is that how feral wolves act?” I asked. “It’s what I was told, I’m not going to lie. But it didn’t seem like that here. I thought you were different.”

“I am different. I mean, we’re different. It’s not like that here,” he said. “I don’t allow that kind of behavior.”

“How are you not the alpha?” I said. “You run the show here. They listen to you and respect you. You lead better than the alpha I grew up with.”

“It’s just not how things are done,” he said.

“I don’t know how to do this,” I admitted.

“Do what?” he asked.

“All of it. I don’t know how to be normal.”

“Never try to be normal. That’s what we all ran away from. Where I came from, it was assholes like Lucas who ran the show. Brute strength, preying on the weaker shifters… If that’s normal, I don’t want any part of it.”

“Where are you from?” I asked. “Sheila wouldn’t tell me your story.”

“Which is why Sheila is one of my best friends. She’s fiercely loyal. Though I’m not sure why she left you alone.” He frowned.

“She got busy with a brunette,” I said.

He hummed.

“Listen, thank you for coming to my rescue. Again. One of these days, I’ll be able to actually defend myself.” I shook my head. I was so tired of being weak.

“You’ll feel better when you learn to shift,” he assured me.

“Then what? Then I take my chances again?” I shook my head. “Never mind. It’s not your problem. You’ve done more than enough for me already.”

“You’re going to be okay,” he said. “There’s a fighter in there. You just need to give yourself permission to let it out.”

“Maybe. But I think I had enough excitement for tonight. If you see Sheila, can you let her know I headed in?” I asked.

“You’re going to miss the rest of the fun,” he said.

“I think I had enough fun for one night. Sleep well.” I didn’t wait for a response before walking away from him. I couldn’t trust myself not to make any more foolish mistakes.

I dodged party-goers on my walk back, trying to make myself small and less obvious. It was the same tactic I’d used to survive in Wolf Creek. Blend in, follow the rules, play the game.

As I walked into Sheila’s tent, I wiped the tears from my cheeks. I wanted things to be different for me. I was so sure I could handle things once I left but nothing turned out the way I expected.

Tomorrow, I was going to see Greta again. I didn’t want to be weak anymore. I wanted to connect with my wolf, to gain the power I needed to fight back.

Then, if I ever did have to revisit my past, I’d be ready.