Her Reckless Rockstar by Gena Snow

Chapter 12






I turn the water to icy cold so I can clear up the hangover in my head.

Did I really marry Avery? I look at the wedding band on my finger. This is absolutely crazy. Marry me so I can fuck you every day and night. Shit. That’s the most terrible proposal ever. And I can’t believe Avery said yes to it, well, even though she denies it now.

I remember distinctly she said, “Yes, I will marry you, Tristan,” before she cried her orgasm. So, technically, I did not trick her into a marriage. Well, maybe I did use my sexual prowess to encourage her a little. Afterward, she was the person who dragged us out of the room, insisting we got married before the end of the day.

Shit. Did she remember that part? Should I remind her? Does it even matter? What matters is, what are we supposed to do about our marriage?

The truth is, as much as I agree with Avery that this marriage is too sudden, I don’t want it to end, at least not yet.

I like the fact she belongs to me now, and I’m not ready to change it.

To her, we haven’t been together long enough and don’t know each other well enough. But to me, I feel like I’ve known her for a long time. Hell, when we first met five years ago, I already felt a connection between us. I’ve never forgotten her, and I’ve wanted her. I’ve hoped to run into her again in the small town one day, but then the band became popular and we were seldom home after that. I’ve never actively looked for her, but she’s occupied a corner of my heart all along.

Although I had been performing for a decade, I still got stage fright. I was especially nervous about tonight because it had been a while. I’m sure my voice trembled when I sang the first note last night at the concert, but as soon as I glanced backstage and saw Avery standing there watching me, I regained my confidence right away.  She was just a tiny figure, but her presence was powerful. And then, for the rest of the night, I wasn’t even aware of the thousands of fans screaming my name, and I sang to my angel alone.

When I asked her to marry me, I might be high but wasn’t drunk, and I was serious. I wanted her to be mine.

After the shower, I put on my clothes and reach for my phone, but I’m reluctant to contact any lawyer. When I hesitate, my phone rings. It’s Max calling. “Hey, I’m outside your room. Can you open the door for me?”

“Sure.” I open the door for him right away, glad about the distraction. “Hey, morning.”

“Congrats! How does it feel to be a married man?”

My jaw drops. “You know about it, too?”

“Of course. I was your witness,” he grins. “Man, that’s lightning fast!”

“I know. We both had a drink too many,” I say.  “Who else knows about it?”

“The whole world,” he says. “It’s all over social media.”

“I’ll be damned.” I groan and check my Twitter account. Sure as hell, there are pictures of Avery and me kissing right outside the chapel. “Not good. Avery is going to freak out,” I say.

“Well, she’ll have to get used to being the wife of a celebrity,” Max still jokes, unaware of my worries.

“The thing is, she doesn’t want to be one,” I sigh and tell him about what Avery suggested. “She thinks we made a poor decision under the influence of alcohol.”

“That sucks,” Max becomes sympathetic. “I’m sorry to hear that. What’re you going to do?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’ll do what she wants. Speak to a lawyer and see how to annul it.”

“I can do that for you, but dude, is that what you want? You were really happy last night when you came back from the chapel. You know? You had her clutched in your arm like she’s your Gammy award trophy and wouldn’t let her out of your sight when we were drinking. I was drunk as a fuck, like everyone else, but hell, I would never forget the way you looked at her.”

I chuckle with embarrassment. True, I didn’t want the guys to touch my girl. “Well. I don’t have a choice, do I?”

Max nods. “Sure, call your lawyer and see what he has to say. In the meantime, I have an idea.”