Her Reckless Rockstar by Gena Snow

Chapter 10






I can hardly stifle my excitement as I sit backstage watching Triple Shot perform at the Chelsea Theater.

This is a new experience for me. I rarely go to concerts, not to mention being invited as a special guest of the band. It’s my first after the one I went to with Jamie five years ago. I must say, I appreciate the band more than before, not just their enthusiasm but also their effort.

I’ve realized how talented they are after witnessing their practices. Their mindless “screams and shouts” actually take skills, and the fast tempo is invigorating. My heart beats faster, and my blood rushes in my veins. I forget who I am, and all I want is to sing and dance with them.

My eyes seldom leave Tristan, the loud one. I smile as I recall the nickname. He’s not just loud, but serious and good. I haven’t had the chance to go out with him again since the band’s appearance at the Tropic, mainly because he was busy preparing for the show and I was busy helping Jamie with the rehab. Tristan kept his promise and directed us to the facility that he had his treatments and recommended the programs he found helpful. Thanks to his talk with Jamie, my brother didn’t resist for long, and he was admitted to a facility about a week ago.

After the show is over, Tristan rushes off the stage, and before I have the chance to blink, I’m in his arms, and he’s crushing his lips on mine.

“Thank you, baby,” he says.

“For what?” I giggle.

“For being here. Making my dream come true.”

I recall what he said about me giving him hope to battle with drug addiction. “You’re very welcome, Tristan.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. His forehead is beaded with sweat, and his t-shirt is wet with stains, but it doesn’t stop me from pressing my body against his.

I think I’m falling for this possessive, sweet rock star.

“C’mon,” he rasps into my ear. “Let’s celebrate.”

“What about your fans?”

“Dylan and Brian will take care of them.”


I let him pull me out of the building from the back exit.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

Tristan’s hand is on my shoulder, holding me as if afraid I would run away. My heart beats so fast I’m worried it’ll jump out of my throat. Is he taking me to his room?

“The bar, I need a drink.”

I feel both relieved and disappointed. I want to be alone with him, in private.

Minutes later, we’re at one of the bars at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. It’s so fancy I pause before entering, but Tristan doesn’t give me the time to turn back. He practically drags me along. “Come on, it’s just another bar, like Tropic of Cancer.”

“No, it isn’t!” I giggle as we sit down at a table against a glass wall. The whole place is like a giant chandelier, and I feel dizzy when I look around me at the glittering lights.

Believe it or not, it’s the first time I’m in Sin City. I’m bewildered by everything, including the high-speed elevators in the hotel and the maddening crowds inside the casino.

Tristan, of course, knows his way around. Obviously, he isn’t a stranger to the bar either. He orders a piña colada for me and a tequila sunrise for himself.

“Mmm,” I moan as soon as I take a sip of the drink. “Amazing! I should tell Jeremy to put this on our menu.”

Tristan chuckles.

“So this is your first time in Vegas?” he asks with disbelief.


“Have you ever been out of Alton at all?”

I blush before I speak. “Yeah. We went to LA sometimes when we were little. But that’s about it.”

Frankly, I don’t miss it. My mom loved Hollywood, which was too crowded and dirty for me.

“You could be on tour with me from now on if you wish. You could be our barmaid like Max said.”

I’m tempted for a second. I’ve always wanted to travel, and traveling with rock stars would be exciting. But I know it’s something unrealistic.  “Thanks for the offer, but I can’t. At least not until Jamie is back on his feet.”

He nods. “Okay. It won’t take him long to recover. And then both of you will join the band.”

I’m reminded of what he promised Jamie. I pause and think of another excuse. “Then Harper will be all alone, and she won’t like it.”

“Who? Your little sister? She can come along, too. We could use a secretary.”

Damn. He’s so persistent.

“I’ll think about it,” I say and finish my drink.

Tristan orders me another one right away.

He then moves to sit next to me in the booth and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I stiffen. But when he sniffs my hair and kisses my temple, I relax.

“So you’re like a mom to your sister and your brothers?” he asks in a soft voice as he gazes at me.

I shrug to resist the wave of heat that’s invading me. “I have no choice. My mom left us when I was fifteen.”

“She left you?” he looks surprised. “I thought she wasn’t around.”

“At first, she would still come home once in a while. And then she wouldn’t anymore. I haven’t seen her since I was seventeen.”

“I’m so sorry. It must’ve been difficult.” He gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze. “You mom was irresponsible.”

I have the urge to lean against him and let him cuddle me because he feels so safe. But I shrug again. “She just couldn’t handle the loss of my dad. I don’t blame her.”

He smiles as he strokes my face. “You’re an angel. You know what? My dad didn’t marry my mom until I was twelve, and I always felt angry about not having my dad around when I was a child. I still resent it from time to time, even though my dad has done his best to make it up to us. But now I realize I’m among the lucky ones whose parents at least fulfill their parental duties, not to mention being alive.”

I blink at first, not sure why he’s telling me all these, but then I get it and smile. “Yes. You’re lucky, Tristan. You’re a lucky rock star.”

He doesn’t speak but gazes at me with those mesmerizing blue eyes without blinking. I shudder. “Why’re you looking at me like that?”

“Because you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen.”

“Liar,” I giggle to battle my desire for him that’s rising at an alarming rate, thanks to the alcohol.

“I’m serious,” he says. “I like it when you giggle like a five-year old. I’ve never seen you so loosened up. You always wear a mask and pretend you’re an adult.”

“I am an adult!” I say. “I’m twenty-two years old!”

“And I’m thirty years old,” he says. “So you’re a little girl in my eyes.”

Damn. His voice sounds gruff, and I like what he says.  Hell, I want to be his little girl. I want him to pamper me and to protect me.

We lock eyes with each other while sipping our drinks. And then I hear Tristan say, “Marry me, Avery!”

Maybe it’s the cocktail, or maybe it’s him. I’m so intoxicated I can’t even think. I feel like I’m hallucinating. “What did you say?”

“Marry me and let me take care of you,” he says, looking as if he’s serious.

I giggle again. “You’re so drunk!”

“So are you!” he says and leans in to kiss me.

My brain stops function as soon as our lips touch. He tastes so good, or I should say, we taste good because his tequila sunrise and my piña colada mix into a new intoxicating cocktail that I can’t have enough. I ravish his mouth while he pillages mine until my lady bits scream for attention, and I tear my mouth away from his. “Take me, Tristan!”

Tristan doesn’t waste a single second. He pulls out a Benjamin from his wallet, leaves it on the table, and grabs my wrist. The fog in my head grows thicker every step I walk. I don’t even know how I make it into the elevator.