Stolen Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


My phone alerts me that there’s an ungodly amount of noise in the house and I pull my phone from my pocket, tapping on the alert to see what the hell Tess has gotten into. What I see as soon as the screen clicks on makes me so angry that I freeze, halfway to my car, my hand shaking in rage.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I hiss into the phone. Tess freezes, looking around her, trying to pinpoint where my voice is coming from. Yeah, good luck with that. If she hasn’t found the cameras and the speakers yet, she’s sure as hell not going to find them when she’s so fucking pissed off.

“You ruined my life!” she screams, turning in a circle as she stares at the ceiling. Even though she’s looking hard for where I’m watching and talking to her, her eyes flick right over me. “I’m going to ruin yours!”

“You’re going to stop right the fuck now and chill right the fuck out or I’m going to lock you in a room when I get home.” It’s a threat that I’m more than willing to make good on and I hurry to my car, slipping behind the wheel without taking my eyes off of her.

“Oh, yeah? You’re going to lock me in a room?” She’s panting but her eyes, wide with anger, still challenge me. “Do it, Marcelo! See if you can! I’m ready for you, asshole.”

“Fucking bitch.” Throwing my phone into the passenger seat, I drive away from Salvatore’s house. I knew that Tess had spunk and energy when I took her, but I honestly didn’t think that she’d end up being this much of a pain in the ass this quickly. The fact that she’s willing to trash my house to try to get her point across is impressive, even though it does piss me off.

Making it home in record time, I pull into the garage and check the cameras again before letting myself into the house. She’s finished destroying the living room, has managed to throw a bunch of shit through the door into the kitchen, and right now she’s in her bedroom tearing the sheets and blankets from the mattress.

My little kitten has a hell of a lot of pent-up energy. She obviously needs someone to help her let it out in a bit more of a productive way.

I don’t even bother to call out to her as I stalk upstairs and down the hall to her room. She knows that I’m coming: I gave her enough of a warning before and now she’s going to see just what happens when she insists on fucking me over.

“Tess,” I growl, her name deep and throaty as it escapes my mouth. She turns to look at me, surprise written all over her face like she honestly didn’t think that I was going to come home and stop her as soon as I realized what the fuck she was doing. “Stop it. Now.”

“Fucking make me,” she says, stomping over to me. “Make me or kill me, Marcelo, because I’m not your fucking pet and you can’t just fucking keep me here like I am. You’re going to fuck up one day, you sick bastard, and I’m going to get out of here, no matter what you try to do.”

She’s breathing hard, her chest rising and falling quickly as she stands in front of me and stares at me, anger making her eyes sparkle. I know that I should be pissed that she would even dream of speaking to me like this. I should kill her, give her what she wants, and write this whole thing off as a failed experiment, but there’s no way that I can.

I want her so fucking much. She’s braver than any man that I know, and that’s saying a hell of a lot. Even though it goes against every smart instinct that I have, I grab her and pull her towards me, then throw her onto the bed. She bounces against the mattress and immediately turns like she’s going to yell at me, but I grab her shoulders, pushing her down and pinning her in place with my hips.

“You’re naughty, Kitten,” I purr into her ear. She shifts under me but doesn’t say anything. “But it looks like you lose all of your claws as soon as I take control. You like being controlled, Kitten?”

“Fuck off.” She spits the words at me but they don’t have nearly as much venom in them as they did before. “I hate you.”

“No you don’t.” Her body shifts as I rub my hand down her side, squeezing her hip for a moment before I cup her sweet little ass. “You hate how you feel when you’re not with me, but you sure as hell don’t hate me. Don’t lie to yourself, Kitten.”

She sucks in a gasp and I bend forward, gently biting the nape of her neck. This close to her I can smell her fear and anger mingled together, but there’s something other than that makes the cocktail of her scents even more addictive.


She’s turned on. I know that there’s no way in hell that my sweet Tess would ever admit that to me, especially right now when she’s so angry that she’s about to come out of her skin, but it’s true. She’s wound up tight and I know the one thing that will make her feel a hell of a lot better.

“Just relax, Kitten, and I’m going to take care of you.” Shifting a little, I bite her earlobe and enjoy the way she stiffens and sucks in a breath. Her breathing has changed, from angry and deep, to faster and shallow, telling me that I’m right.

She may hate me, but she wants me.

And she probably hates herself for that.

The thought makes me grin.

“What did you think was going to happen when I came home and saw you had destroyed my house?” I ask, lightly nipping my way down her neck. Her skin is smooth and warm but it breaks out in goosebumps when I trace my lips down the curve of her neck to her shoulder. “Did you think that I was just going to let you walk away from destroying everything without any punishment?”

My hand cups her ass then I drop it down, sliding it between her legs. At first, Tess stiffens, then I feel her relax a little. I’m able to push her legs apart so that I can cup her through her jeans.

“Answer me, Tess.” My voice is a low growl and she stiffens immediately when it washes over her. “I don’t like it when I ask people questions and they’re so rude that they refuse even to answer them. “What did you think was going to happen?”

“I didn’t think that far ahead.” Her voice is quiet but I know that she’s being serious. My sweet little kitten got her panties in a twist and now regrets it, but it’s too late for that. She knows that she needs to be punished.

“Strip.” I give her the command as I let go of her and push her away from me. She stumbles forward a bit and then catches herself before slowly turning and looking at me like I’ve lost my damned mind.

“What?” She spits the question at me. The venom is back but I don’t care.

“I said strip.” Folding my arms, I watch her and wait for her compliance. “You were bad, Tess, and now you deserve to be punished.”

“I won’t.” She’s breathing. hard, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she stares at me.

Fuck, I don’t know if I love this or I hate it. Sighing, I run my hand through my hair, staring at her. There’s something about her refusing to do what I want that’s maddening, but at the same time it’s also hot at fuck. I love that she thinks that she can stand up to me.

Yet I want to break her.

It’s confusing as fuck.

“If you don’t strip on your own then I’m going to do it for you,” I tell her, reaching out and grabbing her shirt. When I wrap my fingers in the fabric her eyes widen and she reaches for the hem of it, grabbing it as she pulls away from me.

“You’re a fucking psychopath, you know that?” Her eyes are shooting daggers but dirty looks don’t hurt, so I just stare at her. Angrily, she rips her shirt up over her head then slips from her jeans. I notice that her ankle is still wrapped but she’s moving around on it just fine so I’m not worried that there’s going to be any permanent damage.

“Happy?” She throws her jeans and shirt at me and stands in front of me, breathing heavily in the lingerie I’d given her. The black lace trim against her soft skin makes my cock twitch in my jeans.

“Not quite. Take the rest of it off, Tess.”

“No.” She crosses her arms on her chest like that’s going to stop me from looking at her. “I won’t.”

“You will.” Stepping forward, I grab her shoulder and spin her around. She fights back but I easily unhook her bra and let it fall to the floor. As she bends down to try to retrieve it, I take her underwear and yank it down. As I pull it off of her, I’m hit in the face with her smell.

She’s turned on as fuck and that knowledge makes me want her even more.

Growling, I spin her around, then back her up until she’s up against the wall. This time, when I pin her there with my hips, there’s only my clothing separating my cock from her perfect little body. Heat flares through me and I watch as her pupils dilate.

She may think that she hates me, but I can tell she wants me all the same.