The Embrace by Vivian Wood


Seven Months Later

“Aggghhhhh!”I shout.

I definitely dropped a Dorito from the bed onto the floor. I turn my head but I can’t see it.

I groan again. “This is stupid.” I look down at my engorged belly, my face contorting. “This is why you need to get out, little girl. It’s definitely time.”

I’m a week overdue, as big a the fucking moon. Add to that I’m confined to bed rest until the baby comes and you’ve got the exact recipe for my intense frustration.

Calum pops his head in the bedroom, scrutinizing me. “What’s going on?”

I wrinkle my nose. “Everything is the worst, in case you were curious. I just dropped a chip and I can’t see where it went.”

He steps more fully into the room. It’s evident that he has just been for a run because he’s wearing his running clothes, black Lycra pants and a sweaty white t-shirt. He has an amused smile playing across his lips.

He bends down and picks up the tortilla chip. “Ta-da!”

I scrunch my face up and reach for the chip. He gives me an odd look, pulling it out of my reach. When I make a disgruntled sound, he laughs.

“What, did you want it back or something?” he asks. He walks to the bathroom to throw the chip away. When he comes back, he’s stripped off his shirt, leaving his muscular torso bare.

Immediately I lose interest in the chip. Instead, I beckon to him.

“Come here,” I say. “I’ll forgive you throwing away my Dorito if you come over here and help me with something.”

He purses his lips and looks at me. “What’s that?”

I give him a winning smile. “I’m ready for this baby to come out. I want to wear my freaking engagement ring again. I want to be able to walk around the house. And I’m not even kidding when I say that I want to eat my weight in sushi and drink several huge lattes.”

“Uh huh.” He saunters over to the bed, looking down at me. “I guess decaf just isn’t cutting it?”

I bite my lower lip seductively. At least I hope it’s sexy; I lost all sense of what was attractive the minute I could no longer fit in my maternity pants anymore.

“I read an article online that said that having sex can help jumpstart the process.” I flutter my lashes. “I need you to fuck me.”

Calum blinks, taken by surprise. “Is that… like, okay for the baby?”

I press a hand against my swollen belly. “She’s fine. I’m going stir crazy in this bedroom, though. Besides, it’s been a while since we were intimate.”

He barks a laugh. “It’s been sixty three days since I’ve actually come inside you. Not that anyone is counting.”

I shrug a shoulder. “Your time has come. You aren’t just getting laid, you’re essentially going to be doing god’s work.”

He grins at me. “Well, if you say it like that…”

He moves closer, his eyes telling me just what he intends to do with me. I sit up straight and reach up to him; he kisses me eagerly, nudging me back onto the bed. He kneels over me, his lips roaming to my neck, my collar bone, my exquisitely tender breasts.

“Ohhhh,” I breathe.

He works a finger beneath the sash of my robe, undoing the bow. He carefully pushes the silk aside, baring my body to him.

I feel shy, my hands covering my huge baby bump, but he’s having none of that. He grabs both of my hands, pinning them above my head, looking down at me.

“Do you even know how fucking hot you are?” he asks. He kisses my lips slowly. “I’ve wanted you so bad the last couple of weeks, Kaia.”

Calum releases my hands, pulling down the cups of my bra to expose my pink nipples. He looks at me, maintaining eye contact as he takes a nipple in his mouth. I squirm; his tongue sliding against my nipple feels so damn good.

He moves his lips from my nipple back up to my mouth. I growl with sudden impatience, pushing him to the side a little so I can get my robe off. He unhooks my bra with one hand, and I slide my bra straps down my shoulders, baring my breasts.

“Jesus,” he says, his eyes fastened on my breasts.

I feel shy suddenly, wondering if he’s noticing how my breasts have changed, growing heavy and veiny. But he just reaches out with one hand and cups the heaviness of my breast, awestruck.

“Fuck. Your breasts have literally never looked better. They’re so fucking perfect.”

Now that I’ve got my bra off, I’m only interested in seeing more of him.

“You’re wearing too many layers,” I say.

He pauses for a second, then backs up. It takes him about three seconds to kick off his tennis shoes and strip off his black Lycra pants. I’ve never been so glad to see my own husband’s cock as I am in this moment when he bares himself to me.

Calum stands there for a second, stroking his rock-hard cock, looking at me. And I stare right back at him; he’s all lean flesh and muscle, dark hair and stubble.

I’m not sure how I got so lucky, having such a man’s man want me, but I don’t question it.

“How are we going to do this?” he asks speculatively, looking at me curiously. “Doggy style? I’m horny as fuck but I don’t want to do anything to upset her.”

“You won’t,” I promise. I bite my lip suggestively and turn over, putting my ass in the air. It takes everything I’ve got to balance myself with my pregnant stomach, but he doesn’t have to know that.

“Grab a few pillows,” he suggests, cupping my ass. “Get comfy.”

I flush and do as he says, because god knows I am uncomfortable ninety nine percent of the time now.

He growls and falls over my back, stopping himself with an arm. He kisses the back of my neck and I shiver. Calum's hands cup my hips, squeezing.

“Mmmm,” I sigh. He peels off my underwear, leaving me bare before him.

Excitement skitters down my spine as his big hands shape my ass. He reaches between my legs, his touch gentle. I suck in a breath as he finds my clit with two fingers.

It feels so incredibly good that I grind against his hand. If I’m horny, it usually drives him crazy.

“You like that?” he says. I look back at him, blushing at the dirty tone of his voice.

“Mhm,” I moan. “Keep touching me.” I grab his free hand and bring it up to my breast. “Touch me everywhere, Calum.”

He just grins and slips a single finger into my pussy. “Fuckkkkk. You’re so wet, beauty. Are you getting ready for me?”

His words make me ache.

“Fuck me,” I demand, pushing my ass back against his hand. “I’m ready, baby.”

“God damn,” he says.

Calum fists his cock in his hand and positions it near my entrance. He rubs the head against my slit, groaning. “Fuck, beauty. Do you know how perfect you are?”

I groan, pressing my weight back against him. I’m actually pretty turned on right now, my pregnancy hormones flooding my brain all the sudden. “Show me.”

He notches his head against my pussy, going very very slow. He only gets the head in before he starts to curse.

“Fuck,” he says. “God damn, it’s been too long since I’ve had you.”

My pussy is so ready for more.

“Oh, god,” I moan, clutching the sheets. “I need you so bad. Please.”

He slides home, filling me up all the way. I’ve never been quite so full, but I feel that in the best way possible. I feel him hesitate, so I encourage him.

“Yes,” I moan. He withdraws and begins to plunge back in. I cry out. “Right there, but harder.”

“Cool your jets, beauty. I’m trying not to come in three seconds. Maybe I should masturbate first…”

When he starts to withdraw, I grab at him. “Not a chance. Don’t tease me. I need your cock right now, baby.”

Calum flashes me a smirk. “Well, when you put it like that…”

I thrust my ass back against him impatiently. “Calum!” I whine.

He starts up a steady rhythm of thrusting while he reaches around to my front. Calum begins strumming my clit, which sends waves of sensation through my body. I start moaning, using one hand to tweak my own nipple.

“Fuck, beauty,” Calum groans. “I’m not going to last long.”

“Then do it harder,” I whisper. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

He takes my words to heart and starts moving harder and faster. I’m carried away on a raft of sensation, clenching my eyes shut.

It’s not hard to lose myself, between Calum's thrusts and his clever fingers on my clit. I close my eyes and concentrate on the orgasm building inside me. With each thrust, I get closer until suddenly I shatter, crying out Calum's name.

He comes just after me, his breathing ragged. I sag, losing the will to hold up my body any longer. Calum chuckles and kisses my lower back before he withdraws.

I turn on my side, looking down at my big belly. I’m still breathing hard. “We must’ve done it wrong.”

He sits up, suddenly alert. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

I wave him back down. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t intend to scare you. I just mean that I don’t feel a change.”

He shoots me a look. “You almost gave my a heart attack, beauty.”

Calum drops a kiss onto my bare shoulder, sliding his arm around my big belly. I lay back, still trying to catch my breath. He traces a pattern around my bellybutton and bites my shoulder gently.

“I think I’ve finished seeing Dr. Lane so frequently,” he sighs.

I glance back at him, surprised. “Yeah?”

He nods. “He said I should drop my sessions down to once per week. He also complimented me on how much progress I’ve made so far.”

It takes some effort to shift onto my back. I glance at Calum, my hand going to his cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

He looks down and shrugs a shoulder. “Thanks.”

Catching his hand, I bring his fingers to my lips and kiss them briefly. “You are going to be a good father.”

He glances at me, a little of his apprehension showing. “You think so?”

“I know so. You’re ready.”

He slips his hand over my belly again and gives me a hug. “Thanks, beauty. I am so fucking nervous.”

I smile at him. “You and me both. But between the two of us, we can figure it out. And my mom is eager to help…”

He is quiet for several long beats. “Hey, I was thinking about what we should name our little girl.”

I put my arm behind my head and arch a brow. “Oh?”

Calum inclines his head. “I think the name Charlotte is nice.”

I squint. “After your mother?”

He nods, his mouth turning down at the corners. “Yeah. I mean, I know she had her demons—“

I stop him by putting a hand on his chest. He looks over at me.

“I love it,” I tell him. “Charlotte sounds perfect. Charlotte Fordham is a really lovely name.”

He moves toward me, kissing my lips. “I know I’ve already told you this, but I love you, Kaia.”

I grin at him. “I love you too, Calum.”

I burrow into his arms, the place that I will stay for the rest of my life.