Her Reckless Rockstar by Gena Snow

Chapter 16






I run out of the house as soon as I hear the car engine. “Avery! Come back!”

Of course, she can’t hear me. Her car vanishes into the darkness soon.

Fuck. I smash a fist into the wall.

Why did I hurt her? She didn’t do anything wrong. All she did was helping out her boss at work. I knew she didn’t flirt intentionally, but seeing the jerk kissing her hand caused uncontrollable jealousy. And the fans’ comments also angered me. I hate it when they slander her, and I hate her for giving them a chance to do it. If she had only taken our agreement seriously! Why is she so disobedient?

Well, she’s new to this celebrity life. I can’t really blame her. She doesn’t know that everything we do may have an unexpected consequence. We have to watch what we speak and act in public because cameras and recorders follow our every move. I told her that, but obviously, she didn’t realize how serious the matter was.

Now she’s gone. And I miss her.

What I should’ve done is protect her from further harm, but now I leave her to fend herself. She might return to the bar again, because, like she said, she’s bored.

I return to the house, grab my car key and get into my Ferrari right away. I drive to her apartment.

Avery’s house is dim, and it doesn’t look like anyone is inside. I step out of my car and walk towards it. A movement nearby catches my attention, and I see a man’s face against a window next to the driveway. Avery’s neighbor again. The man is in his sixties: skinny, bald, not wearing a shirt, and looks like a pervert. How could Avery and her sister stay here? I need to get both of them out of here.

I ring Avery’s doorbell and hear no answer. A moment later, a chain rattles, and the door cracks open.

Harper’s sleepy face greets me. “Oh hi, Tristan, what happened?” she opens the door and lets me in.

“Is Avery back?” I ask.

“No,” she shakes her head and closes the door behind us.

I tell Harper what happens, and she immediately texts Avery. “Where are you, Sis?”

A minute later, she responds. “I’m with Hailey. I might spend the night at her place.”

I feel relieved knowing she’s in Jared’s house. “Good,” I say and turn to leave.

“Just a minute,” Harper says.

“What is it?”

“Please be nice to Avery,” she says, hesitating a bit. “I’m really glad she’s with you, Tristan. Not because you’re a rock star, but because you’re good to her. I know that because she smiles a lot when she talks about you. Actually, you’re the only guy she ever talks about. She doesn’t trust any guys, but she seems to trust you. I mean, that’s why she married you, right? Avery is only two years older than me, but she’s not just a big sister. She’s our mom and dad. She’s been taking care of me and my brother since when she was a child. She isn’t used to being protected, so you have to be patient with her.”

She shuts up, realizing she spoke too much.

“Why doesn’t she trust guys?” I ask.

She shrugs. “She thinks they just want to use her.”

My heart clenches nonetheless. There’s something about Avery’s behavior that I can’t put my finger on.

“Has she been hurt before?”

“No!” she shakes her head.

“Are you sure?”

“Well. Not that I know of. But I assure you Avery is a good girl. She isn’t a slut. She’s the best sister and she’ll make the best wife to anyone. She told me about the truth behind your marriage, but I still hope it’ll last.”

I pause as I process her words, and then I grin. “Thank you, Harper. I know she’s a good girl. I was just, I couldn’t help it. I was a jealous fool.”

She smiles. “That means you love her, Tristan.”

Goddamn. Could she be right?

I drive back home. The first thing I do is to text Avery and tell her I’m sorry. I ask her to come home. And then I contact Max and ask him to deal with the video that’s gone viral on social media.

I pour myself a drink and stand at the balcony, recalling making love to her at the very spot a few nights ago. My boner throbs at the remembrance of her whimpers and her scent. God I miss her!

Before returning to the house, I think about what Harper said about Avery. Not trusting men. And I keep guessing the reason. Something must’ve happened to her. Something bad. I want to find out what it is, and I want to protect her whether she’s used to it or not.

I finish the last drop of the drink and get in my car again.