The Embrace by Vivian Wood


Looking around the dance studio, I bring my hands around my midsection and rub my belly. I've only just begun to really show. Since I have taken this position as a dance instructor, I still wear the same tights and leotard as when I was a ballerina.

But soon, they are definitely going to be too small for my growing body.

I clap my hands together a few times, calling the class of twelve-year-olds to order. “All right, all right! Can everybody please get settled in your places at the barre? It's time for class to begin.”

Tittering and moving easily in their ballet slippers, the students spread out and settle into the barre.

I walk around the room, checking that everyone is at least a few feet from their closest neighbors. “Betsy?” I wave my hand, shooing her backwards a couple steps. “There you go. That's better.

“Thanks Ms. Walker.”

I smiled coolly, trying to appear serene. These young girls don't know that it seems like only yesterday that I was their age.

I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. “Okay, everyone. Let's start with some simple pliés. Can anyone demonstrate first position plié for the class?”

Several hands shoot up. I look around and call on one of the students. “Ashley?”

Ashley puts her feet into first position and then pliés beautifully. It's obvious to me that she has quite a bit of potential. She certainly works hard, which is at least half the battle.

“Okay, I'm going to turn the music on.” I walk over to the little boombox, pressing play. A lively Chopin tune begins to play. I turn to the class and count things off.

“All right! One, two, three, four, and—“

As the class begins to practice their moves, I walk around and point out little mistakes. Someone's feet are placed too far apart. Another girl’s back is not ramrod straight. Several girls are too wrapped up in the action of pliéing to tuck their tummies like they are supposed to do.

As I walk, I become aware of my tights once more. They chafe against my skin and remind me that tomorrow, I am going shopping for a better fitting pair.

The studio door opens. I turn and see Ella stride in, dressed head to toe as if she is still dancing in the New York ballet.

I lift a brow at her but she just smiles broadly at me and strides into the middle of the room, striking a pose. Then the door opens again and Manon comes in, dressed in her best ballet gear. With her white tights and leotard and her bright red pointe shoes, she cuts quite a figure. She pirouettes down the second row of girls and my class grows confused.

Everyone stops what they are doing and watches Manon.

“Ella, Manon…” I laugh. “We were in the middle of practicing pliés!”

My pleas fall on deaf ears, it seems. Ella and Manon don't even look at me. In fact, it seems that they have frozen in place.

Just as my smile begins to falter, the door to the studio opens again. Only this time, it's all the dancers from the New York Ballet. Everyone I've danced with, most of them for years. They are decked out in colorful costumes, some of which I even recognize from my time spent there.

Basil comes in next, grinning ear to ear and leaping as high as anyone. Say what you will about the man, but his body is still athletic, his physique still in its prime. I laugh a little, shocked, and bring my hands up to my mouth.

“What is happening?” I wonder aloud. “What is all this?”

No answer seems to be forthcoming. I find that a little frustrating but I go along with it, as it seems that everyone is having a grand old time.

Lucas enters the room, surprising me by being a rather excellent ballet dancer. He's clearly rusty, but he does a few grand jetés and manages to sweep of bow in my direction before he takes up a kneeling position on the far side of the room.

I look at him and my heart beat starts drumming in my chest.

If Lucas is here, Calum is surely not far behind.

True to form, the last one in the door is the love of my life. Calum enters, dark and dashing as always, quickly executing a combination of jumps and pirouettes that leave me a little breathless.

I clasp my hands together and bite my lower lip, my eyes already misting over.

Calum looks directly at me, withdrawing a single red rose and dancing up to me. He gets down on one knee, handing the rose up to me.

Delighted, I step forward and take the rose from him.

“Maestro?” he calls.

Lucas steps forward, walking to the boom box and plugging his phone in. In seconds, he starts playing some Tchaikovsky. I soon recognize it as a song from Sleeping Beauty, a pas de deux from a scene near the end.

Calum bows to me, extending a hand. I step forward, slipping my hand into his.

“Do you remember the steps to this scene?”

I blush, my eyes locking on him. “I do…” I say quietly.

He grins. “Will you dance with me?”

“Of course,” I say, a little breathless.

His hands settle on my waist. I raise my arms over my head and ready myself. Then we are off, Calum lifting me as though I am almost weightless. I grin at him as I dance around him, pirouetting up a storm. He leaps and I perform a grand jeté.

As he lands, he pulls a light blue ring box from his pocket. He goes down on one knee, looking up at me with the sincerest expression.

I falter, stopping just before him. He takes my hand.

The whole world ceases to exist outside of the two of us.


“Yes, Calum?” I say, trying hard not to burst into tears.

He grips my hand. “Let me start off by saying that I know we have had a rough go of it. Things have been a little wild.”

I laugh. “A little, yes.”

“Still. We have weathered the storm together. We have a child on the way. And I think it’s time that we made the last step toward being together.”

He opens the ring box, flashing a huge diamond.

I put my hands over my mouth, my eyes filling with tears. “Are you serious right now?”

“I am as serious as I can be, Kaia. I want you to be my wife. I want to give you my name. I want a happily ever after and I know that you are the only person in the world that can give it to me.”

I burst into tears. “Calum!”

He smirks. “Kaia Walker. No one has ever come close to meaning as much to me as you have. The first moment that we met, you looked right through me. You see me for exactly what I am. You made me love you even though I didn’t want to love anyone. I didn’t think that… that I should.”

He pauses, getting emotional. I can see a sheen in his eyes, the threat of tears. “I just love you so fucking much.”

“Hey! Language, please. We are in a kid’s dance class.” I draw in a shaky breath. “But it’s important for you to know that I love you too, Calum.”

He gives his head a shake. “You are everything to me. Please do me the immense honor of saying that you’ll be mine, officially, forever.”

In this moment, I find myself too overcome with joy to say anything meaningful. So I just nod enthusiastically, beaming at Calum. “Yes.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “Yes? You’ll marry me?”

I nod, trying not to burst into tears. “Yes!”

He climbs to his feet, pulling me into his embrace. I tip my head up and kiss him hard, my hand on his cheek. He wipes away my tears and turns around, gesturing to everyone.

“She said yes!” he crows.

Everyone cheers. I smile so hard that my cheeks start hurting. He cups my belly for a brief moment and kisses me on the lips again. Then he slides a gigantic, flawless diamond onto my finger.

I don’t care about the ring. I don’t even give it a second thought.

No, I’m too busy staring at my fiancé, disbelieving that this is even happening.

“I love you so much,” I say. “And I can’t wait to be yours.”

He gives me a squeeze. “Forever?”

I grin at him. “Forever.”

I lean my head against his chest and know that he really means it.