Her Reckless Rockstar by Gena Snow

Chapter 18






As I predicted, Harper is excited when I tell her Tristan’s plan after breakfast. “Oh my God, Avery. I think you hit the jackpot. This guy is one in a million,” she says over the phone.

“I know,” I laugh. “I’m coming over later in the morning, and I’ll hand Mr. Landlord the notice.”

“I’ll be home at around noon and help you pack before I go to work.”



I take an Uber to Hailey’s house, where my car is, and then drive back to my rental home. I park on the street and take a deep breath as I glance at Bob, the landlord’s house across the driveway to ours.

He isn’t standing by his window watching me like he normally does, but it still creeps me just expecting that. I can’t believe I’ve lived in this place for so many years, after what he did to me.

A chill crawls up my spine when I press Bob’s doorbell. It’s been many years since I was last here. I usually only communicate with him over the phone and send Jamie to speak to him if needed. Since Jamie isn’t around, I have no choice. However, this might be the last time I talk to him. We’d find a different place to live if Tristan kicked us out, and hopefully, it wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

Bob opens the door promptly. “Hi, Avery,” he smiles. “Come on in!”

“It won’t be necessary,” I say. “I’m here to give you a 30-day notice. We’re moving out.”

“Moving out?” He doesn’t look surprised. “Of course, I heard you married the rock star.”

His eyes travel over my body and make me feel naked. I pass him the notice and turn to leave.

“Wait a minute,” he calls me back. “You still need to pay next month’s rent.”

“What do you mean? We’re moving out right now. It isn’t even the end of the month yet.”

“Well, I need to spend the time to find a new tenant, and there will be a rental loss.”

“My dad must’ve paid you a security deposit,” I say. It was a long time ago, and I have no idea whether it’s true.

“He did,” Bob says. “But I spent it on changing your carpets last year, didn’t I? Besides, the rent has increased over the years. I just haven’t made you pay, sweetheart.”

My mouth falls, unable to believe what I hear. “I don’t owe you anything! I paid you!”

“Yes, but not enough.”

I’m so angry I can’t stop trembling. “Look. I’m not going to pay you a cent. Go ahead and sue me if you want,” I say and turn to leave again.

“Wait!” he grabs my wrist.

“What do you want?” I try to break free, but he doesn’t let go.

“You know what I want. You’re a smart cookie,” he says while rubbing my wrist.

My stomach clenches and I’m overwhelmed with anger and shame. “I won’t do it.”

“Very well, then,” he says, letting go of my hand. “I’m still keeping your photos, Avery. They’re my treasure. But I think it’s time I share them with someone. What do you think if I post them online?”

Bile rushes to my throat. “I’d call the police if you did that, and you’d have to go to jail.”

He laughs. “Maybe. But then again, maybe not. We’ve talked about this already. Police will only make things worse for you. But I’ll tell you what would happen this time if you called the police. Your photos would still be online, and your husband’s band would be ruined.”

My hands become icy cold. Tristan. No. I can’t let him know about my past. He’d be devastated.

“Don’t do that, please!” I say. “I’ll do what you want.”

He smirks. “I know you’re a smart cookie.”

“But how do I know you’ll keep your promise and never post the photos?”

“You’ll have to take my words for it, sweetheart. I might be a dirty old man, but I always keep my promises.”

I shiver and nod. “When do you want to do it?”

“The sooner, the better. Just give me a call whenever you’re ready.”


I return to my house across the driveway and plop onto the couch. I sit there crying and hating myself. Just an hour ago, I thought I found my Prince Charming and I would live with him for at least a while, if not forever. But now, I’m back to hell. I’m so stupid. There isn’t any Cinderella in real life. Haven’t I learned? Real-life is hell. I’m destined to live in this rat-hole, work as a stripper barmaid, and rent a house from a creep. There’s no future between Tristan and me. I have to end the unwritten contract with him right now before he gets hurt.

I don’t know how long I’ve been crying when the front door opens and Harper comes in.

“I’m home!” She shouts cheerfully as she closes the door.

“Hi,” I say, wiping my tears quickly. “You’re early.”

“I know,” she chuckles. “My rock star brother-in-law sent me a text to welcome me to his house already. So I can’t wait.”

“Oh really?” I force a laugh, although more tears gush out of my eyes. Why does he have to be so sweet?

Harper’s smile fades when she sees me. “What’s wrong, Avery. Why aren’t you packing?”

I take a deep breath and say, “I’m sorry, Harper, but we aren’t moving.”

She blinks. “Why? Did you just have a fight with him?”

I know she means Tristan. “No! It’s not him. It’s me. I changed my mind. You see? Tristan and I aren’t really married.”

“I know that, but I still don’t understand.” She frowns. “What does it matter? Stop worrying about the future. The guy is really sweet to let us move into his house. Just do it to make him happy, okay? And it’s a good deal for us, too. I mean, five hundred per month? That’s like, nothing.”

I don’t have a good argument against the case, and I sigh. “Harper, there’s something I need to tell you.”

The tone of my voice must scare her because her eyes widen, and she nods without a word.

I clear my throat and revisit that horrible part of my life before recounting it to my sister.


Seven Years Ago


Like I said, after my dad passed away, my mom coped with the fact by disappearing from our lives once in a while. Each time before she left, she would pay the rent and leave enough money in the jar for food. But then again, sometimes she wouldn’t come back in time.

It happened again when I was in tenth grade. I was working part-time at a restaurant in town but not making enough to pay the rent.

Mr. Brown, the landlord, came to speak to me at the driveway when I was coming home from school.

“Hi Avery,” he said, eyes roaming over my body. Bob always crept Harper and me out. “I like your shirt, Avery. It’s very pretty.”

My shirt was tight, and it showed the shape of my developing boobs. I blushed right away. “Thank you.”

“I want to remind you, honey. Your mama hasn’t paid rent for the month.

He went on and told me I had to come up with the rent in two days. Otherwise, we’ll be evicted.

But there was no way I could come up with that amount of money. I’ve just gotten a job at a restaurant, but I wouldn’t get paid right away.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Brown?” I asked. “I can wash your car for you, cook and clean, and mow the lawn.”

His lips curled up. “No, Avery, I don’t need you to do those things for me. But perhaps you can do something else for me.”

“W-what is it?” my voice trembled and I sensed what he had in mind wasn’t good.

“I’ll let you know if you come to my house tonight.”

“I’m sorry, b-but I can’t do anything illegal,” I said. “I’m a minor... you know that, right?”

He kept smiling and he didn’t take his eyes off me. “I know. I promise I won’t touch you. All I want is to take some photos.”

“Photos?” I said, guessing what kinds of photos. “I’m sorry I don’t think I can…”

“Okay, Avery. You’re a smart girl. I hope you can come up with the money soon or find another place to stay.”

I thought about nothing but this for the next two days, whether I was in school or at work. I didn’t tell Harper because I didn’t want the idea to poison her mind.

Finally, I let the math convince me, and I knocked on Bob’s door.

I still remember how horrible it was—standing in front of the gross man with nothing on and letting him ogle my naked body.  And I had to force myself to smile. He didn’t touch me as he promised, but he touched himself. And I wanted to throw up.

After I went home, I showered for nearly two hours. He didn’t touch me, but I felt violated.


“Oh my God, Avery,” Harper hugs me. She’s crying hard. “Why did you do it? Did you tell the police?”

“I didn’t. Because he said if I did, then the police would find out we were neglected, and we might be sent to foster homes, separately, and I didn’t want it to happen.”

“What a disgusting, evil man,” Harper says, sobbing. “I knew he was weird, but I didn’t expect this…I’m so sorry. You should’ve told me.”

“It wouldn’t have helped,” I say. “But I did make a deal with him.”

“You what?”

“I threatened him I’d tell the police if he didn’t reduce our rent.”

Harper’s mouth falls. “No wonder!”

“He thought I was a stupid girl who knew nothing. I made him write a contract, too. He would keep the rate for us as long as we lived here.”

“No wonder we’re paying below market rate…even so, why are we still living here?”

I sigh. “I want us to move, but I can’t find such a low price.”

“I’m so sorry, sis, you have to go through this!” Harper says again. “So now, what are you going to do about Tristan?”

“I have to leave him,” I say. “I forgot about these photos until today. Sooner or later, they’d surface and hurt him.”

“What? You shouldn’t!”

“I’m not going to do anything for the scumbag again, neither will I pay him a cent, but I can’t let Tristan and his band get hurt, either. The only way out of this is to break up with him.”

“Are you sure?” Harper doesn’t stop crying.

“Yes. I’m going to post a message on Twitter telling Tristan’s fans that I’m breaking up with him. And it’s all my fault because he doesn’t know me. I’ll apologize to him and his fans, and they’ll forgive him. After that, none of my nude photos will do him harm.”

“Oh, Avery,” Harper starts crying again. “But breaking up is going to hurt him, too, right?”

“Yes, but it’ll happen sooner or later anyway. The sooner, the better. And it’ll hurt less than those photos will.”

Harper keeps crying. “I love you, Avery. And I’m sorry. Thank you for what you’ve done for Jamie and me.”

“Stop it,” I say. “You guys are my family.”